THE 2010 ANNUAL REPORT & ACCOUNTS The Yorkshire County Cricket Club, Headingley Carnegie Cricket Ground, Leeds, LS6 3DP Telephone: 0871 971 1222 Facsimile: 0113 278 4099 Email:
[email protected] BBK0929_YCCC_Annual_Report_2011_AW.inddK0929_YCCC_Annual_Report_2011_AW.indd 1-21-2 11/2/11/2/11 119:21:499:21:49 NOTICE OF AGM AND AGENDA Dear Member, The Annual General Meeting of Members will be held in the East Stand Long Room, Headingley Carnegie Cricket CONTENTS Ground on Saturday 19th March 2011 at 10:00 am for the purpose of transacting the following business: AGENDA 1 To receive apologies for 4 To receive and 7 (a) To elect as Board 11 To appoint KPMG LLP absence. approve the Accounts member, Mr. Gareth as auditors of the Club, together with the Davies. Mr. Stephen until the conclusion 2 To confirm the Minutes Independent Auditors’ Willis has resigned of the next Annual of the Annual General Report thereon for from the Board with General Meeting of Meeting held on Notice of AGM & Agenda 3 the year ended 31st effect from 12th January the Club at which the Saturday 13th March December 2010. 2011 and Mr. Gareth accounts for the year 2010. Davies has been ending 31st December Chairman’s Report 4-5 It would be appreciated If any Member has nominated as the Leeds 2011 are laid. if advance notice a query as to the Metropolitan University could be given of any 12. Any other business. Director of Finance’s Report 6-7 accuracy of the appointment. questions which might Minutes, it would require some research (b) To re-elect as Board be appreciated if Yours Faithfully, Director of Professional Cricket’s Report 8-9 in order to save time at member Mr.