A&A 507, 183–193 (2009) Astronomy DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/200912255 & c ESO 2009 Astrophysics

Globular cluster system erosion in elliptical

R. Capuzzo-Dolcetta and A. Mastrobuono-Battisti

Dep. of Physics, Sapienza, University of Roma, P.le A. Moro 5, 00185, Roma, Italy e-mail: [roberto.capuzzodolcetta;alessandra.mastrobuonobattisti]@uniroma1.it

Received 2 April 2009 / Accepted 5 August 2009


Context. We analyse data of 8 elliptical galaxies to study the difference between the radial distributions of their globular cluster systems (GCSs) and their galactic stellar component. In all galaxies studied, the GCS density profile is significantly flatter towards the galactic centre than that of the . Aims. A flatter profile of the radial distribution of the GCS with respect to that of the galactic stellar component is a difference with astrophysical relevance. A quantitative comparative analysis of the profiles may provide insight into both and globular cluster formation and evolution. If the difference is caused by erosion of the GCS, the missing GCs in the galactic central region may have merged around the galactic centre and formed, or at least increased in mass, the galactic nucleus. Observational support to this are the correlations between the galaxy integrated absolute magnitude and the number of globular clusters lost and that between the central massive black hole mass and the total mass of globular clusters lost. Methods. We fitted both the stellar and globular cluster system radial profiles of a set of galaxies observed at high resolution. We found that the GCS profile is less sharply peaked at the galactic centre than the stellar one. Assuming that this difference is caused by GCS evolution, starting from a radial distribution initially indistinguishable from that of stars, we can evaluate by a simple normalization procedure the number (and mass) of GCs that have “disappeared”. Results. The number of missing globular clusters is significant, ranging from 21% to 71% of their initial population abundance in the eight galaxies examined. The corresponding mass lost to the central galactic region is (for every galaxy of the sample) in the 7 9 2.77 × 10 –1.58 × 10 M interval. All the transported mass towards the central galactic regions have had probably an important effect on the innermost galactic zone, including its violent transient activity (AGN) and local massive black hole formation and growth. Key words. galaxies: general – galaxies: elliptical and lenticular, cD – galaxies: evolution – galaxies: clusters – galaxies: nuclei

1. Introduction Bekki & Forbes (2006), on a theoretical basis, suggest that the halo-bulge and the globular cluster components may have been Many elliptical galaxies contain quite populous globular clus- formed independently and thus their profiles should not, ini- ter systems (hereafter GCSs), that are, usually, less concentrated tially, be identical. Hydrodynamical simulations performed by towards the galactic centre than the bulge-halo stars. Since the Hopkins et al. (2009) suggest, for cuspy ellipticals, that the cen- seminal review by Harris & Racine (1979) an enormous amount tre of these objects have been constructed by gaseous dissipation of work has been devoted to GCS identification in external in mergers of gas-rich progenitors. The pre-existing stars (and galaxies and study of their properties. Regarding the GCS ra- clusters) should not participate in this dissipation, and instead be dial profiles, we recall, for the sake of example, recent papers of transported to greater radii. In this scheme, the merged system Bassino et al. (2006), Goudfrooij et al. (2007), Lee et al. (2008), would not have identical cluster and stellar distributions. Rhode et al. (2007), Sikkema et al. (2006), Spitler et al. (2006), However, these hypotheses have problems in explaining why Spitler et al. (2008), Rhode & Zepf (2003), Peng et al. (2004) the stellar and GCS distributions are usually similar in the outer and Harris et al. (2009). galactic regions. Of course, there are a few exceptions such Although this characteristic may not be common to all galax- as the two giant ellipticals NGC 4472 (M 49) and NGC 4486 ies, no case, at present, is known where the halo stars are less (M 87), and the lenticular galaxy NGC 4374 in the Virgo clus- concentrated than the GCS. There is also general agreement ter, whose GCS distribution seems to be a more radially ex- that the difference between the two radial distributions is real tended than the stellar component, while the lenticular galaxy and not caused by a selective bias. Consequently, different hy- NGC 4406, also in Virgo and close to NGC 4374, has a more potheses have been proposed to explain this feature. Among steeply declining slope of the GCS radial profile than that of these, two seem the most probable. The first hypothesis is that the galactic stellar component. These substantially different be- the difference between the two distributions reflects the differ- haviours can both be attributed to tidal effects, in the sense that ent formation ages of the two systems, as suggested by Harris in some galaxies an external perturber may cause a tidal strip- & Racine (1979) and Racine (1991); in their opinion globu- ping of GCs in the outskirts causing depletion of the outer radial lar clusters formed earlier, when the galaxy mass density dis- population with a corresponding enrichment of the GCS of the tribution was less centrally peaked. Also Forbes et al. (1996) perturbing (likely massive) galaxy. This scheme is sketched in andAshman&Zepf(1998), on an observational basis, and Elmegreen (1999) and has a support by numerical simulations

Article published by EDP Sciences 184 R. Capuzzo-Dolcetta and A. Mastrobuono-Battisti: Globular cluster system erosion in elliptical galaxies of Forte et al. (1982) and Muzzio (1987). In any case, all of metallicities of the central galactic regions are incompatible these bright galaxies are located at the centre of the cluster po- with the, usually low, metal content of GCs. This objection relies tential well, and their outskirts are noticeably distorted, because on the presently observed GC population being representative of 6 of gravitational interactions with other Virgo cluster galaxies and the initial one, which in its massive (M > 10 M) tail should because of material acquired during cannibalistic encounters, so be lost to the inner galactic zone by strong braking. If the well they cannot be considered as representative of the “average” el- known mass-metallicity relation indeed extends to very massive liptical. globular cluster scale, it is no surprise that massive, orbitally de- Another explanation of the difference between the inner GCS cayed GCs are also metal rich. and galactic stellar component radial profiles is based on the McLaughlin (1995), Capuzzo-Dolcetta & Vignola (1997), simpler assumption of a coeval birth of globular clusters and Capuzzo-Dolcetta & Tesseri (1999) and Capuzzo-Dolcetta & halo stars and additional evolution of the GCS radial distribu- Donnarumma (2001), estimated, by scaling the radial surface tion, while the collisionless halo remains almost unchanged. profiles of the halo stars of a galaxy to that of its GCS, the The GCS evolution is caused by dynamical friction, which number of missing globular clusters to be the integral of the causes massive clusters to move very close to the galactic centre, difference between the two radial profiles. Capuzzo-Dolcetta & where they are tidally disrupted by interactions with the grow- Vignola (1997) and Capuzzo-Dolcetta & Tesseri (1999) sug- ing nucleus, as first proposed by Tremaine et al. (1975) for M 31. gested that the compact nuclei of the Galaxy, M 31 and M 87, as This view of the galactic nuclei formation was, later, abandoned well as those in many other galaxies, may have accreted many because approximated evaluations of the dynamical friction time decayed globular clusters in the first few Gyr of their life. scale for GCs to be confined around the galactic center indicated In this paper we extend the comparison of the GCS and star it was too long to account for a rapid accretion of mass of the distribution in galaxies, studying eight galaxies for which good central galactic regions (see for instance Fall & Rees 1977 and photometric data are available in the literature to draw reliable Lauer & Kormendy 1986, the latter authors referring to M 87). radial profiles. This view has been shown to be erroneous, because it is based on In Sect. 2 we summarize the way, discussed deeply in pre- the oversimplified assumption that GCs move on quasi-circular viously mentioned papers, to derive, from the comparison of the orbits at large distances from the galactic center, where the star GCS-stars radial profiles in a galaxy, the number and mass of density is low and, consequently, so is the dynamical friction GCs that have disappeared due to the time evolution of the GCS; braking of even massive galactic satellites. A, more probable, in Sect. 3, we present and discuss the observational data, as well radially biased orbital distribution for GCs significantly shortens as the analytical fit expressions to the density profiles; in Sect. 4, the dynamical friction timescale. Additionally, the efficiency of we present the extension, to the data of this work, of the corre- dynamical friction is higher in triaxial galaxies, where box orbits lation found by Capuzzo-Dolcetta & Donnarumma (2001)be- maximize the effect of dynamical friction, as first suggested by tween the mass lost by the GCS, the host galaxy luminosity and Ostriker (1988). We note that box orbits represent a significant the mass of the galactic central massive black hole. Finally, in fraction of orbits in stable triaxial galaxies; the prototype of self- Sect. 5 we summarize our results and draw some general con- consistent triaxial models, which was studied by Schwarzschild clusions. An error analysis of the methods used is presented in (1979) by means of his orbital superposition technique, has axial Appendix A. ratios 1:0.625:0.5, contains a large fraction of box orbits, and is stable, as demonstrated by Smith & Miller (1982). The density concentration on and near the long axis of a triaxial figure is pro- 2. The estimate of both the number and total mass vided by the major family of box orbits which thus support the of globular clusters lost deviation from axial symmetry (Vietri & Schwarzschild 1983). Also the tidal interaction with a compact nucleus is Based on the hypothesis that the flattening of the GCS distri- enhanced in a triaxial potential (Ostriker et al. 1989; bution in the central regions, compared to the distribution of Capuzzo-Dolcetta & Tesseri 1997; Capuzzo-Dolcetta & Tesseri the stars in the galactic bulge, is caused by the evolution of the 1999; Capuzzo-Dolcetta & Vicari 2005). The combined effects GCS, the number of GCs that are accreted inward to the centre of these dynamical mechanisms act to deplete the GCSs in the of the galaxy is inferred by calculating the simple difference of central, denser, galactic regions, leaving the outer profile unal- the (normalized) density profiles integrated over the entire radial tered and similar to the profile of the halo stars; alternatively, range (see McLaughlin 1995). A general discussion of the prob- when the galaxy interacts significantly with other galaxies, the lems in evaluating the number and mass of missing clusters in GCS may radially expand towards outer regions. Based on the this way can be found in Capuzzo-Dolcetta & Vignola (1997), hypothesis that the initial GCS and halo-bulge radial distri- Capuzzo-Dolcetta & Tesseri (1999), and Capuzzo-Dolcetta & butions were similar, an accurate analysis of the observations Donnarumma (2001), and is not repeated here. would allow us to estimate the number of “missing clusters” and In all cases, apart from NGC 4472, we assume as a fitting therefore the mass removed from the GCSs. function for the GCS projected radial distribution in the form of Two objections are often made against the evolution- a “modified core model”, i.e., a law ary scheme. One is that in the hypothesis of efficient dy- Σ0 namical friction braking, which acts differentially on clus- ΣGC(r) = γ (1) + r/r 2 ters of different mass, one expects to detect a radial de- 1 ( c) pendence of the GC luminosity function, which is not usu- where Σ0, rc,andγ are free parameters. The choice of this func- ally observed. The radial dependence may not necessarily tion to fit the GCS profiles is motivated by the good agreement be expected because the two main external effects on the found with almost all the data used in this paper, as confirmed by, GCSs, dynamical friction and tidal disruption, affect differ- both, the local maximum deviation of the fitting formula from ent ends of the mass (luminosity) function leaving the av- the observed data and the computed χ2. erage value almost unaltered (Capuzzo-Dolcetta & Tesseri For the galaxy stellar profile, Σs(r), we rely on the fitting for- 1997). Another objection is that the observed, usually high, mulas provided by the authors of the various papers from which R. Capuzzo-Dolcetta and A. Mastrobuono-Battisti: Globular cluster system erosion in elliptical galaxies 185 we derived the data, which may change case by case, depend- (M/L)B, = 1.9 (Illingworth 1976) in the case of NGC 4374. ing on how good the approximations are for observed data. The For NGC 4636, we also used the mass function that represents choice of taking outer radial galaxy stellar profiles from the same its present distribution of GCs (see Sect. 3.8). For the remaining source paper from which we derived the data for the GCS pro- galaxies (NGC 1400, NGC 1407, NGC 4472, NGC 3258, and file was made for the sake of homogeneity with the GCS pro- NGC 3268), there is no more reliable way to estimate the total files because the galaxy photometry was usually taken with the mass of “lost” GCs than by adopting as a “fiducial” reference 5 same instrument, in the same photometric band, and, probably, value of their mean mass, ml,avalue,mMW = 3.3 × 10 M, in comparable observation conditions. We note that this was pos- which is a reliable estimate of the present mean GC mass in our sible for the external radial profiles of NGC 1400, NGC 1407, Galaxy, as obtainable from their LF (Abraham & Van Den Bergh NGC 4374, and NGC 4636 (the inner distribution was assumed 1995). to be core-like), while for NGC 3258 and NGC 3268 a single law (modified Hubble’s) was adopted across the entire radial ex- tension. In the two remaining cases, NGC 4406 and NGC 4472, 3. Data and results we selected the most reliable and recent among the various pho- The data studied in this paper were collected from the literature. tometric profiles found in the literature. We analyse data of a set of 8 galaxies for which the GC con- A check of the sensitivity to the choice of galactic photome- tent and the radial profile were reliably determined and that are try is found in the discussion of NGC 4636 data (Sect. 3.8). The suitable to our purposes. Σ “initial” distribution of GCs, GC,0(r), is assumed to be equal The galaxies are: NGC 1400, NGC 1407, NGC 4472 (M 49), in shape to the present stellar profile; consequently, it can be NGC 3268, NGC 3258, NGC 4374, NGC 4406, and NGC 4636. Σ obtained by a vertical translation of the stellar profile, s(r), to These galaxies add to the set of seventeen galaxies (, Σ match the present GCS distribution ( GC(r)asgivenbyEq.(1)) M 31, M 87, NGC 1379, NGC 1399, NGC 1404, NGC 1427, in the outer zone. We calculate the number of missing (lost) clus- NGC 1439, NGC 1700, NGC 4365, NGC 4494, NGC 4589, ff Σ ters to be the surface integral of the di erence between GC,0(r) NGC 5322, NGC 5813, NGC 5982, NGC 7626, IC 1459) Σ , and GC(r) over the radial range [0 rmax] where these two pro- whose GCS radial profiles were compared with those of pre- ff files di er, where rmax is defined to be the radial coordinate of the vious papers (McLaughlin 1995; Capuzzo-Dolcetta & Vignola intersection of the GCS and stellar radial profiles that minimizes, 1997; Capuzzo-Dolcetta & Tesseri 1999; Capuzzo-Dolcetta & after a vertical shift of the stellar radial profile, the squared of Donnarumma 2001). the difference between the GCS and stellar density distributions over the range [rmax, R]. R is the largest radial distance covered by the observations (for the values of R, we rely on the papers 3.1. NGC 1400 from which we derived the GC distribution data). Consequently, The surface density profile of this galaxy is presented by Forbes the number of lost clusters is et al. (2006) (hereafter F06), who fitted it by means of a power rmax Σ ∝ −1.88 = π Σ − Σ . law s(r) r . This fitting law is reliable outside the galac- Nl 2 GC,0(r) GC(r) rdr (2) tic core, i.e., for r > r = 0.0055 arcmin (Spolaor et al. 2008). 0 b The luminosity profile of the galaxy for r ≤ r is almost flat, Σ b The present number of GCs, N, is obtained by integrating GC(r) and related to the external power law. We fitted the GCS dis- over the entire radial range, [0, R]. The values of N obtained with −2 tribution with a modified core model of Σ0 = 14.1arcmin , this method usually differ from those given by the authors of the rc = 0.7arcmin,andγ = 0.88. Integrating ΣGC(r)inthera- papers, but for the purposes of this paper what is important is dial range where GCs are observed, i.e., from r = 0arcmin ff min the di erence between N and Nl and, so, it is crucial to have a to R = 2.8 arcmin, we obtain N = 73 to be the present num- homogeneous way of determining them. ber of GCs in NGC 1400. The initial GCS distribution can be The initial number of GCs in a galaxy is, indeed, estimated approximated by: to be Ni = Nl + N. . × 5 −2 ≤ The numerical values of Nl, Ni,andN are functions of both Σ = 1 37 10 arcmin r rb GC,0(r) −1.88 (3) the fitting parameters and the integration limits. These depen- 7.76r r > rb dences and their contribution to the errors in the final results are discussed in Appendix A. (see Fig. 1). An estimate of the mass removed from the GCS (Ml) can be Using the general method described in Sect. 2 and the es- = . obtained from the number of GCs lost, Nl, and the estimate of timated value rmax 2 3 arcmin, we find that the number of the mean mass of the missing globular clusters, m .Apriori, missing clusters in this galaxy is Nl = 183, i.e., about 71% of l = + = the determination of ml require the knowledge of the initial the initial population of globular clusters, Ni Nl N 256. mass spectrum of the CGS, that has experienced an evolution- An estimate of the mass lost by the GCS is Ml = Nl mMW = 7 ary erosion. However, the most relevant evolutionary phenom- 6.04 × 10 M. ena (tidal shocking and dynamical friction) act on opposite sides of the initial mass function, and so we expect that the mean value 3.2. NGC 1407 of the globular cluster mass has not changed very much in time (see Capuzzo-Dolcetta & Tesseri 1997 and Capuzzo-Dolcetta & As for NGC 1400, data for both this galaxy and its GCS were Donnarumma 2001). Hence, we can assume the present mean taken from F06. The luminosity profile of the galactic stars was −1.42 value of the mass of globular clusters, m, to be a good refer- fitted by a power law, Σs(r) ∝ r . This power law fit is inac- ence value for ml. curate in the inner region, where the luminosity profile exhibits For NGC 4374, NGC 4406, and NGC 4636, we calcu- acoreofradiusrb  0.045 arcmin (Spolaor et al. 2008). As for lated m using their GC luminosity functions (GCLFs) and NGC 1400, we thus assume, for r ≤ rb, that a flat distribution assuming the same typical mass-to-light ratio of GCs in our matches the external power law. In this case, the GCS modi- −2 Galaxy, i.e., (M/L)V, = 1.5 for NGC 4406 and NGC 4636 or fied core model has Σ0 = 17.8arcmin , rc = 1.02 arcmin, and 186 R. Capuzzo-Dolcetta and A. Mastrobuono-Battisti: Globular cluster system erosion in elliptical galaxies


4 2

2 1

0 0

-2 -1 0 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1

4 4

3 3

2 2 Fig. 1. Surface number density for NGC 1400, NGC 1407, NGC 3258 and NGC 3268. Black squares represent the observed GC distribu- 1 1 tions; the solid lines are their modified core model fits. The dashed curves are the surface 0 brightness profiles of the underlying galaxy (a 0 power law and a central flat core for NGC 1400 and NGC 1407, and a modified Hubble law for -2 -1 0 1 -1 0 1 NGC 3258 and NGC 3268), vertically normal- ized to match the radial profile of the GCS in the outer regions.

γ = 0.85 as more suitable parameters. The normalizing vertical The present number of GCs is N = 343 (with R = 7.94 arcmin). offset of the stellar profile leads to Performing the surface integral of the difference between the initial and present distribution in the radial range up to rmax = . × 3 −2 ≤ . = Σ = 1 04 10 arcmin r rb 2 51 arcmin (see Eq. (2)), we have Nl 220, corresponding to GC,0(r) −1.42 (4) = 12.6r r > rb 39% of the initial GCS population, Ni 563. For this galaxy, we obtained Ml = Nl mMW = 7.26 × 7 (see Fig. 1). 10 M. Integrating the difference between the GCS “initial” and present radial profiles in the galactic regions where these dif- 3.4. NGC 3268 fer, i.e., up to rmax = 2.34 arcmin (see Eq. (2)), we obtain = Nl 84. The present number of GCs obtained by integrating As for NGC 3268, the GC distribution of NGC 3258 is taken Σ GC(r) in the radial range covered by the observations (i.e., from from Dirsch et la. (2003). 0toR = 7.3arcmin)is N = 314. The GCS has therefore lost The resulting core model fit parameters have the values Σ0 = 21% of its initial population, N = 398. −2 i 24.4arcmin , rc = 2.6arcminandγ = 1.9. The analytical fit to In this case, we can evaluate the mass lost by the system to the luminosity profile (within 5 arcmin) of the galaxy is, again, = = . × 7 be Ml Nl mMW 2 77 10 M. obtained with the same law (modified core model) as used for the cluster density distribution (Dirsch et al. 2003). After the vertical 3.3. NGC 3258 translation, we have

13 490 −2 The GCS density profile data for this galaxy are discussed by Σ , r = . GC 0( ) 0.936 arcmin (6) Dirsch, Richtler & Bassino (2003). r 2 1 + . The closest core model fit is given by the values Σ0 = 0 044 16.9arcmin−2, r = 3.1arcmin,and γ = 2.4. The stellar lu- c Σ = = . minosity profile, within 5 arcmin, following Dirsch et al. (2003), Integrating GC(r) from rmin 0arcmintoR 7 94 arcmin, we is well represented by another modified core model fitting law. infer N = 505 to be the present GC number. = By mean of the usual procedure, the initial GCS profile is found The number of globular clusters lost is found to be Nl 612 = . to be most accurately described by: (from 0 to rmax 2 51 arcmin), which corresponds to about 55% of the initial abundance, Ni = 1117. Σ = 4365 −2. As in other cases, also for this galaxy, when evaluating the GC,0(r) . arcmin (5) 2 0 796 mean mass of lost GCs in NCG 3268, we have to assume that + r 8 1 0.036 ml = mMW, obtaining Ml = Nl mMW = 2.02 × 10 M. R. Capuzzo-Dolcetta and A. Mastrobuono-Battisti: Globular cluster system erosion in elliptical galaxies 187

4 4

3 2

2 0


-1 0 1 -2 -1 0 1

4 4

3 3 Fig. 2. Surface number density for NGC 4374, 2 2 NGC 4406, NGC 4472 (M 49) and NGC 4636. Black squares represent the observed GC distri- 1 butions; the solid lines are their modified core 1 model fit (except for NGC 4472, see Sect. 3.7). The dashed curves are the surface brightness profile of 0 the underlying galaxy (a power law and a central flat core for NGC 4374 and NGC 4636, and a Sersic -2 -1 0 1 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 core model for NGC 4406 and NGC 4472), verti- cally normalized to match the radial profile of the cluster system in the outer regions.

3.5. NGC 4374 (M 84) Gomez & Richtler (2004). The mean color (B − R)0 = 1.18 of GCs in this galaxy (Gomez & Richtler 2004) allows us to esti- Gomez & Richtler (2004) studied the GCS of this giant elliptical mate the mean B absolute magnitude and the mean luminosity of galaxy, using photometry in the B and R bands, to determine its GCs in the B band, (L/LB), by assuming that m − M = 31.61 radial surface distribution. 5 (Gomez & Richtler 2004), resulting in (L/L ) = 1.75 × 10 In this case, contrarily to all the other galaxies discussed B (with M , = 5.47, Cox 2000). here, the profile of the GC number density is flatter than that B Adopting the mass-to-light ratio (M/L)B, = 1.9 obtained by of the galaxy light (see Fig. 2). This may be due to tidal interac- Illingworth (1976) for 10 galactic globular clusters, we find that tion with the nearby NGC 4406 galaxy, which shows, indeed, a 5 8 m = 3.33 × 10 M and M = N m = 7.86 × 10 M. sort of depletion of the outer GC population. The best modified l l l l −2 core model fit to the GC data is given by Σ0 = 58.4arcmin , rc = 0.31 arcmin, and γ = 0.278. 3.6. NGC 4406 (VCC 881) The galaxy light is characterized by a central core of radius NGC 4406 is another giant elliptical in Virgo whose GCS was rb  0.0398 arcmin (Lauer et al. 2007); for r > rb,itiswellfit- −1.67 studied using data acquired by the Mosaic Imager on the 4 m tedbythepowerlawΣs(r) ∝ r (Gomez & Richtler 2004). Figure 2 shows a clear departure of the GCS from the stellar Mayall telescope at the KPNO (Rhode & Zepf 2004)intheB, V,andR bands. The resulting best-fit core model is characterized profile in the galactic outskirts which is not a surprise because Σ = . −2 = . γ = . ∼ by 0 26 76 arcmin , rc 3 52 arcmin, and 1 19. The it occurs beyond the galactic apparent radius ( 3.1 arcmin, as > from NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database), i.e., in a region pro- core model fit does not reproduce the outer (r 50 kpc) GCS foundly contaminated by interaction with the tidal field of the distribution satisfactorily (see Fig. 2). Since NGC 4406 has a inner, crowded, Virgo cluster region. massive close companion (NGC 4374), it is possible that its GCS The usual normalization infers shows signs of tidal truncation due either to interaction with its companion or the general tidal field of the Virgo cluster (see . × 4 −2 ≤ Σ = 2 94 10 arcmin r rb Rhode & Zepf 2004). GC,0(r) −1.67 (7) 135r r > rb, The galaxy star luminosity distribution, according to Ferrarese et al. (2006), is well reproduced by a Sersic core model to be the GCS initial radial profile. Integrating our core model to = . = (Trujillo et al. 2004), i.e., by R 11 8arcmin,wefind N 4655 to be the present number of 1 1 ff γ r GCs. The usual integration of the di erence between the initial rb b b n −b r n = . Σ (r) =Σ θ(r − r) + e n re θ(r − r )e n re , (8) and present GC distribution (Eq. (2) with rmax 3 84 arcmin) s b r b b leads to Nl = 2361. Hence, NGC 4374 has lost 34% of its initial population of globular clusters, Ni = 7016. where Σs(rb) =Σb, θ(x) is the usual Heaviside function, rb (break In the case of NGC 4374, the value of the mean mass of radius) divides the profile into an inner (r ≤ rb) power-law re- a GC was evaluated using the GCLF in the R band given by gion and an outer (r ≥ rb) exponential region; re is the “effective” 188 R. Capuzzo-Dolcetta and A. Mastrobuono-Battisti: Globular cluster system erosion in elliptical galaxies radius and bn = 1.992n − 0.3271, where n is a free fitting param- Table 1. GCS radial distribution parameters. eter. For NGC 4406, the parameter values are (Ferrarese et al. Galaxy Σ0 rc γ rmax R 2006): γ = 0.021, n = 7.016, bn = 13.649, and NGC 1400 14.1 0.7 0.88 2.3 2.8 re = 411.84 arcsec (=6.864 arcmin), rb = 0.72 arcsec NGC 1407 17.8 1.02 0.85 2.34 7.3 (=0.0127 arcmin). Following a vertical translation, the initial NGC 3258 16.9 3.1 2.4 2.51 7.94 GCS radial profile is given by NGC 3268 24.4 2.6 1.9 2.51 7.94 ⎡  NGC 4374 58.4 0.31 0.278 3.84 11.8 ⎢ 0.021 NGC 4406 26.76 3.52 1.19 5.36 24 ⎢ 0.012 Σ , (r) = 13 490 ⎣⎢ θ(0.012 − r) NGC 4472 107 8.47 0 7 22 GC 0 r NGC 4636 77.66 0.823 0.691 4.75 6.6 0.142 −13.649 r + 250θ(r − 0.012)e ( 6.864 ) . (9) Column 1: galaxy name; Cols. 2, 3 and 4: parameters of the modified core model fit for all the galaxies studied; Col. 5: superior limit of the In this case we note that, unique to the sample of 8 galaxies ex- integral giving the number of lost GCs (rmax); Col. 6: superior limit of amined in this paper, the stellar profile in the external zone de- the integral performed to estimate the present number of GCs (R), where Σ −2 r r R creases more slowly than that of the GCS, probably because of 0 is in arcmin and c, max and are in arcmin. GC stripping from both the companion NGC 4374 and the gen- eral tidal field in the dense central Virgo cluster region where 3.8. NGC 4636 NGC 4406 is located. By integrating the present distribution of GCs from 0 arcmin The GC content of this galaxy was studied by Kissler Patig et al. Σ = . −2 to R = 24 arcmin, we find that N = 2850. The surface integral (1994). The modified core model fit has 0 77 66 arcmin , r = 0.823 arcmin, and γ = 0.691 as optimal parameter values. giveninEq.(2), with rmax = 5.36 arcmin, infers the number of c globular clusters lost, N = 1359, i.e., about 32% of the initial The galactic light profile shows an inner flat distribution l  . GC population (N = 4209). (a core with radius rb 0 0573 arcmin Lauer et al. 2007), while i > Using the GCLF of this galaxy and its distance modulus m − for r rb the light distribution is well fitted by the power-law fit Σ ∝ −1.5 M = 31.12 (Rhode & Zepf 2004), we evaluated the mean value s(r) r (Kissler Patig et al. 1994). The vertical translation of the stellar profile gives the initial of the absolute GC V magnitude, MV = −8.42 corresponding 5 to the mean luminosity L/L = 1.98 × 10 (M , = 4.82 GCS profile: V V from Cox 2000). . × 3 −2 ≤ 5 5 16 10 arcmin r rb Assuming (M/L) , = 1.5, we obtain m = 2.97 × 10 M. Σ , (r) = V l GC 0 . r−1.5 r > r . This estimate infers the value of the mass lost by the GCS to be 70 8 b = = . × 8 Ml Nl ml 4 04 10 M. Integrating the present surface density profile of the GCS to R = 6.6 arcmin, we obtain N = 1411. Performing the surface = . 3.7. NGC 4472 (M 49) integral given in Eq. (2) (with rmax 4 75 arcmin), we estimate that the number of GCs that have disappeared is Nl = 746, i.e., Data of the GC distribution in this giant in 35% of the initial population, Ni = 2157. For this galaxy, we ob- Virgo were taken from Rhode & Zepf (2001). The galaxy light tained two different estimates of the mass lost by the GCS, start- is well fitted by a Sersic core model (Eq. (8)), whose param- ing from data taken from Kissler Patig et al. (1994). The first es- eters, determined by Ferrarese et al. (2006), are: γ = 0.086, timate was obtained using the GCLF (Kissler Patig et al. 1994). n = 5.503, bn = 10.635, re = 208.01 arcsec (=3.47 arcmin), As for NGC 4406, we calculated the mean absolute V magnitude = . = and rb 1 94 arcsec ( 3.47 arcmin). of GCs, MV = −8.07, (given that m − M = 31.2 according to In this case, the core model profile does not provide a good Kissler Patig et al. 1994). Assuming for GCs in NGC 4636 the approximation to the observed GCS distribution. A closer fit is same M/LV ratio of galactic GCs, (M/LV ) = 1.5, the deduced / = . × 5 given by one of the family of galaxy models (gamma-models) mean luminosity  of NGC 4636 GCs, L L V  143 10 , Σ =Σ / −γ + / γ−4 5 developed by Dehnen (1993): GC 0(r rc) (1 r rc) . infers ml,1 = 2.15 × 10 M,andMl,1 = Nl ml,1 = 1.29 × 8 Here we assume that γ = 0, as suggested by Côté et al. (2003). 10 M. Another estimate is found using the mass distribution Using this law, we found that of GCs obtained in Kissler Patig et al. (1994) by transforming the magnitude bins of the GCLF candidates into masses using r −4 Σ = . + · the relation given by Mandushev et al. (1991), log(M/M) = GC(r) 107 0 1 . (10) 8 465 −0.46MV + 1.6, (corresponding to a mean mass-to-light ratio After the usual vertical translation, we obtained (M/L)V,  2.0). Knowing the mass distribution, we can directly ⎡ = . × 5   . calculate the mean  mass of GCs, ml,2 3 79 10 M,and ⎢ . 0 086 8 ⎢ 0 0323 thus Ml,2 = Nl ml,2 = 2.97 × 10 M. ΣGC,0(r) = 10471 ⎣⎢ θ(0.0323 − r) r The average of our Ml,1 and Ml,2 values gives Ml = 2.22 × 8 0.18 10 M . −10.635 r + 94.7θ(r − 0.0323)e ( 3.47 ) . (11) To provide some insight into the effects of using different photometry for the galaxy stellar profile, we adopted for the Performed with rmax = 7 arcmin, the surface integral (Eq. (2)), whole radial extension of NGC 4636 the “Nuker” stellar pro- infers that Nl = 4792. Integrating ΣGC(r)toR = 22 arcmin, we file given in Lauer et al. (2007) and re-evaluated the Nl value. In have that N = 6514. Hence, M 49 has lost 44% of the initial this way, we obtained Nl = 748 (compared the previous value of population of GCs, i.e., Ni = 14752. 645) with rmax = 2.2 arcmin (previously 4.75 arcmin), where a As for NGC 1400 and NGC 1407, a more robust estimate of 14.8% relative variation. ml is not available, so we evaluate Ml to be Ml = Nl mMW = Tables 1 and 2 summarize the parameters of the radial-profile 9 1.58 × 10 M. fitting functions for the studied galaxies, while Table 3 presents R. Capuzzo-Dolcetta and A. Mastrobuono-Battisti: Globular cluster system erosion in elliptical galaxies 189

Table 2. Galactic luminosity fitting parameters.

Galaxy Model η rb re bn n αβ γ NGC 1400 lc 7.76 0.0055 – – – 1.88 – – NGC 1407 lc 12.6 0.045 – – – 1.42 – – NGC 3258 cM 4365 0.036 – – – – – 0.796 NGC 3268 cM 13490 0.044 – – – – – 0.936 NGC 4374 lc 135 0.0398 – – – 1.67 – – NGC 4406 cS 13490 0.012 6.86 13.649 7.02 – – 0.021 NGC 4472 cS 10471 0.0323 3.47 10.635 5.503 – – 0.086 NGC 4636 lc 70.8 0.0573 – – – 1.5– – Column 1: galaxy name; Col. 2 label identifying the galaxy light profile model (lc = linear with a flat core in the inner region, cS = core-Sérsic, −2 cM= modified core model); Cols. 3–10: parameters of the various profile models (see Sects. 2 and 3 for details), where η is in arcmin and rb and re are in arcmin.

Table 3. Deduced parameters for the various GCSs.

Galaxy NNi Nl δN l Mi Ml NGC 1400 73 256 183 0.71 0.40 8.45 × 107 6.04 × 107 NGC 1407 314 398 84 0.21 0.12 1.31 × 108 2.77 × 107 NGC 3258 343 563 220 0.39 0.16 2.47 × 108 7.26 × 107 NGC 3268 505 1117 612 0.55 0.12 3.69 × 108 2.02 × 108 NGC 4374 4655 7016 2361 0.34 0.050 2.34 × 109 7.86 × 108 NGC 4406 2850 4209 1359 0.32 0.23 1.25 × 109 4.04 × 108 NGC 4472 6514 14 752 4792 0.44 0.14 4.87 × 109 1.58 × 109 NGC 4636 1411 2157 746 0.35 0.11 6.41 × 108 2.22 × 108

Column 1: galaxy name; Cols. 2–8: the present number of GCs (N), its initial value (Ni), the number of GCs lost (Nl), the percentage of GCs lost and the estimated relative error on Nl ( l, see Appendix A), the estimate of the initial mass of both the entire GCS (Mi) and the mass lost by each GCS (Ml). Mi and Ml are in solar masses. the results in terms of the estimated number and mass of GCs and β ± σ(β) = 7.44 ± 0.22, where χ2 = 4.0. The differences lost. between the fit coefficients are insignificant. For the error estimates of Table 3 (see Appendix A), we note The least squares, straight-line, fit to the whole set of data that a 1% error in rmax contributes between 1.4% (NGC 1400) shown in the right panel of Fig. 3 is given by log Ml = aMV + b, and 26% (NGC 1407) to the total error. For the greatest dif- where a ± σ(a) = −0.55 ± 0.10 and b ± σ(b) = −3.8 ± 2.2 ference in the slope of the external GCS and stellar profiles providing χ2 = 2.6. The exponential fit to the same data gives (NGC 4374), the contribution of a 1% indeterminacy in rmax cor- log Ml = α exp(−MV ) + β,whereα ± σ(α) = (1.90 ± 0.40) × responds to 22% of the total error. 10−10 and β ± σ(β) = 7.54 ± 0.16 and χ2 = 3.4. As before, we re-evaluated the linear and exponential fits using the second set 4. The correlation between M ,M ,andM of entries for the galaxies with two evaluations in Table 4 and l V bh found that a ± σ(a) = −0.48 ± 0.08 and b ± σ(b) = −2.30 ± The evolutionary explanation of the difference between the ini- 1.70, giving χ2 = 2.30, provided the tightest linear fit, and that tial and present GC distribution implies a correlation between α ± σ(α) = (1.01 ± 0.19) × 10−10 and β ± σ(β) = 7.67 ± 0.11 the (supposed) mass lost by GCS, with the mass of the galactic and χ2 = 2.6, provided the tightest exponential fit. central (Mbh) and, probably, with the In the right panel of Fig. 3 the correlation between Ml and host galaxy luminosity (MV ). Table 4 reports the whole set of MV reflects both an expected physical dependence of evolu- galaxies for which we have the estimate of MV , Mbh,andMl. tionary processes acting on GCSs on the total galactic mass Figure 3 shows a plot of the data given in Table 4.Forsome and, more simply, the positive correlation between Mbh and MV galaxies, two estimates of MV and/or Mbh were available. In for the same set of galaxies. The Mbh-MV correlation for the these cases, we took from Table 4 the entries in the first of the set of galaxies in Table 4 clearly has a positive slope, as also two rows to plot in Fig. 3. The figure clearly indicates an increas- shownbytheleastsquaresfitinFig.4. The least square fit ing trend of Ml as function of Mbh (left panel) and of MV (right is log Mbh = aMV + b with a ± σ(a) = −0.52 ± 0.15 and panel). b ± σ(b) = −2.6 ± 3.2, giving χ2 = 5.2. When using the In particular, the linear fit of data in the left panel is given by alternative entries in Table 4,thefitcoefficients transform into log Ml = a log Mbh + b with a ± σ(a) = 0.56 ± 0.14 and b ± a ± σ(a) = −0.41 ± 0.12 and b ± σ(b) = −0.40 ± 2.70, giving σ(b) = 3.3 ± 1.2, giving χ2 = 3.8. The alternative, exponential χ2 = 5.5. fit gives log Ml = α exp(log Mbh) + β,whereα ± σ(α) = (7.6 ± On the astrophysical side, Capuzzo-Dolcetta & Tesseri 2.7) × 10−5 and β ± σ(β) = 7.61 ± 0.22 and χ2 = 4.6. (1999) demonstrated how a correlation between GCS radial pro- For the 9 galaxies for which alternative data are available files and the parent galaxy luminosity is expected for the larger we re-evaluated the linear and exponential fit to data using the tidal disturbance caused by a more massive compact central nu- second row values in Table 4, obtaining a ± σ(a) = 0.51 ± 0.16 cleus in the galaxy, which erodes the GC distribution peaked and b ± σ(b) = 3.7 ± 1.3, where χ2 = 4.1 for the linear fit, and at the galactic centre by means of frictionally decayed massive then for the exponential fit, α ± σ(α) = (1.04 ± 0.30) × 10−4 clusters. 190 R. Capuzzo-Dolcetta and A. Mastrobuono-Battisti: Globular cluster system erosion in elliptical galaxies

Table 4. Integrated magnitudes and central black hole masses for a set of galaxies for which the estimate of the mass lost from their GCSs is known.

Galaxy MV Mbh Ml Sources MW −20.60 3.61 × 106 1.80 × 107 E05, VV00, CDV97 M31 −19.82 6.19 × 107 2.30 × 107 M98 , CDV97 "”4.50 × 107 ”TR02 M87 −22.38 3.61 × 109 2.33 × 109 M98, CDV97 " −22.95 3.67 × 109 ”KB09 NGC 1427 −20.43 1.17 × 108 8.86 × 107 VM99, CDT99 NGC 4365 −22.06 7.08 × 108 7.48 × 107 VM99, CDT99 " −23.63 3.94 × 108 "KB09 NGC 4494 −20.94 4.79 × 108 2.98 × 107 VM99, CDT99 NGC 4589 −21.14 3.09 × 108 7.58 × 107 VM99, CDT99 NGC 5322 −21.90 9.77 × 108 6.51 × 107 VM99, CDT99 NGC 5813 −21.81 2.82 × 108 1.03 × 108 VM99, CDT99 NGC 5982 −21.83 7.94 × 108 8.86 × 107 VM99, CDT99 NGC 7626 −22.34 1.95 × 109 3.59 × 108 VM99, CDT99 IC 1459 −21.68 2.60 × 109 1.57 × 108 Fe05, VM99, CDT99 ""2.50 × 109 "TR02 NGC 1399 −21.71 5.22 × 109 1.44 × 108 M98, CDD01 ""5.10 × 108 "GE07 NGC 1400 −20.63 3.71 × 108 6.04 × 107 VM99, F06, CDM NGC 1407 −21.86 5.55 × 108 2.77 × 107 Z07, F06, CDM NGC 3258 −21.40 2.14 × 108 7.26 × 107 BC06, D03, CDM NGC 3268 −22.07 4.68 × 108 2.02 × 108 BC06, D03, CDM NGC 4374 −22.62 1.41 × 109 7.86 × 108 R98, GR04, CDM " −23.63 8.87 × 108 "KB09 NGC 4406 −22.30 1.40 × 108 4.04 × 108 CJ93, RZ04, CDM " −22.69 2.29 × 108 "KB09 NGC 4472 −23.10 2.63 × 109 1.58 × 109 M98, RZ04, CDM " -23.24 6.10 × 108 "KB09 NGC 4636 −21.70 3.63 × 108 2.22 × 108 VM99, KR94, CDM " −22.10 2.06 × 109 "KB09 Column 1: galaxy name; Cols. 2, 3, and 4: the V absolute magnitudes, the galactic central black hole masses, and the mass lost by GCSs (both in solar masses), respectively; Col. 5: bibliographic reference sources for entries in Cols. 2, 3, and 4; CDM is the present paper, the other acronyms are defined in the references. For 9 galaxies, double entries for MV and/or Mbh are available and given in the second row. When an entry was not modified, a " symbol is present.

Fig. 3. The correlation between the GCS (loga- rithmic) mass lost and the central galactic black hole mass (left panel) and integrated V mag- nitude of the host galaxy (right panel)forthe set of galaxies in Table 4. Masses are in solar masses. Black circles represent the eight galax- ies whose GCS data are discussed in this paper, black triangles refer to the others. The straight lines and curves are the approximation fits dis- cussed in Sect. 4.

5. Conclusions the galaxy bulge-halo. A debate remains open on the interpre- tation of this observational issue. The “evolutionary” interpreta- We have presented a comparative discussion of the radial dis- tion is particularly appealing; it claims that, initially, the GCS tributions of the globular cluster systems and of stars in eight and stellar profiles were similar and, later, GCS evolved to the elliptical galaxies observed by various authors. We found that presently flatter distribution because of dynamical friction and GCS distributions flatten towards the centre, showing a broad tidal interactions (Capuzzo-Dolcetta 1993). In this picture, the core in the profile, in contrast to the surrounding star field. This flatter central profile is caused by the erosion of the inner GCS result agrees with many previous findings, indicating, indeed, radial profile. Many GCs are, consequently, packed into the in- that GCs are usually less centrally concentrated than the stars of ner galactic region, where they influence the physics of the host R. Capuzzo-Dolcetta and A. Mastrobuono-Battisti: Globular cluster system erosion in elliptical galaxies 191

which is a function of the parameters Σ0, rc, γ, rmin,andrmax, whose indetermination is        ∂  ∂  ∂  Δ =  N  ΔΣ +  N  Δ +  N  Δγ N ∂Σ  0 ∂  rc  ∂γ   0  rc    ∂   ∂   N   N  +   Δrmin +   Δrmax, (A.2) ∂rmin ∂rmax where  r  max ∂N rmax r π(r2 + r2)  = π = c  , 2 γ dr γ  (A.3) ∂Σ r 2 r 2  0 rmin 1 + (1 − γ) 1 +  rc rc rmin ∂ rmax πΣ γ 3 N = 4 0 r +γ dr ∂r 2 (1 ) c rmin 3 + r rc 1 r c  r  max 2πΣ (r2 + γr2)  = − 0 c  , γ  (A.4) r 2  rc(γ − 1) 1 +  rc rmin

Fig. 4. The correlation between the logarithm of the central galactic ⎡   ⎤−γ ⎡   ⎤ r ⎢ 2⎥ ⎢ 2⎥ black hole mass (in solar masses) and the integrated V galactic mag- ∂N max ⎢ r ⎥ ⎢ r ⎥ = −2πΣ r ⎣⎢1 + ⎦⎥ ln ⎣⎢1 + ⎦⎥ dr nitude (see Table 4). ∂γ 0 r r rmin  c c  rmax πΣ 2 + 2 + γ − + r 2  0(r rc ) 1 ( 1) ln 1  rc  = γ  , (A.5) 2  galaxy. Many galaxies studied so far have massive black holes (γ − 1)2 1 + r  rc at their centres, whose mass positively correlates with our es- rmin timates of the number and mass of GCs lost. This provides a ∂N rmin strong support of the validity of the aforementioned evolution- = −2πΣ γ , (A.6) ∂ 0 2 rmin + rmin ary scenario, together with the other clear correlations between 1 r number and mass of GC lost and their parent galaxy luminos- c ity. In the light of these encouraging findings, we propose that (where we assume that rmin = 0.1arcmin). much effort should be devoted towards improving the observa- ∂ tional tests of this astrophysical scenario. N rmax = 2πΣ γ · (A.7) ∂r 0 2 max 1 + rmax rc

Appendix A: The formal error in the estimate For NGC 4472 we have that: of the number of lost GCs rmax r γ r N r , r = πΣ c   r ( min max) 2 0 4−γ d r r r We describe how we evaluated the errors in GCs lost, l,given min 1 + rc  in Table 3. As explained in Sect. 2, the number of GCs lost in + γ − γ + rmax 2 rc r (3 )rc r  the galaxies of the sample was evaluated as the integral of the = 2πΣ0(rcr)  · r (6 − 5γ + γ2)(r + r)3 difference between the (estimated) initial and present GCS ra- c rmin dial distributions over the radial range [rmin, rmax]wherethetwo (A.8) profiles differ. The absolute errors in Nl (ΔNl)aregivenbythe This is a function of the parameters Σ0, rc, rmin,andrmax, whose sum of the error in Ni (ΔNi) and the error on N (ΔN), yielding Δ = Nl Δ Δ indetermination is the relative error l N of Table 3. We estimate N and Ni         l  ∂N  ∂N  ∂N   ∂N  as follows: ΔN =   ΔΣ +   Δr +   Δγ +   Δr Δ ∂Σ  0 ∂  c  ∂γ  ∂  min (i) To estimate of N, for all galaxies, except for NGC 4472, the  0  rc rmin ,  ∂  number N(rmin rmax)isgivenby  N  +   Δrmax (A.9) ∂rmax rmax r N(r , r ) = 2πΣ γ dr where min max 0 2 rmin + r 1 rmax γ rc ∂N r r  = 2π c   dr rmax 4−γ  ∂Σ0 r r r 2 2  min 1 + Σ π(r + r )  rc = 0 c  ,  γ  (A.1) r + r γ (3 − γ)r + r rmax − γ + r 2  = π r r 2 c c  , (1 ) 1  2 ( c ) 2 3  (A.10) rc r − γ + γ r + r rmin (6 5 )( c ) rmin 192 R. Capuzzo-Dolcetta and A. Mastrobuono-Battisti: Globular cluster system erosion in elliptical galaxies ⎡   γ−5 rb rmax ∂ rmax ⎢ γ − 2 γ ∂Ni −α −α N ⎢( 4)r rc r = − πη − πη 1 = πΣ ⎢ + 2 rb r ln(rb)dr 2 r ln(r)dr 2 0 ⎣ 2 1 ∂α ∂ rmin rb rc rmin rc r rc    ⎤  2−α rmax γ−4 r 2πηr {1 + [α − 2] ln(r)} r γ−1 r ⎥ = − π −α 2  b +  , c ⎥ 2 rb r ln(rb)  +γ 1 + ⎦⎥ dr rmin (γ − 2)2  r rc rb πΣ 2 + γ (A.19) = 2 0rcr rc r 2 4 (6 − 5γ + γ )(rc + r) r = .   In this case, we also assumed that rmin 0 1arcmin.Forall rmax × 2 γ − − γ2 − γ + − γ 2 γ −  , galaxies analysed, rmin > rb and rmax > rb,sowehave 2r ( 1) 2rcr( 5 4) rc ( 3)  rmin (A.11) ∂N i = −2πηr1−α, (A.20) ∂r min and min  γ− rmax γ 4 ∂Ni −α ∂N rc r rc = πη 1 . = 2πΣ r 1 + ln 1 + dr 2 rmax (A.21) 0 ∂rmax ∂γ r r rc r min 2πΣ (r r)2 r + r γ  = 0 c c r − γ + γ2 For M 49 and NGC 4406 (Sects. 3.7 and 3.6), we have 2 3 c(9 6 ) (6 − 5γ + γ )2(rc + r) r   rmax γ r rmax rb 2 c  Ni(rmin, rmax) = 2πη r θ(rb − r) +r(5 − 2γ) − (6 − 5γ + γ )[(γ − 3)rc − r]ln1 +  , rmin r r rmin ⎫ 1 1 r ⎪ (A.12) b b n − r n ⎬⎪ + n re re θ − e (r rb)⎭⎪ dr  γ ∂N r r  1 1 c min γrb rmax rb n − r n = −2πΣ   , (A.13) 2πη r  bn r r ∂ 0 4−γ = 2 b  + πη e e rmin rmin rmin r  2 re dr 1 + − γ r rc 2 rmin rb (A.22)  γ ∂N rc rmax = 2πΣ   · (A.14) where bn = 1.992n − 0.3271. The second row of the previous ∂ 0 4−γ rmax rmax 1 + rmax expression is justified by that, for both M 49 and NGC 4406, rc rb > rmin. Thus, the error on Nl The fitting parameters used to calculate ΔN are summarized in         ∂N  ∂N  ∂N  ∂N  Table 1. ΔN =  i  Δη +  i  Δb +  i  Δr +  i  Δγ Δ i  ∂η   ∂  n  ∂  b  ∂γ  (ii) To estimate Ni, the fitting formulas for the initial distribu-   b n  rb    tion of GCs changed for the various galaxies studied. ∂  ∂   ∂   ∂  +  Ni  Δ +  Ni  Δ +  Ni  Δ +  Ni  Δ , For NGC 1400, NGC 1407, NGC 4374, and NGC 4636, we   re   n   rmin   rmax ∂re ∂n ∂rmin ∂rmax have (see Sects. 3.1, 3.2, 3.5, 3.8 and Table 2 for the meanings (A.23) and the values of the parameters)    ∂  Δ =  bn  Δ rb rmax where bn ∂ n, is evaluated by the following expressions , = πη −α + πη 1−α n Ni(rmin rmax) 2 rb rdr 2 r dr of the individual error contribution: rmin rb r 1 1  2−α max rb γ rmax rb n − r n  r  ∂N r bn = πη −α 2rb + πη  · i = π b + π re re rb r r 2  (A.15) 2 r dr 2 re dr min 2 − α ∂η r r r rb min b  1 1 γrb rmax rb n − r n 2π r  bn In Eq. (A.15), η represents the parameter obtained by vertical = 2 b  + π re re , − γ r  2 re dr (A.24) shifting the luminosity profile. 2 r r r Δ min b The error Ni is thus given by ⎡ ⎤ 1 1   1   1 r n n ⎢ ⎥         ∂ rmax b b − r ⎢ n n ⎥ ∂  ∂  ∂   ∂  Ni n re re ⎢ rb r ⎥  Ni   Ni   Ni   Ni  = πη ⎢ − ⎥ , ΔN =   Δη +   Δr +   Δα +   Δr ∂ 2 re ⎣ ⎦ dr (A.25) i  ∂η   ∂  b  ∂α  ∂  min bn r re re   rb rmin b  ∂   Ni  +   Δrmax, (A.16) ∂r max ∂N rb r γ−1 i = 2πηγ b dr where ∂rb r r min r r 1 1   1 − ∂ b max rmax rb n − r n n 1 Ni −α −α ηb bn r = 2πr rdr + 2π r1 dr + π n re re b ∂η b 2 re dr rmin rb nr r  e rb  e  2−α rmax r r r  πηγ γ−1 b = π −α 2 b + π  · 2 rb  rb r 2  (A.17) = r  rmin 2 − α − γ  rb 2 r r min 1 1   1 − rb  rmax rb n − r n n 1 ∂N r ηb bn r i = −2πηαr−1−α rdr = −πηr−1−αr2 b , (A.18) + 2π n re re re b dr, (A.26) ∂ b b rmin rb rmin nre rb re R. Capuzzo-Dolcetta and A. 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