Applying OGC Sensor Web Enablement to Ocean Observing Systems Daniel M. Toma, Joaquin del Rio, Enoc Martínez Eric Delory SARTI Research Group. Electronics Deptartment Oceanic Platform of the Canary Islands ctra de Taliarte Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) s/n, Telde 35200, Spain Rambla Exposició 24, 08800,
[email protected] Vilanova i la Geltrú. Barcelona. Spain
[email protected] Simon Jirka Jay Pearlman 52°North - Initiative for Geospatial Open Source IEEE France Section, France Software GmbH
[email protected] Martin-Luther-King-Weg 24 48155 Muenster, Germany
[email protected] Christoph Waldman University of Bremen, MARUM, Germany
[email protected] Abstract – The complexity of marine installations I. INTRODUCTION for ocean observing systems has grown significantly in recent years. In a network consisting of tens, hundreds In Ocean Observing Systems, the infrastructure for or thousands of marine instruments, manual data management, communication and instruments has to configuration and integration becomes very be a flexible network, because unanticipated needs may challenging. Simplifying the integration process in emerge and unprecedented context-aware applications existing or newly established observing systems would may need to be enabled. For example, a given kind of benefit system operators and is important for the sensor may be deployed on various platforms such as broader application of different sensors. This article floats, gliders or moorings, and thus must be integrated presents an approach for the automatic configuration with different data acquisition systems. To achieve the and integration of sensors into an interoperable interoperability in this infrastructure, the physical Sensor Web infrastructure. First, the sensor instruments must be reliably associated with software communication model, based on OGC's SensorML components that operate the instruments and manage standard, is utilized.