Barnesville Economic Dev. Authority Willow Creek Insurance Agency Congratulates… Congratulates… Emily Noel Nicolas Reed Spilde Swenson Daughter of Eric and Rhonda Spilde Son of Grant and Nicole Swenson Plans After Graduation… HONOR Attend NDSU to pursue a degree in STUDENT Plans After Graduation… business administration Attend Minnesota State University Moorhead for BHS Activities - Basketball, Volleyball, Track, Annual business administration with emphasis Staff, Concert Band, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Class on marketing and management Officer, Student Council, Econ Challenge, NHS, Math BHS Activities - Basketball, Football, Track, Musical League, Renaissance, Spanish Club, Book Club Dean’s Bulk Service Dean’s Bulk Service Congratulates… Congratulates… Luke Ryan Natalie Louise Tonsfeldt Votava Daughter of Jeff and Ronda Votava, Son of Ryan and Michelle Tonsfeldt Amber Votava and Derek Hanson Plans After Graduation… Attend the U of M TC to study ecology, HONOR Plans After Graduation… evolution and behavioral biology STUDENT Attend North Dakota State College BHS Activities - Golf, Chamber Choir, of Science for dental hygiene Bards, Knowledge Bowl, Student Council, Econ Challenge, River Watch, Musical, NHS, Spanish Club, BHS Activities - Volleyball, Track, Fastpitch Softball, One Act Play, Robotics, Book Club, Drama Club Concert Band, Class Officer, River Watch, Renaissance Oh Baby EMILY SPILDE NICOLAS SWENSON LUKE TONSFELDT NATALIE VOTAVA CONGRATULATIONS GRADUATES! Grad Tab Is A Publication Of The Barnesville Record-Review 424 Front St S, Barnesville, MN • 218 354-2606 • 218 354-2259 • Gene Prim, Publisher
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