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USE CASE Requirements Ref. Ares(2017)2745733 - 31/05/2017 USE CASE Requirements Co-funded by the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme of the European Union DELIVERABLE NUMBER D2.1 DELIVERABLE TITLE USE CASE Requirements RESPONSIBLE AUTHOR CSI Piemonte OPERA: LOw Power Heterogeneous Architecture for Next Generation of SmaRt Infrastructure and Platform in Industrial and Societal Applications GRANT AGREEMENT N. 688386 PROJECT REF. NO H2020 - 688386 PROJECT ACRONYM OPERA LOw Power Heterogeneous Architecture for Next Generation of PROJECT FULL NAME SmaRt Infrastructure and Platform in Industrial and Societal Applications STARTING DATE (DUR.) 01 /12 /2015 ENDING DATE 30/11/2018 PROJECT WEBSITE WP2 | Low Power Computing Requirements and Innovation WORKPACKAGE N. | TITLE Engineering WORKPACKAGE LEADER ISMB DELIVERABLE N. | TITLE D2.1 | USE CASE Requirements RESPONSIBLE AUTHOR Luca Scanavino – CSI Piemonte DATE OF DELIVERY M10 (CONTRACTUAL) DATE OF DELIVERY (SUBMITTED) M10 VERSION | STATUS V2.0 (update) NATURE R(Report) DISSEMINATION LEVEL PU(Public) AUTHORS (PARTNER) CSI PIEMONTE, DEPARTMENT DE L’ISERE, ISMB D2.1 | USE CASEs Requirements 1 OPERA: LOw Power Heterogeneous Architecture for Next Generation of SmaRt Infrastructure and Platform in Industrial and Societal Applications VERSION MODIFICATION(S) DATE AUTHOR(S) Luca Scanavino – CSI Jean-Christophe 0.1 All Document 12/09/2016 Maisonobe – LD38 Pietro Ruiu – ISMB Alberto Scionti - ISMB Finalization of the 1.0 15/09/2016 Giulio URLINI (ST) document Update based on the Luca Scanavino – CSI feedback from Jean-Christophe 1.1 European Commission 12/10/2016 Maisonobe – LD38 review, 7th October, Pietro Ruiu – ISMB 2016 Alberto Scionti – ISMB Olivier Terzo – ISMB 1.2 Main revision 21/11/2016 Alberto Scionti - ISMB Olivier Terzo – ISMB 2.0 Final Document 19/04/2017 Alberto Scionti – ISMB D2.1 | USE CASEs Requirements 2 OPERA: LOw Power Heterogeneous Architecture for Next Generation of SmaRt Infrastructure and Platform in Industrial and Societal Applications PARTICIPANTS CONTACT Giulio Urlini STMICROELECTRONICS SRL Email : [email protected] IBM ISRAEL Joel Nider SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY LTD Email: [email protected] HEWLETT PACKARD Gallig Renaud CENTRE DE COMPETENCES Email: [email protected] (FRANCE) Craig Petrie NALLATECH LTD Email: [email protected] ISTITUTO SUPERIORE Olivier Terzo MARIO BOELLA Email: [email protected] TECHNION ISRAEL Dan Tsafrir INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Email: [email protected] Vittorio Vallero CSI PIEMONTE Email: [email protected] Jean Hubert Wilbrod NEAVIA TECHNOLOGIES Email: jean-hubert- [email protected] Frank Verhagen CERIOS GREEN BV Email: [email protected] Stefano Serra TESEO SPA Email: [email protected] DEPARTEMENT DE Olivier Latouille L'ISERE Email: [email protected] D2.1 | USE CASEs Requirements 3 OPERA: LOw Power Heterogeneous Architecture for Next Generation of SmaRt Infrastructure and Platform in Industrial and Societal Applications D2.1 | USE CASEs Requirements 4 OPERA: LOw Power Heterogeneous Architecture for Next Generation of SmaRt Infrastructure and Platform in Industrial and Societal Applications ACRONYMS LIST Acronym Description WP Work Package LP Low Power ULP Ultra-Low Power FPGA Field Programmable Gate Array KVM Kernel-based Virtual Machine MP Megapixel ILO Integrated Lights-Out RDS Remote Desktop Services SaaS Software-as-a-Service LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 – Requirement borders ............................................................................................................. 11 Figure 2 – Workflow ............................................................................................................................... 14 Figure 3 – The overall OPERA platform covering the computing continuum ........................................... 34 Figure 4 – Example of traffic conditions in road network (Dept. de l'Isère - Grenoble city entry) ............ 44 Figure 5 – OPERA wireless communication ............................................................................................. 54 Figure 6 – Video surveillance .................................................................................................................. 59 Figure 7 – Detection of congestions / detections of wrong way vehicles ................................................. 59 Figure 8 – Detection of cycles ................................................................................................................. 59 Figure 9 – Counting of cycles .................................................................................................................. 59 Figure 10 – General schema of the monitoring system ........................................................................... 60 Figure 11 – Sites for traffic monitoring ................................................................................................... 61 Figure 12 – Truck .................................................................................................................................... 62 Figure 13 – Truck items I ......................................................................................................................... 62 Figure 14 – Truck items II ........................................................................................................................ 62 Figure 15 – Truck drone .......................................................................................................................... 63 Figure 16 – Truck data acquisition process .............................................................................................. 63 Figure 17 – Racks layout ......................................................................................................................... 64 Figure 18 – Truck measurements – current infrastructure ...................................................................... 66 Figure 19 – Truck measurements – opera infrastructure......................................................................... 66 Figure 20 – Wall plug meter .................................................................................................................... 69 Figure 21 – Truck general architecture.................................................................................................... 70 Figure 22 – Traditional workplaces ......................................................................................................... 71 Figure 23 – Thin client ............................................................................................................................ 72 Figure 24 – VDI measurements on current infrastructure ....................................................................... 73 Figure 25 – VDI measurements on the OPERA infrastructure .................................................................. 73 Figure 26 – New model ........................................................................................................................... 74 Figure 27 – Schema traditional workplaces ............................................................................................. 74 Figure 28 – Schema new model .............................................................................................................. 74 Figure 29 – Virtual desktop infrastructure .............................................................................................. 76 Figure 30 – VDI testbed organization ...................................................................................................... 80 D2.1 | USE CASEs Requirements 5 OPERA: LOw Power Heterogeneous Architecture for Next Generation of SmaRt Infrastructure and Platform in Industrial and Societal Applications LIST OF TABLES Table 1 – Requirement type 1 ................................................................................................................. 13 Table 2 – Requirement type 2 ................................................................................................................. 13 Table 3 – Requirement type 3 ................................................................................................................. 13 Table 4 - - Baseline system features compared with the expected OPERA solution. ............................... 42 Table 5 – Description of the current collection ...................................................................................... 44 Table 6 – Inventory of type of road data ................................................................................................. 46 Table 7 - Illustration of the five selected functionalities for the OPERA platform .................................... 50 Table 8 - Description of the five functionalities for the opera project ..................................................... 52 Table 9 - Optical specification related to the output video stream .......................................................... 54 Table 10 - Specification regarding the detection of singularities ............................................................. 55 Table 11 - Specifications regarding cycle counting .................................................................................. 57 Table 12 - Specification regarding environmental constraints ................................................................. 58 Table 13 - Power consumption ............................................................................................................... 69 Table 14 - Elaboration
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