Atos cookie overview table

Provider Name Purpose Type, party, utility Duration How to disable / enable this cookie Analytics _ga enables Atos to Persistent 1st 2 years To opt out of being tracked by _gat view how you interact with Persistent 1st 10 minutes Google Analytics across all _gid website content. Please note that Persistent 1st 24 Hours websites, please visit: __utma in order to avoid the collection of Persistent 1st 2 Years __utmt your Personal Data by Google, we Persistent 1st 10 minutes gaoptout __utmb have set up the tool in a manner Persistent 1st 30 mins __utmc which prevents the collection of SESSION 1st Session More Info: IP addresses. Neither Atos nor __utmz Persistent 1st 6 months Google are able to identify you __utmv Persistent 1st 2 years s/learn/privacy.html and your online activity.

“Performance” cookies nalytics/devguides/collection/an alyticsjs/cookie-usage

Celsius uid To deliver more relevant Persistent 3rd 60 days cid advertising to you at the websites Persistent 3rd 60 days policy/en/ and mobile applications you visit, CM and for other purposes including Persistent 3rd 1 day TPC research and analysis. Persistent 3rd 1 Month CM14 Persistent 3rd 14 days sess PS: Text taken from: Persistent 3rd 1 day icu Persistent 3rd 3 months anj policy/en/ Persistent 3rd 3 months uuid2 Persistent 3rd 3 months C Persistent 3rd 2 months

“Targeting” cookies Oktopost No Cookie Conversion Tracking and Lead - - Oktopost Privacy Policy Capture cy Pardot pi_opt_in467241 The Pardot Marketing Persistent 1st and 3rd 10 years visitor_id467241 Automation platform stores a Persistent 1st and 3rd 10 years ardot-tracking-code-respects-do- visitor_id467241-hash unique identifier for website Persistent 1st and 3rd 10 years not-track-feature-in-browsers/ pardot visitors; used to track how a 1st party Session visitor uses our website and to monitor performance of Targeting Cookies leView?id=pardot_basics_cookie marketing campaigns. s.htm&type=5 ardot-cookies/ Facebook like fr We (Facebook) use this cookie Persistent 3rd 3 months Can I block ads on Facebook or button information to help show you a “Targeting” Cookie opt out of ads showing on my personalized experience on that account? site as well as Facebook, to help If you don't want to see a specific maintain and improve our ad, you can click the x on the top service, and to protect both you right corner of the ad and choose and Facebook from malicious I don't want to see this. activity. We delete or anonymize You can't block Facebook ads it within 90 days, and we do not entirely. Ads help keep Facebook sell it to advertisers or share it free and we strive to show you without your permission. only ads that are relevant and interesting to you. Facebook privacy policy /1075880512458213/?helpref=h /cookies/ c_fnav /206635839404055

Twitter share _twitter_sess Twitter uses these technologies Session 3rd Session If you don’t want personalization button _ct0 to deliver, measure, and improve Persistent 3rd 4 hours (including ads) based on your external_referer our services in various ways. Persistent 3rd 1 week visits to third-party websites that guest_id Persistent 3rd 2 years integrate Twitter content, there These uses generally fall into one are several ways to turn off this of the following categories: “Targeting” Cookies feature:

To log you into Twitter For users signing up to Twitter on To protect your security the web, you can uncheck the Atos cookie overview table

To let you to view content with box that says Track where you limited distribution see Twitter content across the To help us detect and fight spam, web. abuse, and other activities that After signup or if you are using violate the Twitter Rules Twitter logged-out, you can To remember information about disable the Track where you see your browser and your Twitter content across the web preferences setting in your Personalization To help us improve and and data settings. understand how people use our services, including Twitter buttons and widgets, and Twitter les/20169421# Ads To customize our services with more relevant content, like tailored trends, stories, ads, and suggestions for people to follow To help us deliver ads, measure their performance, and make them more relevant to you based on criteria like your activity on Twitter and visits to our ad partners' websites By better understanding how devices are related, we can use information from one device to help personalize the Twitter experience on another device. es/20170514

Google+ like Same Cookies as (*) button YouTube,

Including additional: Used to log on using Google CheckConnectionTem Account Persistent 3rd 1 day pCookie290 CheckConnectionTem Persistent 3rd 1 day pCookie500 “Targeting” Cookie LinkedIn share JSESSIONID LinkedIn uses different types of Session 3rd Session You can opt-out of off-site and button UID cookies to run our website and Persistent 3rd 1 year third-party-informed advertising bcookie ads-related products. These Persistent 3rd 2 years by adjusting your settings. bscookie list some of our third-party Persistent 3rd 2 years lang cookies. Third-party cookies are Session 3rd Session leo_auth_token derived from other websites' Persistent 3rd Instant gs/?tab=account&modal=nsettin lidc advertisements to track your web Persistent 3rd 1 day gs-enhanced- visit use for marketing purposes. Persistent 3rd 2 Years advertising?trk=li_corpblog_corp “Targeting” Cookie _SaraHarrington_privacy cookie-table

LinkedIn uses cookies and other technologies to ensure everyone who uses LinkedIn has the best possible experience. Cookies also help us keep your account safe. For example, cookies enable us to identify your device, secure your access to LinkedIn and our sites generally, and even help us know if someone attempts to access your account from a different device. Cookies also enable you to easily share content on LinkedIn and help us serve relevant ads to you. They allow us to bring you advertising both on and off the LinkedIn sites, and bring customized features to you Atos cookie overview table

through LinkedIn plugins such as our "Share" button.

Atos local_country & country selector Session 1st Duration of (*) local_country_home “Functionality” Cookie session Atos SERVERID Session 1st Duration of (*) Blog post feed overview “Performance” Cookie session Atos cookie-policy To hide the Cookie Policy Persistent 1st 1 year (*) agreement bar “Functionality” Cookie YouTube PREF Set by YouTube on pages with Persistent 3rd 2 Years (*) embedded YouTube video. ”Functionality” Cookie

YouTube uses this cookie to store VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE your measured bandwidth; It Persistent 3rd 8 Months does not gather information ” Functionality” Cookie identifying a visitor.

Set by YouTube on pages with embedded YouTube video. Session 3rd Session YSC ”Targeting” Cookie LinkedIn Insight lang Gathers insights into post-click Session 3rd Duration of Manage Your LinkedIn Ads and view-through conversions of Session Settings. UserMatchHistory LinkedIn ads campaigns, giving Persistent 3rd 1 Month BizoID the ability to measure the impact Persistent 3rd 1 Month lang and ROI of ads. Data is encrypted, Session 3rd Duration of inkedin/answer/90274/manage- then de-identified within seven Session your-linkedin-ads- lidc days, and the de-identified data is Persistent 3rd 1 Day settings?lang=en bcookie deleted within 90 days. LinkedIn Persistent 3rd 2 Years bscookie does not share the personal data Persistent 3rd 2 Years with the website owner, it only provides aggregated reports “Targeting” Cookies about the website audience and ad performance. Triblio ti_ Used to track how a visitor uses Persistent 3rd 2 Years (*) _tr_va1:* our website and to monitor Persistent 3rd 6 Months _ga performance of marketing Persistent 3rd 2 Years _gid campaigns. Persistent 3rd 2 Years

“Targeting” cookies Matomo-on- _pk_id.# To analyse usage of the Peristent 1st 13 Months (*) premise _pk_ses.# website. It is not possible to Session 1st Session _pk_ref.# attribute the hereby collected Persistent 1st 6 Months data to any distinct person. The noted IP-address is anonymized immediately. After temporarily securing the shortened IP- address for the purpose of analysis of user behavior it will be deleted completely. Olark Hblid Olark – for the purpose of Persistent 1st 2 Years (*) Wcsid contacting and conducting real Session 1st Session Olfsk time chats with our support Persistent 1st 2 Years _okdetect professionals. Session 1st Session _okbk cookies in compliance with the Session 1st Session _ok “only necessary” aspect of setting Session 1st Session _oklv cookies outlined in the EU rules Session 1st Session _okla for Internet privacy. Source Session 1st Session _okac Session 1st Session _okac Session 1st Session

Soundcloud _gat_insided, Google Analytics is used by Persistent 3rd The longest expiry For more information on _gat, soundcloud to measure usage of Persistent 3rd period is two Soundcloud cookies - _ga, its service. All data collected is Persistent 3rd years. _gid anonymised with no personal Persistent 3rd ookies information stored.

sc_anonymous_id, Used to remember user Persistent 3rd The longest expiry sclocale preferences Persistent 3rd period is ten years. Atos cookie overview table

__qca, Used to track advertising for Persistent 3rd The longest expiry _fbp marketing purposes. Persistent 3rd is one year.

Google Dialogflow _gid Preference cookies for Google Persistent 1st 1 Minute For more information on Google _ga Dialogflow chat Persistent 1st 2 Year Cloud GDPR, - NID Persistent 3rd 6 Months y/gdpr?hl=en

(*) How can I control or delete cookies? Most internet browsers are initially set up to automatically accept cookies. You can change the settings to block cookies or to alert you when cookies are being sent to your device. There are a number of ways to manage cookies. Please refer to your browser instructions or help screen to learn more about how to adjust or modify your browser settings.

Additional notes:

• Within this site, we do not display personalized advertising based on our own or 3rd party cookies from other providers. • No Personal data nor geolocation is used on our site to display personal advertising or personalized content • Our website uses “share” buttons such as LinkedIn, Twitter, etc. where the visitor voluntarily can share content – such as Atos press releases to his/her own social media account. This sharing to social media channels occurs specifically at the site visitors request and does not occur automatically.