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Corona-Fastnet-Short-Film-Festival FASTNET SHORT FILM FESTIVAL OUR VILLAGE IS OUR SCREEN stEErIng coMMIttEE fEstIvAL pAtrons 2012 welcome to schull and CFSFF 2012! MAurIcE sEEzEr tony bArry thanks to all of our sponsors for sticking with us in 2012, and in Chair & Artistic Director stEvE coogAn particular to our title sponsors Michael and kathleen Barry of Barry hELEn wELLs sInéAd cusAck & Fitzwilliam, importers of Corona, who won an allianz Business Co-Chair, Admin & Submissions grEg dykE to arts award for their cheerful and encouraging sponsorship of MArIA pIzzutI JAck goLd CFSFF in 2011. these last years have been enormously stressful Co-Artistic Director JErEMy Irons to festivals around the country as government funding for the arts hILAry McCarthy John kELLEhEr in Ireland dries up, and just when it seemed like it couldn’t get any Public Relations Officer chrIs o’dELL bsc worse, there is a whisper that the sponsorship support that alcohol PauLInE cottEr DavId puttnAM brands give to both arts festivals and sporting events around Ireland Fundraising JIM shErIdAn may be banned by the government within the next two years. If this brIdIE d’ALton kIrstEn shErIdAn goes ahead, it will accelerate the centralization of cultural events Treasurer gErArd stEMbrIdgE in larger population centres already well under way thanks to the economic recession and will consequently put huge pressure on tEchnIcAL dIrEctor for ALL EnquIrIEs all festivals in rural areas, including our own. this will have an MArtIn LEvIs pLEAsE contAct: extremely negative impact on an already under pressure tourism sector and is surely unnecessary at this time. grAphIc dEsIgn FEStIval Box oFFICE JonAthAn pArson @ Your lEISurE last year we developed Distributed Cinema and became a MaIn StrEEt streaming festival for the short film competition submitters, all PAUL GOODE SChull within the confines of Main Street Schull. this year, we will be WESt Cork streaming spoken events and Q&a content live from the village hall +353 (0)28 28600 onto the web. this is an important step for us. our programme and prIntEd by our web presence define us, the one as a record of our aspirations, InspIrE, Skibbereen opEnIng hours and the other as our window to the world. the live stream is 10aM-8PM happening thanks to Martin levis, our technical director, Brendan & Jane hurley from Digital Forge, who provide the required upload and download bandwidth free, the Irish Film Board for financial support specifically regarding Streaming, Granite Consulting for web design EMAIL and Iomega Ireland and Canon Ireland, who have both provided [email protected] equipment. With such a coherent and strong line-up of guests appearing at CFSFF2012, and such an active audience of short film www.fAstnEtshortfILMfEstIvAL.coM makers and enthusiasts from all over the world attending, it’s a wonderful opportunity to show that rural communities can develop their own response to cultural centralization. In fact thanks to online technology, the electronic arts and crafts can thrive here. By supporting a festival like ours, where the emphasis is on the art, craft and technology of filmmaking, friends, supporters, filmmakers and sponsors alike empower and inspire the next generation of filmmakers and their audiences. tIckEts Maurice seezer 4 fEstIvAL 4 dAy pASS 50 artistic Director, CFSFF 2012 studEnt 4 dAy pASS (Student ID required) 425 subMIttErs 4 dAy pASS 425 1 Day AduLt pASS 415 contEnts pAgE 1 Day studEnt And subMIttErs pASS 410 dIstrIbutEd cInEMA 04 tIckEtIng poLIcy thE AwArds 05 Passes to the Festival are nominally priced and heavily subsidised and allow access to the Village Hall for all events on a first come first served subMIssIons 06 basis. There is no facility to reserve seating. Most other festival activities fILMMAkEr In focus: pAt coLLIns 20 are free of charge. EvEnts schEduLE 22 Please note if no pass has been purchased at the Box Office a day rate EvEnts dEtAILs 24 of 315 will be charged on the door for entry into the Village Hall. sponsors And frIEnds 38 We thank you for supporting Schull’s very own ‘Distributed Cinema’, an spEcIAL thAnks 40 Intranet network dedicated to Short Film. sponsors 42 Cover still from submitted film ‘El Pescador’ Directed by Samantha Pineda and Davy Giorgi Directed Pescador’ film ‘El submitted from still Cover DISTRIbUTED THE CINEMA awards ovEr 150 short fILMs strEAMIng to wIfI And to thE foLLowIng vEnuEs: THE Village HALL, THE COUrTyArD, COUrTyArD CrAfTs (Upstairs), WHyTE BOOks, THE Black sHEEP, HackETT’s (Upstairs), THE NEW Haven, Regan’s BAr & NEWmAN’s WEsT (Upstairs). Welcome to ‘distributed cinema’, schull’s very own intranet network Pat Connor was born in Dublin and Pat connor dedicated to short film. There are many different facilities around the studied art at NCAD. He lived and crEAtor of thE village, from HD plasma screens, to projectors, to the 720HD projector worked in New York from 1987-1993. in the Village Hall. Outside each venue is a sandwich board with the bEst of fEstIvAL AwArd He now lives in Schull. His work can day’s programme running order outlined. be seen in several public collections ‘distributed cinema’ was conceived of by the corona fastnet short including The Arts Council of Ireland, film festival committee and John d’Alton, who coined the term and The Crawford Municipal Gallery, Cork, hatched a plan with us. We realised at Christmas 2010 that our main The National Museum of Ireland and venue for the first two years, the harbour view hotel, had been closed The AIb Collection, Dublin. Pat has down. (Thanks for the support over the first two years Denny & Sherrie represented Ireland at the Paris biennale Cullinane). and in Japan, New York and Switzerland. We decided to create an intranet network in heart of schull, a pilot scheme to connect a number of premises to our own server enabling streaming of our short films to these premises. the premises would bEst of fEstIvAL also enable wifi access, for the duration of the festival, so that attenders Cash prize of €2,000 and an original Pat Connor sculpture of the festival could stream the submitted short film of their choice on their laptop, smartphone or iPad. brendan hurley, from local internet bEst IrIsh short fILM provider digitalforge ran with it, planned and created the network, Cash prize of €2,000 voluntarily giving of his time and expertise. 75% funding from west cork development partnership helped the scheme to get off the ground. bEst YOUNG fILMMAkEr (u22) granite consulting from Skibbereen helped us to create an intranet copy Cash prize of €2,000 of our website that enabled wifi access, but only from within the village. Martin Levis spent many sleepless nights converting the submissions to the formats required for the films to be seen in the highest resolution bEst In cork on every platform. Iomega Ireland contributed hardware, and schull Cash prize of €500 – Sponsored by Cork County Council community college, schull sailing centre, fingal ferguson from Gubbeen, sean connell, camille & kerry fenn and Mark Mccarthy all bEst drAMA provided much needed support at critical times to enable it all to run Cash prize of €200 smoothly in 2011. let’s hope 2012 runs as smoothly! bEst coMEDY Cash prize of €200 bEst docuMEntAry Cash prize of €200 bEst EXpErIMEntAL Cash prize of €200 bEst dAncE Cash prize of €200 bEst AnIMAtIon thE pIEr Cash prize of €200 (2011) 89M WriTTEN & Directed By GErArD HUrLEy bEst dIrECTIon vILLAgE hALL / 8pM / wEdnEsdAy 23rd MAy, 2012 / AdM 46 Cash prize of €100 “among other pictures drawing positive notice was Gerard hurley’s beautifully composed, gorgeously acted the Pier. It tells a common story bEst scrEEnpLAy in Irish literature and film: the returning emigrant confronts what has Cash prize of €100 changed and what has remained the same. the director plays a man who, told his father (karl Johnson) is dying, travels from new York to Cork to discover the old codger looking a little healthier than expected. bEst orIgInAL MusIc an amusing, touching battle of wills then develops. the picture never Cash prize of €100 comes close to striking a bum note…a small gem” (Donald Clarke, the Irish times film critic). bEst cInEMATOGRAphy Cash prize of €100 Come along and see what all the fuss has been about with this locally- made Festival kick-starter. followed by q&A with director gerard hurley chaired by Maurice seezer. 04 05 The following submission entries have not been standard practice recommends that in the absence given an official viewers classification. The films that of classification, festivals classify their entire contain obvious adult content, violence or improper programme as over 18. We thus recommend that language are in programmes 16 - 24 and have an parents use their discretion as we aim to repeat over 18 recommendation. parts of the programme in various venues throughout. SUbMISSIONS progrAMME 01 GarEth DakIn rEvErsE rAMpAgEr 2m/UK/Experimental/Over 18 RRP unexpectedly gets what’s coming to him. progrAMME 02 Val bLAkELy dEborAh root fLApjack rEgrEt rELIEf 11m/USA/Comedy/Over 18 4m/Canada/Under 22 Jack’s favourite Anime character made flesh. A meditation on leaving a lover. CathErInE donovAn, grAcE o’MAhony yoI suzukI thE popEMobILE pArt ME fArAwAy 12m/Ireland/Documentary/Over 18 4m/Japan/Experimental/Over 18 building the original popemobile in Cork in 1979. Voice is a voice, image an image, I part, apart. rIo fItch stEphEn cunnAnE found A pEAnut oh thE AccEnt! 11m/Canada/Comedy/Over 18 9m/USA/Comedy/Over 18 The dire consequences of eating a bad peanut. Actor required with Irish accent. Simple, right? ArrAn tEnzIn brAdstock TatsuhIro kIMIJIMA trAppEd In A Loop thE MAgIc rAbbIt 2 14m/Ireland/Under 22 5m/Japan/Drama/Over 18 Nightmares of a mysterious cloaked figure.
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