AGENDA Green Mountain Transit Board of Commissioners December 18Th 2018, 7:30 A.M
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1 AGENDA Green Mountain Transit Board of Commissioners December 18th 2018, 7:30 a.m. 15 Industrial Pkwy, Burlington, VT 05401 The mission of GMT is to promote and operate safe, convenient, accessible, innovative, and sustainable public transportation services in northwest and central Vermont that reduce congestion and pollution, encourage transit oriented development, and enhance the quality of life for all. 7:30 a.m. 1. Open Meeting 7:31 a.m. 2. Adjustment of the Agenda 7:33 a.m. 3. Public Comment 7:40 a.m. 4. Consent Agenda* • November 20th, 2018 Board Meeting Minutes (Pages 3-8) • Check Register (Pages 9-14) • ADA and Broker Services Report (Pages 15-17) • Maintenance Report (Page 18) • Operations Report (Page 19) • Planning Report (Pages 20-21) • Marketing and Public Affairs Report (Page 22) • IT Support, Administrative Support, Training and HR Report (Page 23) • Ridership Report (Pages 24-25) 7:43 a.m. 5. FY19 Budget Discussion* (Pages 26-29) *(Staff is requesting the board to approve the FY19 Adjusted Operating budget totaling $21,324,276 with an Adjusted Capital budget totaling $7,145,827 for adoption.) 7:53 a.m. 6. FY20 Budget Discussion* (Executive Session) (Pages 30-38) *(Staff is requesting the board to put forth a recommendation to tentatively approve the FY20 Operating budget as presented so staff can proceed with the public meeting. The Board will vote to approve the budget in January.) 8:25 a.m. 7. Operations Committee Presentation 8:40 a.m. 8. Electric Bus Contract Award* (Pages 39-46) *(the proposal evaluators are recommending that the GMT Board of Commissioners approve a contract award be made to Proterra for a term not exceeding three years. Staff is also requesting approval to issue purchase orders for an initial order of two buses to be finalized in the coming weeks following contract award.) 15 Industrial Parkway, Burlington, VT 05401 | T: 802-864-2282 F: 802-864-5564 6088 VT Route 12, Berlin, VT 05602 | T: 802-223-7287 F: 802-223-6236 375 Lake Road, Suite 5, St. Albans, VT 05478 | T: 802-527-2181 F: 802-527-5302 2 8:50 a.m. 9. Barre Additional Service* (Pages 47-52) *(Staff is asking the Board for Approval to Design and Approval to Implement new Barre LINK service and an service extension to Barre on the US 2 Commuter route.) 9:00 a.m. 10. Legal Contract Award* (Pages 53-56) *(GMT requests approval from the GMT Board of Commissioners to award the contract for up to five (5) years of Legal Services, not to exceed a total of $250,000 for the duration of the contract, to Monaghan Safer Ducham PLLC.) 9:10 a.m. 11. Information Technology Contract Award* (Pages 57-59) *(GMT requests approval from the GMT Board of Commissioner to award the contract for up to (5) five years of IT Services not to exceed a total of $150,000 for the duration of the contract to Twinstate Technologies.) 9:20 a.m. 12. GM & Committee reports • General Manager Update • Strategy Committee: Next schedules meeting is January 7th @ 8:30 am. • Operations Committee: Next scheduled meeting is February 11th @ 9:30 am. • Leadership Committee: Next scheduled meeting is January 7th @ 10:30 am. • Finance Committee: Next scheduled meeting is January 8th @ 8 am. • Commissioner Comments and Announcements 9:30 a.m. 13. Personnel Matter (Possible Executive Session) 9:45 a.m. 14. Adjourn Next GMT meeting date: January 15th, 2019 @ 7:30 am at GMT. NOTES: * Indicates an action agenda item. • Persons with disabilities who require assistance or special arrangements to participate in programs or activities are encouraged to contact Matt Young at 802-540-2536 at least 48 hours in advance so that proper arrangements can be made. Hearing disabled patrons can contact GMT through the Vermont Relay Service (711). • Free transportation to and from GMT Board Meetings is available within the GMT service area. To make advance arrangements, please call GMT’s Customer Service Representatives at 802-540-2468. • Municipal Clerks: Please post this public meeting notice pursuant to Act 78 of the Acts of the 1979 Vermont Legislature. Thank you. 15 Industrial Parkway, Burlington, VT 05401 | T: 802-864-2282 F: 802-864-5564 6088 VT Route 12, Berlin, VT 05602 | T: 802-223-7287 F: 802-223-6236 375 Lake Road, Suite 5, St. Albans, VT 05478 | T: 802-527-2181 F: 802-527-5302 3 GMT Board Minutes Date: November 20, 2018 Time: 7:30 AM Place: GMT Board Room 15 Industrial Parkway Burlington, VT 05401 Present: Tom Chittenden, Chair, South Burlington Bonnie Waninger, Vice Chair, Washington County – (via phone) Denis Barton, Secretary, Shelburne Paul Bohne, Treasurer, Essex Chapin Kaynor, Commissioner, Williston Katherine Miles, Commissioner, Burlington Bob Buermann, Commissioner, Grand Isle County John Sharrow, Commissioner, Milton Catherine Miles, Commissioner, Burlington Catherine Dimitruk, Commissioner, Franklin County – (via phone) Robert Moore, Alternate Commissioner, Lamoille County (via phone) Phil Pouech, Commissioner, Hinesburg - (via phone) Dan Currier, Commissioner, Washington County Ray Coffey, Alternate Commissioner, Winooski – (via phone) Mark A. Sousa, General Manager Michelle Daley, Director of Finance and Grants Patricia Redalieu, Director of Human Resources– (via phone) Jon Moore, Director of Maintenance and Planning Jamie Smith, Marketing and Public Affairs Manager Kimberly Wall, Grants Manager Deb Copula, Senior Accountant Matt Kimball, Capital Projects Manager Matthew Young, Administrative Support Specialist Members of the Public: Ross McDonald, VTrans Fred Schmidt Not Present: Ebony Kirkland, Commissioner Winooski Chapin Spencer, Commissioner, Burlington Tasha Wallis, Commissioner, Lamoille County 1. Open Meeting- Chair Chittenden opened the meeting at 7:31 AM. A quorum of the Board was present. 15 Industrial Parkway, Burlington, VT 05401 | T: 802-864-2282 F: 802-864-5564 6088 VT Route 12, Berlin, VT 05602 | T: 802-223-7287 F: 802-223-6236 375 Lake Road, Suite 5, St. Albans, VT 05478 | T: 802-527-2181 F: 802-527-5302 4 2. Adjustment to the Agenda- There were no adjustments to the agenda 3. Public Comment - There were no public comments 4. Consent Agenda – Past Chair Kaynor requested that the ridership reports be excluded from the consent agenda for discussion. Secretary Barton made a motion to approve the consent agenda excluding ridership reports. Treasure Bohne seconded the motion. Vice Chair Waninger requested that the October Board meeting minutes be excluded from the consent agenda. Secretary Barton made an amendment to approve the consent agenda excluding the ridership reports and the October 2018 Minutes. Treasure Bohne seconded the amendment. All were in favor and the consent agenda was approved excluding the ridership reports and the October 2018 Minutes. Ridership reports – Past Chair Kaynor commented that ridership is up in the urban area but appears to be down 38% in the rural area. He also noted that there were no ridership reports for urban or rural for the month of October. Mr. Moore clarified that the number Past Chair Kaynor was reading was for paratransit ridership for the rural area. The next line on the table is the fixed route ridership which is up 6.2%. Mr. Moore stated that planning would work on the formatting of this report to make it clearer. In the urban area ridership is tracked by electronic fareboxes so the information is more readily available. However, in the rural area ridership is tracked by hand with pen and paper, causing rural ridership reporting to always be two months behind when reporting to the Board Starting next month urban will be ahead of the rural area when reporting ridership. Commissioner Currier asked about ridership on the capital shuttle having a 0% change from FY18 to FY19. Vice Chair Waninger asked if we have exceeded last year’s ridership of nine months on the capital shuttle in three months so far this year? Mr. Moore responded that he will look into the capital shuttle ridership numbers for FY19 and report back to the Board next month with the correct number. 15 Industrial Parkway, Burlington, VT 05401 | T: 802-864-2282 F: 802-864-5564 6088 VT Route 12, Berlin, VT 05602 | T: 802-223-7287 F: 802-223-6236 375 Lake Road, Suite 5, St. Albans, VT 05478 | T: 802-527-2181 F: 802-527-5302 5 October 2018 Board meeting minutes- Vice Chair Waninger asked about item #4 we were going to revisit the September retreat minutes for a question she had asked be included in the minutes. The minutes were not included in this month’s packet. Mr. Sousa informed the Board that Mr. Young has done a verbatim transcript from the recording from the September retreat. Chair Chittenden commented that today’s meeting has a very packed agenda and suggested moving both ridership reports and the September Retreat minutes to December 2018 Board meeting. Past Chair Kaynor suggested having these two items as a separate agenda item in December not as part of the consent agenda. A motion was made to approve the October minutes with grammatical changes by Commissioner Buermann, seconded by Commissioner Sharrow. All were in favor and the minutes were approved with grammatical changes. 5. FY18/FY19 Financial Discussion- Ms. Daley presented the FY18 and FY19 memos, that were included in this month’s Board packet, that addressed budget deficits. Ms. Daley explained that when doing financials, she is working with estimates due to the way billing of some of GMTs grants work. Some grants are 60 days behind on billing. Past Chair Kaynor commented that he was not aware that estimates were used on the financials. Ms. Daley explained that GMT is an accrual-based accounting system and this is common practice. Treasurer Bohne asked why net assets FUND balance from FY17 of 3.5 Million drops to 200 thousand currently.