Toronto Taxpayers Coalition 2014 Councillor Report Card

Rob Ford

Mayor of GRADE:


Supported Scarborough Subway

Supported Coalition petition to cut council in half

Supported elimination of $2 million spending increase

Supported eliminating council general expense budgets

Supported report on reducing land transfer tax by 5%

COMMENTS Mayor Ford presided over a remarkable term of council, enjoying many policy victories to deliver savings but re- mained unable to deliver on several key promis- es. Penalized for some bad behaviour.

The Toronto Taxpayers Coalition is a non- partisan advocate for lower taxes and reduced spending. Find out more and join today at Toronto Taxpayers Coalition 2014 Councillor Report Card

Vincent Crisanti

Ward 1 North GRADE:


Supported Scarborough Subway

Supported Coalition petition to cut council in half

Supported elimination of $2 million spending increase

Supported eliminating council general expense budgets

Supported report on reducing land transfer tax by 5%

COMMENTS Councillor Crisanti remains a champion of Coalition initia- tives, but we would like him to be a more vocal advocate during council debates and in the media.

The Toronto Taxpayers Coalition is a non- partisan advocate for lower taxes and reduced spending. Find out more and join today at Toronto Taxpayers Coalition 2014 Councillor Report Card

Doug Ford

Ward 2 Etobicoke North GRADE:


Supported Scarborough Subway

Supported Coalition petition to cut council in half

Supported elimination of $2 million spending increase

Supported eliminating council general expense budgets

Supported report on reducing land transfer tax by 5%

COMMENTS Councillor Ford is a tireless advocate for taxpayers but continues to be baited by political adversaries. Our advice is to take the high road and ignore Councillors who seek to corner him in a fight.

The Toronto Taxpayers Coalition is a non- partisan advocate for lower taxes and reduced spending. Find out more and join today at Toronto Taxpayers Coalition 2014 Councillor Report Card

Doug Holyday

Ward 3 Etobicoke Centre GRADE:


Supported Scarborough Subway

Supported Coalition Petition to cut council in half

Resigned ahead of vote on $2 million spending increase

Resigned ahead of vote on council general expense budgets

Resigned ahead of vote on reducing land transfer tax by 5%

COMMENTS Councillor Holyday remains an example of what other poli- ticians should strive to be. A true statesman.

The Toronto Taxpayers Coalition is a non- partisan advocate for lower taxes and reduced spending. Find out more and join today at Toronto Taxpayers Coalition 2014 Councillor Report Card

Peter Leon

Ward 3 Etobicoke Centre GRADE:


Not on council for vote on Scarborough Subway

Not on council for vote on Coalition Petition to cut council

Opposed elimination of $2 million spending increase

Opposed eliminating council general expense budgets

Supported report on reducing land transfer tax by 5%

COMMENTS Councillor Leon wasn’t around long enough to grade him on his term, but cast votes that would both hurt and help taxpayers at various times during his short tenure on council.

The Toronto Taxpayers Coalition is a non- partisan advocate for lower taxes and reduced spending. Find out more and join today at Toronto Taxpayers Coalition 2014 Councillor Report Card

Gloria Lindsay Luby

Ward 4 Etobicoke Centre GRADE:


Opposed Scarborough Subway

Opposed Coalition petition to cut council in half

Opposed elimination of $2 million spending increase

Opposed eliminating council general expense budget

Supported report on reducing land transfer tax by 5%

COMMENTS During debate on our petition to cut council in half, Coun- cillor Lindsay Luby referred to “The City of Toronto Act”, approved under her watch, as “a law out of the 1930’s.” Oops!

The Toronto Taxpayers Coalition is a non- partisan advocate for lower taxes and reduced spending. Find out more and join today at Toronto Taxpayers Coalition 2014 Councillor Report Card

Peter Milczyn

Ward 5 Etobicoke-Lakeshore GRADE:


Supported Scarborough Subway

Supported Coalition petition to cut council in half

Opposed elimination of $2 million spending increase

Supported eliminating council general expense budgets

Supported report on reducing land transfer tax by 5%

COMMENTS Councillor Milczyn fought for tax cuts, supported subway investment, and supported our efforts to reduce the size of city council. His efforts were very much appreciated.

The Toronto Taxpayers Coalition is a non- partisan advocate for lower taxes and reduced spending. Find out more and join today at Toronto Taxpayers Coalition 2014 Councillor Report Card

James Maloney

Ward 5 Etobicoke-Lakeshore GRADE:


Not on council for vote on Scarborough Subway

Not on council for vote on Coalition Petition to cut council

Not on council for vote to eliminate $2 million spending

Not on council for vote on council general expense budgets

Not on council for vote on report reducing land transfer tax

COMMENTS Councillor Maloney’s recent appointment to council pre- vents us from adequately grading his term.

The Toronto Taxpayers Coalition is a non- partisan advocate for lower taxes and reduced spending. Find out more and join today at Toronto Taxpayers Coalition 2014 Councillor Report Card

Mark Grimes

Ward 6 Etobicoke-Lakeshore GRADE:


Supported Scarborough Subway

Absent for vote to cut council in half

Opposed elimination of $2 million spending increase

Opposed eliminating council general expense budgets

Opposed report on reducing land transfer tax by 5%

COMMENTS Traditionally a supporter of lower tax measures, Councillor Grimes voted against a handful of ideas designed to save taxpayers money. Kudos for voting to invest in expanding Toronto’s subway network in Scarborough.

The Toronto Taxpayers Coalition is a non- partisan advocate for lower taxes and reduced spending. Find out more and join today at Toronto Taxpayers Coalition 2014 Councillor Report Card

Giorgio Mammoliti

Ward 7 York-West GRADE:


Absent for vote on Scarborough Subway

Absent for vote to cut council in half

Supported elimination of $2 million spending increase

Supported eliminating council general expense budgets

Absent for vote on report to reduce land transfer tax

COMMENTS Councillor Mammoliti continues to be a colourful member of council known equally for fighting taxes as he is for an- tagonizing colleagues.

The Toronto Taxpayers Coalition is a non- partisan advocate for lower taxes and reduced spending. Find out more and join today at Toronto Taxpayers Coalition 2014 Councillor Report Card

Anthony Perruzza

Ward 8 York-West GRADE:


Supported Scarborough Subway

Opposed Coalition petition to cut council in half

Opposed elimination of $2 million spending increase

Opposed elimination council general measures

Supported report on reducing land transfer tax by 5%

COMMENTS Councillor Perruzza’s term has been generally low key, but his support of wise public transit investment in the city and willingness to consider reducing the Land Transfer Tax has been appreciated.

The Toronto Taxpayers Coalition is a non- partisan advocate for lower taxes and reduced spending. Find out more and join today at Toronto Taxpayers Coalition 2014 Councillor Report Card

Maria Augimeri

Ward 9 York Centre GRADE:


Opposed Scarborough Subway

Opposed Coalition petition to cut council in half

Opposed elimination of $2 million spending increase

Opposed eliminating council general expense budgets

Opposed report on reducing land transfer tax by 5%

COMMENTS Councillor Augimeri supported our most important effort, to cut council in half, and we commend her for it. Unfortunately we didn’t receive much support from her otherwise.

The Toronto Taxpayers Coalition is a non- partisan advocate for lower taxes and reduced spending. Find out more and join today at Toronto Taxpayers Coalition 2014 Councillor Report Card

James Pasternak

Ward 10 York Centre GRADE:


Supported Scarborough Subway

Opposed Coalition Petition to cut council in half

Opposed elimination of $2 million spending increase

Opposed eliminating council general expense budgets

Supported report on reducing land transfer tax by 5%

COMMENTS Councillor Pasternak always conducts himself with profes- sionalism and remains an advocate for lower taxes and for subway expansion in Toronto.

The Toronto Taxpayers Coalition is a non- partisan advocate for lower taxes and reduced spending. Find out more and join today at Toronto Taxpayers Coalition 2014 Councillor Report Card

Frances Nunziata

Ward 11 York South-Weston GRADE:


Supported Scarborough Subway

Supported Coalition petition to cut council in half

Supported elimination of $2 million spending increase

Opposed eliminating council general expense budgets

Supported Report on reducing land transfer tax by 5%

COMMENTS Councillor Nunziata has faced much criticism this term – but not from us. She did a tremendous job herding cats as speaker of a divisive council through unprecedented circumstances.

The Toronto Taxpayers Coalition is a non- partisan advocate for lower taxes and reduced spending. Find out more and join today at Toronto Taxpayers Coalition 2014 Councillor Report Card

Frank Di Giorgio

Ward 12 York South-Weston GRADE:


Supported Scarborough Subway

Supported Coalition petition to cut council in half

Supported elimination of $2 million spending increases

Supported eliminating council general expense budgets

Supported report on reducing land transfer tax by 5%

COMMENTS We were concerned with Councillor Di Giorgio’s asser- tions he wouldn’t conduct “line by line reviews” after taking over as budget chief. Despite this, he remained dedicated to trying to save taxpayers money.

The Toronto Taxpayers Coalition is a non- partisan advocate for lower taxes and reduced spending. Find out more and join today at Toronto Taxpayers Coalition 2014 Councillor Report Card

Sarah Doucette

Ward 13 Parkdale High-Park GRADE:


Opposed Scarborough Subway

Opposed coalition petition to cut council in half

Opposed elimination of $2 million spending increase

Opposed eliminating council general expense budgets

Opposed report on reducing the land transfer tax

COMMENTS After finding private money to rebuild a vandalized play- ground, Councillor Doucette jumped back into the higher spending camp down at City Hall. That being said, she’s a pleasant and respectful person to debate ideas with.

The Toronto Taxpayers Coalition is a non- partisan advocate for lower taxes and reduced spending. Find out more and join today at Toronto Taxpayers Coalition 2014 Councillor Report Card

Gord Perks

Ward 14 Parkdale High-Park GRADE:


Opposed Scarborough subway

Opposed coalition petition to cut council in half

Opposed elimination of $2 million spending increase

Opposed eliminating council general expense budgets

Opposed report on reducing land transfer tax by 5%

COMMENTS Councillor Perks continues to support any tax hike and any spending increase. His behaviour towards other Councillors has improved towards the end of the term.

The Toronto Taxpayers Coalition is a non- partisan advocate for lower taxes and reduced spending. Find out more and join today at Toronto Taxpayers Coalition 2014 Councillor Report Card

Josh Colle

Ward 15 Eglinton-Lawrence GRADE:


Supported Scarborough Subway

Absent for vote to cut council in half

Opposed elimination of $2 million spending increase

Opposed eliminating council general expense budget

Supported report on reducing land transfer tax by 5%

COMMENTS Councillor Colle started the term rocky but quickly grew in- to a key mediator, and supported several efforts to reduce the tax burden on Torontonians.

The Toronto Taxpayers Coalition is a non- partisan advocate for lower taxes and reduced spending. Find out more and join today at Toronto Taxpayers Coalition 2014 Councillor Report Card

Karen Stintz

Ward 16 Eglinton-Lawrence GRADE:


Supported Scarborough Subway

Opposed Coalition petition to cut council in half

Opposed elimination of $2 million spending increase

Opposed eliminating council general expense budgets

Supported report on reducing land transfer tax by 5%

COMMENTS Councillor Stintz came around to support the Scarborough Subway, and put forward some great ideas in her mayoral campaign. Support on more initiatives would have been appreciated.

The Toronto Taxpayers Coalition is a non- partisan advocate for lower taxes and reduced spending. Find out more and join today at Toronto Taxpayers Coalition 2014 Councillor Report Card

Cesar Palacio

Ward 17 Davenport GRADE:


Supported Scarborough Subway

Supported Coalition petition to cut council in half

Opposed elimination of $2 million spending increase

Opposed eliminating council general expense budgets

Supported report on reducing land transfer tax by 5%

COMMENTS Councillor Palacio strongly championed the Coalition peti- tion to reduce the size of council and demonstrated prov- en leadership skills on a number of key initiatives.

The Toronto Taxpayers Coalition is a non- partisan advocate for lower taxes and reduced spending. Find out more and join today at Toronto Taxpayers Coalition 2014 Councillor Report Card

Ana Bailão

Ward 18 Davenport GRADE:


Supported Scarborough Subway

Opposed coalition petition to cut council in half

Opposed elimination of $2 million spending increase

Opposed eliminating council general budgets

Opposed report on reducing land transfer tax by 5%

COMMENTS Councillor Bailão showed great strength in supporting the Scarborough Subway as a Councillor from Davenport, but more support for initiatives to lower the tax burden would be appreciated.

The Toronto Taxpayers Coalition is a non- partisan advocate for lower taxes and reduced spending. Find out more and join today at Toronto Taxpayers Coalition 2014 Councillor Report Card

Mike Layton

Ward 19 Trinity Spadina GRADE:


Opposed Scarborough Subway

Opposed coalition petition to cut coalition in half

Opposed elimination of $2 million spending increase

Opposed eliminating council general expense budgets

Opposed report on reducing land transfer tax by 5%

COMMENTS Councillor Layton was a gentleman throughout the whole term, and when found in violation of Council’s Code of Conduct, immediately apologized for his remarks. His heart is in the right place – unfortunately his votes aren’t.

The Toronto Taxpayers Coalition is a non- partisan advocate for lower taxes and reduced spending. Find out more and join today at Toronto Taxpayers Coalition 2014 Councillor Report Card

Adam Vaughan

Ward 20 Trinity Spadina GRADE:


Opposed Scarborough Subway

Opposed coalition petition to cut council in half

Opposed elimination of $2 million spending increase

Opposed eliminating council general expense budgets

Opposed report on reducing land transfer tax by 5%|

COMMENTS Councillor Vaughan’s legacy includes fostering a poison- ous atmosphere and slandering Toronto Taxpayers Coali- tion in retribution for being found guilty of violating Coun- cil’s Code of Conduct.

The Toronto Taxpayers Coalition is a non- partisan advocate for lower taxes and reduced spending. Find out more and join today at Toronto Taxpayers Coalition 2014 Councillor Report Card

Ceta Ramkhalawansingh

Ward 20 Trinity Spadina GRADE:


Not on council for vote on Scarborough Subway

Not on council for vote on Coalition Petition to cut council

Not on council for vote to eliminate $2 million spending

Not on council for vote on council general expense budgets

Not on council for vote on report reducing land transfer tax

COMMENTS Councillor Ramkhalawansingh’s recent appointment to council prevents us from adequately grading her term.

The Toronto Taxpayers Coalition is a non- partisan advocate for lower taxes and reduced spending. Find out more and join today at Toronto Taxpayers Coalition 2014 Councillor Report Card

Joe Mihevc

Ward 21 St. Paul’s GRADE:


Supported Scarborough Subway

Opposed coalition petition to cut council in half

Opposed elimination of $2 million spending increase

Opposed eliminating council general expense budgets

Opposed report on reducing land transfer tax by 5%

COMMENTS Councillor Mihevc wisely supported the Scarborough sub- way, but bird-brained ideas like backyard chicken farms and voting against proposed spending cuts and tax cuts prevents a higher grade.

The Toronto Taxpayers Coalition is a non- partisan advocate for lower taxes and reduced spending. Find out more and join today at Toronto Taxpayers Coalition 2014 Councillor Report Card

Josh Matlow

Ward 22 St. Paul’s GRADE:


Voted against Scarborough Subway

Opposed coalition petition to cut council in half

Opposed elimination of $2 million spending increase

Opposed eliminating council general expense budgets

Supported report on reducing land transfer tax by 5%

COMMENTS Councillor Matlow’s motion secured emergency funds from the province for storm cleanup. While he regrettably didn’t support efforts to cut council in half, he argued strongly against prematurely ending the debate.

The Toronto Taxpayers Coalition is a non- partisan advocate for lower taxes and reduced spending. Find out more and join today at Toronto Taxpayers Coalition 2014 Councillor Report Card

John Filion

Ward 23 Willowdale GRADE:


Opposed Scarborough Subway

Opposed Coalition petition to cut council in half

Opposed elimination of $2 million spending increases

Opposed eliminating council general expense budget

Opposed report on reducing land transfer by 5%

COMMENTS It’s one thing to vote against taxpayers on almost every- thing, but recent comments degrading election opponents for their race is unbecoming of a public office holder.

The Toronto Taxpayers Coalition is a non- partisan advocate for lower taxes and reduced spending. Find out more and join today at Toronto Taxpayers Coalition 2014 Councillor Report Card

David Shiner

Ward 24 Willowdale GRADE:


Supported Scarborough Subway

Supported Coalition petition to cut council in half

Opposed elimination of $2 million spending increase

Supported eliminating council general expense budget

Supported Report on reducing land transfer tax by 5%

COMMENTS Councillor Shiner may have led the unfortunate idea to ban plastic bags, but he otherwise backed votes to reduce the cost of living for Toronto’s taxpayers.

The Toronto Taxpayers Coalition is a non- partisan advocate for lower taxes and reduced spending. Find out more and join today at Toronto Taxpayers Coalition 2014 Councillor Report Card

Jaye Robinson

Ward 25 Don Valley West GRADE:


Opposed Scarborough Subway

Absent for vote to cut council in half

Opposed elimination of $2 million spending increase

Supported eliminating council general expense budgets

Opposed report on reducing land transfer tax for 5%

COMMENTS Councillor Robinson had a positive rookie term, but more support for reducing taxes and lowering spending would be desired.

The Toronto Taxpayers Coalition is a non- partisan advocate for lower taxes and reduced spending. Find out more and join today at Toronto Taxpayers Coalition 2014 Councillor Report Card

John Parker

Ward 26 Don Valley West GRADE:


Opposed Scarborough Subway

Opposed coalition petition to cut council in half

Opposed elimination of $2 million spending increase

Opposed eliminating council general expense budgets

Opposed report on reducing land transfer by 5%

COMMENTS Councillor Parker started the term strongly and has done great work as deputy council speaker, but we’re not sure what happened to his initial support for fiscally conserva- tive values.

The Toronto Taxpayers Coalition is a non- partisan advocate for lower taxes and reduced spending. Find out more and join today at Toronto Taxpayers Coalition 2014 Councillor Report Card

Kristyn Wong-Tam

Ward 27 Toronto Centre-Rosedale GRADE:


Opposed Scarborough Subway

Opposed Coalition petition to cut council in half

Opposed elimination of $2 million spending increase

Opposed eliminating council general expense budgets

Opposed report on reducing land transfer tax by 5%

COMMENTS Councillor Wong-Tam’s flip flop on the land transfer tax means her positive demeanour is her only saving grace.

The Toronto Taxpayers Coalition is a non- partisan advocate for lower taxes and reduced spending. Find out more and join today at Toronto Taxpayers Coalition 2014 Councillor Report Card

Pam McConnell

Ward 28 Toronto Centre-Rosedale GRADE:


Opposed Scarborough Subway

Opposed Coalition petition to cut council in half

Opposed elimination of $2 million spending increase

Opposed eliminating council general expense budget

Opposed report on reducing land transfer tax by 5%

COMMENTS We’ve thankfully had no more “slavery” comments from Councillor McConnell, but her voting record has remained strongly against the Coalition’s initiatives.

The Toronto Taxpayers Coalition is a non- partisan advocate for lower taxes and reduced spending. Find out more and join today at Toronto Taxpayers Coalition 2014 Councillor Report Card

Mary Fragedakis

Ward 29 Toronto-Danforth GRADE:


Supported Scarborough Subway

Opposed coalition petition to cut council in half

Opposed elimination of $2 million spending increase

Opposed eliminating council general expense budget

Opposed report on reducing land transfer tax by 5%

COMMENTS Councillor Fragedakis must be commended for supporting the Scarborough subway, despite other votes against Co- alition efforts and causes.

The Toronto Taxpayers Coalition is a non- partisan advocate for lower taxes and reduced spending. Find out more and join today at Toronto Taxpayers Coalition 2014 Councillor Report Card

Paula Fletcher

Ward 30 Toronto-Danforth GRADE:


Opposed Scarborough Subway

Opposed coalition petition to cut council in half

Opposed elimination of $2 million spending increase

Opposed eliminating council general expense budget

Opposed report on reducing land transfer tax by 5%

COMMENTS Councillor Fletcher is a consistent vote against tax cuts and in favour of greater spending - perhaps not surprising from the former leader of the Communist Party of Manito- ba.

The Toronto Taxpayers Coalition is a non- partisan advocate for lower taxes and reduced spending. Find out more and join today at Toronto Taxpayers Coalition 2014 Councillor Report Card

Janet Davis

Ward 31 Beaches-East York GRADE:


Opposed Scarborough Subway

Absent for vote to cut council in half

Opposed elimination of $2 million spending increase

Opposed eliminating council general expense budgets

Opposed report on reducing land transfer tax by 5%

COMMENTS Councillor Davis’ term has been defined by repeated calls for higher taxes, being kicked out of meetings for poor be- haviour, and dropping F-bombs in council.

The Toronto Taxpayers Coalition is a non- partisan advocate for lower taxes and reduced spending. Find out more and join today at Toronto Taxpayers Coalition 2014 Councillor Report Card

Mary-Margaret McMahon

Ward 32 Beaches-East York GRADE:


Supported Scarborough Subway

Absent for vote to cut council in half

Opposed elimination of $2 million spending increase

Opposed eliminating council general expense budgets

Opposed report on reducing land transfer tax by 5%

COMMENTS At midterm, we called on Councillor McMahon to put more consideration into her votes. While she did support the Scarborough Subway, unfortunately not much else has changed.

The Toronto Taxpayers Coalition is a non- partisan advocate for lower taxes and reduced spending. Find out more and join today at Toronto Taxpayers Coalition 2014 Councillor Report Card

Shelley Carroll

Ward 33 Don Valley East GRADE:


Opposed Scarborough Subway

Opposed coalition petition to cut council in half

Opposed elimination of $2 million spending increase

Opposed eliminating council general expense budgets

Opposed report on reducing land transfer tax by 5%

COMMENTS Councillor Carroll has a great understanding of the city budget having served as David Miller’s budget chief but seems to still have a 2006 view of city finances.

The Toronto Taxpayers Coalition is a non- partisan advocate for lower taxes and reduced spending. Find out more and join today at Toronto Taxpayers Coalition 2014 Councillor Report Card

Denzil Minnan-Wong

Ward 34 Don Valley East GRADE:


Opposed Scarborough Subway

Absent for vote to cut council in half

Opposed elimination of $2 million spending increase

Supported eliminating council general expense budget

Opposed Report on reducing land transfer tax by 5%

COMMENTS Councillor Minnan-Wong is a steadfast supporter of lower taxes but made a few mistakes voting at council this term. Excellent work unearthing questionable spending by Waterfront Toronto.

The Toronto Taxpayers Coalition is a non- partisan advocate for lower taxes and reduced spending. Find out more and join today at Toronto Taxpayers Coalition 2014 Councillor Report Card

Michelle Berardinetti

Ward 35 Scarborough Southwest GRADE:


Supported Scarborough Subway

Opposed Coalition petition to cut council in half

Opposed elimination of $2 million spending increase

Opposed eliminating council general expense budget

Opposed report on reducing land transfer tax by 5%

COMMENTS Councillor Berardinetti started the term strong but quickly changed tune when it became politically expedient.

The Toronto Taxpayers Coalition is a non- partisan advocate for lower taxes and reduced spending. Find out more and join today at Toronto Taxpayers Coalition 2014 Councillor Report Card

Gary Crawford

Ward 36 Scarborough Southwest GRADE:


Voted for subways on Eglinton and Sheppard

Supported Coaliition petition to cut council in half

Opposed elimination of $2 million spending increase

Opposed eliminating council general expense budgets

Supported report on reducing land transfer tax by 5%

COMMENTS Councillor Crawford is a determined tax-fighter and his votes reflect that more often than not.

The Toronto Taxpayers Coalition is a non- partisan advocate for lower taxes and reduced spending. Find out more and join today at Toronto Taxpayers Coalition 2014 Councillor Report Card

Michael Thompson

Ward 37 Scarborough Centre GRADE:


Supported Scarborough Subway

Opposed coalition petition to cut council in half

Opposed elimination of $2 million spending increase

Opposed eliminating council general expense budgets

Opposed report on reducing land transfer tax by 5%

COMMENTS Councillor Thompson traditionally fights to support the little guy, so some of his votes were surprising and disappoint- ing.

The Toronto Taxpayers Coalition is a non- partisan advocate for lower taxes and reduced spending. Find out more and join today at Toronto Taxpayers Coalition 2014 Councillor Report Card

Glenn De Baeremaeker

Ward 38 Scarborough Centre GRADE:


Supported Scarborough Subway

Opposed coalition petition to cut council in half

Opposed elimination of $2 million spending increase

Opposed eliminating council general expense budgets

Opposed report on reducing land transfer tax by 5%

COMMENTS Councillor De Baeremaeker finally came around on the Scarborough subway, but having continued to vote against tax cuts we think the subway vote may have been a cyni- cal election ploy.

The Toronto Taxpayers Coalition is a non- partisan advocate for lower taxes and reduced spending. Find out more and join today at Toronto Taxpayers Coalition 2014 Councillor Report Card

Mike Del Grande

Ward 39 Scarborough-Agincourt GRADE:


Supported Scarborough Subway

Supported Coalition petition to cut council in half

Supported elimination of $2 million spending increase

Opposed eliminating council general expense budgets

Supported Report on reducing land transfer tax by 5%

COMMENTS Councillor Del Grande’s approach to the city finances was to cut through the crap and bluntly tell it like it is. A tire- less worker and a shining example for all politicians.

The Toronto Taxpayers Coalition is a non- partisan advocate for lower taxes and reduced spending. Find out more and join today at Toronto Taxpayers Coalition 2014 Councillor Report Card

Norm Kelly

Ward 40 Scarborough-Agincourt GRADE:


Supported Scarborough Subway

Opposed coalition petition to cut council in half

Opposed elimination of $2 million spending increase

Opposed eliminating council general expense budgets

Opposed report on reducing land transfer tax by 5%

COMMENTS Councillor Kelly’s lack of support on key Coalition initia- tives was disappointing, but deserves credit for taking on additional responsibility during the Mayor’s leave of ab- sence.

The Toronto Taxpayers Coalition is a non- partisan advocate for lower taxes and reduced spending. Find out more and join today at Toronto Taxpayers Coalition 2014 Councillor Report Card

Chin Lee

Ward 41 Scarborough-Rouge River GRADE:


Supported Scarborough Subway

Opposed Coalition petition to cut council in half

Opposed elimination of $2 million spending increase

Opposed eliminating council general expense budgets

Supported report on reducing land transfer tax by 5%

COMMENTS Councillor Lee is a very quiet Councillor. Aside from sup- porting the Scarborough subway out of political necessity, he unfortunately didn’t stand out much from the crowd.

The Toronto Taxpayers Coalition is a non- partisan advocate for lower taxes and reduced spending. Find out more and join today at Toronto Taxpayers Coalition 2014 Councillor Report Card

Raymond Cho

Ward 42 Scarborough-Rouge River GRADE:


Supported Scarborough subway

Opposed Coalition petition to cut council in half

Opposed elimination of $2 million spending increase

Opposed eliminating general council budget

Opposed Report on eliminating land transfer tax

COMMENTS Councillor Cho started the term rocky by misleading his constituents about a Toronto Taxpayers Coalition event, and ultimately failed to support most of our key initiatives.

The Toronto Taxpayers Coalition is a non- partisan advocate for lower taxes and reduced spending. Find out more and join today at Toronto Taxpayers Coalition 2014 Councillor Report Card

Paul Ainslie

Ward 43 Scarborough East GRADE:


Supported Scarborough Subway

Opposed coalition petition to cut council in half

Opposed elimination of $2 million spending increase

Opposed eliminating council general expense budget

Supported report on reducing land transfer tax by 5%

COMMENTS Councillor Ainslie enjoyed antagonizing our members via email on our OMB challenge, and betrayed a surprising lack of understanding of the whole process throughout.

The Toronto Taxpayers Coalition is a non- partisan advocate for lower taxes and reduced spending. Find out more and join today at Toronto Taxpayers Coalition 2014 Councillor Report Card

Ron Moeser

Ward 44 Scarborough East GRADE:


Supported Scarborough Subway

Supported Coalition petition to cut council in half

Supported elimination of $2 million spending increase

Opposed eliminating council general expense budgets

Opposed report on reducing land transfer tax by 5%

COMMENTS We’re happy to see Councillor Moeser healthy again, and contributing to the effort to reduce the cost of living on To- ronto taxpayers. We would hope for him to be a more vo- cal advocate.

The Toronto Taxpayers Coalition is a non- partisan advocate for lower taxes and reduced spending. Find out more and join today at