Towards Climate Change Adaptation Building Adaptive Capacity in Managing African Transboundary River Basins

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Towards Climate Change Adaptation Building Adaptive Capacity in Managing African Transboundary River Basins Towards Climate Change Adaptation Building Adaptive Capacity in Managing African Transboundary River Basins Case studies from African practitioners and researchers On behalf of: Towards Climate Change Adaptation Building Adaptive Capacity in Managing African Transboundary River Basins Case studies from African practitioners and researchers with International Cooperation Partners Imprint Towards Climate Change Adaptation - Building Adaptive Capacity in Managing African Transboundary River Basins. Case studies from African practitioners and researchers Edited by Thomas Petermann, InWEnt Published by InWEnt - Internationale Weiterbildung und Entwicklung gGmbH Capacity Building International, Germany River Basin Dialogue Programme (ASTRA No. 1008700000) Division 5.02: Natural Resources and Biodiversity Lindenstraße 41 (Zschortau). 04519 Rackwitz, Germany Disclaimers The content and views expressed in this publication are the respon- sibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of InWEnt. The designations of geographical entities in this report, and the presentation of material, do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of InWEnt con- cerning the legal status of any country, territory, or area, or of its authorities, or concerning the delineation of its frontiers or boundaries. Reproduction of this publication for educational or other non-com- mercial purposes is authorized without prior written permission provided the source is fully acknowledged. Citation: Petermann, T. (Editor) 2008. Towards Climate Change Adaptation - Building Adaptive Capacity in Managing African Transboundary River Basins. InWEnt, Zschortau, Germany Cover Photography InWEnt (11); Gilberto Vicente (1) Layout Nicole Fritsch, Leipzig Germany December 2008 ISBN: 978-3-939394-28-0 4 Contents Foreword ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 7 Executive Summary ............................................................................................................................................................................ 8 Acknowledgements ............................................................................................................................................................................. 9 Introduction Thomas Petermann, InWEnt Germany Get Ready: Adaptation to Climate Change Impacts in the Water Sector and Transboundary Water Cooperation .................... 10 The Entebbe Declaration .................................................................................................................................................................... 19 Policy Brief: Towards a Policy and Climate Change Adaptation for Shared Lake and River Basins in Africa .............................. 21 Chapter 1 Datius G. Rutashobya. World Meteorological Organization Climate Change Scenarios. Impacts and Adaptation Strategies in Africa ................................................................................... 23 Chapter 2 Roland E. Schulze, University of KwaZulu-Natal Integrated Water Resources Management as a Medium for Adapting to Climate Change ......................................................... 41 Chapter 3 Madiodio Niasse. IRD Institute de Recherche pour le Developpement Understanding and Responding to Climate. Induced water conflict risks over transboundary watercourses in West Africa.. 75 Chapter 4 Boaventura Chongo Cuamba and Genito Amós Maúre. Eduardo Mondlane University. Maputo, Mozambique Challenges to Managing Floods and Droughts in Transboundary River Basins in Mozambique ............................................. 89 Chapter 5 Hillary M Masundire. Chair, IUCN Commission on Ecosystem Management. University of Botswana The Ecosystem Approach to Climate Change Adaptation in Africa River Basin ........................................................................ 113 Chapter 6 Enoch M. Dlamini. Komati Basin Water Authority. Melalane, South Africa/Swaziland Infrastructure Management in a Changing Environment: Strategies and Actions to Adapt the Management of Reservoirs ......... 125 Chapter 7 Michael James Tumbare. CEng., PhD. Zambezi River Authority, Zambia/Zimbabwe Infrastructure Management in a Changing Environment. The Case of Kariba Dam ................................................................ 141 Chapter 8 Amos E. Majule (PhD). Institute of Resource Assessment (IRA). University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania Climate Change and Variability. Impacts on agriculture and water resources and implications for livelihood ..................... 157 5 Chapter 9 Peter Johnston, DB Louw, O Crespo and TG Lumsden. University of Cape Town. Rondebosch 7701, South Africa. Quantifying the Costs, Benefits and Risks Associated with Climate Risk for Water Water Resource Development - Planning and Management Alternatives associated with Berg River Catchment Area Case Study (South Africa) .............. 175 Chapter 10 Gina Ziervogel. Department of Environmental and Geographical Science, University of Cape Town. Cape Town, South Africa Adapting to Climate Change in Africa: What does it means for Household Water Access and Use? ...................................... 189 Chapter 11 Audace Ndayizeye. NBI Nile Basin Initiative Secretariat. Co-Author: T. Waako Nile Basin Initiative. An overview of institutional mechanism for mitigation and adaptation to climate change ................. 203 Chapter 12 Oweyegha Afunaduula. Nile Basin Discourse. Makerere University. Kampala, Uganda Nile Basin Discourse. Climate change adaptation and transboundary river basin management. The view of an NGO ....... 213 Chapter 13 M. Ousmane S. Diallo / Al-Hamndou Dorsouma, OSS. Tunis, Tunisia Joint Management of the North Western Sahara Aquifer System (NWSAS) ............................................................................. 229 Chapter 14 Anthony Nyong. International Development Research Centre. Nairobi, Kenya Scenarios on Impacts, Vulnerability Assessments and Adaptation in River Basin Management in Africa ............................ 237 Annex A1: The Kampala Statement. Groundwater and Climate in Africa ............................................................................................. 253 A2: The 6th Petersberg Round Table on Transboundary Water Management in Africa ............................................................ 255 A3: The Authors ............................................................................................................................................................................... 257 6 Foreword n It has become widely recognised that climate change will We hope this publication will be a relevant and practical have one of its most telling impacts on Africa’s water resour- contribution to the body of practice for today’s African river ces. This emerging threat poses an additional challenge to a basin managers and other professionals involved in integrated continent already grappling with a highly variable hydrologi- water resources management. It shows evidence of both prac- cal regime. Water management institutions and river basin tice-oriented and science-based work in Africa’s water sector organisations in particular are called upon to urgently deve- on climate change issues. May the sound advice and practical lop adaptation strategies to minimise disruption of economic recommendations it contains be put into practice and assist and social development on the continent. At the core of adap- the political leaders and decision makers who see wisdom in tation, change and development, we find a learning process of supporting these efforts. all stakeholders involved. Successful implementation has been shown to benefit from strong political will and shared expert Reginald TEKATEKA, ANBO Chair and Chair GWP-Southern advice within the framework of an enabling learning environ- Africa, Pretoria ment that allows these two to grow and yield results. Barbara KRAUSE, Acting Head of Department Environment, There is already a skilled body of expertise in Africa wor- Natural Resources and Food, InWEnt - Capacity Building Inter- king towards improving the ability of African countries to national, Germany sustainably manage their transboundary water resources. In this publication, 14 practitioners and researchers from Africa n Impacts de la Variabilité Climatique et du Changement Cli- provide an in-depth insight into technical, social and econo- matique dans les bassins fluviaux et lacustres africains – et mic dimensions that affect people as well as the governance Mesures d’adaptation: deux questions centrales pour le Réseau and management of land and water resources in a river basin Africain des Organismes de Bassin (RAOB/ANBO). context. At the same time it provides solutions and “hands-on“ Les changements climatiques sont actuellement considérés experiences of how to adapt to these challenges at national and comme l’une des menaces les plus graves posées au développe- transboundary decision making levels and so meet the future ment, avec des impacts significatifs sur l’économie des pays en water demands of a rapidly growing population and developing développement et les moyens de vie des populations les plus economic situation. pauvres de la planète. En général, la variabilité climatique se Blending the elements of an enabling environment together réfère à la variation naturelle intra et interannuelle du climat,
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