THE THIRTIETH LEGISLATURE APPLICATION FOR GRANTS CHAPTER 42F, HAWAII REVISED STATUTES Type of Grant Request: [ii Operating D Capital Legal Name of Requesting Organization or Individual: Oba: Hui O Wa'a Kaulua Amount of State Funds Requested: $_6_12_,6_9_1 ______ Brief Description of Request (Please attach word document to back of page if extra space is needed): Request for funds to continue a tradition of Polynesian voyaging for educational and cultural purposes. Funds will allow for educational programming and training for junior navigators, crew members, volunteers and the community of Maui Nui. Amount of Other Funds Available: Total amount of State Grants Received in the Past 5 State: $0 Fiscal Years: --------------------- $172,000 Feder aI: $_0------------------- County: $_1_3_,0_0_0 _______ Unrestricted Assets: $19,000 Private/Other: $--------------------- 10,000 New Service (Presently Does Not Exist): D Existing Service (Presently in Operation): [ii Type of Business Entity: Mailing Address: [ii 501 (C)(3) Non Profit Corporation PO Box 330258 D Other Non Profit City: State: Zip: Oother Kahului HI 96733-0258 Contact Person for Matters Involving this Application Name: Title: Beth Montalvo Executive Director/Bookkeeper Email: Phone:
[email protected] 808-205-7412 Federal Tax ID#: State Tax ID# 01/IZB@e Authorized Signature Name and Title Date Signed I~Ive~ ir,':1-/~ 1-~ Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs CERTIFICATE OF GOOD STANDING I, the undersigned Director of Commerce and Consumer Affairs of the State of Hawaii, do hereby certify that HUI O WA'A KAULUA was incorporated under the laws of Hawaii on 10/10/1978 ; that it is an existing nonprofit corporation; and that, as far as the records of this Department reveal, has complied with all of the provisions of the Hawaii Nonprofit Corporations Act, regulating domestic nonprofit corporations.