Yield of Yellow Onion Cultivars in Eastern Oregon and Southwestern
1996 and for 49 cultivars and lines in west U.S. has a small percentage of 1997. Marketable yield out of storage fall-planted, spring-harvested onions. in January ranged from 478 to 1131 The Pacific northwestern U.S. is a –1 cwt/acre (54 to 127 Mg·ha ) in major onion producing region in the 1996, and from 383 to 912 cwt/acre U.S. In 1997 and 1998, onion was (43 to 102 Mg·ha–1) in 1997. Market- able yields of ‘9003C’, ‘Seville’, ‘El produced on about 20,000 acres Charro’, ‘Sunre 1430’, ‘El Padre’, (8,090 ha) in southeastern Oregon Variety and southwestern Idaho alone, with a ‘Golden Security’, ‘Bravo’, and ‘X 202’ were greater than 1000 cwt/acre total value of about $100 million in (112 Mg·ha–1) in 1996. In 1997, 1997 and $122 million in 1998 (Table marketable yields of ‘Seville’, ‘Bravo’, 1) (USDA, 1999). The onion produc- Trials ‘Quest’, ‘T-433’, ‘9003C’, ‘Goldstar’, tion area is within a radius of 30 miles ‘Superstar’, ‘RNX-10020’, ‘Vision’, (50 km) of Ontario, Ore, on the Snake and ‘Sweet Perfection’ were greater –1 River plain and along the tributaries of than 850 cwt/acre (95 Mg·ha ). Of the Snake River, a region frequently the 30 cultivars evaluated both years, the average marketable yields of referred to as the Treasure Valley. In Yield of Yellow ‘Seville’, 9003C, ‘Bravo’, ‘Quest’, and general, onion bulb yield in the Trea- ‘Sweet Perfection’ were among the sure Valley is greater than in any other Onion Cultivars in highest.
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