Pascal-Désir Maisonneuve (1863 – 1934), Der Tartar, zw. 1927 und 1928, Assemblage verschiedener Muschelschalen, Foto: Claude Bornand, AN, Collection de l‘Art Brut, Lausanne Claude Bornand, AN, Collection de l‘Art Muschelschalen, Foto: verschiedener 1927 und 1928, Assemblage zw. (1863 – 1934), Der Tartar, Maisonneuve Pascal-Désir jean dubuffets art brut.! the origins of the collection January 25, 2017 – July 2, 2017 An exhibition by the press contact: Mag.a Edith Wildmann museum gugging Am Campus 2 3400 Maria Gugging T: +43 664 60499 374 e-mail:
[email protected] [jean dubuffets art brut.! the origins of the collection jean dubuffets art brut.! the origins of the collection An exhibition by the Collection de l’Art Brut, Lausanne curator: Sarah Lombardi scientific collaboration: Jean Dubuffet rue de Vaugirard, ca 1946, Photo: © J. Astrid Berglund Cordier /Archives Fondation Dubuffet, Paris PRESS BREAKFAST: January 25, 2017, 10 a.m. OPENING: January 25, 2017, 7 p.m. with curator Sarah Lombardi (Collection de l‘Art Brut, Lausanne) DURATION: January 25 – July 2, 2017 Real art is always there where it is not expected! (Jean Dubuffet) 1945 marked the end of the Second World War and the beginning of a second moder- nism. At this point in time Jean Dubuffet – one of the most imaginative minds of the twentieth century – was tired of established art and went in search of a new concept of art: free, unbiased, anti-intellectual, and raw – it should be “brut”. And Dubuffet would indeed find it in unexpected places: on the street, in prisons, in folkart, and in psych- iatric clinics in Europe and abroad.