VULCAN COUNTY MINUTES Vulcan County Council Meeting February 5, 2014 Council Chambers Administration Building 102 Centre Street, Vulcan, Alberta

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VULCAN COUNTY MINUTES Vulcan County Council Meeting February 5, 2014 Council Chambers Administration Building 102 Centre Street, Vulcan, Alberta VULCAN COUNTY MINUTES Vulcan County Council Meeting February 5, 2014 Council Chambers Administration Building 102 Centre Street, Vulcan, Alberta Present: Reeve Derrick Annable Deputy Reeve Roy Lucas Councilor Glen Gateman Councilor Michael Monner Councilor Rod Ruark Councilor Murray McLean Councilor Jason Schneider Absent: Also Present: Leo Ludwig, CAO Heather Selke, Executive Assistant As per Procedure Bylaw 2013-026 All Resolutions of Council are recorded Votes, when resolutions are carried unanimously, names will not be recorded. Call to Order Reeve Annable called the meeting to order at 10:09 am Adoption of Agenda and Emergent Issues MTN 2014-02-01 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR McLEAN that the Agenda be adopted as amended with the addition of 5m - Municipal Intern Program. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Adoption of Minutes Minutes of the January 15, 2014 meeting MTN 2014-02-02 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR MONNER that the minutes of the January 15, 2014 meeting be adopted as presented. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Council Correspondence Council Action List MTN 2014-02-03 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SCHNEIDER that the Council Action List be accepted for information. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Page 0 of 10 County Council First Meeting - 05 Feb 2014 Minutes February 05, 2014, Administration VBDS Request for China Trade Mission MTN 2014-02-04 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR LUCAS that Jonathan Allen, EDO of Vulcan Business Development Society, be moved to the table. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. MTN 2014-02-05 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SCHNIEDER that Council table the decision and ask that the Agriculture Department bring more information to the next meeting. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. AAMD&C Spring Convention Attendance MTN 2014-02-06 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SCHNEIDER that Council advice Administration who will be attending the Spring AAMDC Conference on March 17 - 19, 2014, and further, advise administration if any meeting with Ministers should be set up. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Council Schedule MTN 2014-02-07 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR GATEMAN that administration set up meetings for March 3 & 4th for Strategic Planning and February 26th for the Communications Meeting. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 2015 Road Construction MTN 2014-02-08 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR RUARK that Council approve the recommended Road Construction Projects for the 2015 construction year. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Alberta Farm Safety Funding Request MTN 2014-02-09 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SCHNEIDER that Council approve the funding request of $2,012.50 from the Council Discretionary Fund. to provide support to the Alberta Farm Safety Centre. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Vulcan County February 2014 Newsletter MTN 2014-02-10 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR MONNER that Council approve the February 2014 edition of the County News as amended with the addition of an update about Councilors emails, and authorize the mailing of the newsletter to all ratepayers by February 28, 2014. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Page 1 of 10 County Council First Meeting - 05 Feb 2014 Minutes February 05, 2014, County News Approval Process MTN 2014-02-11 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR RUARK that Council table this item until such time the Advocate is brought back to the table CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. SouthGrow Membership MTN 2014-02-12 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR MONNER that Council instruct administration to invite SouthGrow to make a presentation about their Regional Initiative. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Letter of Concurrence Telus Arrowwood Telecommunications Tower SW 33-20-23-W4M MTN 2014-02-13 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SCHNEIDER that Council direct Administration to draft a Letter of Concurrence to Telus for the proposed Telecommunications Tower at SW ¼ 33-20-23 W4M, located near the Village of Arrowwood. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Bylaw 2014-002 Travers Ridge RV Park Area Structure Plan MTN 2014-02-14 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR LUCAS that Council give first reading to the following, Being a Bylaw of Vulcan County in the Province of Alberta for the purpose of adopting Bylaw No. 2014-002 being the Area Structure Plan for Lot 1, Bock 1, Plan 0712733 and portions of the NW ¼ of 2-15-22 W4M to be known as the Travers Ridge RV Park Area Structure Plan. WHEREAS the Council of Vulcan County deems it desirable to allow for the adoption of an Area Structure Plan for the lands located at Lot 1, Block 1, Plan 0712733; AND WHEREAS the purpose of an Area Structure Plan is to provide a framework for the subsequent orderly subdivision and development of lands within a defined area; AND WHEREAS the Council for Vulcan County wishes to regulate and control development of these said lands in line with an approved Area Structure Plan; AND WHEREAS the Council for Vulcan County deems it desirable to rescind the Traverse Ridge Area Structure Plan adopted by Bylaw as Bylaw 2009-008, and replace it with the Travers Ridge RV Park Area Structure Plan so as to change core land use concept of these lands and allow for the development of a Recreational Vehicle Park that would also provide for the subdivision of individual Recreational Vehicles sites as units as Page 2 of 10 County Council First Meeting - 05 Feb 2014 Minutes February 05, 2014, part of a bare land condominium plan; AND WHEREAS the municipality must prepare a corresponding bylaw and provide for its consideration at a public hearing. NOW THEREFORE, under the authority and subject to the provisions of the Municipal Government Act, Revised Statutes of Alberta 2000, Chapter M-26, as amended, the Council for Vulcan County in the Province of Alberta duly assembled does hereby enact the following: 1. Bylaw 2014-002 being the Travers Ridge RV Park Area Structure Plan for Lot 1, Block 1, Plan 0712733 and portions of the NW ¼ of 2-15-22 W4M is adopted upon third and final reading. 2. Bylaw 2009-008 is rescinded. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Bylaw 2014-001 Land Use bylaw Amendment Rezoning portions of Section 9-20-25-W4M MTN 2014-02-15 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR GATEMAN that the applicant be moved to the table. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. MTN 2014-02-16 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR GATEMAN that Council give first reading to the following amendment to Vulcan County bylaw 2010-010 being a bylaw of Vulcan County in the Province of Alberta to rezone portions of Section 9-20-25 W4M. WHEREAS the Council of Vulcan County wishes to redesignate Parcel A, Plan 6932ED; Block A & B, Plan 7510227; Block X, Y & Z, Plan 1343EH; that portion of Station Grounds lying within Section 9, Township 20, Range 25, West of the Fourth Meridian (W4M); and, all closed roads and lanes as shown on Plan 1343EH and Plan 4602EZ all within Section 9, Township 20, Range 25, West of the Fourth Meridian (W4M), as shown on Schedule ‗A‘ from ―Rural General – RG‖ to ―Rural Industrial – RI‖. AND WHEREAS the purpose of the proposed amendment is to provide for the development of a bulk crude oil storage terminal (tank farm) including the provision of truck loading/unloading facilities, railway loading/unloading facilities, a modular oil refinery, and power generation facilities. THEREFORE under the authority and subject to the provisions of the Municipal Government Act, Revised Statutes of Alberta 2000, Chapter M-26, as amended, the Council duly assembled does hereby enact the following: Page 3 of 10 County Council First Meeting - 05 Feb 2014 Minutes February 05, 2014, 1. The Land Use District Map be amended to redesignate Parcel A, Plan 6932ED; Block A & B, Plan 7510227; Block X, Y & Z, Plan 1343EH; that portion of Station Grounds lying within Section 9, Township 20, Range 25, West of the Fourth Meridian (W4M); and, all closed roads and lanes as shown on Plan 1343EH and Plan 4602EZ all within Section 9, Township 20, Range 25, West of the Fourth Meridian (W4M), as shown on Schedule ‗A‘ from ―Rural General – RG‖ to ―Rural Industrial – RI‖. 2. Bylaw 2010-010, being the Land Use Bylaw, is hereby amended. 3. This bylaw comes into effect upon third and final reading thereof. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Bylaw 2013-030 - Amendment MTN 2014-02-17 MOVED BY COUNCILOR SCHNIEDER that Council give second reading to the following amendment to Vulcan County bylaw 2010-010 being a bylaw of Vulcan County in the Province of Alberta to textually amend the ―Rural Industrial-RI‖ district. WHEREAS the Council of Vulcan County wishes to textually amend the ―Rural Industrial—RI‖ land use district to include ―auto sales and service‖ as a discretionary use. AND WHEREAS the purpose of the proposed amendment is to provide for the opportunity to develop such a use on those parcels that may be districted/zoned as ―Rural Industrial—RI‖ within Vulcan County. THEREFORE under the authority and subject to the provisions of the Municipal Government Act, Revised Statutes of Alberta 2000, Chapter M-26, as amended, the Council duly assembled does hereby enact the following: 1. Schedule 1 (Land Use District Regulations) be amended by adding ―auto sales and service‖ as a permitted use in the ―Rural Industrial—RI‖ Land Use District. 2. Bylaw 2010-010, being the Land Use Bylaw, is hereby amended. 3. This bylaw comes into effect upon the third and final reading thereof. This bylaw shall take effect on the date of the third and final reading. FOR - Reeve Annable AGAINST - Councilor Monner Deputy Reeve Lucas Councilor McLean Councilor Gateman Councilor Ruark Councilor Schneider CARRIED Page 4 of 10 County Council First Meeting - 05 Feb 2014 Minutes February 05, 2014, MTN 2014-02-18 MOVED BY COUNCILOR RURARK that Council give third reading to the following amendment to Vulcan County bylaw 2010-010 being a bylaw of Vulcan County in the Province of Alberta to textually amend the ―Rural Industrial-RI‖ district. WHEREAS the Council of Vulcan County wishes to textually amend the ―Rural Industrial—RI‖ land use district to include ―auto sales and service‖ as a discretionary use. AND WHEREAS the purpose of the proposed amendment is to provide for the opportunity to develop such a use on those parcels that may be districted/zoned as ―Rural Industrial—RI‖ within Vulcan County.
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