1 Aquinas, Treatise on Law, Summa Theologiae [1272], 2.1, 9780895267054 Gateway Trans
PROGRAM OF LIBERAL STUDIES JUNIOR READING LIST PLS 33101, SEMINAR III Students are asked to purchase the indicated editions. With Instructor’s permission other editions may be used. Students are expected to have done the first reading when coming to the first meeting of the seminar. 1 Aquinas, Treatise on Law, Summa Theologiae [1272], 2.1, 9780895267054 Gateway trans. Parry, Questions 90-93 2 Aquinas, Treatise on Law, Summa Theologiae, Questions 94-97 3 Aquinas, On Faith, Summa Theologiae 2.2, trans. Jordan, 9780268015039 Notre Dame Prologue-Pt 2-2, Quest 1, 2, (Art 1-4, 10), 3, 4, (Art 3-5) 4 Aquinas, On Faith, Summa Theologiae, Questions 6, 10 5 Dante, The Inferno, The Divine Comedy [1321], 9780553213393 Bantam Cantos 1-17, trans. Mandelbaum 6 Dante, The Inferno, Cantos 18-34 7 Dante, Purgatorio, Cantos 1-18, trans. Mandelbaum 9780553213447 Bantam 8 Dante, Purgatorio, Cantos 19-33 9 Dante, Paradiso, Cantos 1-17, trans. Mandelbaum 9780553212044 Bantam 10 Dante, Paradiso, Cantos 18-33 11 Petrarch, "Ascent of Mount Ventoux" [1336] and "On His 9780226096049 Chicago Own Ignorance and That of Many Others" [1370], trans Nachod, in The Renaissance Philosophy of Man, ed. Cassirer, Kristeller, Randall 12 Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales [1387-1400], trans. Coghill, "Prologue," 9780140424386 Penguin "Knight’s Tale," "Millers Tale," and "Nun’s Priest Tale" (each tale with accompanying prologues and epilogues where appropriate) 13 Chaucer, Canterbury Tales, "Pardoner’s Tale," "Wife of Bath’s Tale," "The Clerk’s Tale," "Franklin’s Tale," and "Retraction" (each tale with accompanying prologues and epilogues where appropriate) 14 Julian of Norwich, Showings [1393], trans.
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