A HISTORICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY OF ARCHITECTURE, LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE, AND URBANISM IN THE UNITED STATES SINCE WORLD WAR II Compiled by Richard Longstreth, last revised 10 May 2019 I have focused on substantive historical accounts related to the shaping of the American landscape since World War II. To facilitate use, listings are divided into several subject categories: Building Types, Houses and Housing, Architects, Landscape Architecture, Architecture and Place, Planning – Urbanism, Materials – Technology, and Other Studies, covering material not readily placed in any of the previous categroies. Most listings are scholarly in nature, but I have also included some popular accounts that are particularly rich in the historical material presented. I have also included a separate section for Historic Preservation that focuses on intellectual and related issues concerning the protection of the recent past. Any additions or corrections are welcome and will be included in updated editions of this bibliography. Please send them to me at
[email protected]. B U I L D I N G T Y P E S Banks and Office Buildings Albrecht, Donald, and Chrysanthe Broikos, eds., On the Job: Design and the American Office, New York: Princeton Architectural Press, and Washington: National Building Museum, 2000 Belfoure, Charles, Monuments to Money: the Architecture of American Banks, Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland, 2005 Clausen, Meredith L., “Belluschi and the Equitable Building in History,” Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians 50 (June 1991): 109-29 _________________,