Letter from the Chair
Letter from the Chair Welcome to the thirtieth incarnation of Life, the Universe, and Everything! It’s been, shall we say, exciting getting everything put together this year. With all of the changes we’ve had to make (not least of which is the obvious alteration in location), the thirtieth anniversary is sort of a new birth for the symposium; we’re hoping that we’ll be able to reach an even larger audi- ence and continue to grow in the future. And speaking of births, LTUE is now older than many of its attendees! Over the last three decades, LTUE has hosted a distinguished series of authors, artists, and editors, providing great opportunities both for fans and, more importantly, for new entrants into the SF&F fields. We hear every year about how attending LTUE was helpful in launching new careers, and we hope that we’ll continue to fulfill that role and get better at it. So, attendees— don’t be shy about talking to our guests. Most of them don’t even bite. When I first started attending LTUE, it just seemed like one of those -fix tures of nature—things that will always be there because you cannot imagine the world without them. But of course, the symposium only happens if there are real people behind the scenes doing real work to make it happen every year. So, thanks to all of this year’s committee members and gofers. Thanks to our panel members and presenters, without whom there would be nothing to show up to.
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