Attia Hosain’s

Sunlight on Broken Column


Attia Hosain:

The present chapter throws light on Attia Hosain’s Sunlight on Broken Column. The novel does not directly focus on the partition but it presents the effects of partition on domestic life. Laila is the central character of this novel. She was also greatly affected by partition. The amalgamation of culture, social system, the condition of women, politics of the time are the major concern of this novel. The present chapter is an attempt to present the social, culture, religious and political scenario of the . Attia being a Muslim female writer has tried to bring the trauma of the partition she was the first British-Indian Muslim writer to write on partition.

“Echoes of the event before 97, comes from the few men and women of the sensibility, who survived the separation of brother from brother and sister from sister in the partition. These memories are agonizing and they are apprised only by the remembrance of the fact that some like Attia Hosain test the terrors. Attia’s courage was in the poetry of growing up in Avadh much loved for her own affectionate nature from which she responded to the high and low it is possible that the avenged tending’s of professor D. P. Mukherjee had heard to Indian ethos and she had the perception of promises made by those who fought for the freedom our land her empathies for progressive writer were undertone’s around her, and she emerged from divided family, undivided in her novel Sunlight on Broken Column, she seemed to have seen that “it national movement meant men folk liberation the struggle offered to women prospects for emergence as human being would not remain any longer in purdah or in sufferance for belonging feminine gender. Attia has perceived the departure point from political freedom to the struggle of women to be recognized as equal though different.” This makes her novel Sunlight on Broken Column. a pioneer work inevitably the work of elder pioneer writer of Gandhian are reflecting political urges has now headedmotive force of the emergence of women writer through the desire of women to be recognized as the recreators of urges so long suppressed.” -.

Attia Hosain is the name which is especially known for her novel Sunlight on Broken Column. This novel is her semi-autobiographical work. She was British-Indian novelist, author, writer, broadcaster, actor and novelist. She was one of the pioneering women of letters and a classic Diaspora writer. Attia was born in 1913. She was born

69 in rich Muslim family of Lucknow, Uttar pradesh. She wrote in English making it resonate with the cadences of her mother tongue Urdu. She was educated at Lucknow University and in La Martini Ere and Isabella Thoburn college, Lucknow. She was taught Persian, Urdu and Arabic there. She was the first in Taluqdar family to receive such higher popularity. She went to England with her husband and two children in 1947. There she started her own women programme on the BBC Eastern Service.

She had liberal views. She was inspired by nationalist movement and influenced by left-wing. She was associated by the progressive writer’s association and inspired by radical writer’s association. Hosain has also attended meeting of all India progressive writers, presided by Premchand. She was encouraged by to participate in all India women conference held at Calcutta in 1933. She had also written for newspaper such as ‘the ‘Stateman’ and the ‘Pioneer’. She had also published short- stories in some periodicals. Her short-stories and other work reflects the nostalgia for the past.

She instead of choosing the newly created Pakistan went to Britain with her husband. The couple had two children. In Britain she continued to write. Attia was belong to Talukdar family, so she had been given primary education at home. She acted in Peter Mayne’s west end play the Bird of Time in London, in 1961.

Phonix fied and Other Stories is the collection of short stories by Attia. She dealt with the theme of partition and day to day life in India. The stories also contain the theme of the role of woman in the household. She has only written one novel Sunlight On Broken Column. Her unfinished novel No New Lands, No New Seas. Later the first part of the novel was published as distant traveler, new and selected fiction.

Her only novel the Sunlight on Broken Column, which is an account of her partition experience. She has presented the experience of the partition through the fiction the novel is an attempt to patch-up the Hindu-Muslim relationship. her writing shows the time of Pre-partition and its aftermath. Niaz Zaman on Attia says that,

“Hosain, a minority writer, stresses the folly of partition through laila who suggests that, despite the pain, despite the loss, India is large enough from the other religious groups, but those co-religionists who deny that people of different religion can live in India” (125)


Attia Hosain’s work throws light on the society to which she belongs. she has presented the feudalism and the day-to-day experience of elite women. Sunlight on Broken Column enjoys great fame for its presentation, its plot and its characterization. Her works has touch of traditionalism as well as modernity. She used to write in English, at the time when very few Muslim women writer used to choose English as their medium of expression. She in her works presents the multicultural, pluralistic and synaptic view of society .

Attia Hosain was a friend of Mulk Raj Anand. She sent her work to Mulk Raj Anand for the appreciation. He was the first to recognize the literary abilities of her he observes.

“I suggested her to adopt T. S. Eliot’s manner and to gather the remnants shored against the ruin i felt if she could write her autobiography. Not necessarily for publication, but to fix certain things. She might see that, beneath all the painful memories, she had developed a new kind of personal identity, contained in a family cost, but imaginatively free I asked her to read iqbal. Then the soul would like to appear like an emanation from the body.”

The novel Sunlight on Broken Column is an autobiographical in the sense that it presents the social and political implants of Attia the creator. The novel covers the time from 1932 to 1952 – a period which was recorded in the history for its socio- political upheavals. Attia presents her contemporary society through the fiction.

The novel portrays the social cultural and political circumstances of writer’s own time. Attia believed that the difference of culture is not the reason of the partition of India, but there were personal motives of ‘getting better life’ which was the result of the two separate nations. Her work Sunlight on Broken Column shows the relationship of Hindu and Muslims as well as the sectarian strife of Shia-Sunni. She believed that both Hindu and Muslims were fought against Britishers from a century and they maintained tolrant in their attitude for each others diets and beliefs. The character she chooses portrays the secular culture of Lucknow. Hosain has criticized the politicians who had spread the poison of communal hatred. She has presented the nostalgia of partition as Md. Kamran Ahsan commented,


“Sunlight on Broken Column presents Hosain’s nostalgia for the pre-partition days. This is the first novel, written by a Muslim that evinces the divisions of Muslim league. The partition is not directly portrayed, but with its implications on social, cultural and political life”.

Attia has presented the culture of north Indian-Muslims.She was one of the true representator of her society. The partition brings many social and political changes of in the society political party like Muslim league was supported due to the fears of economic decrease or what Saleem calls ‘hind phobia’ her work is an attempt to present her own concept of nationality she her herself had participated in the national movement she was inspired by the philosophy of Gandhi. She has presented the destruction, violence and hatred of the people. She talks of partition with heavy heart in her novel,

“And in 1947 came the partition of the country, and the people of India and Pakistan celebrated independence in the midst of bloody migrations from one to another”(283)

Hosain shows the futility of the partition. The writing of Attia is a glimpse of pre-partition are, a shared culture of Hindu-Muslim is a proud factor of Indian culture. According to , Hosain’s work is ‘monuments to the past history of north India before Pakistan’. One finds the image of undivided country, the past of Muslim Taluqdar feudalism, traditions of aristocratic Muslim family and its dictates. Attia Hosain was one of those who instead of moving to Pakistan, choose to went foreign, because this very of leaving her own country and to be a part of newly created Pakistan is something hunts her mind. She has portrayed her pain through the medium of her short stories and novel, a theme of partition can be seen in all of her work, like the writer of partition such as Amrita Pritam or Khushwant Singh and others, her works does not directly paints at partition but its ramification on different spheres of life such as social, culture, political, economic and religion. Attia’s work is the collection of all those changes that occurs with the passing of time on the lives of people affected by partition. Attia become very disappointed with the partition of both the countries. She had never imagined India, a country divided into two. She has always seen the integrated country. So her work is all about the grief that she faced because of this unwanted and sudden partition of India. All of his work novels, short-stories, articles

72 or radio shows, deals with the social changes and cultural differences occurred due to partition. Anita Desai, in her introduction on Attia says that,

“Attia Hosain’s novel and collections of short-stories are the monuments of the past to read them as if one has parted a curtain or opened a door and stayed into the past. To read them is like wrapping oneself up in one’s mother’s wedding sari, lifting the family jewels out of a faded box and admiring their glitter, inhaling the musky perfume of old silks in a camphor chest.”

Sunlight on Broken Column presents the feminine perspective of partition, woman’s psychological condition during the partition. The novel is the study of Indian politics of partition and the communalism and its spread. The story of the novel centers on the feudal Muslim family of Lucknow. Feudalism in aristocratic families and class system of the medieval India has presented through this novel. When the great social and political change has been taking place, how the women like Laila and others are kept in the ‘Ashiana’, within the four walls of the house. How the individuality and personal feelings were suppressed because of the conflict taking place outside the home. Attia Hosain has portrayed Laila as an independent, candid and intelligent. She was the symbol of that world in which many changes were taking place. The novel frames the struggle of personal as well as the struggle of the nation. The struggle that occurred due to India’s partition into two different countries. Laila has been shown as the passives observer and directly participating in all the activities. ‘Ashiana’, her home symbolizes as the deserted India. In her home after the partition when she comes back she remembers her early days. India becomes deserted after the partition and there were only scared memories of all those who were separated. Jaya Baliga comments,

“In the course of development we not only get glimpses of Muslim social world in which Laila grows, but also a picture of the political development that take place, not from the point of view of political activist but from the point of view of ordinary human beings,both Muslims and Hindus who took part in the freedom struggle and who saw the dismemberment of the country”

Attia has presented two different perspective of the generations. On one hand there was people like Kemal who does not want to leave their own place on any

73 condition. On the other hand there was saleem who thinks that the people who choose to stay in India even after the partition has to face problems.

Sunlight on Broken Column:

The title of the novel is taken from the poem of T.S. Eliot, The Hollow Men. The novel often considered as the autobiographical as the life of protagonist Laila is near similar to Hosain’s own life. The novel is aesthetic in its application but raises many questions. The novel shows the development of Laila’s consciousness and self- hood. The novel is a mental landscape of Laila the protagonist. This is an account of the experience of this world, how she thinks and feels for this world. Sunlight on Broken Column is divided into four parts and sixty-one chapters. It depicts the account of Attia herself through the fictional character Laila. The novel presents the life of pre-partition time of aristocratic Muslim families of Lucknow. The novel portrays the picture of contemporary India and the political upheavals of that time.Though partition has directly discussed, it has been discussed with its social, political, cultural dimensions. The whole tragic experience of partition has been presented through the perspective of Laila the protagonist of the novel. Laila struggles for independence and politics of the age are the major aspects of the novel

Major works of Attia shows the unique field of a liberal modernity and traditional culture of India. She presents the pluralistic, multicultural, and heterogeneous culture of her own world. Sunlight on Broken Column proves that in comparison of modernity and traditionally, Attia’s empathy seems with the traditional because she found It more humane order, though there was injustice and inequalities in it. In this she was little different in Comparison of her contemporary writers. The book is a pragmatic look at world where power, rights and position slips from one to the others. Her world is the world of plurality, even beggars begs on the name of both Allah and Bhagwan. They celebrate Holi and Diwali as happily as Eid and Ramzan. A Childless man vows both to Hanuman and Prophet. She herself said that, “That vows their life, our life vows ours and it came together in friendship. We were together in marriages, at birds, death and festivities”.

The first part of the book is the glance at the timeless profile of the traditional age. old customs, family tensions, struggle for personal independence, the culture of


Muslim family in general and Talukdar family in particular. The book shows that how Laila is witness of the Lucknow’s political crisis because of India’s Partition. There was an intermediate conflict of partition as well as her own existence. The first chapter opens with the crises of household, the base of the house Baba Jaan is seriously ill. He was on the death bed, her daughter Abida who was living in the quarters now come to live with Baba Jaan. She comes to nurse her father. This is the symbolic of the break from past. This is the first and the silent move that suggest that changes will going to happen in future. According to Laila her aunt Abida is the protagonist of the family. Hosain has shown that by leaving the women quarter aunt Abida represents the changes in the Purdah. The nationalist movement brings western ideology in the domestic life which turned the home in scared site. She has mingled the personal as well as public life of partition period. The ‘Gynocritic’ description of partition through the character of Laila brings the concept of Mardana and Zenana in the time of crisis. She has gradually shown that how modernization takes place of traditional values. As in the first chapter Aunt Abida who used to live in the one corner of the room, comes forword to take the responsibility of the family . Through different characters like Laila and Zahra, Attia had tried to present the ‘Modern Ideology’ and the ‘Traditional Ideology’. Laila is straight forward girl, highly interested in studies. She joins college for the graduation. on the other side Zahra presents the traditional version of society. She believes that marriage is the settlement of life. She does not believe in developing her own self. This contradictory in characters are able to present the psychological aspect of women.

Hakiman Bua is a typical orthodox woman who is uneducated women who highly believes in the superstitions. In the second chapter she believes that if they celebrates the birthday it will destroy them. This shows that before the partition, the lack of education was one of the major reasons that women were backward. In the second chapter marriage is presented as an ‘Issue’ as a matter to be only decided by the family. Hosain has shown that marriage is the lifetime achievement of woman, woman has not the control of their own life and how people live in the traditional society. Nandi, a daughter of washer man is accused to be caught with the cleaner in compromising circumstances. Mohsin bhai, a relative considered Nandi to be responsible for her abduction. The novel in this way presents the double standard of the society. The treatment of the servants by their masters Is also shows the exploitation of poor by rich people. Girls are allowed to get the education but they do not have freedom to choose

75 their husbands, family status must be followed. Nandi was sent to village by her relatives. This shows that women were oppressed by man though there was a fault of man. Woman like Ms. Martin presents the western thoughts. She was hair to teach Laila who belongs to a landlord family. This also shows that pre partition was the time when English is a language which belongs to aristocratic family. The wedding preparation of Zahra in chapter eight shows the cultural aspects of Muslim weddings particularly that of Talukdar family. Zahra marriage in not a romantic concept but is the symbol of all that woman of partition time. Who were traditional in their thoughts? Woman were oppressed by man and this can be seen in the conversation of Laila, Zahra, Suliman and Nandi even the marriage of Aunt Abida proves that woman has not a freedom to choose their life partner. She had to marry person whom Attia has not shown as good character, a thin and negative kind of person who was a widow Aunt Abida can never be happy with him. But Laila is not tradition in her thought, she tries to explain Zahra that how she can accept the social life where she has no identity of her own and is always addressed to please the others. They also talk about marriage and social freedom. The reception for the Viceroy by the aristocratic member of the family is also the part of their social life. This reception is the official show off of loyalty to the power to continue landlordism. They supports the crown on the other hand their own second generations like Laila and Asad supports the freedom movement. They were in favor of equality. Here Hosain has shown the conflict between two generations. Salma was a servant of the house who had an affair with Gulam Ali, sent away from the house such as Nandi is the witness that woman was oppressed by the man. In this patriarchal society only woman were punished. Family background was much important than the individual identity for a girl to marry. This is the only reason that Aunt Saira does not favor Laila’s marriage with Ameer. She rejects Ameer only because he belongs to the ordinary family. Even she neglects that he was well educated teacher in Aligarh Muslim University. This social practice of the family in choosing the husband for their girls was completely illogical and traditional in its way. Couple cannot do the love marriage beyond the religious boundaries. Though Sita and Kemal loves each other they could not think to get married easily. Suliman goes against the wishes of his father and marry Nadira. This shows the change in the concept of marriage with the coming of Britishers, modernization enters into the life of common people. Saleem supports Muslim league throughout. His own father was a man of congress, shows the generation gap exist in

76 the society. History witnessed that Britishers were responsible for many social changes in Indian society.

The negative aspect of the society is very well presented by writer. Aunt Abida who married to the person is a strange character. Laila when she met her Aunt, noticed that her Aunt was not loved by the family. She also get used to it. She now does all the things as her duty. Pre-partition or after many years of partition this concept of society that the only duty of woman has to serve her husband remains the same. Attia brings this social contamination into light. ‘Aashiyana’ represents the Muslim culture of the partition time. The ‘Zenana’ is the private space for woman which is not intervention by the outside world. It is a place for the woman of the house. The house is not gender inoffensive. It is divided into two domains, one is by male and another is by female. The Zenana of the house is closely observed under the elder woman of the house. Zenana becomes the feminine place for the celebration of Zahera’s Wedding. The women were strictly restricted to do Purdah. Laila come into contact with her aunt who strictly observe Purdah. Once when they were travelling into car to Hasanpur, both Laila and Zahera had to sit near the driver. The practice of keeping Purdah in North India was connected with to maintain the honor of the woman.

“The wedding of Zahera shows rich culture of Taluqdar Muslim families. The house is full of people and relatives. There were guests, relative form village, children and the servants makes the vibrant atmosphere in the house. Zehra becomes alive with the voice of girls and woman. Woman have a reason to wear expensive jewels and cloths and the whole house spoiled gem-set colors and throbbed the rhythm of the ‘Mirasins’ gay marriage songs and the insistent seat of their drums.” (P.113, SBC).

When uncle Hamid comes back with Aunt Saira after the Death of Baba jaan. Laila finds the change of thoughts in uncle Hamid. His thought are westernized and this is the reason that the whole culture of Ashiana is changing. But for Laila it is merely a shift from one patriarchal authority to another. Laila feels that,

“I used to forget that the world was in reality different and the voices that controlled it had once been those of Baba jaan. Aunt Abida, Ustanji and now belongs to uncle Hamid. Aunt Saira and her friends, Always I lived in two worlds, and grew to recent the ‘real’ world.” (p.128 SBC).


She always feels that “why must power always used to humiliate”? She always finds that she is living in the world of duality-the real and the unreal one. This is perhaps because once, she used to live with the parents who have liberal view and now she is living with the conventional and orthodox relatives.

The people like Mohsin bhai with orthodox nature considered a liberal education is a keen to ‘temptation’. As in the traditional family girls were not allowed to get the good education. Mohsin bhai is the symbol of that person who believes that education is not good for the girls. He is of the opines that

“I do not want my nieces put in the way of temptation. After all, Zahera was brought up differently, correctly, sensibly”. (p.23)

Hakiman Bua unlike Mohsin bhai is against the education of girls. Both they have fixed gender role.

Attia in the novel presents the feudal structure. In this feudal lord is on the top who manages everything around them. The feudal structure is a very oppressive structure and in India this kind of feudal structure existed till the 19th Century, but when the new age or modernity came this building of feudalism crumbled. Attia herself is witness of the abolishment of feudalism. People started to talk about equality, justice, moderation in society. Laila herself was witness of traditional orthodox thinking but as the new thinking prevails her she chooses to marry Ameer against the wishes of the family. During the time of partition or near to partition people has blend of thinking unable of quitting the traditional values and excepting new liberal ideas. So, the social atmosphere of partition time has duality. It is not fully traditional or only with the liberalism but it represents the change in the thought of people. Abolishment of feudal system is one of the good change that happens because of British Raj. But this also brings many negative changes. The domination of rich over the poor is another aspects on which Attia throws the light at she does not presents the foremost things of her class but she also has a sympathy for the servant of her house. The fear of uncle Hamid is one of the reasons that he wants to win the election, it makes him able to rule over the lower class. With the end of the feudalism, there was the spread of communal hatred. The pre-partition culture of India is that of multicultural. The novel also focuses the inter connected life of Hindu and Muslim. Laila, Neeta, Sita, Ameer, Asad and many

78 other characters are the witness that how people of different religion and caste used to live with each other.

This were the years of self-awareness. People started questioning against the social customs, rituals and the belief. Laila, Asad and Ameer are best example from the novel that how people with the freedom of country wished for the freedom of their individual identity. They fought against their own orthodox relatives. Partition is not just physical partition of India and Pakistan, but a partition of thoughts between the two generations. The change that might notice in the time of partition was that Hindus were against the Muslims, not because of their personal hatred but provoked by political leaders. The most important aspects that Attia has point out is that youth like Laila, Asad and Ameer stands against their family. Laila herself becomes the part of nationalist movement against the wishes of their family member. It is not just a freedom struggle of the country, this is perhaps the fight for the individual. The conservative nature of the society shifts towards the liberal ideology in the society. But the pre- partition time is the time in which society is more of orthodox test. In the beginning of the novel Laila herself feel that she has not the freedom of action. She only can think about the negative aspects of society but not have a freedom to change it. She even not has a freedom of expression. This shows the condition of woman in the society during the partition.

The novel covers a period of both Hindu and Muslim took active part in the struggle account of nationalist movement. Attia herself was much affected by Gandhi and Nehru’s thought. All this thoughts were present through different character in this novel. The novel is a realist account of Hindu-Muslim relationship from 1930 onwards. Attia Hosain herself was the part of Gandhi’s ‘Swadeshi’ movement. In her interview Attia said that,

“Witness the time when women went out into the street who has never left their home before, Gandhiji said so”.

This is the reason that she has shown that the protagonist of the novel Laila took participation in ‘Swadeshi’ movement. Like Attia and other woman of the partition time, Laila was also struggling to achieve freedom. Laila along with her friend take to wear sarees with printed flag of India on its borders to show the protest against


Britishers. They also spin their own clothes inspired by Gandhiji’s ‘Swadeshi’ and ‘Swaraj’ movement.

Sunlight on Broken Column marks the change of tradition to modernity.The world of 1940 to 1950 is the world of tradition. There was the traditional thinking, tradition of the family, tradition of friend, tradition of relationship, tradition of revenge, tradition of great rituals, religion and blind faith. All these are the social stigma. Baba jaan represents the traditional patriarchal personality, Aunt Abida and her blind belief such in celebrating birthday party will bring the flood, Aunt Abida, Saira and her oppose to Laila for the marriage with Ameer, Zahera and her concept of marriage, uncle Hamid’s thought on education are all the evident that how Indian society and culture was orthodox during that time. But the tradition is challenged by youth or the next generation. Laila the protagonist challenged the traditional norms of the family. The dialectic of change has already started happening at the time when the author is looking around as a character in the world of her.

The old traditional Baba jaan is replaced by more liberal uncle Hamid. This Baba jaan was a very kind heart person. He assures Laila that she will get all the facilities that her presents wished for her. She is a kind of orphan in this novel, but as she is living in the joint family, she does not belong to one parent. This is the beauty of the social life. After Independence the concept of joint family was broken. This is the drawbacks since Independence. The partition is not just a time of fight against each other, It is a time of self awareness. Individuality takes the place of commonness. People do not used to live as previously used to. They were more focusing on Individuality.

Attia mingled both the new and old culture. She had not completely rejected the old one, or accepting the new culture fully. She has shown that there were some good things about the old culture, just as it had many drawbacks. This is the reason that the central character. Laila is critical. She rejects the old culture, but enters into new life with the open eyes. , one of the critics says about it that,

“Few writers of her generation straddled two culture as she did, and they absorbed the both. Her own evolution is clearly influenced by the double vision that the exposer and experience afforded her”.


So, this novel is something about two culture and the answer exist between them, the old world gives you protection, but didn’t give you Independence, the traditional world gives you all the materialistic facility but on the same, It didn’t give you a permission to think. The family decided what is right and wrong. The word used by Attia in the novel is ‘Izzat’ which means owner. The joint family gives you that owner but for that one has to sacrifice Individuality. Laila the central character choose Individuality by compromising the owner of the joint family. She knows that there will be challenges and hardships in the new coming world. She chooses sense of justice against the ‘Izzat’. The same things happen in 1947, India enters into new era. India becomes free but what one can see that Hindu are killing Muslims, Muslims are killing Hindus. There was large scale of destruction in that new world. One cannot thinks to go back into the old structure just the same as Laila does not in the novel.

Attia has shown that how the partition period gives rise to the new attitude. In 1930 one woman cannot think of marriage by her choice. For this there is a question that does Laila will choose a person she likes? Or goes with the choice of her family. The answer is ‘Yes’, she choose the person she likes. This is also the step toward the new world. The gradual change in the thinking of woman is one of the major issue on which Attia throws the light.

One of the major issues in Indian society that Attia traces in the novel is and ever existing till today is class discrimination. The rich ruled over the poor. One class is controlling the other one. The Individual is not so important, and only judged by the class he or she belongs. The character of person is not so much important as to which class he belongs, or how much wealth he has. Aunt Abida’s marriage with the strange character is the example of this. The family has not taken into consideration that how the person is. Same thing they wanted to do with Laila. Though Ameer was well educated person and a very good person at all, family rejects Ameer,because he does not belongs to the aristocratic class. Attia by the character of Laila wants to prove that such social impurity should not have a place in the society. She hates the illogical world and the sophisticated masks of the aristocratic class. The behavior of the aristocrats with those who serves them is something that also throws the light on class differences that prevails in the past. The novel takes us into the world of privileged classes.


Laila is a girl of strong spirit. Her struggle for Identity match with the struggle of India. Attia had portrays that how the people of 1947 feels the frustration. The frustration created by the creation of new world. She has compared the frustration of individual for her identity, frustration created by the chaos of partition, frustration because of the thought to leave their own country, frustration created because of the gap between two generations. The whole country was facing the horrible time in the manner that even every sphere. Whether it is domestic, cultural or religious cannot get free of it. The novel is brilliant in its way of presenting the historical fact that how partition has fractured the households and end the lives of many people. Partition is an ugly event in the history of India. It was an era of darkness. It has bring terrible effects on the life of every started. Sunlight on Broken Column. is a gallery where you find glimpses of the effects of partition on every sphere of life.

The novel argues that how the atmosphere of the family construct the thoughts of the children of the family. Aunt Abida and Baba jaan had a traditional thinking which can be seen in the behavior of Zahera like the other. Woman of her home she believes that marriage is the ultimate goal of woman’s life on the other hand Laila believes that woman has a right to choose their own life partner. Family can suggest, but the final decision should be taken by herself. Zahera as atmosphere of her family not much interested in education. Laila strongly believes in liberal education as belonged to the present who had liberal thinkingshe also joins university for her graduation against the wishes of some family member her. Hakiman Bua nurse of Laila opposes the education of Laila

“Your books will eat you. They will dim the light of your lovely eyes, my moon princess, and then who will marry you owl eyed, peering through glasses? Why are you not like Zahera, your father’s God rest his soul-own sister’s child yet so different from you? Pull your head out of your books and look at the world, my child read the holy book, remember Allah and his prophet, then woman will fight to choose you for their sons.” (P.14).

Social distance as the practice of keeping ‘Sharam’ or Purdah from unknown person is the part of Muslim traditional family during that time even the public mattered like shopping was done by maintained ‘Purdah’.


“It was exciting looking at shop windows, at posters announcing films even from a distance. We were seldom allowed to go in, but had to shop from the car, asking for things to be brought out to us, once an English store had been kept open during a sale so that my aunts and the Rani of Ameerpur could shop when no one else was allowed in” (p.90).

The novel clears the picture of the partition time that Muslim woman had not fully accepted the westernized life. They were conservative in their thinking. They stick to their traditional culture. Very few women had a liberal thinking. So, this creates a conflict between two different and opposite thinking in the society. Aunt Abida symbolizes all that women who sacrifice them self for the sake of the family. They do not have their own identity. Even the youth is not completely liberal in their thinking some of them are still hunted by the and traditional thinking.

Laila’s partition from the family is something similar to the partition of India. Just same as the Laila felt alone after the death of Ameer. Many people of partition felts the loneliness. The separation from their loved and to settle in the new land is the challenge of many people. Many of them had lost their identity as they have to move on the other place. Though all this chaos and terrible situation, people have hope that they will have better future. Those Muslims who left India for Pakistan expects better economic scope. The title of the novel itself suggested that though everything is dispersing, India is broken into two parts, the building is fractured, and there is sunlight on that broken column. Laila at end of the novel has a hope for the beautiful future, just same India has a beautiful future that is waiting. Attia has not only presented the despair of partition, but symbolically shown that as Laila has hope for bright future, India will have more bright future.

Ashiana in the novel is a microcosm of Indian Muslim family during the time of partition. It represents social and cultural upheavals of that time. Ashiana reflects the contemporary society of the Attia Hosain’s time. Ashiana represents the culture of Lucknow. Taluqdar families and their relation to the people other class can be seen in this house. It is shelter for Laila. Who is an orphan girl Jasbir Jain comments;

“Ashiana in Sunlight on Broken Column serves a microcosm of the world at large with not only its womenfolk in purdah but its retinol of servants. Who represents

83 the community at large? It has a living relationship with the past not merely through the culture it cultivates but also through the house at Hasanpur at the outskirts of the city, which symbolizes continuity and permanence.”

The impact of partition on social and cultural life has been shown through the description of Ashiana, once had a rich Taluqdar culture now seems “like the skin of a once beautiful woman stuck by leprosy” (P-271). Ashiana symbolized that how the partition was responsible for the change of social and cultural changes of Indian families. The social-culture scenario of the time is presented through Laila’s perspective. Laila finds that Ashiana once had a rich and aristocratic culture is now turned into a place of scattered images. The splendor of Ashiana turns into ugliness. Partition marks the shift from the rich culture towards the scattered identities.

Attia has presented that how the society is a double standard society towards the woman. Uncle Mohsin’s double standard towards Nandi makes her speak that, “A slant? A Wanton? And who are you to say it who would have made me one had I led you?’ (SBC-P-28). The way uncle Mohsin humiliates Nandi, Laila with her notion of gender equality and class-equality feels guilty towards him. Laila has her empathy with Nandi. The double standard or woman are responsible for everything. was one of the major issue that woman has to face the in history as well as in the present time. Woman have fixed gender role to perform. Laila in Ashiana was the only woman who had protested Nandi’s matter. The majority of the woman were used to keep them self silent or believed in traditional role of woman that is to marry or to raise the children. As Aunt Abida told to Laila to remind her duties that “My child, there are certain rules of conduct that must be observed in this world without questions, you have a great responsibility. You must never forget the traditions of your family no matter to what outside influences you may be exposed. I have been responsible for you since the God willed you to be without a father and mother. I do not wish anyone to point a finger at you, because it will be assigned of my failure never forget the family into which you were born, that is all I wanted to say to you now go and say your prayers.” (H.SBC- 38)

This is the reason that there was a remarkable influences of thoughts of Aunt Abida and Aunt Majida on both of Zahera and Laila. Both they have a different concept of ‘Shame’ in their viewpoint. For Laila the concept of shame is that of humanistic on

84 the other side Zahera believed in the modesty and propriety of woman. Laila takes stands for Nandi while Zahera believes “will get the beating she deserves”. In the family the decisions were taken by the male senior. The role given to every individual were more or less inflexible. Woman has no right of questioning against the male authority for instance in Sunlight on Broken Column., the decision of Zahera and Laila were taken by Hamid Chacha. Next senior ladies of the house have the right to take the decision which were often implemented upon them by the males, widow, children and young boys have no right to choose for their own future.

Submissiveness towards the family was one of major drawback that can be seen through the novel. All the woman of the house was depended on the view or the motions of the family. Most of the characters that Attia has shown are submissive characters. They have not their own self-interest. They were completely depended on the male. They except all the decision laid upon them by the males. Zahra, Aunt Abida, Aunt Majida all are shown as submissive characters. The social structure of partition era was such that woman were just the followers of man. The era also marks the change in it social structure, not completely but at some level woman started questioning against the injustice that pervasive in society. Woman had started their fights for equality. Laila has been shown as the character who marks the beginning in the society. She takes the stand for Nandi against the family. She also blames the seducer of Nandi for Nandi’s situation. She started university education without Purdah. She married to the person she wants to marry. Participating in freedom movement, she also breaks the norms that woman were merely a part of home. Attia has shown the two different soci-cultural scenario through the novel. Partition was the time when the whole country was changing, people were leaving for the new land, families were divided, everything was changing. On the same way there was change in the domestic life of the people. Laila is the fictional representation of Attia’s own experience. The Society in which Attia lives was a stereotype in its nature.

The society in which Attia or Laila belongs, was more of conservative nature. They were less interested in the change at any level. She has shown the archetype of the community and its break. The notion of ‘self hood’ is presented through the protagonist is something that makes the novel ‘Bilduingsroman’. The term means development of the mind and character of protagonist. The novel ends with the

85 achievement of its supreme goal that is to develop the mind of its protagonist. Laila is able to break the customs of the society and her own identity in society. In aristocratic society woman were only known by their families identity or by their husbands, there is no existence of their own identity. Laila by choosing her love and breaking the social norms of society, is able to symbolize the change that occurs in the society in general and with woman in particular. She started to enjoy the freedom but her happiness was end by the effect of partition. She had lost her husband Ameer and In the Ashiana also all the family was scattered. Partition of India-Pakistan had changed the life of many people, Laila was one of them.

The novel though is fiction, able to presents the real and changing scenario of social and cultural aspects of partition time. It is the account of Muslim Taluqdar culture. It reflects the social stigma of that time. One can easily get the glimpse of partition in it. Attia has not presented the riots or the bloodshed but how society was at some level affected by the westernization. It marks break from the traditional thinking the novel takes us into the time when the society.

Political and Religious Aspects:

The novel Sunlight on Broken Column presents the political atmosphere of Indian partition. It shows that how Britisher sets the atmosphere for Hindus against Muslim and Muslims against Hindus. In the chapter six, Attia mention the riots of Hindu-Muslim. Asad is the symbol of that youth of India who were Highly inspired by the nationalist movement. ‘Muharram’ is the religious festival of Shia Muslims, now turns into political intrigue. As the history is witness that the chaos of partition brings disaster in the lives of many people. Asad was highly disturbed when he saw murder. He was so much influenced by this violence that he become outsider. As he was in emotional tug he professes his love for Zahera and loses his position in his family. Laila the protagonist of the family was also inspired to took part in the freedom movement. Even students from various universities such as Jamia Milia and Aligarh Muslim University joins the freedom movement. Laila with her friends discusses the issue. There was unrest, chaos and atmosphere of tension in the whole city. Laila was advised by Uncle Hamid that she should not participate into this freedom movement. While the half of the country is struggling to be Independent from Britishers, the other half is still

86 servicing the Britishers, Uncle Hamid is one of them. The Journey of Laila to her Aunt Abida’s home into railway shows the power of rich people.

The elections of 1937, took place in this election. Woman from the aristocratic families come to vote. They were illiterate and they have not their own thoughts. They only follow the others. Though they belong to the rich families. Novelist compares them with the peasants because they were as illiterate as the peasants. Elections was won by Congress party with the majority. Uncle Hamid who was stands from the congress party won the elections but Zamindar and Taluqdar has fear that they might have to lose their lands. tThe novel presents the annihilation of feudal system because of political changes.

Sunlight on Broken Column presents the pre-partition time. It presents the scenario that presents the view of communal harmony for each other against the fight for Britishers. Hindu-Muslims used to celebrate all the festivals together but with the political changes in the sub-continents brings changes in the lives of the people. The fundamentalist sow the seeds of communal hatred. The communal differences increase in the society but as the winds of partition blows everything changes. When Laila comes to come again to Ashiana. She observes the difference from the past. Everything is changed. Partition of India-Pakistan brings the major changes in the lives of many people. She observes that partition has separated their family members as many of them is now living in Pakistan. Hosain has here presented the two contrasting view from 1930 to onwards.

The graveyard at the Hasanpur is the example of composite culture. It gives shelter to both the corpses of Christians and Muslims was the witness of communal harmony between the various religion.

Hosain is one of the opines that people choose to live in Pakistan not because of religious lines but because for better economic life. Another aspect that Hosain brings into light is that Indian society has a man of corruption. Mr. Agarwal Sita’s father represents the corrupted business man in Indian society. He was materialistic businessman only interested in money making. For money making he has constructed ugly buildings. Asad has been shown by Attia as the true patriot of the India who can never imagine to leave their mother land. Asad has the unswerving faith in non-violence

87 and the principal of Gandhiji. He was not in favour of violence ever. Even at the death of his brother had not changed his faith in non- violence.

“The manner of Zahid death had been a terrible test for Asad’s faith in non- violence. He had attempted it as, such believing that bitterness and retaliation could only breed violence and starts a never-ending cycle which was a negation of life but he was human and it needed conscious efforts of will to restrain his bitterness”. (Chapter- 9, Part-4).

Asad joins the Congress party to prove the power of non-violence and truth. He was often criticized or laughed by his friends that “his idealism is really ignorance; he has not studied history”. He reflects the authors believes in Gandhian principle of truth and non-violence. Many young people like Asad were inspired by Gandhian Philosophy and becomes the part of National movement or Quit India Movement. The life of people faces the change, same as the country is facing the political changes. One change goes side by side with the other change. Many college going students take part in the struggle for Independence. Nita is a college going student who “dies suddenly as a result of injury to her brain caused by the blows on the head received during the police lathi charge” (SBC166). Even the son against his father in the elections witness generation gap. Hamid against his son Saleem symbolizes that politics enters into the lives of the people. Uncle Hamid criticizes the Muslim league and comments. “The Muslim League in which you are so interested, I have heard it called communal and reactionary by nationalist Muslims”. (P-233….)

On the other side Saleem blames Congress for developing Anti-Muslim elements. Life after Partition has been shown in the reminiscences of Laila vividly in this novel. Laila grows up and observes that the common people from both the communities participating in the struggle for Independence of India. All the people whether they belonged to Hindu or Muslim community stands together with Gandhiji against the Britishers. Young man and woman were accompanied this movement. Asad devotes himself completely to the freedom movement but this freedom movement gradually and unwantedly turns into communal one. This united fight turns into Hindu- Muslim fight. Asad believes that Britishers wish that we will “Hate each other-loves us” (SBC-56). The words of Asad make Laila sleepless and panic. As the religion partially enters into politics, India had faced its most difficult time. The politics of

88 partition time had ruined the life of many common people. It is because this interference of politics in the lives of people, Lucknow has lost its glory of the past and turned into a place of riots and blood sheds.

The politics of the time enters into the private space and tested until it breaks down the center. The novel marks the tension that was faced by the people of partition time, tension in both the personal as well as public. Simultaneously Attia is able to grasp the transition experienced by the people when the power shifted from Britishers to the Indians. After the death of Baba jaan, the coming back of Uncle Hamid and Aunt Saira marks the colonial British influence.

Laila being a girl is also supports the Independent struggle. She strongly discusses the political issues that time. She believes in Gandhian Philosophy. She was also familiar with the political aspects of that time because most of her family members were involved in it. Society gives not so much importance in girls participation in such struggle movement. Partition changed the beauty of life into ugliness. Laila describes her feelings that;

‘There were strangers living in the rooms. I had once searched for my lost father and mother, where I had found refuge in the love of my Aunt Abida and Hakiman Bua, where I had developed through conflict with Zahera Aunt Saira, where I had learned comradeship through Asad and Kemal and Murder, rape and mutilation” (P.304).

Laila was saved by her Hindu friend. This shows the mutual relationship between Hindu and Muslim, Hindu saves Muslims life on risk of their life. She showed her disappointment towards the Muslim leaded for whom Pakistani meant everything, and who had abandoned the Muslim left behind. Laila is not bound by the religious loyalty. She had much affection and love towards her own. Religious differences cannot make her in the favor of Pakistan.

Attia herself was Muslim woman. She was the part of Gandhian movement. She had participated in the national movement of India. She also joints the ‘Swadeshi’ movement all this religious phenomenon can be seen. Laila the protagonist has been the part of the movement of freedom. Attia has put the emphasis on the fact that all the Muslims were not in the favors of partition. It is also more encouraged by political parties to get the power on the name he believes that it supports the Muslim and


Congress is Anti-Muslim party. She thinks that Saleem supports Muslim League because “the Congress has a strong Anti-Muslim element in it against which if Muslims must organize” (HSBC-233). Saleem’s support to Pakistan brings the disillusionment and division. Saleem can not differentiate the idea of nationalism and communalism.

Religious differences and conflict between Hindu-Muslim was one of the major causes of the partition. The tension between communal identities along with personal identity is the focus of this novel. The experience of Laila with Muslim patriarchy has been portrayed by the author. In this novel Laila is able to break the myth that all the Muslims were in the favor of partition. She was in the favor of nationalist movement. Asad and Kemal have a secular view in the choice of their support. Zahera makes the choice as the believer of Islam, while Saleem supports the Muslim League as the political strategy. This makes the clear that only religion was not the reason to support partition; there were personal motifs too in the creation of Pakistan. Attia has also brought inter-religious conflict through the novel. Only Hindu-Muslim was not the issue of that time. She has presented Shia-Sunni conflict of partition.

Laila had to wear purdah for her school education. She lives in such Muslim family who thought that to keep purdah is the duty of every Muslim woman. Laila was saved by her Hindu friend, which shows the mutual relationship between Hindu- Muslim. One Hindu person saves the life of a person which belongs to the other community on the risk of his own life. She has tried to show her disappointment towards the Muslim leader for whom Pakistan meant to be everything, and who had abandon Muslim behind. “Laila is not bound by the religious loyalty. She had much affection and love towards her own. Religious differences cannot make her in the favor (230). The differences of religion and politics caused the desire to inflict wounds of Pakistan”.

Attia herself was Muslim woman. She was the part of Gandhian movement. She had participation in the national movement. She also joints the ‘Swadeshi’ movement. All this religious phenomenon can be seen in the novel Sunlight on a Broken Column Laila the protagonist has been the part of the movement of freedom. Attia has put the emphasis on the fact that all the Muslims were not in the favor of partition. It is also more encouraged by political parties to get the power on the name of religion. They provoked the people as claiming Congress as the Anti-Muslim party. Saleem supports Muslim League because the Congress has a strong Anti-Muslim element in it against

90 which if Muslim must organize. (233) Saleem support to Pakistan brings the disillusionment and division. Saleem can not differentiate the idea of nationalism and communalism. Saleem has been shown as the figure who is not satisfied with his Indian identity. He wants a new identity which should be on religious ground in Pakistan. He thinks that they would have more economic independence in the new country where they have their own Muslim government. Saleem and Nadira finally left for Pakistan. Saleem, known as “an individual without a background” (230) The differences of politics and religion caused the “desire to inflict wounds.” (230)

Attia has shown the harmony b Hindu-Muslim conflicts between Hindu- Muslim, there were some differences between this two communities Hindu- Muslim conflict. Laila feels the “fear of the violence, murder, rape and mutilation. (204) The novels cover the pre- partition and post-partition. It presents the Muslim culture of aristocratic family. Her writing is an attempt to bring the religious beliefs of that time. The novel Sunlight on Broken Column is the glimpses of Shia Muslims of aristocratic class and relations with the people of other communities. The novel throws the light on the various cultural and social customs of Muslim family. Being Muslims Attia herself was never in favor of leaving her own place and went to Pakistan.She believed that India should not be partitioned on the basis of religion. She states that,

“If I as a Muslim am supposed to be a part of nation, I would be in Arabia. Why I am not there? Why they not consider us one of them. If only Islam matters? (Interview with Attia)

The novel Sunlight on Broken Column has all the major delectation of social changes and along with it. Writer has also presented the religious changes that occurs during the time. Those were the days when religion was the very sensitive matter. The nationalist movements that states against the Britishers turn into a communal fights. The novel has not a discussion of bloodshed or riots at excessive level, but at some level. It portrays the violence the partition. Laila is a medium for Attia to present her own religious belief. Laila was born and brought up into such Muslim family where everyone has to follow the norms of the religion. Religion was something that was misinterpreted by the family members. Laila criticize such traditional norm as she believes that such old thoughts are the barrier in the path of creating personal identity.


Women of Ashiyana were the strong believer of religion. They observe the purdah as the part of their religion.

Shia-Sunni conflict can be observed through the conversation of Laila and Zahid. Unconsidered Muharram as not the part of Islam, they were against the Tazia procession. Zahid believes that this religious conflict is the result of the Britisher’s divide and rule policy. The antagonist view of Laila and Zahid on Muhaarram also proved the dispute between Shia-Sunni. Religious differences were the major reason on those days. The communal riots of Hindu-Muslim, the minority of Muslims were some of the reason that had created insecurities among the Muslims. Some of political parties had taken the advantage on the name of religion. Religion had been used to create differences among the people of different communities. Attia has shown that unity of many years had been broken with the emergence of partition of India-Pakistan.

Sunlight on Broken Column portrays the two major scene of partition. One is the glorious past in which all Hindu-Muslim stands against the Britishers in the reminiscence of Laila, Attia has shown the time when Hindu-Muslim used to live with each other peacefully. They used to celebrate festivals with each other. Secondly, the novel portrays the terrible scene of partitions riots and ends with its division into two countries. Laila with her university friend Nita, Sita and Asad participates in the nationalist movement, but this nationalist movement gradually turns into religious movement. “Laila has been shown to us as a person who has secular thinking which reflects the personality of Attia who was never in the favor of partition particularly hat is based on religion. She always believes in Gandhian principle of non-violence. The friendship of Kemal and Ranjit is the example of communal harmony of the past. Kemal being a Muslim always find a great support and friend in Ranjit. In England he was very close to Ranjit than any other friend. On the other side the relationship of Sita and Kemal, could not be able to see the bright and happy future. Kemal could not marry her but for all her sophistication, scrape her and you will find an orthodox Hindu full of prejudice against Muslims”. (196) Sita according to Saleem refuses to marry Kemal on religious ground. Saleem takes stand for Muslims and believes that Hindus were against the Muslims as he states that;


“What you can expect from the religion which forbids people to eat and drink together? When even men shadow can defile another? How is real friendship or understanding possible?” (197)

Laila in her conversation with Asad expresses the feeling disenchantment towards parent’s mood of religious differences such hatred is being stirred up. How can we live together as a nation if all the time only the differences between communities are being preached? I can’t understand why Saleem can’t see the danger (245). Laila also opposes the ideology of Saleem who supports the Muslim League because he believes that congress is anti- Muslim party. Laila represents the thinking of all those Muslim who opposes the partition. The novel is, thus a medium to look at the changing scenario of the society. It focuses on the domestic life of Muslim family during the partition. The socio-culture life along with political and religious sphere was greatly affected by the partition. ‘Ashiyana’ is the microcosm of Indian Muslim family of partition era.