Download the Yemen National Probabilistic Risk
The World Bank Yemen National Probabilistic Risk Assessment Historical Hazard Data Review, Analysis and Data Quality Assessment For the Kind Attention of: Deepali Tewari Task Team Leader Sustainable Development Department The World Bank 1818 H Street, NW Washington DC 20433 RMSI Confidential Technical Report Page 2 of 85 The World Bank Yemen National Probabilistic Risk Assessment Historical Hazard Data Review, Analysis and Data Quality Assessment Acknowledgements The continued support from Ms. Deepali Tewari, the World Bank task team lead, Ms. Asmita Tiwari, Disaster Risk Management Specialist, Mr. Andrea Zanon, Disaster Risk Management Specialist and Mr. Ali Khamis, Implementation Specialist is gratefully acknowledged. HE Mr. Abdulkarim I. Al-Arhabi, Deputy Prime Minister, Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation, HE Mohmad Al-Zemam, Deputy Minister, Ministry of local Administration, Yemen have also provided valuable and timely assistance to the project/report. The cooperation and guidance of Dr. Ismail N. Al-Ganad, Chairman, Eng. Ali Mubarak Bin Shamlan, Vice Chairman, Mr. Ashraf A. Al-Jailani, International Cooperation Officer, Dr. Zaid Al-Jawadi, Geoscientist/Consultant, Mr. Hussain A., Director, and other members of the Yemen Geological Survey & Minerals Research Board (YGSMRB) is noteworthy in the assistance they and their good offices have rendered towards the success of the project/report. The RMSI team also gratefully acknowledges the knowledgeable assistance from Dr. Jamal M. Sholan, General Director, Mr. Nageeb Abdul-Galil
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