Parity Non-Conservation in Atoms L.M

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Parity Non-Conservation in Atoms L.M INIJ. •®'82 Dl OF THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE '82 14-19 JUNE, 1982 BALATONFURED, HUNGARY EDITORS A. FRENKEL LJENIK BUDAPEST, 1982 III. CONTENTS Volume I ! -4- OPENING ADDRESS NEUTRINO OSCILLATION SEARCH FOR NEUTRINO OSCILLATIONS - A PROGRESS REPORT R. L. Mös sbauer 1 SEARCH FOR NEUTRINO OSCILLATION F. Reines Suppl NEUTRINO OSCILLATION EXPERIMENTS ON AMERICAN ACCELERATORS C. Baltay , Suppl PAST AND FUTURE OSCILLATION EXPERIMENTS IN CERN NEUTRINO BEAMS H. Wachsmuth 13 DETECTION OF MATTER EFFECTS ON NEUTRINO OSCILLATIONS BY DUMAND R.J. Oakes 23 LARGE AMPLITUDE NEUTRINO OSCILLATIONS WITH MAJORANA MASS EIGENSTATES? B. Pontecorvo 35 TRULY NEUTRAL MICROOBJECTS AND OSCILLATIONS IN PARTICLE PHYSICS S.M. Bilenky 42 A POSSIBLE TEST OF CP INVARIANCE IN NEUTRINO OSCILLATIONS S.M. Bilenky 46 *Papers labelled "Suppl" are to be found in the Supplement to this Proceedings. Their titles as given here are provisional. IV. NEUTRINO MASS AN EXPERIMENT TO STUDV THE 3-DECAY OF FREE ATOMIC AND MOLECULAR TRITIUM R.G.H. Robertson 51 MEASUREMENT OF THE MASS OF THE ELECTRON NEUTRINO USING THE ELECTRON CAPTURE DECAY PROCESS OF THE NUCLEUS S. Yasumi 59 AN EXPERIMENT TO DETERMINE THE MASS OF THE ELECTRON ANTINEUTRINO R.N. Boyd 67 DETERMINATION OF AN UPPER LIMIT OF THE MASS OF THE MUONIC NEUTRINO FROM THE PION DECAY IN FLIGHT P. Le Coultre , 75 RADIATIVE DECAYS OF DIRAC AND MAJORANA NEUTRINOS (RECENT RESULTS) S.T. Petcov 82 BEAM DUMP PROMPT NEUTRINO OSCILLATION BY 4OO GeV PROTON INTERACTIONS R. J. Loveless 89 A STUDY OF THE FORWARD PRODUCTION OF CHARM STATES AND PROMPT MUONS IN 350 GeV p-Fe AND 278 GeV n~-Fe INTERACTIONS A. Bodek 109 NEW PARTICLES NEW PARTICLES AND THEIR WEAK CHARGED-CURRENT COUPLINGS K. Kleinknecht «... 115 NEW BEAM DUMP AND REACTOR DATA ON PENETRATING LIGHT PARTICLES H. Faissner 146 NEW BOUNDS ON HEAVY NEUTRINO MASSES AND MIXING FROM KA2 AND n%2 DECAYS T. Yamazaki 178 V. LEPTON CONSERVATION LEPTON NUMBER CONSERVED? I. Kobzarev 190 SEARCH TOR 15°Nd AND 13°Te 2&-DECAY AT BAKSAN OBSERVATORY A.A. Pomansky 202 loo THE STUDY OF DOUBLE BETA DECAY OF Mo Yu.G. Zdesenko 209 SOME NEW EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS ON DOUBLE BETA DECAY E. Bellotti 216 ft 9 Se TIME PROJECTION CHAMBER FOR DOUBIiE BETA DECAY A.A. Hahn 231 BARYON NON CONSERVATION MEASUREMENTS ON PROTON DECAY - EXPERIMENTS WITH CERENKOV AND SCINTILLATION COUNTERS F. Reines Suppl NUCLEON DECAY EXPERIMENTS WITH CALORIMETERS E. Fiorini 235 NUCLEON DECAY EXPERIMENT IN KOLAR GOLD FIELD S. Miyake 256 NEUTRON OSCILLATION M. Baldo-Ceolin Suppl ASTROPHYSICS NEUTRINO MASS IN ASTROPHYSICS AND COSMOLOGY A.S. Szalay and Ya.B. Zeldovioh 257 PROMPT LEPTON GENERATION ATMOSPHERIC MUON AND NEUTRINO SPECTRA AT HIGH ENERGIES G.T. Zatsepin 267 THE PROBLEM OF SOLAR NEUTRINOS G.T. Zatsepin Suppl THE PROBLEM OF SOLAR NEUTRINO FLUX PULSATIONS AND GRAVITY OSCILLATIONS OF THE SUN Yu.S. Kopysov 274 VI. ASTROPHYSICAL CONSTRAINTS ON LIGHT PSEUDOSCALAR PARTICLES M. Yoshimura „... 282 HUON STRING RESULTS AND DUMAND STATUS F.A. Harris 288 ADVANCES IN THE DEEP UNDERWATER MUON AND NEUTRINO EXPERIMENT ON THE LAKE BAIKAL G.V. Domogatsky 296 STUDY OP THE EARTH STRUCTURE BY MEANS OF NEUTRINOS I.P. Nedyalkov , 300 THEORY GUTS, ASTROPHYSICS AND SÜPERÜNIF.CCATION J. Ellis 3O4 THE STANDARD ELECTROWEAK MODEL - EMPIRICAL STATUS AND ALTERNATIVE POSSIBILITIES J.J. Sakurai ,. 346 QUARK AND LEPTON MASSES AS ELECTROMAGNETIC SELF ENERGIES H. Fritzsch 365 PROTON DECAY IN SU(5) MODELS V.S. Berezinsky , 375 PROTON LIFETIME D. Tadi6 387 LOCAL CONFINEMENT OF CHARGE IN MASSLESS QED V.N. Gribov 399 OUTLOOK V.N. Gribov 405 VII. Volume II NEUTRAL CURRENTS PRELIMINARY RESULTS ON V + e~ •*• V + e~ N.J. Baker 1 PROGRESS REPORT ON AN EXPERIMENT TO STUDY WEAK NEUTRAL CURRENT ELASTIC SCATTERING OF NEUTRINOS R.E. Lanou 9 MEASUREMENT OF THE RATIO o(v e •+ v e)/o(v e •+ v e) C. Santoni 20 ELECTRON NEUTRINO-ELECTRON ELASTIC SCATTERING AT LAMPF T.J. Bowles 3O CHARGE ASYMMETRY IN U*N DEEP INELASTIC SCATTERING 6. Zupanci£ 38 MEASUREMENT OF THE NEUTRAL TO CHARGED CURRENT CROSS SECTION RATIOS FOR V -INTERACTIONS ON PROTON AND NEUTRON P.H.A. Van Dam 51 NONDIAGONAL Z-DECAY - Z + ë + U T. Riemann 58 STRUCTURE OF ELECTROWEAK INTERACTIONS F. Niebergall 62 PARITY NON-CONSERVATION IN ATOMS L.M. Barkov 89 A SEARCH FOR THE ELECTRIC DIPOLE MOMENT OF THE NEUTRON V.M. Lobashev 1O7 DEEP INELASTIC SCATTERING - STRUCTURE FUNCTION RECENT RESULTS FROM THE CHARM COLLABORATION A. Capone 121 NEW RESULTS ON CHARGED CURRENT REACTIONS FROM THE CDHS - GROUP B. Pszola 133 VIII. NEUTRINO CHARGED CURRENT STRUCTURE FUNCTIONS A. Bodek 149 NEW RESULTS FROM THE COLUMBIA GROUP P. Igo-Kemenes Suppl ANTINEUTRINO TOTAL CROSS SECTIONS FROM FERMILAB 15 FT BC EXPERIMENT • H. Blngham SuppJ QCD THEORY OF POWER CORRECTIONS TO DEEP INELASTIC SCATTERING A.I. Vainshtein 159 HIGHER ORDER TWIST EFFECTS J. Morfin KuppJ DEEP INELASTIC SCATTERING - FINAL STATE STUDY OF CHARM PRODUCTION BY NEUTRINOS C, Baltay fiuppl ANTINEUTRINO QUASIELASTIC SCATTERING IN NEON AND TOTAL CROSS SECTIONS FOR CHARGED CURRENT INTERACTIONS IN THE ENERGY RANGE 1O to 50 GeV S.P. Krutchinin Kuppl SOME NEW RESULTS ON HADRONIC FINAL STATE H. Bingham Suppl HADRON FINAL STATE RESULTS FROM BEBC A.M. Cooper 16 ^ SKAT-RESULTS ON HADRONIC FINAL STATES R. Nahnhauer 18o HADRONIC FINAL STATES IN HIGH ENERGY MUON-NUCLEON SCATTERING, RECENT RESULTS FROM THE EMC F.W. Brasse ltifr e+e" AND pp COLLISIONS RECENT RESULTS ON e+e~ STORAGE RINGS H. P. Söding Supp 1 RECENT RESULTS FROM CESR S. Herb iob RESULTS FROM THE SPS ANTIPROTON-PROTON COLLIDER K. Eggert 214 IX. DETECTORS NEW TRENDS IN DETECTOR CONSTRUCTION K. Kleinknecht 233 NEUTRINO AND PROTON DECAY DETECTOR WITH STREAMER OR GEIGER PLASTIC TUBES E. Iarocci 234 A NEW NEUTRINO DETECTOR FOR THE SERPUKHOV ACCELERATOR S.A. Bunyatov 249 PROPOSED HIGH INTENSITY NATIONAL NEUTRINO FACILITY AT LAMPF T.J. Bowles 26O ACCELERATORS STATUS OF THE CERN LEP PROJECT G. Plass 267 FUTURE US ACCELERATORS H. Bingham Suppl IHEP ACCELERATING-STORAGE COMPLEX (STATUS REPORT) A.M. Zaitsev 289 CONCLUSION CONCLUSION TALK AT THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE "Neutrino - 82" V.M. Lobashev 291 LIST OF PARTICIPANTS 305 NEUTRAL PRELIMINARY RESULTS ON + e •* + e N.J. Baker, P.L. Connolly, S.A. Kahn, H.G. Kirk, M.J. Murtagh, R.B. Palmer, N.P. Samlos and M. Tanaka Brookltaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY 11973 and C. Baltay, M. Bregman, D. Caroumballs, L.D. Chen, H. French, M. Hibbs, R. Hylton, P. Igo-Kemenes, J.T. Liu J. Okamltsu, G. Ormazabal, R.D. Schaffer, K. Shastri, J. Spltzer Columbia University, New York, NY 10027 presented by N.J. Baker ABSTRACT We present here preliminary results on a recent experiment on v - e elastic scattering. A brief review of the Glashow-Salam-Weinberg theory Is given, indicating how the measurement of the total cross section gives rise to an ambiguous solution for sin 0 , and showing how the differential cross section can be used to resolve the ambiguity. The experimental con- figuration and the extraction of the signal are described. The data are compared with those from our previous experiment, and relevant distributions from the combined data sample are presented. The differential cross section 2 Is examined In an attempt to resolve the ambiguity in sin 0 , the lower value. 2 w of sin 0 =0.20 being favored. - 2 - The differential cross section for v - e~ elastic scattering i« given by: 2 do, G M r -~re- | el, where E - incident neutrino energy; E , M » Energy, Mass of the scattered electron; and g„ g. are the vector, axial-vector couplings of the neutral current to the electron. At FNAL/SPS energies, Ey » aisd the third term above can be neglected. The total cross section is given by 3] 2 IT The kinematics of this reaction impose a further constraint on the scattered electrons: 2 M Ee0e where 0 is the scattering angle (with respect to the incident neutrino) of the electron; e.g. for electrons of energy 2 GeV (the lower limit for electrons in this experiment), the scattering angle 9 •v 22.6 mrad. Hence Interactions due to v - e elastic scattering are characterised by the observation of a single electron at a very small angle to the incident neutrino beam direction. In the standard model of Glaehow-Salam-Weinberg; the couplings gy, g. are parameterized by _i 2 gp - 2 sin ew - \ : gA - - h, such that the cross sections become do G2 M f 2 : v „ e , sin ©w - 1 ) + (2 sin K d Ee 2 IT y 2 „ M E sin O - 4 sin e v w 2 TT Fig. 1 displays the slope (a/E ) for neutrinos and antineutrinos as a function of sin 0 , together with the result from our previous experiment (a/E = (1.8 + 0.8) * 10~ cm GeV~ ). As can be seen an ambiguous value 2 2 for sin 0 is obtained; sin 0w = 0.20 * °*jj| or 0.57 * °*J'. Fig. 2 dis- plays the electron energy spectra which would be observed in the FNAL wide- 2 band neutrino beam corresponding to thn two values of sin 0 . The experiment was conducted at FNAL using the 15' bubble chamber filled with a heavy (64% atomic) Neon/Hydrogen mixture, operating a 30 kG. magnetic field. The radiation length of 40 cm. affords excellent electron identifi- cation. The angular resolution on electron tracks Is typically 4 mrad, while the energy resolution is 10% at 2 GeV, and 15% at 20 GeV. The beam used in this experiment was the single horn focussed wideband neutrino beam producing a neutrino energy spectrum which extends from a few GeV to over 200 GeV, peaking at 25 GeV.
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