Privateline Magazine-November-December-1995.Pdf
Volume 2, No. 6 Nov ember/December $4.50 rivate line a journal of inquiry into the telephone system Alexander Graham Bell CABLE STATION ... OPERATIONS J • > , t f CANADIAN i TELECOM, - PART2 DIGITAL TELEPHONY BILL UPDATE MICROWAVE PROPAGATION BASICS DEF CON Ill REVIEW INDEX TO PR/VA TE LINE, VOLUME2 As reported oo CBS "60 Mlnu111•: How cortaln de vices can slowd own - 1v1nslop - watthour mel11I- Damien Thorn's ceLLULAR+co MPUTERS+TELco+sEcuRrrv :!'~:~d:,,~r~~Jro~: :ii~~~/!l!~~~~~:~ scrlbesm eler creep, overload droop, elc. Plans $29. 1,0, MANUAL,Exte rnal maoneUcwa ys (applled lo the melerlts eH)l o slow down and slopwaltllo ur melers 1 ULTIMATE HACKER 2011 Cruc en t Dr ., P.O . Drawer 537 ;l'~Ed~s ~'io~ ~~~~~r ~e~~~s :~~ ~ Alamogordo , NM 8831 o error modes( many), ANSI Standards, etc.Dem and and ~ (5051 439-1776 439 -8551 · Polyphan Melen. E,perlmcntalresulls l o slow and 8A M _ 7PM MST, Mon_ sai stop metersby others. $19. Any 2, $38. All 3, $59. Ell.!G (5051 434-0234, 434 -1778 (orde,s FILE ARCHIVE ON CD-ROM only;W you g el voice,enler• 111 111· anyUme): 24-hr ATMcrlm11 , abuses,,u ln111blllUn and dalHls 11- Fcea Te c h Byooo n; (relates dlrecUy1 0 your posedl1 00+ methodsd eta!ed, Include:Physka l, Reg. orderor prospectiveOfde~: Tu••· and Thurs. only. E. cipher, PINcompromise. card counterteltino, mao lili.lllunJJ tdlltlJl~ ZJ!ll±.AddS5 neticslrlpe, fa lse froo~ TEMrEST, Van Ed<.tapping , 10131s;lffOS: Canada) . Al aemsIn slock. VI SA.M C11dOK. spoollng,Inside lob , •~r-<ool, vfbrallon,pulse, high The entire underground NoCODs °' 'bill me•s.Ne w Catalog (200+ olfersl $2 voltage- olhers.C ase his1<>f1es,law, comlermeasures, order $5'N1! (check or MO).li!l..d.Qlru.
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