Evaluating Nfl Player Health and Performance: Legal and Ethical Issues
UNIVERSITY of PENNSYLVANIA LAW REVIEW Founded 1852 Formerly AMERICAN LAW REGISTER © 2017 University of Pennsylvania Law Review VOL. 165 JANUARY 2017 NO. 2 ARTICLE EVALUATING NFL PLAYER HEALTH AND PERFORMANCE: LEGAL AND ETHICAL ISSUES JESSICA L. ROBERTS, I. GLENN COHEN, CHRISTOPHER R. DEUBERT & HOLLY FERNANDEZ LYNCH† This Article follows the path of a hypothetical college football player with aspirations to play in the National Football League, explaining from a legal and † George Butler Research Professor, Director of Health Law & Policy Institute, University of Houston Law Center, 2015–2018 Greenwall Faculty Scholar in Bioethics; Professor, Harvard Law School, Faculty Director of the Petrie–Flom Center for Health Law Policy, Biotechnology, and Bioethics, Co-Lead of the Law and Ethics Initiative, Football Players Health Study at Harvard University; Senior Law and Ethics Associate, Law and Ethics Initiative for the Football Players Health Study at Harvard University; Executive Director, Petrie–Flom Center for Health Law Policy, Biotechnology, and Bioethics, Faculty, Harvard Medical School, Center for Bioethics, Co- Lead, Law and Ethics Initiative, Football Players Health Study at Harvard University, respectively. Cohen, Deubert, and Lynch received salary support from the Football Players Health Study at Harvard University (FPHS), a transformative research initiative with the goal of improving the health of professional football players. About, FOOTBALL PLAYERS HEALTH STUDY HARV. U., https://footballplayershealth.harvard.edu/about/ [https://perma.cc/UN5R-D82L]. Roberts has also received payment as a consultant for the FPHS. The Football Players Health Study was created pursuant to an agreement between Harvard University and the National Football League Players Association (227) 228 University of Pennsylvania Law Review [Vol.
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