Mob. i 787309079S / 06760 ,277799 lWs. BHARAT KUMAR SAHOO €> _ (Consultant Electricat Engineer & Contractor) *. lP\ (An tSO 9oo1 : 2008 Cerrified) g _ AUPo.A/ia. : Site, Dist. : () - 759105- - - E-mail : [email protected] -

25t9gt2015 na: rv".9113113-i9? Date To

The Managing Oirector,

Odisha Knowledge Co.poralion Ltd_, .

Subject: Verification report of ICT lab

Dear Sir,

We are a registered conlladot Mls-Bharat Kumar Sahoo, an approved Electrical contractor of Governmenl of Odisha, bearing Lic€nce No. 21S8(HTXCopy of tidnse is enctosed) for your kind perusal.

After verification of the following items of the ICT lab KUNLaM HtcH scHooL KUNAM, UDISE Code- 211507_14501 Elock-, District-Angul, as per the minimum specification mentioned below, the report for the same is treing attached.

S.. M i nihu m Specificati o ns Quantity

Copp€. phte eanhing sbtions making eadhing phte Eam,ng (as per lS copp€, eadi 1 6@ r "rih mh 600 mm r 3 m lnid i.dud'ng tunmt, cha@Ucoke, sa[. 1

s A- 240 V swnches (tnduding Switch Soad) 15+9=24 5 in I 5\ and 1tq Socl€b 19+1:20 15 A 240 V sodet with - shdtd 1 Switches and 2 l.1di€ti€ alan6: - Arc,lor / tiavetb / sockels (lsl Ma*) cr:blrc /Wpro /PhittE / Logrand (pt6 ticU Swicies and soateb b lo be provdcd bt all ebcton'c6lT .qu'p.Ent lnctuding po.ter a.d pqecton system to be pleed al hb t6.inEian t bb Pvc conduis iocruding nasrGlboiEJliiiiEl!66iEbeGerea= 3nd propedy dahped. Widng'nsulaled porer 3 Wirins (lsl Mark) lor 5 and 15A ouueG wnh 4 mn pVC insutated srran

Name & Sig

pAN : AeEpS9899p, TtN :2't241307669, Civit (L) - .t6808 EPF : 16036, S.Tax - AeEpSggggpSOOO2, ESI - 440001'16440001099, Etect. (L) - 2158 (Hr) FORill (Reelalotion 28\


Ihis license is to be renewed for a period ofthree years at a time and must be producd ol1 demand by the Sec'etary.

(Not tr6nsterable orrenewsble by anv aulhotity oti€r lh6n the geclical Licensing Soad of Oti$a)

I do-hereby certify that lrt""r"r"lsnn . B.,hfl.n4^ K\'nqfq, .. .9ct"lrf .UC.... . hdr'e lhis davbeen granted li:€nse to ca'ry out in the Stete electrical rnstallation work ofthe following class/class€9 of o.issa lor lhe purpose of Rule 45 (l) of lndian Electricity Rules, 1gt6 .4 (P -t{N}ry] 5 >- Name and address of tho person/ A+f?" \m4r+e '): d 9 m f,rm to whom license is issued. - r \U1 F\..S\,\L .P1 I m Dale of approval by Electrical <\o \S S-"t*l\neQl .,+ (s v a{ Licensing Board. Orissa. t G9 ,.:o t- Date ofor issuerssue ofor rcenselicense i s , o hrronr &\o Bxt rrl+a . t e. 5 o Type of elec,lricat rnstallation work :E\{ v\..^l Ud. g\l+oLl\^ ,ur tf r 9 which lic€n6e rs issued e { for q"1q5 uoO tr{Cl ,.1,i al f f i'9 n o N) Resisrrat,n No )--tsp tt \U h\itH;m,f,I. L? th { ,/I o lA f u o0 Eteclncal tnsPectort ro Orissa and Secretary'"Gor",n."?#fl Electrjcal o' (-H6nsing Board, O;ssfiL-:" 5 EiEiiiiEiilieor tne and Secretarv' SEiIiEit-Etectricat Date of ExPirY In-spector l;peclor and Secreiary' Date of Renevr'al Electrical Licensrng )ate of Renewal Electrical Licensing

'I \? l)- )"1r \. -\'\z- t u^\.!(G.I lt'! .lOJ yu t4r( c,.t\ n4 vr ,\t ow €"\ +a E !*iq \ fa]1rytr" r- S. 1 o \u Ll ).t . +aL ].6 - a\, oL)eil. [^-8 - ^ .^ /..-:-\.. 1/ -- 01 of .@1i)2.i( L-rL g€\- \ao \(V.(\^)\&\.ov{ Cql\q 1 $,cry\ohq\.N,,ilt-cr,, Pfu \ ,1' r<- C.a.1^^r,4pll^4/' -Ett D rr 5?r\ Yq\"l) ;s \,t'u -f !a""o\"'P{n

(.811 .

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