New Connections Between Polymatroids and Graph Coloring

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New Connections Between Polymatroids and Graph Coloring New Connections between Polymatroids and Graph Coloring Joseph E. Bonin The George Washington University Joint work with Carolyn Chun These slides are available at Polymatroids A (discrete or integer) polymatroid on a (finite) set E is a function E ρ : 2 ! Z that is I normalized: ρ(;) = 0, I non-decreasing: ρ(A) ≤ ρ(B) for all A ⊆ B ⊆ E, and I submodular: ρ(A [ B) + ρ(A \ B) ≤ ρ(A) + ρ(B) for all A; B ⊆ E. Polymatroids generalize matroids. Elements in polymatroids are loops, points, lines, planes, ::: A rank-4 polymatroid. a d c Any two lines except a; e and b; d are coplanar. b e f Point f is on line e: ρ(f ) = 1 & ρ(e) = ρ(e; f ) = 2. k-Polymatroids and Minors A polymatroid ρ on E is a k-polymatroid if ρ(e) ≤ k for all e 2 E. In a k-polymatroid, ρ(X ) ≤ k jX j for all X ⊆ E. Matroids are 1-polymatroids. Minors are defined as for matroids: for A ⊆ E, I deletion: ρnA(X ) = ρ(X ) for X ⊆ E − A, I contraction: ρ=A(X ) = ρ(X [ A) − ρ(A) for X ⊆ E − A, I minors: any combination of deletion and contraction. The k-dual The k-dual ρ∗ of a k-polymatroid ρ on E: for X ⊆ E, ρ∗(X ) = k jX j − ρ(E) + ρ(E − X ): ρ rank 4 ρ∗(E) = 6 Each element is a line in ρ∗. a d ρ∗(a; b) = ρ∗(d; e) = 3; other pairs have rank 4. c b e ρ∗(a; c; e) = ρ∗(b; c; d) = 6; other triples have rank 5. The k-dual: is a k-polymatroid; depends on k; is an involution:( ρ∗)∗ = ρ; relates deletion and contraction: ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ (ρnA) = (ρ )=A and( ρ=A) = (ρ )nA. Decompositions interact well with minors and the k-dual: I ρnA = rM1nA + rM2nA + ··· + rMk nA, I ρ=A = rM1=A + rM2=A + ··· + rMk =A, and ∗ ρ = r ∗ + r ∗ + ··· + r ∗ . I M1 M2 Mk A way to get some k-polymatroids E For matroids M1; M2;:::; Mk on E, defining ρ : 2 ! Z by ρ(X ) = rM1 (X ) + rM2 (X ) + ··· + rMk (X ); for X ⊆ E, gives a k-polymatroid. We say ρ is k-decomposable. loops loops loops loops rank 4 b; e a; d c; d; e a; b; c a d c a; c; d b; c; e a; b d; e b e M1 M2 M3 M4 A way to get some k-polymatroids E For matroids M1; M2;:::; Mk on E, defining ρ : 2 ! Z by ρ(X ) = rM1 (X ) + rM2 (X ) + ··· + rMk (X ); for X ⊆ E, gives a k-polymatroid. We say ρ is k-decomposable. loops loops loops loops rank 4 b; e a; d c; d; e a; b; c a d c a; c; d b; c; e a; b d; e b e M1 M2 M3 M4 Decompositions interact well with minors and the k-dual: I ρnA = rM1nA + rM2nA + ··· + rMk nA, I ρ=A = rM1=A + rM2=A + ··· + rMk =A, and ∗ ρ = r ∗ + r ∗ + ··· + r ∗ . I M1 M2 Mk Not all polymatroids are decomposable A counterpart, for 2-polymatroids, of the V´amosmatroid: a 8 c 2 jX j; if jX j ≤ 1; <> b ρ(X ) = 3; if jX j = 2 and X 6= fa; dg; :>4; otherwise. d This 2-polymatroid is isomorphic to its 2-dual and is not decomposable. It is an excluded minor for the minor-closed class Dk of k-decomposable polymatroids for all k ≥ 2. Boolean polymatroids The Boolean polymatroid of a graph G = (V ; E) is the 2-polymatroid ρG on E with ρG (X ) = jV (X )j, where V (X ) = fv 2 V : v is incident with at least one edge in X g. G ρG a d a d c c b e b e Note that ρG (X ) = 2jX j if and only if X is a matching. The 2-dual of a Boolean polymatroid If G has no isolated vertices, then the 2-dual of its Boolean polymatroid ρG is given by ∗ ρG (A) = 2jAj − ρG (E) + ρG (E − A) = 2jAj − jV j − ρG (E − A) ; for A ⊆ E. Note: jV j − ρG (E − A) is the number of vertices that are incident only with edges in A. Boolean polymatroids are decomposable For a graph G = (V ; E) with vertices vi for 1 ≤ i ≤ n, set Ei = fe 2 E : e is incident with vi g and Mi = U1;Ei ⊕ U0;E−Ei . (Ur;A denotes the rank-r uniform matroid on A.) Then, for X ⊆ E, ρG (X ) = rM1 (X ) + rM2 (X ) + ··· + rMn (X ). ρ rank 4 a d a d c c e b b e loops loops loops loops b; e a; d c; d; e a; b; c a; c; d b; c; e a; b d; e M1 M2 M3 M4 2-duals of Boolean polymatroids are similarly decomposable With G and Ei as above, set Ni = UjEi |−1;Ei ⊕ U0;E−Ei . ∗ Then ρG (X ) = rN1 (X ) + rN2 (X ) + ··· + rNn (X ) for X ⊆ E, if G has no loops and no vertex has degree less than two. ∗ ∗ a d ρ (E) = 6 Each element is a line in ρ . c ρ∗(a; b) = ρ∗(d; e) = 3; other pairs have rank 4. b e ρ∗(a; c; e) = ρ∗(b; c; d) = 6; other triples have rank 5. loops loops loops loops b; e a; d c; d; e a; b; c a c d b c e a; b d; e N1 N2 N3 N4 We focus on hypergraphs with four properties: (i) each element is in at least two hyperedges, (ii) each hyperedge has at least two elements, a b (iii) if Xi ; Xj 2 E with i 6= j, then jXi \ Xj j ≤ 1, (iv) no three hyperedges have the form c fa; bg, fb; cg, fa; cg. More examples: take the set E of lines in an affine plane, the set Xi of lines through point pi ; the set E of points in a projective plane, the set Xi of points on line Li . ∗ Generalize ρG and ρG : first generalize the sets of edges incident with a vertex Let H = (E; E) be a hypergraph: E = fX1; X2;:::; Xng is a multiset of nonempty subsets (hyperedges) of E. E.g., a graph G = (fv1; v2;:::; vng; E) gives the hypergraph (E; fE1; E2;:::; Eng) where Ei = fe 2 E : e is incident with vi g. (ii) each hyperedge has at least two elements, a b (iii) if Xi ; Xj 2 E with i 6= j, then jXi \ Xj j ≤ 1, (iv) no three hyperedges have the form c fa; bg, fb; cg, fa; cg. More examples: take the set E of lines in an affine plane, the set Xi of lines through point pi ; the set E of points in a projective plane, the set Xi of points on line Li . ∗ Generalize ρG and ρG : first generalize the sets of edges incident with a vertex Let H = (E; E) be a hypergraph: E = fX1; X2;:::; Xng is a multiset of nonempty subsets (hyperedges) of E. E.g., a graph G = (fv1; v2;:::; vng; E) gives the hypergraph (E; fE1; E2;:::; Eng) where Ei = fe 2 E : e is incident with vi g. We focus on hypergraphs with four properties: (i) each element is in at least two hyperedges, a b (iii) if Xi ; Xj 2 E with i 6= j, then jXi \ Xj j ≤ 1, (iv) no three hyperedges have the form c fa; bg, fb; cg, fa; cg. More examples: take the set E of lines in an affine plane, the set Xi of lines through point pi ; the set E of points in a projective plane, the set Xi of points on line Li . ∗ Generalize ρG and ρG : first generalize the sets of edges incident with a vertex Let H = (E; E) be a hypergraph: E = fX1; X2;:::; Xng is a multiset of nonempty subsets (hyperedges) of E. E.g., a graph G = (fv1; v2;:::; vng; E) gives the hypergraph (E; fE1; E2;:::; Eng) where Ei = fe 2 E : e is incident with vi g. We focus on hypergraphs with four properties: (i) each element is in at least two hyperedges, (ii) each hyperedge has at least two elements, a b (iv) no three hyperedges have the form c fa; bg, fb; cg, fa; cg. More examples: take the set E of lines in an affine plane, the set Xi of lines through point pi ; the set E of points in a projective plane, the set Xi of points on line Li . ∗ Generalize ρG and ρG : first generalize the sets of edges incident with a vertex Let H = (E; E) be a hypergraph: E = fX1; X2;:::; Xng is a multiset of nonempty subsets (hyperedges) of E. E.g., a graph G = (fv1; v2;:::; vng; E) gives the hypergraph (E; fE1; E2;:::; Eng) where Ei = fe 2 E : e is incident with vi g. We focus on hypergraphs with four properties: (i) each element is in at least two hyperedges, (ii) each hyperedge has at least two elements, (iii) if Xi ; Xj 2 E with i 6= j, then jXi \ Xj j ≤ 1, More examples: take the set E of lines in an affine plane, the set Xi of lines through point pi ; the set E of points in a projective plane, the set Xi of points on line Li . ∗ Generalize ρG and ρG : first generalize the sets of edges incident with a vertex Let H = (E; E) be a hypergraph: E = fX1; X2;:::; Xng is a multiset of nonempty subsets (hyperedges) of E.
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