The Archives of The University of Notre Dame 607 Hesburgh Library Notre Dame, IN 46556 574-631-6448
[email protected] Notre Dame Archives: Alumnus "-"-- 'S' • •' ^-•;^f,J:i::4;^Jw;:i^.y^ft5a;^^iA3l«^f*^^ THE NOTRE DAME ALUMNUS 194! Commencement (Pase 3) University Affairs (Pages) Modern Secularism (Pase 6) Sports (Pase 8) Spotlight Alumni (Pase II) Father Corby Statue Vol. 19. DECEMBER, 1940 No. 3 ^ Merry Christmas M L^^HH^Mk ^^^•riv '%m a1. THRONED IN HIS MOTHER'S ARMS. CHRIST RESTS IN SLUMBER SWEET — EXCEPT AT GOD'S RIGHT HAND FOR HIM NO HIGHER SEAT. — CHARLES L. O'QONNELL. C.S.C.. '06 (IN THE CHRISTMAS SCHOLASTIC OF 1905) - Happy New Tear ^^K ^j!K "^ . k The Notre Dame Alumnus This maarazine is published montlily from October to Jane, inclusive (except Jannarr). by tiw Pijfilljf o< Notre Dame. Notre Dame. Indiana. Entered as second class matter October 1, 1939, at tbe FUtoffiee, Notm !!•••_ T-JI.»«, mder tiw act of August 24, 1912. Member of tlie American Alomni Coundl and of tbe National OallKdie Alnmnl Federation. JAMES E. ARMSTRONG, "25, Edilor; WILLIAM R DOOLEY. '26,.Mana^g Eiilor Vol. 19 DECEMBER. 1940 No. 3 What subjects would yon be interested in — economics? current history? phi Commencement Forum Session Proposed losophy? current literature? legal devel opments? scientific progress? Would be Conducted by Whom would you like to hear? We believe that an open forum after Professors for the Alumni a lecture offers the most valuable mutual method of presentation. What is your idea on this? There is a feeling, that alumni who contribution from Notre Dame to those return for the annual Commencement alumni who expend the time and the • We would particularly like to have programs have passed through the BBB effort and the expense of returning to this whole idea discussed by the Clubs stage — which, for the relaxed reader, the campus.