The Case for Dpmr
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Quarter 4 2015 RadioResource INTERNATIONAL Advances in digital technology have Adriven the world of professional mo- bile radio (PMR) during recent years, but there remains a large number of users with existing analog or partially digital systems — both conventional and trunked systems such as MPT 1327 — who don’t re- quire the more advanced features and capabilities of full digital operation. Digital Private Mobile Radio (dPMR) provides an ideal solution for those users because they can in- corporate a repeater or digital trunk- ing controller into their systems to have the option of operating in ana- log or digital modes. Other users are building or renew- ing their systems and want to employ digital, and dPMR offers a competi- tive alternative that many users are choosing. dPMR Advantages dPMR appeals to users of existing analog systems and those who only need to operate one base station and a few portables and mobiles, Use Cases as well as to small radio-linked communities where the reason- able cost of dPMR equipment makes it a sensible proposition. Another advantage of for dPMR is its flexibility. For dPMR example, there are dPMR446 products that are the digital version of PMR446 in Europe, or family radio service (FRS) in the United Photo courtesy Icom States. There also are conventional and repeater and/or IP-linked con- Digital Private Mobile Radio (dPMR) standards ventional systems for small-area applications, such as within a large are taking advantage of the benefits of the university campus or hotel resort. digital technology. Finally, dPMR is fully scalable to trunked systems capable of providing By Ken Buckfield nationwide network coverage. Reprinted from Quarter 4 2015 RadioResource International • dPMR Association Members AOR Etherstack Kirisun CML Microcircuits Fylde Micro Lisheng (Fujian) typical users include the business and Cobham GME Communications industry sector, where transport com- CTE International Hytera Linktop Technologies panies, the hospitality industry and Entel Icom Sicomm others have opted for dPMR systems. EIL JVCKENWOOD Wireless Pacific A specific example is Sharjah Inter- national Airport in the United Arab The dPMR standards and accom- is another strong selling point, espe- Emirates (UAE), which employs a panying modes take a little getting cially in dense built-up areas. dPMR Mode 3 trunked radio system. used to. Following is a quick sum- The Wordsworth Trust, which The system offers eight simultaneous mary of each. manages Dove Cottage — the first radio channels for general operation re- n dPMR446, license-free opera- family home of William Wordsworth quirements. The design goal was to tion covered by the European in Grasmere, England — chose provide a flexible radio communica- Telecommunications Standards Insti- dPMR446 radios to save time and ef- tions system that supports a centralized tute (ETSI) standard TS 102 490 fort in delivering a first-class visitor application system for user manage- n dPMR Mode 1, the general experience. The decision to employ ment and monitoring, as well as maxi- purpose peer-to-peer application of dPMR446 resulted from research mum channel recourse availability, dPMR for all forms of licensed PMR conducted by the trust into the vari- particularly during peak traffic hours. use and part of ETSI standard TS ous options available for on-site radio 102 658 communications. The trust decided dPMR’s Future n dPMR Mode 2, covering base on dPMR because of the simple, dPMR has attracted attention and station and repeater functionality and discreet and effective means of com- support within the industry from interfaces via gateways, is part of munications it provided, the rugged chipset and equipment manufacturers ETSI standard TS 102 658 construction of the radios and the in Europe, Asia, Australia and other n dPMR Mode 3, covering the full dPMR digital signal option, which territories. Seventeen members of the functionality of dPMR in managed- proved effective throughout the site, dPMR Association offer equipment access multisite complex systems in- including buildings constructed from and solutions compliant with ETSI cluding all the same interfaces and solid stone walls. dPMR standards. gateways as Mode 2 Humanitarian Community In addition to significant activity in While the specific details of dPMR conducting interoperability testing at Applications systems deployed by the United Na- all levels from radio equipment to in- The dPMR standard and product tions and related agencies are confi- frastructure, chips and test equipment, ranges have been used in a variety dential, Mode 2 dPMR systems are the dPMR Association is also involved of ways, including the following ex- increasingly used by a number of hu- in the development of the ETSI stan- amples. manitarian agencies for many appli- dard itself and using it as the basis to dPMR446 Although dPMR446 is cations ranging from communications develop and scale radio networks. license free, radios currently avail- training to in-field systems in specific Where these systems have been able are typically derived from hot spots around the world. Some implemented, the technical team within the association liaises with the manufacturers and, where necessary, dPMR was not specifically designed as a prepares proposals to the ETSI work- mission-critical protocol, but it has been ing group for updating the standard, all of which ensures dPMR continues implemented in mission-critical sectors. as an open ETSI standard. The open standard brings together multiple proven professional-grade PMR agencies have also moved to stan- vendors supplying interoperable product lines. Users range from dardize on dPMR for their future dig- dPMR products, solutions and event organizations to highway ad- ital communications. services across a diverse range of ap- ministration entities that want the Prisons, Airports and Local plications in commerce, industry, simplicity that a license-free solution Government dPMR was not specif- emergency services and aid agencies provides but with the robustness of ically designed as a mission-critical around the world. n professional-grade hardware and the protocol, but it has been effectively ability to use dPMR446-specific fea- implemented in mission-critical sec- Ken Buckfield is a management consult- tures such as simple status messag- tors, including prisons, the police ant with more than 20 years’ experience ing. The added bonus of twice the service (both Mode 2 conventional in marketing within the radio communica- number of channels against analog and Mode 3 trunking), airports and tions industry. Email feedback to PMR446 (16 digital vs. eight analog) local government authorities. Other [email protected]. RadioResource International delivers wireless voice and data solutions for mobile and remote mission-critical operations. The magazine covers private and commercial mobile radio, wireless data, broadband, public-safety communications, microwave radio, satellite communications, paging/messaging, location and other wireless applications. Editorial content is international in scope and encompasses news, standards, new products, emerging technologies, industry trends, and troubleshooting tips. RadioResource International is published by RadioResource Media Group. Pandata Corp., 7108 S. Alton Way, Building H, Centennial, CO 80112, Tel: +1-303-792-2390, Fax: +1-303-792-2391, Copyright 2015 Pandata Corp. All rights reserved. Reprinted from the Quarter 4 2015 issue of RadioResource International. For subscription or advertising information please call +1-303-792-2390 or visit