ASSOCIATION INTERNATIONALE DES HAUTES JURIDICTIONS ADMINISTRATIVES INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SUPREME ADMINISTRATIVE JURISDICTIONS Presentation form Name of the Court: Council of State Name of the President/Chief Justice: Aikaterini Sakellaropoulou Address:47-49, Panepistimiou Av. Phone number : (+ 30) 2132102098 Fax: (+ 30) 2132102097 Website: E-mail:
[email protected] 1. NATIONAL JUDICIAL ORGANISATION 1.1. General presentation of the judicial organisation and position of the administrative jurisdictional order In Greece there is a distinction between the administrative courts on the one hand and the civil and criminal courts on the other (Article 93 (1) of the Constitution). The organisation of the two jurisdictional orders follows the classic pyramidal form in this matter: at the top of the civil and criminal jurisdictions is the Court of Cassation; then the courts of appeal and the courts of first instance; finally, at the base of the pyramid, justice of peace. At the head of the administrative jurisdiction is the Council of State; then the administrative courts of appeal and the administrative tribunals of first instance. The third supreme court, the Court of Audits knows, sovereignly, certain specific administrative disputes (listed in Article 98 of the Constitution). Disputes of attribution are settled by a Special Supreme Court (Article 100 of the Constitution). 1.2. Key dates in the evolution of the administrative jurisdictional order and the control of administrative acts The creation of administrative tribunals was provided for in Greece as early as 1833. The Court of Audits was first established as an administrative body competent in certain administrative disputes submitted to it.