Kennedy Orders Speedup in Polaris Missiles In
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FUr aad .eoM toBigM. h n r to io Mow. Tueeday fBb, h MemlMr «f th« Andit what ndldor. High aroasd M.‘ . BorMHi of CIrentetlOB Mtmche$ter~^A City of tillage Charm VOL. LXXX, NO. 101 (FOURTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, dONN., MONDAY, JANUARY 30, 1961 (Claoslfled Advertlolng ob Page It) PRICE n V E CENTS Kennedy Orders Speedup in Polaris V - Missiles in ‘Hour of National Emergeney’ Tomorrow in Recife, Brazil State News Tell^ of Red Threat Ship Rebels Anxious Roundup T * _ _ _ _ _ In Report to Nation Caution Urged To Land Passengers Washington, Jan. 30 (ff')—President Kenney told CJongres* 3 On Hasty Tax today he has ordered a speedtip in the Polaris subinarine and missiles programs and bolstering of other U.S. military pow Recife, Brazil, Jan. 30 (/?)• A also indicated he would not lyiove to seize the liner for its Portu Aid for NHRR er. Capt. Henrique Galvao said guese owners, as the outgoing ad Somberly, he said to a joint Senate-House session this is today he is ready and anxious ministration of President Juscellno Hartford, Jan. 30 (/P)—A “an hour of national peril and national emergeiuaf” with the to land the passengers of the Kubitachek has threatened. red flag of caution on grant Communist tide running strongly against Ameri(». hijacked liner Santa Maria, in Further reassurance was ra ing tax relief to the New Ha And, in a State of the Union Message delivered personally, Recife tomorrow. dioed to Galvao today by Go^. ven Railroad too hastily was the new President painted a dark picture too of the doinesric The leader of the rebel band Carlos Lacerda of Guanabara aboard the seized Portuguese liner State (Rio de Janeiro)..Lacerda. a raised today by State Rep. scene and outlined a series of measures he wants to revitalize so advised reporters and U.S. naval Quadros associate, said he had Nicholas B. Eddy, Republican an economy he said has been in recession for seven mon&s. officers aboard a plane circling the discussed the situation with the of New Hartforcl. These included improved unemployment compensation, liner off this Brazilian port. Incoming foreign and navy min The chairman of the House more food for the families of the unemployed, aid for devel Galvao said he hopes to facili isters. He told Galvao: Judiciary Committee said that he opment of distressed areas, stimulation of housing and con tate the transfer of the approxi "President Janio has declared to is "willing to help the railroad” mate 600 passengers so that they the press that he will assure dis but that he "does not have much struction, a higher minimum wage, tax incentives for plant may continue their journeys — embarkation of passengers, polit confidence in the railroad's man investment and health care for the aged under social security. after a detour of eight days and ical asylum for you and your agement." He proposed a new department of housing and urban af 2,0OO miles. companions, as well as to main He said he did not see any rea fairs to handle the housing program. 'Janlo Quadros, who becomes tain you in command of the ship( son for "rushing through" tax The Senators and House members gathered in the House president of Brazil at noon tomor Santa Maria.' V relief when payment of the first row, has given Galvao an assur Lacerda said this was not (^installment of the railroad’s state chamber to hear Kennedy report on the 'dew he holds of the ance that as an old friend he can ^ '^ ta x this year is not due Until June national situation as he found it on taking office Jan. 20. find a haven in Brazil, Quadros (Continued on Page Thirteen) 15. His one sentence sumup was this: A GOP caucus on Railroad tax “No man entering this office . could fail to be staggered relief bills is scheduled Tuesday. The Interstate Staff Committee upon learning—even in this brief 10-day period—the harsh on the New Haven Railorad. he enormity of the trials through which we must pass in the next noted, is working on the form of an four years.” . ^ T H. B, House Dies; agreement with the railorad for And, at another point, he de continuing and improving service. clared: "The legislature ought to know "Before my term has ended, we GOP Deplores, the precise terms of this agree shall have to test anew whether s Retired Merchant ment before It agrees to tax re- nation governed and organized Jlef.” he said. The GOP platform sT’ch as ours can endure. The out Dark Picture calls for repeal of the entire gross come is by no means certain. The earnings tax. the largest tax the Herbert B. House, retired presi-^and finally to the present site at the answers are by no means clear.” By President comer of Oak and Main Sts. railorad pays in the state. In re Along with the Congress mem- dent of House and Hale Corp. cent years it has amounted to bers, those in the House chamber died yesterday at the age of 83 at Fire destroyed this business block about 81.2 million. Washington, Jan. SO (ff’)—'The his home, 201 E. Center St., after in 1909. The'business continued in Included the justices of the Su a temporary structure in the rear Eddy’s lack of confidence in rail preme Court, the cabinet and mem initial Repiibllcan reactions in. a brief illness. bers of the diplomatic corps. Congpress to President Kennedy’s . Mr. House had been a Main St. of the block on Oak St. The pres road management is also shared by President Kennedy delivers his initial SUte of the Union message to Congress meeting in Stats of the Union Message today merchant since 1904 in a business ent building was completed the fol t^o other legislators who have joint session today in the House chamber. (AP Photofax), Galleries were packed, the dresses ot women making bright were mlid praise and expressions founded in 18S3 by his grand lowing year. a apoken out or filed hills relating to of deep resentment at the dark pic father, Edwin M. House. Five gen In October 1904, Mr. House mar- the railorad tax relief. spots of color. One of them was Mrs. Kennedy. ture he paintedi|^f the nation's ' erations of the House family par State Sen. Prank J. Diloreto, econotny. ’ ticipated in the business during (CoBtlnued oa Page Sevea); Democrat of New Britain said he Olimp to Test Showdown Vote Tuesday She arrived about 10 minutes be Demberats, as expected, m re its 107-year histACf_Jl|i .Mwu^fees- would file a hUl : fore the President .came into the high In their praise of' tni *'ad ter. Hik son. Charles g. Hcmay of o^nR utt^W p for the railroad, chamber. As she made her way to dress, using such words as chal Manchener, now a Superior Court flrae Imateeship should be estab ^~ental Activity a reserved gallery seat, the Con lenging, inspiring, remarkable. judge, had also served as president Miss Reynolds lished before the legislature votes Kennedy Stresses Need gress members arose and applaud Sen. Thruston B. Morton of I of the corporation and later as a tax relief, he said. In this way, he ed. Kentucky, the RepubliOftn national director and consultant. added, loss of tax revenues can be In Space Hop Mrs. Kennedy responded with a diairman, said that on the whole The business was sold in Jtme Dies; Retired compensated by assurance that couple of bo«’s before taking her Kennedy "made a frank and forth 1960 to Thomas J. McCann. Frank e v e i^ in g pos.sible will be done By .'ILTON BLAKESLEE Of Expanded Rules Unit seat. She was wearing a plum- right statement of the situation.” P. McCann and Sylvester McCann, to Improve aejwice. Cape ^Clapaveral, Fla., Jan. 30 colored suit and black pillbox hat. But he said the President’s analy who stiU operate the store under Social Worker State Rep. Thomas E. Kelly, Many of the Congress membera sis of the domestic situation is too the name. House, and Hale. Democrat of East Haven, has in (jW—A very smart young earthling Washington, Jan. 30 (/Pi—Preal-^>way can be foimd to let all House had white carnations in a lapel black and "too negative." Mr. Rouse was bom in Man IS J troduced S' bill for establishment of soon will test whether the brain dent Kennedy was reported today members vote on major legislation button-hole. These were- In honor Sen. George D. Aiken, R-'Vt chester, Jan. 23, 18^8, son of tired i^ ia l service worker for the a special state commission to moni clicks along normally or goes hay to feel that defeat in tomorrow’s the administration supports. of the birthday of Franklin D. Roo Charles E. and Oraise Bissell Town Welfare Department, died tor the railroad's operation and re wire in space flight. showdown vote on a plan to en Kennedy was reported today to sevelt. (Continued on Page Seven) House. He was a member of the port back to the legislature. He large the House Rules Commit be refraining fi'om doing any per There was applause too when first graduating class at Man Saturday at the Oestfield Conva said today that it could be amend This earthling will be a chim lescent Home after a long Illness. panzee, one of man’s closest cou tee would seriously impair his ad sonal missionary work among Mrs.