Setting: DNA methylation is an epigenetic mechanism through which environmental

factors including obesity influence health. Obesity is a major modifiable risk factor for

many common diseases including cardiovascular diseases and cancer. Obesity-

5 induced metabolic stress and inflammation are key mechanisms that affect disease

risk and which may result from changes in methylation of metabolic and

inflammatory .

Objectives: This review aims to report the effects of weight loss induced by bariatric

surgery (BS) on DNA methylation in adults with obesity focusing on changes in

10 metabolic and inflammatory genes.

Methods: A systematic review was performed using Medline, EMBASE and Scopus,

to identify studies in adult humans that reported DNA methylation following BS.

Results: Out of 15996 screened titles, 15 intervention studies were identified, all of

which reported significantly lower body mass index (BMI) post-surgery. DNA

15 methylation was assessed in five different tissues (blood=7 studies, adipose tissues

=4, skeletal muscle =2, liver and spermatozoa). Twelve studies reported significant

changes in DNA methylation after BS. Meta-analysis showed that BS increased

methylation of PDK4 loci in skeletal muscle and blood in two studies while the effects

of BS on IL6 methylation levels in blood were inconsistent. BS had no overall effect

20 on LINE1 or PPARGC1 methylation.

Conclusion: The current evidence supports the reversibility of DNA methylation at

specific loci in response to BS-induced weight loss. These changes are consistent

with improved metabolic and inflammatory profiles of patients after BS. However, the


evidence regarding the effects of BS on DNA methylation in humans is limited and

25 inconsistent, which makes it difficult to combine and compare data across studies.

Key words: Bariatric surgery, DNA methylation, obesity, inflammation






45 Obesity is a major modifiable, and preventable, risk factor for many common

diseases including cardiovascular diseases and cancer1. Obesity increases disease

risk by multiple mechanisms, including increased metabolic stress and chronic

inflammation. Obesity-induced inflammation is orchestrated by metabolic cells,

results in local expression of inflammatory mediators and creates a proinflammatory

50 tissue environment that is maintained in the long-term.2 This dysregulated

metabolism is characterised by abnormal glucose metabolism, dyslipidemia and

insulin resistance which subsequently increase the inflammatory response3. These

effects lead to endothelial dysfunction and atherosclerosis, increasing the risk of

cardiovascular diseases4. In addition, these mechanisms may underpin the greater

55 cancer risk in those with obesity.3

DNA methylation is an epigenetic mechanism through which obesity may influence

disease risk. In humans, DNA is methylated by the addition of a methyl group to the

5’ position on cytosine (C) residues in CpG dinucleotides and is a key element in the

regulation of expression5. Abnormal patterns of DNA methylation result in

60 reduced DNA integrity, changes in and mutations6. Patterns of DNA

methylation respond to many environmental factors, including dietary interventions

and weight loss7.

Bariatric surgery (BS) is an effective therapy which induces long-term weight loss

and improves comorbidities in obese patients.8 BS induces remission from type 2

65 diabetes (T2D) in a large proportion of initially obese patients, lowers risk of

cardiometabolic disease9 and lowers incident cancer risk including breast,

endometrial and colorectal cancers10. However, whilst these changes are associated


with decreased systemic and adipose tissue inflammation11, the underlying

molecular mechanisms remain unresolved.

70 This systematic review reports the effects of weight loss induced by BS on DNA

methylation in adults with obesity, aiming to: i) synthesize the evidence for the

relationships between weight loss and corresponding changes in DNA methylation

and ii) establish the links between these changes and specific metabolic and

inflammatory genetic loci.



The systematic review is reported following the PRISMA checklist and flowchart12

(Supplementary Figure1). The systematic review was registered with PROSPERO


80 Search strategy and screening:

The databases, Embase, Scopus and Medline, were searched from inception until

January 2019 by using the following search terms: ( ( (methylat*) OR methylation

[Mesh] OR dna methylation [Mesh] ) AND ( ( Surg*) OR Surgery [Mesh] OR

Bariatric Surgery [Mesh] ) ). Other databases that were searched included: Prospero,

85 Cochrane library, ClinicalTrial.gov and International clinical trials registry platform

(WHO) for relevant protocols of clinical trials and systematic reviews that addressed

DNA methylation and bariatric surgery.

Articles were screened against the pre-set inclusion criteria (PICOS): a) Population:

adult human beings (≥16 years old); b) Intervention: bariatric surgical interventions or

90 procedures; c) Comparator: healthy control group, other bariatric interventions, and


other interventions aiming for weight loss including dietary and physical exercise; d)

Outcome: DNA methylation measured using any technique (global or specific)

as a primary or secondary outcome, assessed before and after the intervention; e)

Study design: any observational or intervention study, randomized or non-

95 randomized. Studies that recruited patients who had a history of, or were undergoing

active treatment for, specific diseases (e.g. cancer) or patients with hereditary

genetic disorders were excluded because of the likelihood that such conditions or

therapies would confound the intervention effects.

Titles and abstracts were screened by two independent reviewers (KE and FCM).

100 Neither of the reviewers was blind to the journal titles or to the study authors or

institutions. Following screening of the titles and abstracts, full texts were reviewed to

ensure eligibility for inclusion. Comparisons were made between the results of the

two reviewers. Any discrepancy between their decisions regarding inclusion in the

study was resolved by a third reviewer (JCM).


Data extraction, narrative synthesis and meta-analysis:

The following data were collected using a pre-tested standard form: year of

publication; study design; health or disease status of participants; number of

participants; BMI of participants before and after intervention; nature of bariatric

110 intervention; duration of follow up; any other pre-procedure intervention; nature of

other interventions; sample site; DNA methylation assessment method (including

genomic loci, where appropriate), and DNA methylation levels of participants pre-

and post- intervention, with measures of variance and level of significance. These


data were recorded using Microsoft® Excel 2017 which was used to synthesize

115 descriptive statistics and summary tables to support the narrative synthesis.

Eligible studies were included in a meta-analysis conducted using the Review

Manager software (v5.3, The Cochrane Collaboration, 2014) and intervention effects

were quantified using a random effects model (due to heterogeneity) and

standardized mean difference (due to the different methods used to quantify DNA

120 methylation). The quality of the included studies was assessed using the Newcastle-

Ottawa Scale (NOS). Heterogeneity between studies was assessed using the Chi2

statistic (expressed as p value) and I2 statistics (expressed as percentage) using

Review Manager v5.3.

125 Results:

The PRISMA flowchart12 (Supplementary Figure 1) summarizes the outcomes of the

search strategy. Out of 15996 screened titles, 15 studies were included. Of these

studies, two were cross sectional and eight were cohort, three of which did not

include a control group. None of the studies was a randomized controlled trial (RCT)

130 (Table 1).

Two BS procedures were applied in the included studies: Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass

(RYGB, n=15) and Sleeve Gastrectomy (SG, n=3). In the fifteen studies, 312 obese

patients underwent BS (range 6 – 120 patients, median =11) with an average follow

up of 10.1 months (range 6 – 24 months). Mean BMI dropped from 45.9 kg/m2 (42.1-

135 50.9) to 32.8 kg/m2 (25.7-36.4) after BS. Only three studies13–15 reported mean BMI

below the obesity cutoff (30) at ≥ 12-month follow-up. DNA methylation was


assessed in five different tissues: blood (n=7), adipose tissues (n=4), skeletal

muscles (n=2), liver (n=1) and spermatozoa (n=1) (Table1).

140 Effects of bariatric surgery on DNA methylation in blood:

Five studies investigated the effects of BS on DNA methylation at specific genomic

loci in blood. Kirchner et al.13 followed up 7 patients who had undergone RYGB and

for whom mean BMI was 27.3 kg/m2 after 12-month follow-up. Methylation of PDK4

(Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Kinase 4) (involved in metabolic homeostasis), IL1-B

145 (Interleukin 1 beta), IL6 (Interleukin 6) and TNF (Tumor Necrosis Factor)

(inflammatory genes) in whole blood was significantly higher at the end of the 12-

month follow-up compared with pre-surgery levels. In addition, methylation of IL1-B,

IL6 and TNF and PPARGC1A (Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma

coactivator 1-alpha gene) was lower immediately after surgery (two days), indicating

150 that the effects of acute stress by BS on the inflammatory process may mediated

through these hypomethylated inflammatory genes.

Nicoletti et al16 investigated the effects of BS on the methylation of IL6 and

SERPINE1 (Serpin Family E Member 1). After 6- month follow-up, there was no

change in the methylation of SERPINE1 but IL6 methylation decreased. In a larger

155 study of 120 participants with obesity, Morcillo et al. 17 found increased SCD

(Stearoyl-CoA Desaturase) methylation in peripheral blood mononuclear cells

(PBMC) at 6 months after BS. In a more recent study, Gonzales et al.18 found no

significant change in methylation of IL6, SLC19A1 (Solute Carrier Family 19 Member

1) or PPARγ (Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor Gamma) at 6 months after

160 the surgery. However, methylation of NFkB1 (Nuclear Factor Kappa B Subunit 1)


was increased and correlated significantly with the decrease in blood pressure in

patients after BS.

Three studies13,16,19 investigated global DNA methylation and none found significant

effects of BS at 6 or 12 months after surgery. Furthermore, Martín-Núñez et al.19

165 found no significant differences in global DNA methylation (assessed as LINE1

methylation20- Long interspersed nuclear elements) levels in either diabetic or non-

diabetic patients or when stratified according to the bariatric procedure (RYGB vs


Two studies investigated genome-wide DNA methylation using the Infinium

170 HumanMethylation450k Bead Chip technology21,22. In 11 patients, Nilsson et al.21

identified 51 regions with significantly altered methylation at 6 months after BS.

Importantly, after BS, methylation at these loci was similar to the methylation levels

in a healthy control group. These changes included decreased methylation of INCA1

(Inhibitor Of CDK, Cyclin A1 Interacting 1), a gene that has anti-cancer and

175 anti-proliferative properties23 and decreased methylation of ADK (Adenosine

Kinase), a gene that increases extracellular concentrations of adenosine, improving

insulin and glucagon secretion.24

Effects of bariatric surgery on DNA methylation in adipose tissues:

180 Four studies assessed DNA methylation in abdominal subcutaneous tissue, with one

study15 including additional samples from omental fat. All studies investigated

genome-wide methylation except one study25 that investigated methylation of the

LEP gene. The latter study reported no significant difference in the LEP methylation


in DNA from adipose tissue of 8 females with obesity before, and at 24 months after,

185 RYGB.

The remaining three studies reported significant effects of BS on genome-wide

methylation. Both Benton et al.15 and Dahlman et al. 14 reported lower overall

methylation levels after RYGB and Multhaup et al.26 reported significant changes in

227 differentially methylated regions (DMRs) at 6 months after BS. Importantly, for

190 105 of those DMRs, methylation levels after BS were similar to those in healthy

controls. In addition, Dahlman et al.14 found over-representation of DMRs related to

cellular differentiation pathways and adipogenesis in post-obese females. Overall

methylation levels of the DNA extracted from omental fat cells were lower after BS

and only 15 differentially methylated CpG sites were identified in DNA from omental

195 samples compared with 3601 in the SC samples15.

Effects of bariatric surgery on DNA methylation in other tissues:

Two cohort studies27,28 assessed methylation in biopsies from the vastus lateralis.

Barres et al.27 followed up eight patients at 6 months after BS and observed that

200 methylation of 11 out of the 14 studied genetic loci were similar to those of normal

healthy controls. Day et al.28 reported lower methylation at 29 cytosine residues in

SORBS3 (Sorbin And SH3 Domain Containing 3) in skeletal muscle DNA from 7

obese female patients 3 months after BS.

In liver biopsies from patients at multiple stages of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease

205 (NAFLD) who underwent RYGB, Ahrens et al.29 examined genome wide methylation

patterns using the Illumina HumanMethylation450k Bead Chip approach. Before

surgery, the authors found 273 CpG sites that showed phenotypic progression


(changed methylation) from normal controls, to healthy obese, to steatosis and to

non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH). After RYGB, a total of 113 CpGs were

210 identified in which those CpGs that had lower methylation after bariatric surgery

typically had higher methylation during progression from normal liver to NASH29.

Donkin et al.30 assessed methylation levels in the spermatozoa of obese men at one

week and at one year after BS. More than 1500 unique genes were differently

methylated at one week compared with pre-surgery, indicating that such changes

215 can occur up to the last stages of sperm maturation. In addition, 3910 genes were

differentially methylated at one-year follow-up. Of these genes, 2681 were

differentially methylated when compared with samples from lean men.

Correlation between methylation and gene expression after bariatric surgery:

220 Seven studies investigated expression of the corresponding genes as functional

consequences of the observed methylation changes (see Supplementary Table 2).

Two studies found no correlation between methylation and expression of SCD in

blood17 or LEP in adipose tissues25. Five studies found inverse correlations between

methylation and expression i.e. decreased methylation was associated with

225 increased expression and vice versa at specific genomic loci e.g. PTPE (protein-

tyrosine phosphatase epsilon) in liver29, SORBS3 in skeletal muscles28 and CETP

(Cholesteryl ester transfer protein) in adipose tissues15. However, Benton et al. and

Barres et al. found positive correlations between methylation and expression of

CTGF15 (connective tissue growth factor) in adipose tissues and EXOC5 (Exocyst

230 Complex Component 5), ACOX1 (Acyl-CoA Oxidase 1) and ACACB (Acetyl-CoA

Carboxylase Beta) in skeletal muscle27 respectively (see Supplementary Table 2).


Meta-analysis of effects of bariatric surgery on DNA methylation on specific

genetic loci:

Meta-analysis was undertaken for four genetic loci with five studies included in total

235 (Figure 1). Martín-Núñez et al.19 and Nicoletti et al. 16 quantified LINE1 methylation

as a surrogate marker for global methylation20 in whole blood and buffy coats

respectively at 6 months after BS. There was no significant heterogeneity between

the studies (p=0.61, I2=0%) and no evidence for an effect of BS on LINE1

methylation (p=0.94).

240 Six months after BS, Nicolletti et al.16 found significantly lower IL6 methylation in

blood, whereas Gonzales et al.18 did not find any significant effect. In contrast,

Kirchner et al.13 reported significantly higher IL6 methylation in blood one year after

BS. There was significant heterogeneity between the three studies (p<0.01,

I2=90%), with no significant overall effect of BS on IL6 methylation levels in blood

245 (p=0.25).

In both blood and skeletal muscle, methylation of the PDK4 gene was greater after

BS in studies by Kirchner et al13 and Barres et al27 . There was no heterogeneity

between the two studies (p=0.8, I2=0%) with evidence of a highly significant (p<0.01)

hypermethylation of PDK4 after BS (Fig. 1).

250 Methylation of PPARGC1A was also quantified in blood 13,18 and skeletal muscles

27. At 6 months after BS, PPARGC1A methylation in skeletal muscles was decreased

significantly27, but there was no effect in blood18. In a separate study, methylation of

PPARGC1A had increased in blood at one year post BS13. There was no overall

effect of BS on methylation of PPARGC1A (p=0.7) with no significant heterogeneity

255 between the three studies (p=0.13, I2=51%).


Quality assessment:

Use of the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale (NOS) for study quality assessment showed that

all five studies included in the meta-analyses had similar scores for the “selection”

(2/4) and “outcome” (3/3) criteria but they scored differently in the comparability

260 section (0-2/2) according to the NOS (Supplementary Table 1). All the studies

included selected groups of patients who underwent intervention, with inadequate

description of the derivation of the non-exposed group. However, all studies had an

appropriate assessment of the outcomes and adequate follow-up. The studies

differed in respect of matching of the exposed and control groups and in adjustment

265 for confounders. For example, Martín-Núñez et al.19 controlled for diabetic status and

adjusted the analysis for age and gender while Nicoletti et al.16 recruited patients for

the control group who were not age or gender- matched to the intervention group.


270 Principal findings:

Twelve of the fifteen studies included in this systematic review reported significant

effects of BS on patterns of DNA methylation. Four studies reported that weight loss

following BS resulted in methylation levels (gene-specific, or genome-wide) that were

similar to those of the (non-obese) control group, despite the post-BS mean BMI

275 remaining in the obese range (31.2 to 36.4 kg/m2).

Seven inflammation-related genes were investigated in five studies. Although

changes in IL6 gene methylation were seen after BS in individual studies 13,16, meta-

analysis indicated no overall effect (Figure 1). Differences in participant

characteristics, in the follow-up duration and in the degree of weight change


280 achieved after BS are likely contributing factors to the differential effects on IL6 gene

methylation. After 12 months, levels of methylation of IL1B and TNF were increased

in response to BS-induced weight loss13. In a more recent study by Gonzales et al.18,

methylation of NF-kB was significantly higher 6 months after BS. In addition,

Gonzales et al.18 reported a significant correlation between high sensitivity CRP (hs-

285 CRP) as an indicator of inflammation and methylation of SLC19A1, a gene that link

inflammation and insulin resistance.31

SCD, encoding Stearoyl-CoA Desaturase, is part of a regulatory mechanism for

cellular inflammation and has been implicated in severe inflammatory disorders

including dermatitis and colitis32. In addition, increased expression of SCD has been

290 associated with insulin resistance and obesity. Morcillo et al.17 reported increased

methylation levels of SCD within the promotor region 6 months after BS which were

similar to the levels observed in the control group. Increased SCD methylation was

also observed following weight loss through dietary intervention by Martín-Núñez et

al.33, which suggests that the methylation response observed after BS may be due to

295 the resulting weight loss.

SORBS3 is a tumor suppressor gene and inhibitor of cell growth34. Lower SORBS3

gene expression can lead to mitochondrial dysfunction, which can be induced by

chronic inflammation and obesity35. Day et al.28 reported a reduction in SORBS3

methylation post-BS that was accompanied by increased expression, suggesting that

300 SORBS3 expression changes induced by DNA methylation may contribute to the

anti-cancer effect of weight loss after BS.

Strikingly, after BS, methylation of PDK4 increased to a similar extent in both blood

and skeletal muscles13,27 which was associated with improved insulin sensitivity and


glucose metabolism. This finding also suggests that methylation of PDK4 in blood

305 may be a potential surrogate for changes in PDK4 methylation in skeletal muscles

but there was no direct comparison between tissues in either study.

Study limitations:

This review summarizes the available evidence for the impact of weight loss induced

by BS on DNA methylation in several tissues in humans. More than two thirds

310 (71.4%) of the studies assessed methylation in samples from blood or adipose

tissues. Little is known about the effect of BS on DNA methylation in other tissues

and none of the included studies correlated methylation levels between target

tissues and other surrogate tissues. The availability of such data could promote

validation of assays of DNA methylation in more accessible surrogate tissues,

315 facilitating larger population-based studies. In addition, most studies did not

investigate the functional consequences of changes in gene methylation.

There are many sources of heterogeneity in this systematic review. DNA

methylation is gene and site-specific 5 and the effects of interventions are

dependent on the target tissues and the duration of follow-up7. In addition, there

320 were multiple methods and approaches used for assessing DNA methylation. Few

studies were suitable for inclusion in meta-analyses and statistical heterogeneity was

apparent. Furthermore, publication bias could not be assessed due to the small

numbers of studies included for each genetic locus studied. In addition, most of the

studies included a small number of participants, which affects the overall strength of

325 the evidence. Finally, none of the included studies was a randomized controlled trial

which affects the quality of the evidence with a higher risk of bias.



The current evidence supports the hypothesis that obesity-related aberrant patterns

of DNA methylation at specific loci may be mitigated following BS-induced weight

330 loss. These changes are suggestive of improved metabolic and inflammatory profiles

of patients after BS. However, the evidence for the effects of BS on the methylation

at all genomic loci is limited or inconsistent. Little is known about the effects of BS on

tissues other than blood and adipose tissue. In addition, multiple assays and

different genomic loci have been used in investigations of the effects of BS on DNA

335 methylation, which makes it challenging to compare or combine data across studies.

Standardization of outcome measurements would facilitate future research.

Financial Support:

340 This research received no specific grant from any funding agency, or from the commercial or not-for-profit sectors.

Conflict of Interest:



345 Khalil ElGendy: formulating the research question, designing the study, carrying out the study, analyzing the data and writing the manuscript

Fiona C. Malcomson: second independent screener of the titles, review of the manuscript

Michael D. Bradburn: critical review of the manuscript and final approval

350 John C Mathers: formulating the research question, designing the study, writing up and critical review of the manuscript, final approval



Table 1: Effects of bariatric surgery (BS) on DNA methylation in different tissues: 355 Summary of findings

Supplementary Table 1: Newcastle-Ottawa Quality Assessment of the studies included in the meta-analysis

Supplementary Table 2: Correlation between DNA methylation and gene expression: summary of findings



Figure 1: Forest plot of non-randomized studies investigating the effects of BS on the methylation levels of specific genetic loci using different techniques of quantification of DNA methylation using the Review Manager (v5.3)

365 Supplementary Figure 1: PRISMA flowchart summarizing the results of the search strategy





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