
Volume LVlll, Number 24 North Carolina State University’s Student Newspaper Since 1920 Monday, October 24, 1977

as: ”is3' More decals recommended

by Karen Austin because of their new towing policy. that students who bought "R" decals are summer when they will want to go to the Assistant News Editor According to the proposal. commuting not bringing their cars to campus until beach on weekends. fringe decal owners can exchange their right before school vacations or in the Williams said that residence students A proposal for the sale of 150 additional decals for commuter decals for the have also been complaining about ' “C" decals to commuting students will be additional cost. students without decals parking in “R" recommended to the Parking and Traffic spaces during the non-towing hours on Committee Tuesday by Director of Continue observation campus. “This situation is being Security Bill Williams and Transportation evaluated. but I don't know if the policy Planner Molly Pipes. After the sale of “C" decals. additional will change." According to Williams. this proposal is “F" decals will be sold according to the being recommended because of the number which are exchanged for “C" number of unoccupied commuter spaces decals. Co-ed problem on campus. A physical count of empty Williams said they will continue to spaces. which are primarily in Harris Lot. observe the parking situation and take Another problem with parking that showed that approximately 150 spaces are counts afterthe decals are sold to see if Williams discussed is coeds at times must open throughout the day. the parking spaces are being used. park quite a bit away from their dorms There are also approximately 35 to 50 and walk through campus late at night. Conversion unoccupied residence spaces. These Students can be escorted through campus spaces are predominantly in the upper by an officer by calling Security. Williams Harris Lot. which was a residence lot portion of the Sullivan Lot. While said that the lighting system on campus is until this year. was converted to Williams said that he cannot account for also being evaluated in order to provide commuter to allow for more spaces for this situation. he offered the possibility better security on campus. commuting students. Before Harris was redisignated as a commuter lot there were 2.589 commuter Bicycle thefts increasing . spaces and 2.534 residence spaces. The number of commuting students. however. it three to one as to residence students. “While we can sympathize with residence students. we feel that commuting students need the opportunity Prevention emphasized to park on campus more than the resident does. " said Williams. “Our obligation is to by Robin Ludlow to return a bicycle to its owner if there is This week Security is accenting bicycle the commuting students." Staff Writer no decal on it." protection by carrying a poster and Williams explained that students who Williams' officers don't take a set route handout campaign. Displays will be set up live far from campus and who commute Security is emphasizing bicycle protec- while they are patrolling the campus. “It in the Student Center. the librar . and from other cities need to have a place to tion th" week as a part of its crime would be easy for someone to watch the several other places. Security ' also park their cars so that they may attend aware IS and prevention program. cars for a couple of days and learn the conduct informal talks with any interested classes. Stamp it Crime. route the patrolmen are taking if they groups. There were several reasons for the Bicy theft is a big problem on State's travelled in a set pattern." said Williams. According to Bill Williams. Director of campu according to Bill Williams. “Sometimes a car will patrol an area and Security. SOC is designed = empty commuter spaces on campus. More directo of Security. In September. 16 then circle around it again immediately to to make .- 1‘ a. as.---:ff.i .. ,- . students are finding other methods of students and faculty more aware of the stottphotobyChrisaewaro transportation to get to campus. Capital bikes were reported stolen. summing a catch the criminal off guard." crimes being committed on campus and Area Transit buses and bicycles are used cost of $1.940. Security apprehended and Security cars don't try to hide from de- inform them what they can do to prevent Sour notes by many students to get to campus. arrested one person for a theft and the tection. Williams approves of the blue them. 'I’hls Clemson tiger had a good time at half-time distracting State‘s marching bicycle was recovered. Thus far in lights on top of Security cars. “The lights Williams' philosophy is that the best band members. However. the only sour notes probably came from the State Security has also opened up more October. 14 thefts have been reported. at in themselves are a crime deterrent." said way to stop crime is to remove the oppor- fans after the game. spaces by eliminating 1.000 illegal parkers a cost of $2.470. One of these was an 8800 Williams. “if someone sees them they will tunity. custom made bike. realize that the opportunity to commit a “We don’t sit and wait for a crime to be The market for stolen hie) les is large crime is not as great as they thought. committed like the policemen behind bill- according to Williams. “People who stea Williams feels that SOC is working on boards." explained Williams. “We are bicycles have an open and accessible campus. “We are getting more calls about more concerned with prevention or Selection system revamped market to sell the bikes." suspicious people and activities from crimes. If we see a suspicious person on Teenagers are responsible for most 01 students. Students are also calling us to campus. we tell them that they are not by John Flesher selection policy was taken last week when decision." the thefts. according to Williams. “They report thefts immediately after the crime suppose to be here and ask them to leave." StaffWriter students and faculty members from each Fites said that apathy concerning the steal the bikes. and sell them for about occurs." school met with William Simpson. Outstanding Teacher selection is evident 820. Then the guy who buys the bikes The policy concerning the annual‘ assistant to the Chancellor. However. in the actions of students and faculty. from the kids sells them for about 8100." selection ofOutstandingTeachers at State Simpson said. “This was just getting the ”The selection process is decided by said Williams. is under scrutiny by two committees. with whole thing started. We are taking a long students. and they should be the ones Some suggestions to students to Technician awarded future revisions likely. look at the present system of selection. running it. but it isn't working out that prevent bicylce thefts are: Murray Downs. assistant provost. and it will be some time before anything way." he remarked. “In some schools. 0 Register bicycles with the Student explained that the present system of definite is decided." even the teachers themselves are apathe~ possible rating selection is suffering from a lack of R.C. Fites, chairman of the Faculty tic. Their participation is bad and action Government office. highest awareness and participation. Senate. said that the method of selection slow. I think that the entire selection OPark bicycles where they can be kept “This activity is a very important one now being used is too complex. “Basically. process needs simplification so that it can in sight if possible. The Associated Collegiate Press has ication; and photography. art and use of and we need greater participation there are two committees that have the be better understood and appreciated." OPark bicycles where potential tamper- awarded the Technician its highest pos- graphics. ' throughout the campus." said Downs. responsibility ofchoosing the Outstanding According to Fites. the director of ing with them will be readily observable sible rating. “All American." for the Points are awarded within each of the “For this reason. the Academic Policy Teachers," he said. “Eachseparate school Information Services. Student Govern— by passers-by and thus discouraged. , Spring. 1977. semester. The Technician categories and the total point score Committee of the Faculty Senate and the has its own selection committee. com- ment. and other groups have been OAlways lock bicycles with a heavy- has received the “All American" rating determines the rating to be assigned. University Teaching Effectiveness and contacted about publicizing the Outstand- duty steel alloy chain. which should be put )4 semesters. The “Mark of Distinction" is the highest posed of the school's Student Council. ing Teacher selection. “As for the through all movable parts such as both Evaluation Committee are studying the some graduate students. and three faculty wheels. the frame and the pedal assembly. The Associated Collegiate Press. possible rating that can be given within a policy and considering changes that would members. The school committees nomin- revisions in the policy. we are hoping that located within the University of Minne- particular category. encourage more interest on the parts of ate whomever they think deserve the they will be decided upon in time for next The lock on this chain should be case- sota'sSchool of Journalism. founded the the students and faculty." / year's vote. This year. however. we will hardened. At least four. out of a possible five. as one honor. then they send the names to their Have to use the old system." . Attach the chain at some point to a National Critical Service in 1921 and it “Marks of Distinction" must be attained Downs cited a lack of publicity respective deans for approval. If the dean non-movable object. such as a fence of has since grown to its present status as to qualify for the “All American" rating. reason for ‘the diminishing student agrees with the choices. they go on to the the major evaluation service of college The Technician received a "Mark of Dis- support. “The program has not been University Selection Committee. bicycle rack. newspapers in the nation. publicized during the past several 0 Report any suspicious looking persons tinction" in four categories. missing only highly “The University Selection Committee Correction or activities to Security. Each newspaper entered for evalua- in the photography. art and use of years. so many students just don't know consists of the chairman of the Faculty graphics category. about it." he said. Senate. the chairman of the Teaching The Technician. in the Oct. 10 edi- 0Report all thefts immediately to Se- tion in the critical service is judged in a graduating tion. incorrectly reported that a stu- curity (737-3206). category with newspapers having the Technician Editor Lynne Griffin “Also. except for the Effectiveness and Evaluation committee. dent must pass nine credit hours to same publication frequency. from col- commented on the results of the evalua- seniors. most of the students who do faculty and students from each school stolen bicycles is participate in the selection process during committee. and the chairman of the remain in school. The recovery rate for leges of comparable enrollment. News- tion. "1 am delighted that we received the early Spring are not on campus when Academy of Outstanding Teachers. Its job The new policy states that a extremely low mainly because students do papers are judged through the use of a the ‘All American' ranking. This rating the results are announced at commence- is to review the data on each nomination student must pass at least 50 per cent not bother to register their bikes. There 36-page guidebook which divides the was the result of a lot hard work on the ment time. It seems to me that if this and to endorse or reject him. When the of his courses to remain in school. The are about 5,000 bicycles on campus. and evaluation into five sections: coverage part of all the staffmembers and the ‘All is to be University Selection Committee finishes exception to this rule says that no only 665 are currently registered. American' rating is an excellent reward. selection of Outstanding Teachers student who passes nine or more Students can register their bikes at the and content; writing and editing; editor- Our purpose is to serve the student body of interest or use to students. the spring its selections. it sends a list to the Provost credit hours will be suspended. Student Government office at no cost. ial leadership and opinion features; winners need'to be recognized during the for ratification. The Provost discusses the Williams commented. “Unless we catch and it'sgreat to learn through this award following fall semester." recommendations with deans and depart~ The Technician regrets this physical appearance and visual commun- that we are doing an outstanding job." The first step toward the revision of the ment heads before making his final in reporting. a crook red-handed. it is almost impossible International Fair coming

Vicarious foreign trip possible .rI b Helen'l'art according to Brita Tate. assistant pro- ren and Raleigh residents. but we would I M was" grams director for the Student Center. like to have more State students come. “Part of the exhibits are the students said Tate. Have you ever longed to visit exotic personal belongings. while they borrow “The Turkish students are planning to ..-.._,———‘m<~ places or experience the cultures of far other things from families living in serve Turkish coffee. for a small fee. in a away lands? Raleigh." she said. coffeehouse-type atmosphere. One of the If you have. you should enjoy the Inter- After its start in either 1965 or 1966. the French professors here has an exhibit of- national Fair in the Student Center the fair is held every two years according to French poetry printed on special French Weekend of Oct. 28 through Oct. 30. Tate. paper which has flowers actually pressed Lasting from‘lO a.m. to 10 pm. Friday “It's a big job for the students." she into it. and Saturday. the fair will continue on noted. “That is one reason we only have it “Also. outside the galleries the craft Sunday. opening at 12 noon and ending at every other year. The same people always center will display some of the work done 6 .m. . have to do all the work. there." she continued. “There will be some pExhibits. maps. slide shows and live “When I sit up here and think about items for sale. also. entertainment reflecting the cultures and that empty space downstairs that has to “Our live entertainment is always spe- lifestyles of 30 different countries will be be filled and the 500 school children cial. The Indian and Nigerian dancers are on display in the second-floor ballroom and coming to see it. then I get a little ner- mostly State students. while the limbs the adjoining galleries. . vous. But the students usually come dancers are a part of the International The evenings offer Indian and Nigenan through." said Tate. “Of course. once In a Dancers which meet in the ballroom. They dancers. a Scottish bagpipe band. Judo while a booth doesn't come through and l will perform Friday and Saturday nights experts and the Korioe International Folk have an empty space where there should starting about 7:1!) p.m. Dance Group. be exhibits.” . “The Judo experts are provided by the Sunday afternoon former State student Representing Venezula. the Republic of State Judo Club and they are performing Mark Dngan will sing Spanish. Russian. China. Poland. India. RusSia. Iran and in the afternoon." she explained. “Mark French and Italian songs. many other countries. the fair is expected Dugan will be singing songs from many Each country has its own exhibit booth. to attract around 5,000 le. Tate said. countries and he can sing in almost any mmnm """ usually manned by a native of that “We usually have about 5.000 people language. Mark was a student at State amaTete.asslsteMprograms¢lreotorottln8mdentCenter,ledrectingthelntematlondfd.wfldlflheheldthlsweshell. country. These students are in charge of walk through in the two and a half days. when he sang at the last fair. but he has Variousexhlbitssndshowswlhesponsoredbygroupsottonlgnatudenuonmmendhtheeonwmflty. getting the materials for the booths. We usually get a lot of grade school child- graduated since' then." Technician

burlesque queens ’

stools ' ‘



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I ' October 24, 1977 Technician / Three

. . . corruption . . .

American’s love affair

by Charles Lasitter And when you walked away smiling with your small Writer stuffed animal or mug after “he"tmissed your weight. did you notice that the barker was still smiling? Did it “There's a sucker born every minute." declared P.T. cross your mind that the prize you won was worth less Barnum. and WC. Fields took the statement to heart that the dollar you paid? by making a wide ranging policy directive about gullible They refuse to discuss such things. and any inquisitor persons: “Never give a sucker an even break." quickly gets cold blank stares or a refusal to verify the These consecutive and concurrent beliefs manifest wholesale price of a product. themselves every year for just over a week's time at a Pitchsters are of necessity very touchy and statewide past-time called the “State Fair." inhospitable under direct or penetrating questioning. All manner of unsuspecting souls are subjugated to Should one ask the salesman of the glass defogging the beck and call of the hard seller; if you can’t find a treatment why it ceases to function 15 minutes after cure for your problem at the State Fair, maybe it's not application, he might be driven back under a hail of serious as you think it is. accusations, or statements on the nature of his Every imaginable type of gadget and doodad is ' condition. available. and if you're lucky, you might even get it for Take for example the small bit of technology (a small 1:: than half price, with a “money back guarantee” to transformer) which can be inserted into a car‘s distrib- t. utor to make it better. And it does perform Such an atmosphere is not uncommon to that of the marvelously under all the preplanned test conditions. old medicine show. where a panacea for your ills was making the car start better. and burn a better . . . seduction. only as far away as the bottled product which the percentage of the gas. We Americans love salesmen. We love to hear salesman was hawking. It doesn‘t matter that the salesman's explanation of someone tell us how smart or good looking we are, and Well the times and products have changed, but the its operation transcends more than 100 years of known in return for his praise. we gobble‘up whatever it is he‘s game is still the same. physics; the suckers. erps. customers buy eagerly; all selling. wallowing all the while in his praise for smart At the State Fair, people offer to guess your age, too happy to procure a device which will melt the spark decision. weight, month of birth or to “computer analyze”your plugs. and burn their points and pistons. Why? Well the We are drawn in flocks to this good ole boy back hand writing. It only costs a dollar you know. man said it would work, and after all. they're cheaper slapping of salesmanship. We love it. Is it_ any wonder When was the last time you saw a computer analysis by the dozen you know. that after 110 years. we still 'flock by the hundreds of of your signature which had something uncomplemen- “I've been a Chrysler mechanic all my life, and I've thousands to the Fair? tary to say? Just once it would be nice to see a print out thrown away more of those things that I know what to which said, “What a BOZO!" a do with,“ laughed one bystander. Fair photos by Chris Seward and ROn Srebro


Stewart hosts Herbie Mann Thursday Masquerade Leading jazz flutist Herbie Mann plays Stewart Theatre on —- Thursday. Oct. 27. Tickets will be available at the door for both the 7 pm. and 9:30 p.m. performances. _ Get dressed for charity In the last decade. Herbie Mann has established himself as the outstanding flutist in jazz. but he has also managed to become one of a handful of jazz musicians who has also made a On October 31. 1977. Alex- groups. local merchants have tional is also trying to give the significant breakthrough as a pop attraction. Though based in ander International Residential entered into the festivities by campus a way of expressing . Herbie has established himself as an international Community will be hosting the offering further prizes for best their concern for their fellow concert attraction. First Annual Masquerade Ben- costumes. These include Two man. They are hoping to raise Herbie has gone to Africa. South America. Europe. the efit Ball in the Student Center Guys. Blimpies, the Merry Go in the area of $1,000." Middle East. and even Japan. to go to the very source of the Ballroom. Involving more than Round. Hahns Shoes and Sam All are invited to a night of many types of music he has featured. Through this devotion to just Alexander, friends have Goodies. A further prize will be good food. prizes. magic and music in various forms he has managed to bring in new joined them in supporting the dinner for two at Le Chateau. music. and the chance to be innovations and then to move on to something still newer while event. Not to be lost dmong all these called upon at the Witching others were busy copying his recent works. The Central Campus Area goodies though is the purpose hour and be bestowed a prize The noted flutist was born on April 16. 1930. in Brooklyn of board is sponsoring $50. $30 of the Masquerade Ball. All for their efforts of disguise and Romanian and Russian parentage. He started playing piano at and $15 prizes for best cos- proceeds from the event will be creativity. the age of six. but three years later switched to clarinet and tumes. divided between the United Tickets can be purchased on within a few years to tenor saxophone and eventually flute. The International Board and Way and UNICEF. the second floor of the Student His four years in the Army gave him his first insight into IRC have contributed toward Offering a means for stud- Center or through the “Devil's European music. On his return to civilian life he first recorded expenses. Bragaw Hall is also ents and faculty to come Brigade" which may surprising- with Matt Matthews. playing saxophone and flute. At this time. giving a contribution. together for a night of ly cross your path in the flute was given short sh ' insofar as its acceptance as a signi- Beyond these student enjoyment. Alexander Interna- oncoming days. . ficant jazz instrument. He bie decided. “If a man can play jazz. he can play jazz on the flute" and set out to do just that. Inspired by the late Esy Moraless' Jungle Fantasy record. Thomas he began to develop new techniques on the flute. He worked with Pete Rugolo's Band in 1954, then visited Europe again in HARVEY'S s5,000 1966. touring Scandinavia, France and Holland. working with COLLEGE FOOTBALL BLITZ! local rhythm sections. Wolfe Within a year he had won his first of many Doum Beat Maga- St. Mary's College will host a two»day Thomas Woolly Ill" Gina-Ive! Harvey's Gift Certificate The “tie breaker" game score zine Awards as the leading flutist. He soon became established Wolfe Fest October 24 and 25 featuring presenta- It looks iusi like the traditional office lootbell pool will be used in the event that more than two people have Only the prizes are something else' Each week. two peoe the same percentage. With matching entry dates in New York for his Afro-Cuban works. tions by Thomas Wolfe scholars and enthusiasts nle wm 5100 GM cenrlicaies good toward any item at By 1960. now firmly identified with the flute. he toured from across the country. The programs. which are any Harveys WarehOuse Store And this giveaway is Ilew wII you how when Africaon a State Department tour. The following year his tour , free and open to the public, will he held Monday. repeated every week during the entire college football you've My? of South America with such jazz greats as Coleman Hawkins. October 24 at 8 p.m., and Tuesday. October 25 at 2 season' AI the end oi the week following eech weekly contest. Roy Eldridge. Al Cohn and Zoot Sims gave him new insifiits pm. and 7:30 pm. in the Sarah Graham Kenan “I! you It"! “any? the names 01 the live winners will be simultaneously Each week you ll find your ollICIaI BLITZ form in this posted on every Harvey‘s store Entries are limited to one into Latin Music. leading to his popularizing the Brazilian “ ew Library on the St. Mary's campus. For more newspaper lcopies ol the form are also available at every per customer per day and any attempt to defraud will wave" Bossa Nova music on his own home ground. Since t on information call 828-2521. Harvey s storel Select the wrnners and then predict the result in diSQUIliTiCIIIOn Entries will be removed irom abroad, forever see ' ginew HerbieMenn score in one he breaker game Bring your entry to each be and sealed at the end at each day We recomr he has made constint excursions Harvey s and place It in the official entry box Be sure mend thsi you keep a copy of your entry each week musical in-roads while still maintaining his firmly established You have lined in me actual date of yoiir entry Entries reputation both artistically and commercially. close at 9 PM each Thursdlv Mnmo h the It"! on? Each week the live peeple wrth best percentage ol You bet it Isl Enter this week and every week during Tickets for the Oct. 27 performance can be bought at the Bring in this coupon and [an wrnner selection whose crimes were received earliest in Harvey‘s $5.000 College Football BLITZl Make this your Stewart Theatre Box Office. located in the Student Center. the week Will BLITZ Harvey and receive a $100 W'"""‘9“’50” NO PURCHASE NECESSARY" opposite the theatre. For specific ticket information. call "-----‘---‘------———— 7373105. OCTOBER 29 TENN CHAT DD CITADEL WM & MARY Cl C) RUTGERS RICHMOND C) D GEORGIA . ~.‘l’tie Technician (Volume 50) is published every Monday. Wednesday. w VIRGINIA U D VILLANOVA erd Friday. during the academic semester. Offices are located in Suites w CAROLINA D D WOFFORD N CAROLINA Cl Cl MARYLAND war In in. Ufilversity Student Center, Cates Avenue. Mailing address ‘17 WAKE FOREST Cl C] CLEMSON N CAROLINA ST DC] 5 CAROLINA isP.O. boutwe, Raleigh. North Carolina 27607. Subscriptions arean per v Pl Cl C] KENTUCKY FURMAN DD PRESBY year. Printed by Hinton Press, Inc.. Motions, N.C.Second class postage, CorduroySportCoats, , ‘ v M I Cl Cl DAVIDSON E CAROLINA CID sw LOUISIANA paid at Raleigh, N.c. TENN 57 CD so u DUKE CID GA TECH FR 3m. Preoct the winner and TOTAL number oi paints scored Winners will be selectedonihe Reg. '50 Ti. closeness oi penis to theactual score ' only VlRGlNlA D C] SYRACUSE TOTAL POINTS __ $33 mom DATE with this coupon .‘C...... -..." 3” STATE ll? presents . . . Here’sa money-savingchaneeto CITY .‘---‘------‘-‘--‘a. addatraditional campusclassic to r 5‘S—PECIAL yam-wardrobe!Comfortable 100% THIS WEEK . fl STAIRCASE. naturilcottonooehroy—ina varietyof styles—feamringhandsome [Him-Suede“ ONLV I II accents. Inawidechoice d'fall colors. Bring I . 0 fl Mon. 0%24 inthidbnupon andsave317. Alsoany needed HITACHI —-— alta'afiomareabsolutely free. _ Handsome. compact 100% solid GREENSIOIO DURHAM 5'"! Tue. Oct.25 l0|6~l8W LOIS! South SquareMail Excellentvaluesinslacks, 811"“ and state ponable Features automatic l Mile E. at Coliseum us 15-.SM Iusinesa Mal-navailable. gain control. one—set fine tuning. 775-870l 493.22l in 9-1 am instant picture and sound. and RALUGH CAIROOIO 70-Channel UHF Tuner Model P04 677 0?. Downtown Ilvd. Corr Mill Shp. Ctr, on?) Mun-little 02'. mm ioo N. Greorisboro Si. ;‘ I'm 3 ‘ $1.00 at the door. Offer Estates 5 6900 cuAeLom a "3' 10/29/77 :Ii33 independence Ilvd. by between sets‘til ‘~

Four ‘/ Techniciai: .' OI Idbc" 24. 19/7

Clemson barelybeats State by David Carroll remained tough. intercepting Jordans punt return was a the ball at times. but four Pack long gain. The Pack was led by Sports Editor two ofJohnny Evans' passes en big gamble. The speedy junior passes where intercepted and linebackers Billy Cowher and route to their sixth straight received Evan's line-drive punt the visitors couldn't push it into Kyle Wescoe. who have played CLEMSON -— After Clem- victory. at the goal line, found an open the end zone. very well all season. The Wolf— son's football team had edged The loss dropped State's spot on the left sideline “You can't expect to win State 73 Saturday at Frank record to 5-3 overall and. more and pack defensive front was also importantly 3-2 in raced past everyone but Evans. when you score three points." very strong. with tackles Simon Howard Field (alias Death the ACC. giro knocked him down at the reflected Evans, who passed for Gupton. Brian O'Doherty and Valley). the Wolfpack dressing Even Game only 63 yards. “We tried to play Tom Prongay leading the . room was filled with an eerie “It was an even game that “It was the type of punt I feel ball control. When you do that charge. silence, the sort of quiet that is boiled down to one play—the like I have a chance to return." and have one bad play out of usually reserved for hospitals, punt return." said State coach said Jordan. ”I had anticipated three. it kills you." Obviously. both coaches were cemeteries and other sad Bo Rein. “The kid (Jordan) took that punt all day. It was the one proud of their defense. places. Good ground game “Our defense played well,” a chance and made a heck of a I was waiting for and I wasn't said Rein. “But I'd have to say Moments earlier. State's At- play. going to pass it up. The Wolfpack lantic Coast Conference title “It was the ball game," he "I didn't realize I was at the managed to the strength of their teamis in hopes had turned into confetti continued. roll up 222 yards on the ground. their defense. It was another "We played offense one. All I knew was we needed Ted Brown led with 122 yards great one for the fans'.’ when Clemson capitalized on after we scored for the defense. something and here was the on 21 carries while Billy Ray Willie Jordan's risky 75-yard figuring field position would be kind of punt I had been waiting Vickers added 76 yards on 17 Clemson's Charley Pell. who punt return from his own goal the key. But it backfired on us for. All I was thinking about rushes. was given a three-year exten- line to the Wolfpack 25. Three with the punt return." was holding the ball tight and “We moved the ball pretty sion on his contract prioi' to the plays later, Tiger quarterback State had taken the lead at getting to the goal line as quick well,“ Brown game, was very enthusiastic. Steve Fuller Jerry Butler on the start of the second half. as I could. I admitted. “But _j a 19-yard touchdown pass. thought I was gone. when we'd get something “I’m going to have to give a Ralph Stringer returned the When Evans hit me, I won- going. we'd do something little more credit to our defense Stall photo by Chris Seward After Clemson's score. State kickoff 55 yards and Jay dered where he came from." wrong.” because they did a super job." had four possesions (12:45), but Sherrill booted a 39-yard field It was an extremely physical State's defense did little he smiled. ”It’s unbelievable Tad Brown runs to daylight. Brown rushed for 122 yards Saturday. never seriously threatened to goal that gave the_Pack a 3—0 game in which neither offense wrong. It held the Tigers how they throttled that long come back. The Tigers' defense lead. ever exploded. State did move Fuller intact, never yielding the list of all-stars State has." fitAi

Yanks will be remembered by Bob Fubrman champion Graig game lead into the Bosox' decisions in a row, while Torrez and more than made up for his Staff Writer Nettles, steady . and playground. . for pitched seven prize-winning month. In short. fleet . and you the first “big" series of the victories in succession when the , with the It all began Oct. 21. 1976. The have the nucleus for quite season, six games between the Yankees needed them the most. pressure of the money. the talk. Reds had just com. possibly one of the best Yanks and Sex, three in Boston was his depend- and the fans. hand-delivered pleted a four-game humiliation baseball teams ever assembled. and three in New York. The able self. saving victory after the Eastern Division title to the ofthe in the Jim “Catfish" Hunter. Ed first weekend was a disaster. victory and winning five. in- Yankees. with a 7-2 victory. Figueroa, , and the The Red Sox battered Yankee cluding a record-tying three There were other heroes. Three hundred and sixty-two darling of , pitching for 16 home runs in wins in three nights. Cliff sparkled in the days later. Reggie Jackson and Sparky Lyle, all returned to aid threegames. sweeping the first Johnson, acquired in midseason field and finished second in , neither of whom Gullett on the pitching mound. half of the series convincingly. to bolster the right-handed homers with 37 while winning played for the 1976 Yanks. And the fiery . Billy Worse yet for the Yankees was hitting, hit a grand slam to win the team MVP award. Chris teamed up to bring Yankee Martin. was back to command the infamous "Boston Blow-up" a game. Dave Kingman, picked Chambliss won two games with Stadium its first World Cham- the troops. of June 18. when Martin and up for the sole purpose of late homers, pionship flag in 15 years. Jackson almost came to fisti- hitting home runs. cracked batted .300 and drove in 100 Baseball's answer to “Days of Constant bickering cuffs in the dugout on national three in his first three games runs for the third straight year. Our Lives" had come to a TV. For the first of several and Lou Pinella delivered every The gave seven strong triumphant conclusion. What Besides the potential for a times, Martin nearly wound up day as the . before yielding to Lyle, 12' "- W?“ ' A. 7" . " I I 5‘" "All: . at" I‘“, I" "t H . happened in those 362 days great team. the egos of on the unemployment line, and But the main catalyst was the and strong man Dick Tidrow NewYorkYankaaooachYongarnglvaalmWoddchamplomhfialdpracdea. may become legendary when Jackson. Munson, Martin. and Jackson lost what little favor he eye of the storm, Reggie bounced back and forth from Yankee-Dodger World Series With one on in the fourth were it not for No. 44. would presentday baseball addicts sit Steinbrenner lent the Yankees held with his teammates and Jackson. It was time to put up the starting rotation to the confrontation. In game one. , Jackson slammed the have won the Series MVP. The down and talk about the good the potential for constant the fans. But six days after or shut up, and Jackson raked . always performing Gullett pitched courageously first pitch deep into the lower vote was unanimous. old days of America's favorite- infighting. New York was about what Martin termed “the in the chips. Moved to the effectively. Everyone contri- and Lyle nailed down the deck in right field to put NY. game 20 years from now. to get more than it bargained turning point of the season," clean-up spot on Aug. 10. buted in some way, but they victory with doing on top. 4-3. With one on in the There is nothing more to be Nov. 4 is the first key date in for. came another turning point. In Reggie batted over .300, boom- are too many to mention here. the honor of a 12th-inninggame fifth, Jackson knocked a frozen said about these World the story. On that date, major The long summer began the first of the three Red Sox ed 13 homers, and drove in 48 winning hit. After the Dodgers rope into the same vicinity. Champion New York Yankees. league baseball held its first innocently enough when Hun- games at the Stadium, the runs in the last seven weeks. Brilliant performance evened the Series. the Yankees And to 'top it all off, Jackson Through all of the brawls. the free agent reentry draft. The ter and Lyle tamed Milwaukee Bombers trailed 5-3 with two His finest hour came on a warm went to Los Angeles for three lofted the first pitch of the talk. and the self-imposed Yankees picked . on three hits for a 3-0 victory. outs and nobody on base in the September evening when the Then came the playoffs, and games. Torrez and Guidry eighth inning 440 feet to dead pressure, the Yankees came the brilliant 25-year old Cincin- But then came exactly what the ninth. but suddenly. Willie Yankees faced the Red Sox in another story that is probably pitched complete game victor— center field to put the game through. Maybe not all of them ati southpaw who baffled New Yankee detractors and, more Randolph tripled and consis- the second of three crucial known to most of you by now. ies. Pinella provided the field- away at 8-3. Three pitches. will be back next year. but their York by a 5-1 score in the first importantly, opponents, had tently clutch Roy'White un- games. Reggie robbed the Sex More squabbles off the field ing fireworks. and Jackson three swings. three homers. story will‘stay‘with us'as’long game of the , heped for. New York llost eight loaded an upper deck homer to of tw0 runs and settled the were offset by brilliant playing broke out of his playoff-long That‘s‘all. Reggie Jackson. 'with‘ as men are‘hitting'round white and who had also compiled a of its next nine games and fell tie it. The Yankees went on to game and, in effect, the and managing. The Yankees slump to begin his domination that performance. nearly re- objects with red stitching and 95-47 won-loss mark in seven five games out of first place. win and swept the series to get pennant race by stroking his had their backs to the wall of the Series. The Yankees wrote the World Series record the word Rawlings scrawled on Cincy seasons. New York's Jackson pulled a pot-luck lineup back in the race. 26th homer in the ninth inning more than once in the Kansas came home needing one victory book. and he wrote another. them. Nothing will ever com- other gem was Reginald Mar- out of Martin's cap and. like a for a dramatic 2-0 victory. City series, but they came back in two games to clinch. legend that is rightfield in pare. for this reporter at least. tinez Jackson, the outspoken shot. the Yankees were off. Another crisis Jackson. Jackson, and Jackson every time. led by Lyle's six Yankee Stadium. Reggie Jack- to all the thrills ofthe 1977 New 30-year old rightfielder of the They won 14 of the next 16 seemed to be a key figure every and two-thirds scintillating in- It was Reggie Jackson's son is worth every penny the York Yankees—Champions of . who had games to take over first place. Only three weeks passed night. whether making a big nings pitched in games 4 and 5. night when the Yankees won Yankees spent to get him. the World. They did not buy never hidden his desire to play During the streak, the Yankees before another crisis. The play in the field or delivering Finally. Oct. 11 and World the sixth game. After Torrez Reggie Jackson is a superstar. their let world championship in The Big Apple. Within the made what would prove to be a Yankees dropped seven of their the clutch hit. His 18 game- Series time rolled around. and spotted the Dodgers an early Mike Torrez pitched bril- they won it on the baseball month. the Yankees shelled out valuable acquisition when they last nine games before the winning hits topped the club. it was time for the ninth 3-2 lead. Jackson went to work. liantly twice in this Series. and diamond. approximately five million dol- dealt three players to the All~Star break. including three lars from owner George Stein- Oakland A’s in exchange for the of four to the incredible Orioles, brenner's ample wallet. and bearish right-hander. Torrez. and New York was again in classifieds Gullett and Jackson became New York was flying. but not danger of putting itself out of $25.00 Reward. Lost HP-25 calcula- TYPING DONE in my home. Any Yankees. Three months before for long. A national magazine the race. Martin was on the tor in Nuclear Engineering Building. form. Call 832-8643. the Yankees began spring story touched off the first ropes again, but the Yankees Please call 833-0643, after 4:00 pm. training. 1977. they were ac- major squabble when Jackson took two of three from the O's WANTED: Female roommate share SKIERS WANTED—ll you have cused of ”buying" the world was quoted as dubbing himself to close in on the Red Sex. On 3 bedroom house Avent Ferry Rd. experience selling ski equipment a Within walking distance NCSU apparel, we need help afternoons. championship. the leader of the Yankees, in Sunday, Aug. 7, the Yankees $46.67 monthly plus utilities. Bobbi nights, and Saturdays. Come by Before the season began. the direct contrast to Munson's role stood five games from the top or Nora 834-5700. Tennis 3. Ski Outfitters, Crabtree Yankees also acquired Paul as team captain. More contro- at 59-49. It was then that one of Valley Mall. No calls please. Blair. the perennial Gold Glove versy. on ‘a smaller scale. the most intense pennant outfielder. from Baltimore, and followed. involving the Big drives in baseball history 'Fl . a better than Four Egos. Meanwhile, be- began. Spearheaded by the DOWNBEATpoll: average . from the tween the white lines, the gutsy pitching of gleam-l Jfieaire Best Jazz Flute Chicago White Sex. Add to this Yankees were embroiled in a and Torrez. the Yankees won the 1976 tight pennant race with their 40 of their next 50 games and and The FamilyofMann MVP. Thurman Munson. arch-rivals, the Boston Red‘ won the pennant on the next to 1977-78 Musical Series . he of the Sox, and the surprising Balti- last day of the season by 2% 1976 pennant-winning homer. more Orioles. The lead changed games. Guidry. the rags to Brooklyn native Willie Ran- hands eight times before the riches stopper on a pitching dolph. 1976 American League Yanke_es carried a one-half~ staff of millionaires. won eight StewartTheatre Public, delars lumda%0ctober27 Students, 3anda half SIZZLER’S SUPER STUDENT SPECIAL 7and 9 Tickets at the door Monday through Thursday only Saturday,

October 29 Tickets still available . Raleigh’s Finest for the 3 pm. matinee Italian Restau. ant Serving State Students the Discount msh' tickets wOmOmZ> Finest in Italian Food for over will go on sale at the door 15 years. for the 8 pm. performance TONITE AND TUESDAY SPECIALS BRING THIS COUPON AND YOUR, STUDENT ID. Located in the LASAGNA, 'I/2Ib.GROUND BEEF PLATTER University Student Center PLUS Beverage And All-You-Can-Eat MANICOTTI N.C.s.u. Raleigh l SALAD BAR ' 52.29 OR RAVIOLI embrace: 737-3105 CLIP THIS COUPON and come to our ._ includes Salad. Choice of Dressing, Sizzler for an excellent value. More Hours: 8:30-4:30 Weekdays Fresh Baked Bread than one student may use this coupon. For only$200 plus tax Reg Price $300 Phone in or mail in Now open for Lunch 3100 Old Wake Forest Rd. your credit card order to: J _ Hours moo—2:00 — 4:00—10:00 . I 601 w. Peace St. PD. Box 5217 f . , October 27 1977 Rale'gh, NC. 27607 833-8582Western Blvd 0.": 787-.7121North Hills, October 24, 1977 / Technician / Five

by Donny Jacobs cage out of danger. fullback say though: they didn't score on into the net past a frustrated Staff Writer Rodney Irizarry failed to get us and we still endt d up losing." .lini Mills who once again had the ball up high enough and no chance on the play. Duke DURHAM —— Satan himself the ball nestled in the net. Deflected goal winner effeclnely killed the clock after could not have conceived a Suddenly. the Blue Devils were taking the upper hand. simply more agonizing way to torture right back in the game. Regulation ended with the dumping the ball into State's a team than Duke used to slip “I blew the game for us." said score knotted at l l. but the end. not allowing the Pack to -~ past the Wolfpack Friday a dejected lrizarry of his Pack could not bounce back mount a serious threat after afternoon in Durham. The Blue mistake after it was all over. “If from its disappointment. Early that. Devils did not manage to I hadn't done that we would in the first overtime period. "We lucked out on the goals.' actually kick the ball into the have won the game." Jose dc Souza beat the Duke confessed first year Duke coach ' goal. but somehow escaped defense and sent Rea in all .lack Wilson. "State hung tough .. with a 2—1 overtime decision Cautious play costly alone on the left side, but the but when you get down by a over a shattered State squad- junior winger failed to get off a goal 111 owrttnie it's \ery hard that until late in the game Maybe. but the booters had shot on goal. to come back." appeared headed to its initial really put themselves in Moments later. Duke's Ben The loss drops the Wolfpack conference win of the season. position to lose the game long ()swald. who was sensational out of the ACC picture with an The importance of the game befor that. With just a one goal for the Blue Devils all 0-3 record. and perhaps mid» ‘ to both teams was clearly lead. the Pack played much too Greg Myren afternoon. rifled a shot at the fielder Jim Davis summed it up evident in the opening minutes cautiously in the second half wanted this one badly but we goal which fullback George best when he inquired. “is of play. as neither was able to and it seemed only a question of just couldn‘t afford to go into a Spence attempted to trap with today the thirteenth by any Sta" p establish any continuity. and time before Duke would score. shell like we did. What can you his chest. But the ball deflected chance?" Jose de Souza kicks 8 shot toward the goal. tentative play prevailed. State The Blue Devils took control of began to take charge midway the midfield and began to through the first half and went swarm State's goal. barely on to outshoot the Blue Devils missing three excellent chances nearly two to one before the before lrizarry‘s misfire. half ended. “I think we played better in The Pack took a 1-—-0 lead the first half than we have in a 5 Pack women with 6:50 remaining in the first while. but in the second half we King and Hofstetter pace period as Greg Myren convert-. seemed to slip." said head coach ed his own rebound for the Max Rhodes. "We backed up on score. Stephen Rea put the ball them in the second half and spikers take in play on a corner kick and. gave them too much room to after missing with a head shot maneuver. once the ball came UNC to cross country win from about 12 yards in front of down to our end of the field we fourth straight the net. Myren won the ensuing just backed off instead of going tussle for possession and drilled after the ball like we did in the in its wake. demonstrating to the Pack's performance. "The State's women spikers con- it by the helpless Duke goalie. first half. by Peter Brunnick any skeptics that they were pace set by King for the first tinued their winning ways With nine minutes left in the 8(a)] Writer Friday night with a convincing game and State clinging to its “It was a tough game for us indeed the best runners in tvro miles was too fast and that 1576. 15-7. 15-9 thumping of Rhodes," North Carolina. definitely hurt our chances to shaky 1-0 lead. the Wolfpack's to lose." continued What was expected to be a win." he assessed. “We've got UNC Greensboro. The win timid second half play finally but I can't criticize the players. close race was transformed into marks the fourth in a row for paid off for Duke. In trying to They played well and we should Brower finishes strong several guys on the team who the charges of Nora Lynn Finch it. The players really a rout as the Carolina tandem of are primarily milers and the clear a loose ball in front of the have had Ralph King and Gary Hofstet- Running the best race of his unex en pace just worked and Kay Yow since losing to ter controlled virtually every career. Kevin Brower was the against them. Also we just put North Carolina on Oct. 11. aspect of Saturday's race to only runner for the Wolfpack to too much pressure on ourselves The victory over UNC-G lead the Tar Heels to a break into the top ten. Looking anti I guess you could say we boosts the Wolfpack's con- convincing victory in the North ference mark to 6—2 while P.E. proficiency tests confident throughout the race just psyched ourselves out." raising its overall record to Carolina men's collegiate cross Brower relied on a strong kick Head coach Jack Bachelor 11-3. country championship. to take seventh with a credible reiterated much of Brower's Tuesday night State will be State. which had hoped to 31:32. Jon Michael was the analysis but added “We have hoping to avenge an earlier loss begin next week revenge an early season loss to number two man for the Pack run extremely well this season to Virginia Commonwealth Carolina. saw its dream washed with his 12th place finish. up until today and in the next when it faces UCU away by some superb running Senior Tony Bateman. running tVio weeks before the con- in the first Students interested in being day. Nov. 8 at 7 pm. in room just have half of a twinbill. The Wolfpack exempted from required physi- 213 of the gym. from the Tar Heels and its own in one ofhis most disappointing ference meet we will faces Madison in the nightcap. cal education courses may do so STUDENTS who make at sub-par performance. Carolina races ever. finished as the to sit down and figure out what gt" Friday and Saturday State will led with 33 points in its first number three man for State. we have to do to beat Carolina. be participating in the Mary- by passing the P.E. depart- least 85 percent on the written place finish while State totalled The intensity of the early But I can assure you we will ment‘s proficiency tests. section must then take the pace obviously bothered Bate- improve on our fifth place finish land Invitational Tournament The tests are administered skills test. Some sports will 77 points and nipped Duke by 2 ‘ before returning to its home once each semester in the require game participation. one. man as he seemed to be from last year." court Nov. 4 after a month on Individually. Carolina swept struggling to run with the (in Nov. 5 the State cross ‘ Statiphotoby Chris Seward the road. following sports: badminton. Proficiency testing will be leaders and by the races' country team will end its Kratz body mechanics. fencing. hand- administered only to students the races‘ first two positions as mid-point he had fallen back regular season as it travels to Donna Andrews returns ball in volleyball action earlier this year. —Mark ball. modern dance. squash. who are currently enrolled in King grabbed top honors with a and eventually finished 14th. t‘hapel Hill for the ACC cross tennis. swimming, weight physical education. fine 30.15 clocking over the State freshmen Steve Fran- country championship. Caro- training and track and field. 10.000 meter course while lina. running on its Registration fonthe current A student may not take Hofstetter nailed second in cis and Dan Lyon ran solid home \N’llt) l8 llll." scheduled tests for exemption races to round out the top five course. will be ,the meet semesterbegins Monday. Oct. 30.26. some, 35 seconds ahead finishers for the Wolfpack. favorite with State and an if“ Wl 1.11 is 1 111‘ 31. and continues until Friday, in an activity which he is of the third finisher. Taking the After the race. team spokes- llllpf‘()\t‘d Duke squad battling ~sn5111 4995 Nov. 4. Students may register currently enrolled in. No lead from the outset. the Tar man Kevin Brovver analyzed for runner up honors. 11-57 59.95 , ,. . ., .. . from 8 am. to 5 pm. at the academic credit or grade will be Heel duo brought the field 11-50 109.95 lSHl 1111 Bl.(.l\.\l.\(, main office in Carmichael Gym. given for passing a proficiency through the first mile in a Tl~59 254.95 ()ii'l'lil‘ [NUT Examinations will be given test nor is there any penalty for torrid 4:35. By two miles the PC- IOM M4 .95 Monday. Nov. 7 and Wednes- failing the test. pair had left the rest of the field Ml. 1am “JEN m MRILUILHY ‘ lS i if: 01977 JOS SCHLFI‘Z BHEWING CO MILWAUKEE WIS m” SHIPPED FREE “'W l ';&?:111301212110our.“it”WEST“tumWWo “IDEANOFBEER'SOIIOCIOIIZ. C10SPEI. CHOIR CONCERT Q: The figure “130” represents: (919135271190H arm------9“"? m... m a) The number of mailman in the U.S. "MS AD is SELDOM RUN. PLEASE answering to the name of Louie. Stewart Theatre CUP FOR FUTURE REFERENCE IN STEWART THEATRE b) Any combination of the numbers 70 and 60. SUNDAY NIGHT c) The number of times the word porcupine 8:00 p.m. fm can be written on a zucchini. d) The number of Schlitz taste testers. Monday Oct. 211 e) Both (b) and (d). . NCSU UNIVERSITY PLAYERS (e) I can think of no combination of 70 111m Choirs: ._....-.....L.,.-...- and 60 that does not equal 130. (If you can, you now know why you are flunking math.) .C. State "aim-Now llorlzo I also can't think of anything better than being a Schlitz taste tester. Except. perhaps. '11113 LiriiieFOXB owning Kuwait. Shaw llnlumltu And Schlitz maintains a trained panel of over Ck 130 of them. They’re qualified and requalified Saint Augustine’s College experts who make sure your taste for quality is never disappointed. Because Schlitz knows thefinal test for flavor1s yours alone. Class dismissed. WWW“

OCTOBER 21.22. 25% 29 8PM ADULTS 29° madam 190 NCSU Students Freewtth 1.0. or Ipdepoeit in advance. lnformtfonm Malice 9-4 Weekdays THOMPSON THEATRE. NCSU

XX‘XXsfiX’X’XXX4 tag14% Six / Technician October 24, 1977



Ticket policy The Student Senate Athletic Committee last Athletic Committee or the entire Student Senate Wednesday night clarified the football ticket dis- forget, the problem that arose during the dis tribution policy for the remainder of the 1977 tribution of tickets for the Carolina game was no season. The clarification was needed badly since students picking up tickets without their own ID it was not being enforced and, generally but with anntbnv minmv- In Thom was no fuss speaking, the policy is fair and reasonable, over this and it didn't cause any problems. although one of its tenets will probably be Where the complaints were registerec protested by students, and rightfully so. regarded the formation of ticket lines for the The policy is simple: no lists will be recognized games as early as one week in advance as was for the purpose of ticket distribution; tickets must the case for the Carolina game and the conse be picked up by the person who has priority for quent lists which students started. These were that game; no lines may be formed prior or the trouble areas that faced Student Govern during an event taking place in Reynolds Col- ment and they have appropriately been deal iseum; no fires or littering will be tolerated if lines with by means of this ticket distribution clarifi are formed; and distribution of the tickets will be cation approved by the Student Senate Athletii contingent on students’ behavior in line. Committee. Adopted last year by the Student Senate, the But why include the requirement that tickets policy simply hasn’tbeen fully enforced this year, must be picked up by the person who ha: and that's why there was so much confusion priority for that game? Obviously there is nc during the ticket distribution during the Carolina good defense for such a requirement. And wher game. So we are indeed thankful for a clarifi- it gets right down to the matter, it would be verg cation on the policy. difficult in some cases to be able to tell definitelg But one tenet of the policy which we take that the picture on the ID is really the picture 0 issue with is the statement that tickets for the the person holding it. This tenet would also slou football games must be picked up by the person down the process of distributing the tickets. who has priority for that game. The matter is wholly trivial and doesn’t nee: Why is that such a problem in thedistributing to be included in the ticket distribution policy a of football tickets? Or the Student Senate all. Hopefully the Senate will realize this.

letters “flashers“. This kind of occurence is not rare or bill as a resolution. , In response to your statement, “Materials will Douglas Hicks Thad Bowling Sick of security funny, especially to the joggers who don't even Therefore, 1 as well as other senators do not not be taught like an engineering course, a Sr. CHE Sr., EE To the Editor, report the incidents anymore due to the negative like seeing Lynne Griffith (sic) jumping in with course with no life to it," in the 10/19/77 issue of attitude received from officials. editorial and taking credit instead l’m green puke sick of the ridiculous manner her front-page ' the Technician: What do you say to someone who is of publishing the Senate’s resolution and How can you, an associate professor in Homecoming in which students are treated on this campus in obviously shaken and upset when problems Student Government’s position so that students Materials Engineering, describe engineering regard to Security not taking serious matters happen——call Security? know Student Government is trying to do courses as being lifeless (“with no life") —lifeless, seriously. Twice this past break have I seen something for them. dead. dull. listless)? [t has been our experience To the Editor, students have misfortunes with their keys (either A. Mohr I would also like to clarify a statement in Mr. that a professor’s attitude can greatly influence The members of lota Lambda Chapter of theft or travelling misplacement). Soph., Design Gaskin’s letter: Jerry Kirk does not make policy; the degree of interest in a course. If your gen- Alpha Phi Omega greatly appreciate the good Each time Security (1 say Security in general, it. Mr. Kirk did certainly not all members are guilty) has been as Attorney General he enforces eralization is to be correct. any courses that you coverage you gave our Homecoming activities. Ticket policy a good job against the lists (whereas Blas Arroyo teach in Materials Engineering must be lifeless. We owe much of the success of this year’s cold and irreverent to the situation of the stated outside the Senate Hall that he wasn’t Also, you commented that six professors Homecoming to you and hope that we will be individuals. To the Editor: going to take down any lists). would teach UNl 495, from the fields of metal- able to work together as well on our future How do you prove to an officer, or anyone for The Student Senate Athletic Committee will lurgy, chemistry, political science, and econo- activities. that matter, that the belongingson the other side lam writing this letter to clarify some poor be formulating the new ticket policy so please mics, to obtain different viewpoints and different I hope that our appreciation will be extended of a locked door are yours? The run-around reporting done at the last Senate meeting send your suggestions. perspectives. Would you not agree that a to your entire staff for the fine job that they did from Security to the ‘R.A.'s (who were also on concerning the ticket policy, and the conduct of materials course would be greatly enhanced by and that they will continue to bring news of all vacation) to Security again, then to Harris Hall is the Student Body President. Robert Hoy having an engineer's opinion? Or would he be campus activities to the students as well as quite old (especially when your sweatsuit with 1 introduced emergency legislation to change Student Senator—Athletic Committee too dull for the course? Homecoming was presented. the pocket full of keys has been stolen and your the ticket policy but I could not bring it out on the track shorts don’t guard against 45 degree Jim Mabry Senate floor due to lack of committee chairman’s Engineering students here at State put up with Parade Chairman winds). signatures. Dull professor a lot of criticism: “Look, he’s got a calculator on And-while I’m really hot and ready to This was due to our Student Body President Letters to the Editor should be no longer than :50 blast-out everyone, let me say that maybe his belt. He must be an engineer!" These words. Letters should be typed or written leeiblv and Blas Arroyo who stood against the students and To the Editor. comments are easily tolerated. However, a crit- must include the writer's address or phone number Security (term again used generally) should take for the lists all nfiht long (he was on one of the Re: Leon T. Jordan, Coordinator of UM 495, icism from within the department (such as yours) along with his or her classitlcation and curriculum. people a little more seriously when they report Letterscontaining possibly libelousorobscene material . lists near the top). The Senate then passed the Materials and Resources of Society is hard to swallow. will be edited.

“Condoned murder, rape, wife beating no help to women

- by Sunshine Southerland her bitching any longer and feared what he end you got into a position where you were women, anymore than they are of any victim on gang rapes and beating women and are sold Contributing Writer might do. They refused. unable to cope.” who fails to get justice in the courts. But the to men to turn them on sexually (or sadistically). Reginald Elliot got three years probation and a The prepossessed judge was apparently world they dole their brand of justice out for is a There were numerous testimonies of wife Doreen Elliot is dead. Her husband Reginald solicitous sentiment from Judge Croom-Johnson moved by poor Reginald’s plight and his dangerous place for anyone to live, especially beating and the further degradation these strangled her to death because she had nagged last week in Chelmsford, England. The attorney’s assertion that Doreen Elliot was “a women and children. women received from authorities when they him for 17 years. A week before the murder he shortsighted-judge is quoted as saying, “I don’t miserable woman who found pleasure in Women still die on hack’s abortion tables, went for help. There was one account given that walked into his local police station and asked think I have ever before come across a case nothing.” because abortion is a controversial political issue. deserves its plaCe in the annals of political that he be locked up because he couldn’t handle where provocation has gone on so long. in the Women die at the mauling hands of rapists. They torture. A woman in Iran, who had started a and their children die of starvation because the Feminist movement, had her toenails ripped out. man who is or was their provider, for whatever I have been accused of some vitriolic Women’s Voice reason, is no longer providing and they can’t sentiments, but I will readily attest to one very 1W0(plu€ am was )-runeks make it. Wives and lovers of sick, violent men die, real emotion—anger. Sick at the stomach, fist because the world is too much to handle and pounding. action seeking anger. The judge in Elliot is walking around right now a free man, violence is an inescapable situation. Rape is not a Chelmsford, England, is one of the most recent free but obviously disturbed, if by nothing else crime of passion but researchers say wife beating recipients of my anger and it isn’t because he is a but‘the guilt of having killed another human is. “man. it is because he assumed the power to being. Hurray for compassion,vbut 1 fear Judge The murderer is usually a habitual wife beater. excuse another man of killing his wife—because Groom-Johnson’s was illegitimate. And while A study conducted in a large city police everyone knows women shouldn’t nag. Elliot is creating a new life for himself as a free department found that in 85 per cent of the man without the burden of a nagging wife, there domestic homicides they handle in one year, the are others—women being beaten, raped, killed, police had been called in prior to the murder. F.l'.'e<32h.:n:lcs:l.a.r.|.I AND WE as well as psychologically destroyed all over the Here is another statistic for you law and order globe. Perhaps the men who are their scourge buffs. The president’s commission on Law Edtor ...... LynnoGriffin Bea) IL) will be fortunate enough to have a judge with the Enforcement and Administration of Justice THE.— 148%- compassionate bent of Judge Croom-Johnson. found that family fights are the greatest cause of To ask Doreen Elliot why she didn't leave her homicides and that child abuse is the leading AseocloteEdtor».3...... Gregflogers 27’ EVE-R7 husband is an irrelevant as well as ludicrous cause of death among children. Productionflaneger ...... NancyWilliame HL'fi'lT'TiL. question. On the other hand it would be I do not suggest that women and children are NewsEdtor ...... DavidPendered enlightening to know why Mr. Elliot didn’t leave the only victims of our society; men are certainly FeatureeEditor ...... WeeCasttWel»_l. Ll- om- his nagging wife a long time ago. It may not have victimized. both as victims and criminals. Our sponsEdtorDagidCarroll_ been as economical as murder but certainly human race is fast becoming one wnthing mass _ Entertainment Editor ...... NencyWiiliame_ more just. of victimized peoples. But men are also judges, lPhotoEdtor ...... ChrieSeward Judge Croom-Johnson is another of the police, law makers, husbands and fathers and in ' Aesletantflewefidtor...” ...... KarenAustin curious questions of this case. He hails from a that capacity are all too often the unchecked tradition (as did most judges) that never did look murderers of women and children. Advertising on ‘l‘lllSI'lA-~ as harshly as perhaps they should have on the thought of You W l Dai‘r Our social conscience reels at Manger...... DerekWhite OH JQST‘THE ridding oneself of a bothersome wife. King political entities abridging the rights of people. It ...... Mark Burroughs, Steve Key, W10 iaosu “mist/6 George and King Henry set a fine tradition for is a generally accepted view that atrocities to Sherwood Robins, Bob WE- tJtED To BaT WE HAD m the men of that country. human beings are politically and morally Design ...... JohnCampbell,SteveDevie, ll A LOtJC-r Like other cultural traditions of Europe there unacceptable. But the occurrence of these JudyOuittner (Slut-’2 OOP- is an American counterpart. There was recently a atrocities are also only generally accepted as ZaA—nonsmP THE-flowers judge in Wisconsin who was removed from his being committed‘by fascist political powers Circulation A Ci-lAtJCE Sosabmxlé, post because of a decision that his constituents against faceless and sexless people. That women didn’t subscribe to. , and children as a class of oppressed people are Manager...... DaveBobbit TO 5200... so CA‘EHQZ‘. He freed a young man of a rape charge subject to atrocities is unrecognized, if not Assistant ...., ...... PetorStawart because he felt women provoked sexual assaults downright ignored. Production I NEED sbo by their dress and behavior (The woman who Last year. at the International Tribunal on So MUCH was raped was wearing bluejeans and a Crimes against Women, about 2,000 people, ‘ Assistants ...... DevidBlythe,LaureDatwler, sweatshirt). The people of Wisconsin replaced mostly women. from 33 countries, heard reports HelenTarLMarieWebeter that judge with a woman. Raleigh has its own of crimes against women and children. Shocking Typeeenere ...... DevidBlythe.Cory8uolde, version of ill-informed judges. A judge recently is a mild and liberal word for what they heard. LetghClarlL BethMch freed a young man of a kidnapping and Clitoridectomies on girls between seven and I‘- attempted rape charge and. chastised his 11 in Africa. . . hard pornography that not only Layout ...... TommyChlteyJ’eteYatae girlfriend who had accused the “poor boy.” victimizes the women consenting but the whole Pesto-up ...... '...... Blllm Judges are not the solitary enemies of of women as a race. These films capitalize l‘ mm ...... MutinErleeon