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Dear Interested FAHS Musical Students and Families,

We are excited to offer this wonderful, theatrical opportunity for you! This is a very rewarding experience every year, and it is our goal to make this a memorable, learning experience for all involved. 13 will take place on March 11th, 12th, 13th and 18th, 19th, & 20th.

Please see the attached documents as you prepare for the audition process. Keep in mind that due dates, rehearsal schedules, and general procedures will be strictly followed.

Please also keep in mind that we all must remain flexible and able to pivot at a moment’s notice this year due to the ever-changing situations beyond our control. All parents are responsible for providing necessary transportation (at the appropriate times) as well as any financial obligations throughout the entire process.

 Auditions will be done remotely using Flipgrid.  The audition window will be December 14th through December 16th.  Students MUST have their auditions posted on Flipgrid by 7:00 PM on December 16th.

Important Items to Keep in Mind:

 Please read all parts of this informational packet to ensure you (or your child) are committed to this production throughout the entire process.

 Follow the audition process as described on page 3. Each student may audition with up to two different characters and songs. Please ensure that each audition is a separate Flipgrid video. You may or may not be cast in the roles you audition with. It is possible that students are cast in a role for which they did not audition!

I’m looking forward to this great production. Any questions or concerns should be directed to me via email at [email protected]. Good luck in preparing and “break a leg!”

Sincerely, Mr. Koharchik & SH Musical Production Staff

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Production Staff

Name and Position E-mail Address

Producer & Vocal Director –

Mr. Thomas Koharchik [email protected]

Director -

Mr. Robert Harris [email protected]

Co-Director and Choreographer -

Ms. Elizabeth Surgil [email protected]

Assistant Choreographer –

Mrs. Sara Sypulski [email protected]

Pit Orchestra Director –

Mr. Chaz Shipman [email protected]

Stage Manager –

Mr. Steve Kovach [email protected]

Costume Designer –

Mrs. Heather Koharchik [email protected]

Box Office Manager –

Mrs. Jenn Koedel [email protected]

Student Director –

Ms. Jessica Kibler [email protected]

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Audition Process

 Step One: All students that plan on auditioning must complete the Google Form linked below BEFORE their audition is uploaded into Flipgrid. You may complete this form immediately. You can access the form by the link below or by using the QR code pictured here. a. 1ttBFTRidDYidsL93CwpvgohEo9c_wMy9YQ/viewform?usp=sf_link

Go into your phone (Android or iPhone) and take a picture of the barcode. As soon as you focus on the barcode the URL browser will appear.

 Step Two: After completing the above form, students should research 13 and determine what characters they may be interested in. These are two links that provide some information about characters, though feel free to do more research online and find other useful information on your own. a. b.

 Step Three: Use this link to listen to the learning tracks of the songs you can select for audition. The sheet music is also available on this page. Recordings and sheet music are listed by characters. Once you’ve determined what character you would do well in, get to know their music well. a.

 Step Four: Use this link to access the recordings that you will use for your audition. DO NOT audition with the vocal tracks from above. You MUST audition with the tracks that do not have anyone your part! a.

 Step Five: Visit and click the button that says “Log in with Google.”

You MUST use your “” account – all other domains are blocked.

You will then be taken to the FAHS – 13 Auditions page.

 Step Six: Click the red button that says “Record a Response” and begin your audition after the countdown.

See the next page for what to include in your video audition!!

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What to Include in Your Video Audition

The following material MUST be included in your audition. Please follow each step in this order to ensure a proper audition:

1) Clearly state your name and grade. (ex. “My name is John Smith and I am in 10th grade.)

2) Clearly state what character you are singing for. (ex. “I am going to sing the part of Evan Goldman.”)

3) Start the backing track so that you can hear the music. You may use headphones or your computer speakers, or any other method. It is NOT necessary that the judges can hear the backing track, but it is essential that YOU can hear it and follow it properly.

4) Sing the ENTIRE song from the character you selected.

5) After the song is finished, prepare to give your monologue. (You may PAUSE the recording as you prepare for the monologue. If you pause the recording, be sure to restart it when you are ready to begin your monologue.)

6) Clearly state the number of the monologue you’ve selected. (ex. “I am going to perform monologue #3.”)

7) Perform the monologue clearly and with expression. Judges are not looking for your ability to read, but rather, perform! Do your best to act during the monologue, not just read it.

8) After the monologue, thank the judges, and end the recording. (ex. “Thank you!”)

9) Once the recording is finished, press the green “Next” button. You may then review the video if you would like to make sure that it is what you would like to submit. If it is not to your satisfaction, you may start over.

10) Once you have reviewed your audition video, click the green “Next” button again.

11) Type your first and last name in the “Display Name” box and click the blue “Submit” button. You should see “Success” and some fireworks. You are done!

12) If you would like to audition for more than one character, please repeat steps 1 through 11 with the second or third audition selections. You do NOT need to redo a monologue for any additional auditions; we only need to see you sing the part. Only ONE monologue per student should be submitted.

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Tips for a Good Video Audition

Auditioning with a video is in many ways better than auditioning live. For one, you have the ability to redo the audition until it is the best performance possible. You can redo things as many times as you would like. However, if you are not careful with how you record, the video audition may not reflect your best work.

There are certain things that you can do to help improve the quality of your video audition. 1) Look your best! Do your hair and makeup and wear an outfit that is not distracting and enhances your character. If you have long hair, keep it out of your face. Clothing with stripes and plaids tend to jump around on camera. Select an outfit that is more neutral. Be creative, but don’t “over-do” it. 2) Use natural light from a window on your face, but be careful not to have the window behind you. That is called “backlight” and can leave your face dark and like a shadow. 3) Place the camera slightly above your face, never below it. You may need to stack it on some books or a small box to keep it at a good level. 4) STAND when you audition and look up and into the screen. The minute you look down, we lose your eyes, and eyes are everything on camera. 5) Choose a background that is not too distracting or messy. Stand away from the wall so that there is not a shadow behind you.

Schedule 1) A tentative and generic rehearsal schedule is attached. 2) Conflicts happen in life, so all students must ensure that any predictable conflicts are listed on the Musical Audition form on Google. Unavoidable absences (ie. medical and funeral) will clearly not be added to this form. 3) You will not receive any specific acting roles if you miss rehearsals from March 2nd through 20th.

Other Responsibilities for Actors 1) Acting is a learned skill. It takes a lot of practice and hard work! Are you up for the challenge? 2) All actors are responsible for learning their character lines by the assigned dates. Student members can lose their roles if not prepared or have excessive and/or unexcused absences. 3) All student actors will be responsible for paying for certain costume items specific to their characters. Cast members will be given a detailed costume expectation sheet and will work with the costume designer to acquire or purchase costume items. 4) Optional purchases include: a. OPTONAL – Approx. $18 – Musical T-Shirt b. OPTIONAL - $5.00 and up – Well Wishes and Program Ads c. OPTIONAL - $1.00 and up – Performance Night Gifts 5) Ticket Costs (General Admission Only) – a. $11.00 ($7.00 Senior Citizen) – Purchased online only. All tickets are non-refundable.

All correspondences should go through Mr. Koharchik at [email protected] Page 6

H.S. MUSICAL SCHEDULE December 14th – 16th Audition Window (Conducted remotely via Flipgrid and Google forms) Monday, December 21st Audition Results Posted online on Mr. Koharchik’s Teacher HS Musical Page

Rehearsal will follow this general schedule, with more specific times and characters announced later*:

Starting January 5th… Mondays – After school from 3:00-4:30 (Blocking/Acting) Tuesdays – Evenings from 6:30-8:30 (Choreography/Vocals) Wednesdays – After school from 3:00-4:30 (Blocking/Acting) Evenings from 6:30-8:30 (Choreography/Vocals) Thursdays - Evenings from 6:30-8:30 (Choreography/Vocals) Fridays – After school from 3:00-5:00 (Review)

*Not all cast members will be present at all rehearsals. This schedule is intended to provide a rough estimate of when rehearsals will be held.

The following scheduled items will be as listed…

Tuesday, March 2 6:00-9:00 – Music Rehearsal w/ Pit Wednesday, March 3 6:00-9:00 – Run Through Thursday, March 4 6:00-9:00 – Run Through Saturday, March 6 9:00am-1:00pm - Tech Rehearsal Monday, March 8 5:00-9:30pm – Dress Rehearsal w/ Photos Tuesday, March 9 5:00pm-9:30pm – Dress Rehearsal Wednesday, March 10 6:00pm-9:00pm – Review Rehearsal Thursday, March 11 7:00pm Performance Friday, March 12 7:00pm Performance Saturday, March 13 7:00pm Performance Wednesday, March 17 6:00pm Review Rehearsal Thursday, March 18 7:00pm Performance Friday, March 19 7:00pm Performance Saturday, March 20 7:00pm Performance

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Audition Song Selection List

Students who are extremely interested in a principal role are STRONGLY encouraged to submit more than one audition video. Please consider auditioning with ALL of the songs associated with your character choice, or with multiple character options.

Become familiar with these songs using the sheet music found on the google page linked on page 3 and the “Learning Tracks.” For the audition, please use the “Backing Tracks” only. Take note of the time stamps and measure numbers listed for each audition selection. Before recording your Flipgrid, ensure that the backing track is set to begin at the time listed in order to avoid “dead space” while you wait for the track to catch up.

Evan – “A Little More Homework” – Start of track until 2:04. (Sing all Evan solo.) “All Hail the Brain” – 0:17 until 1:25. (Sing Evan solo from m. 20 until m. 92.)

Archie – “If That’s What It Is” – Start of track until 1:45. (Sing all Archie solo.) “Get Me What I Need” – Start of track until 1:55. (Sing all Archie solo.)

Charlotte - “A Little More Homework” – 2:00 until 2:44. (Sing Evan’s solo line at m. 62-63 and top notes of harmony.) “A Brand New You” – 0:45 until End. (Sing all Charlotte solo.)

Patrice – “The Lamest Place in the World” – 1:00 until End. (Sing Patrice solo from m. 48 to End.) “What It Means to be a Friend” – 1:35 until End. (Sing Patrice solo from m. 34 to End.) “If That’s What It Is” – 1:40 until 2:45. (Sing all Patrice solo.)

Brett – “Any Minute” – 0:32 until 1:25. (Sing all Brett solo.)

Kendra – “Any Minute” – 1:18 until 2:08. (Sing all Kendra solo.)

Lucy – “Opportunity” – Start of track until 1:10. (Sing all Lucy solo and Cheerleaders replies.)

Cassie – “A Brand New You” – Start of track until 0:45. (Sing all Cassie solo.)

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Please select one to use in your audition. If you are submitting more than one singing video, you need only to include a monologue in one of them.

1) Evan: My name is Evan Goldman. I live at 224 West 92nd street, in the heart of Manhattan, and my life just took a turn for the worst. Okay, you wanna talk about turning 13? It’s a nightmare. I’ve got hair growing in places I didn’t know were places. Plus, my parents are splitting up. Plus – plus I also have to have my Bar Mitzvah. The one event that defines you. The Jewish Super Bowl. I don’t care how much my parents hate each other. They’d better pull it together and make sure that everything about this party is absolutely, positively, for once, please God, perfect! (Answers phone) Hey mom, what’s up? What? You never said anything about moving! Where? INDIANA? Noooo!

2) Patrice: Let me get this straight: your mom decided to move to Appleton, Indiana because her cousin Pam lives here? Wow. Sounds like the divorce got ugly. So you’re going to have your Bar Mitzvah here? The one day of your life that everything is supposed to be happy and perfect. See, Catholics don’t have that day. It would go against everything we believe in. You say you’re looking for the best DJ in the best ballroom of the best hotel? That would be The Best Western. Sorry, but your choices are like my life here: limited. Come on. I’ll show you the hillside where everyone waits for the Resurrection.

3) Brett: You two didn’t set something up? I’m very disappointed, Eddie, Malcolm. There’s gotta be a place that sets the mood right! Come on guys. Think! A scary movie, you say? Whoa! A scary movie! Who is this guy? Evan Goldman from New York. New York? Whoa! I’m gonna call you... Brain! Hey, Kendra! (Calls over to her) Kendra, you look amazing. Kendra, there’s something I wanna ask you. Please come to the movies on Friday.

4) Lucy: Brett, wow! Lucky us running into you when I’m looking so hot. He did not just brush me aside and ask Kendra to go to the movies on Friday night. No, no, no, no! You can’t go to the movies on Friday night, Kendra. I said she can’t go! You can’t go because – you already committed to do “that thing.” You know “that thing”. That “thing” you said you would do on Friday. What do you mean there is “no thing?” Yes there is, Kendra. Don’t contradict me in public. We’ll talk about this later.

5) Archie: Oh, hi! You’re the new kid, right? I’m Archie. I pass by your house every morning when you’re waiting for the bus. I’m on the special needs bus. ‘Cause of my crutches. It’s okay, at least nobody makes fun of me on the special needs bus. That’d be ironic. Are you looking for Patrice? Yes, I know her. She’s like my best friend. Also, my only friend. I think I can help you find her. And then, you can do something for me. A deal, of sorts. Just a small deal. A no-big deal – deal. I need a date! With Kendra. Fine then. I’ll just sit next to her at your Bar Mitzvah and… Do I really need an invitation? Do you think your mother would throw Tiny Tim out onto the street?

6) Patrice: I’m not talking to you. Just because Archie asked me to forgive you doesn’t mean I will. Honestly, why would I go anywhere with you, ever? So now you agree that you messed up big time. And you want to make it up to me - - by asking me out? As in “out” out? I’ll think about it. Don’t get your hopes up. I doubt it. Probably not. Don’t count on it. (smiles) I gotta get to class.

7) Kendra: Hi Evan. Thank you for getting Brett to come back to me. (awkward moment) Oooookay. Thank you hug! Brett wait! It’s not what you think. Brett, come back! And you Lucy. You were supposed to be my friend. I know you think you don’t need friends now that you have Brett. But you don’t have him – you stole him. Now you’re telling people that it’s because you’re hotter than me? You’re hot Lucy. That’s right you are so hot. You’re so hot that you make me burn!

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Character Breakdown

Evan- A twelve-and-a-half-year-old Jewish city boy from New York City. Just having moved to Indiana, he is trying to find a place to fit in. This bright, goodhearted guy is about to celebrate his Bar Mitzvah and needs to find people to invite. He eventually becomes close with Patrice and Archie. Our story's protagonist. Requires on-stage kiss. Gender: Male Tenor - Vocal range top: Bb4; Vocal range bottom: Bb2

Archie - , positive and intuitive. A good-humored, intelligent, but unpopular kid, whose energy and looks are unlike anything else in Appleton. Patrice's best friend. Manipulative, funny, fast, with a flair for the dramatic. He walks on crutches as the result of muscular dystrophy - his disease gives him a perspective on life that is in many ways beyond his years. Madly in love with Kendra. Actor must be comfortable using crutches and have excellent physicality and comic timing. Gender: Male Tenor - Vocal range top: Bb4; Vocal range bottom: Ab2

Brett - The prototypical vain junior high school football star. Cool, handsome, and about as smart as a postage stamp. All the girls on the cheerleading team are head over heels to date him. He is willing to succeed at the expense of others. Leads a pack of popular boys and can be a bully. Rude to anyone who isn’t in his clique, Brett is only concerned about being cool and making out. Requires on-stage kiss. Gender: Male Tenor + Falsetto - Vocal range top: C5; Vocal range bottom: Bb2

Patrice - A shy, intelligent, bookworm and a grounded, kind girl. She is the first person which Evan meets and they soon become friends. She has a little crush on him. She is Archie's best friend. Requires on-stage kiss. Gender: Female Mezzo Belter - Vocal range top: E5; Vocal range bottom: Eb3

Lucy - A smart, manipulative cheerleader who secretly desires to have her "friend" Kendra's boyfriend Brett. Lucy has a great deal of control over Kendra. She tries to get Brett to break up with Kendra so she can start dating him. Sneaky and feisty and shallow. Requires on-stage kiss. Gender: Female Mezzo - Vocal range top: D5; Vocal range bottom: F#3

Kendra - The prettiest and most popular girl in school. She has a major crush on Brett and they are an on-and-off couple. The bubbly, popular, head cheerleader. Lucy's best friend and unknowing rival. Kendra is good at heart, but she is naive and very impressionable. Kendra struggles with the pressures of popularity. Gender: Female Mezzo - Vocal range top: D5; Vocal range bottom: Bb3

Malcolm - A wannabe popular kid and one of Brett's sidekicks. Brett’s lackey and also a member of the football team. Malcolm lives to serve Brett – if Brett’s happy, Malcolm’s happy. (Could be played be a girl, in which case, name would change and she would not be on the Football team.) Gender: Male / Female Bari-tenor + Falsetto - Vocal range top: C5; Vocal range bottom: F#3

Eddie - A wannabe popular kid and one of Brett's sidekicks. Brett’s lackey and also a member of the football team. Eddie lives to serve Brett – if Brett’s happy, Eddies’ happy. (Could be played be a girl, in which case, name would change and she would not be on the Football team.) Gender: Male / Female - Vocal range top: C5; Vocal range bottom: Bb2

Cassie - A cheerleader and friends with Lucy and Kendra. Cassie is all about being the best she can be, loving her friends, and keeping up on trends. Cassie is a very fashion forward girl, a diva, and loves to gossip. Gender: Female - F#3- F5 Soprano Belter

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Charlotte - A cheerleader and friends with Lucy and Kendra. She likes to text and hang out with friends. She is very gullible. Gender: Female A#3-F5 Mezzo Belter

Molly - A cheerleader and friends with Lucy and Kendra. Molly is cool, hip, and confident, She's the girl that loves gossip, loves to start a rumor, gets into everyone’s business, then steps back to watch as all hell breaks loose. Gender: Female F#3-C#5 Mezzo Belter

Richie - Friends with Brett, Malcolm and Eddie. Richie is explosive, the class clown, the goofball. He is very likable and is a big social kind of guy. (Could be played be a girl, in which case, name would change.) Gender: Male / Female A2-C5 (E5) High Tenor + Falsetto

Simon - Friends with Brett, Malcolm and Eddie. Simon is the quiet, unassuming kid that just wants to get by, yet finds himself in the middle of everything. He's in Brett's shadow on the team, but always there as back-up. (Could be played be a girl, in which case, name would change.) Gender: Male / Female C2-C5 Tenor

Ensemble Rabbis; Other Students