Sewing Machimy
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"I didn't, 'deed an doable". for Uio Ovou when a neighbor droppea mittee about lt." And be passed on. The Way. SCHEDUL EIS in. AtU t the departdro of the oa'ler the Little Martha burst into a how) of I pity those men who are always wait¬ Highest ofall in Leavening Power..Latest TJ. S. Gov't Report boosewife-fcastiJy liirust the broad into fear. A rough looking wan was just ing for a committee to appoint them. Good-morrow, fair in .Id, with lashes %ivwn. Bürau arg wai a rann Can you tell me the wuy to womanh od the oven without noticing anything un¬ stepping in at the open doorway. y ago, thero In Town'/ SOUTHERN R usual ahont it. Upon getting the loaf at "Oh. Mr. Oaab, yoo won't arrest thin town who lived near tho North and iu the afternoon of a cold <). wa< By TOM P. MOBOAN. supper (tbo was ndonished to find one Dobby?" cried the ebild. "Please dou'tl" River, this w.iy und that never stop; -r-TT- " winter's he htaid a o»»n .. III straftUmj will cud of it studded with tacks. 'Rest Dobby?" snorted tho uewooin- tiny g Tlapickingupstltohos'Ylski tho b "1 ruuoles drop, rl.-.l.t. the A -t)ior.] pkutifully for help who baJ fallen the Tis «lug »b> away. [(.'(->.>> IttXJt h Lijcr dearly loved to get at a well er. "Waal, I reckon cat I Sorter dropped through [earning ih t eross words never will pay, ¦> ice. He i-at In bis Louse aud heard Ti< With one os ¦;>'. i'>;i, tho members of in to eoo if folks bad nodloed holnlng mother, 't Is towlog up routs, filled piucushiou, from which bo would you Injun the mac over and over %t Is i.- idln am' pu>iu»r 't s tho Con >l»n««.*<l ' tho Baxter household wcro honest aucl Jim Buoakin Ho". cry ajjalr-.and peuoo, saving cxtruot the pins one by one nnd thrust ycrabouts. did nothing to help him, but let bim *T is M>\. 1»! Though lifo hud hi en hoiiic- an toviiik and Binding, forgetting to i rowu: 10, upright. them into sjiiio convenient roceptaclo. "Arj you officer?" questioned Miss drown. The next day the people learn¬ O, that Is the «rjy to W omanhood Town : tbing of it strngglo with them since Mr. One night after the prophet, unbeknown Rossi ter. ed about It and they drove that cruel, ETATIONS. Boxtcr'a death, they had met their heartless man out of town. Just wait, my brave lad oiu* moment, I pray; to any one, had rohhod tho "Yes, mom.oonstuble. Name'sOasb. Manhood Town lie*, whore ir Can toll nie trials and nftor each of pincushion That was wasn't it? ABSOLUTELY PURE >'OU LyrCrir.rV-.tovi..._ bravely, day Dobby was considerably if What". right, tho way t Ev. (v>iuuii>:n. when settled down surprised, it was? Then look ut " struggling, night "Arrest that the com¬ Oh, yourselves . not delighted, to find, upon going to boy," lady O. by tollliiK and mm/ wo reach that land. prosperity the weather beaten houso and see what aro Are ..__.,.,- Ar. Nswboi ry. over little hed, his pillow bestuok with manded, "auless he instantly returns you doing. you A bit with the head, a bit with (he hail ! Ar under tho tall cottonwood tree, they carofully which ho has not doing worse than he did In letting 'T Is by cliinbliiK Up the steep hill Work. Ninety :>fx. pins. my diamond ring, Just stol¬ that a hair-splitting lawyer tho who was watching tbo 'T Is out of could go to rest with tho satis* en!" fellow drown? All around you in present performance by keopiiiK the Wide stroet shirk simple One winter's old Mr. Hanson Now Yoik cried for aro luw would be sufficient, but in view from tbo gallery. 'T Is by alvviiy« tukiiiK tho Weak one's purl, fuotion of that had dono day help being 'T is bv (fiviiiK mother a h«i>i>y It. Abi"'vi1.:«_ feeling they "ßorta aa bo "Ob, don't arrest Dobby I Please and aro ou tho of the Supremo Court decision, tho The South Carolina Senator heart, their best drapped in," expressed it, dou'tl" cried littlo Martha. beard, you parsing by amendments bad been considered wiped T Is by keeping bad thoughts and aotlons Ir. fro and was sitting hosido the stovo retail¬ other side. both corners of bis mouth with the down; iV. Avi''." son Tho day was fast approaching when, tbo "My boy would not stoal," said Mrs. You when you 6eo a man in dis¬ necessary. Tbo amendments were ends of his Angers and started O, that is the way to Manhood Town ! ing scanty gossip of tho neighbor¬ ' say roado directly Ar. flri the time of reside nee required by tho Baxter bravely. 'Dobby is a tress, "Oh, how I him." to meet the objections of tho for Senator Hoar. a seat he- And tho lad and the maiden hood, whilo his dog, fuithful Tyler, was good boy." pity various courts eo as to allow tbe Taking ran. hand iu government having been fulfilled, the Her obiu quivored as she spoke. Lit¬ I wouldn't glvo tho snap of my linger States side tbo Senator from Massachusetts hand, bo their own. comfortably curled up hoforo the fire. for the that does not him to exorcise police control of foreign Senator Tillman first the To thoir fnir estates In the Crown-up band. STATIONS. bomestead cluim Would was tlo Martha was almost choking with pity help to presented as well us Lijcr swaggering nhout looking for get made liquor in tho States as well as of and indicated wboro .Grown- Their small crops, cultivated subs, and was oloso to the up agufn. album, t'p Land, " an opportunity for displaying bis Dobby very next ono homo made autograph Mftdtiimit.... a whose will was greater pooul- The idea of Tho tbat camo along tho liquors. ho would like to havo tho Senator's " boy perhaps iur talents when a livo coal crying point. being arrested road was Mr. Mills opposed tbo bill ub a Wt'.»ri»aton.; than his ability could cultivate them, popped seemed terriblo to these honest the Lovito. Ho was a sort of stop signature The latter blushed and tr. Aatlfraop.... out of tho grato. Like a flash ho aunp- very church warduu, a steward. The wound¬ backward, allowing, as it does, inter- looked confused, but Tillman was por- .At tho beirirning of tho wero sufficient for their modest souls. b present Lv.BeUoit ... needs, it up in his hard hill and inserted it ed man lay about one hundred ronco with tntcrbtato commerce, histent. A littlo good-natured chain ng century tho Hiblc could bo studied, and if their moans wero scanty their ped Tho lieutenant looked several yards He considered it a by Ar. DonnoMs.._. into tho dog's car. Poor Tyler spraug times away when the Lovlto saw him. Ho very dangerous prc- ensued, but tho result was that Till¬ only onc-lifth of the earth's population. Lt. Abl.Y! wants wero carefully kept down to as if on tho of ro- had cedent. Now it is into >__." up with u terrible howl and dashed bo- point sponkiug, but another turn of mind. Ho said : man obtained tho autograph, and also translated languages Et. KodgCB them. frniued. Miss Rossitcr was tho guest of "It's dreadful that a man can't take a Mr. Vest aleo opposed it on tho same took occasion to a word for which cnuko it eccessible to nine-tenths " Qr< onwotd twoon tho legs of his muster, wiio had say good " Thoy owed no ono. They bated no bis coinu anding officer and must not be slmplo littlo journey in broad ground. Ho said tbe efleet of tbo bill his dispensary bill. His next victim was of tho world's inhabit ant Ntiiot) risen to take Iiis daylight would he a more Lt. .. 'ono unlos it bo Indian Jim, tho just departure, noarly offended. w'thout being molested robbers. radical interference Senator Allison, tho most modest man .A has " Newberry might tho old on his by with between paper bieyelo invaded the Prosperity. Worthless half breed whoso chief fond- standing gentleman "Mom," began the constablo, "I When I pot back to the cty ill see tommeroe the States in natlonnl poliiios. He blushed liko Hold. Paper fibre, similar to that Ar. iVi!n*ni«ls._. head, and sprang out of tho door, collid¬ Pilate and have an than wits the Wilt-on bill for a similar ness WOS for dirt, bogging and stealing, don't reckon Dobby'd". act passed by the a schoolgirl when approaehed by Till¬ sometimes used in the manufacture, of Ar. Charleston.. ing with Dobby, who was just bringing legislature to a committee to purpose und looked as ho would Is throe things that the Baxter?, with ono "Will you or will you not arrest him?" appoint Mr. taid tho of the man, though railway carriage wheels. employ d No. STATIONS. in a hucket of water. Tho bucket went guard tbe reads, and very my Tiliman object like to cover bis fuco with bis hands to for and is as as in b No.ial ubominated. They feared no the likely hill was to tho tubing, strong any > exception, flying, half drenching tho hoy, and tho interrupted lady impatieutly.