'DEFEND the UNIONS' Does SWP Know How?
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'DEFEND THE UNIONS' Does SWP know how? AS THE TORIES shape up to deliver their onslaught on the working class, the leaders of the TUC have begun clamouring for talks with Thatcher and for consultations en the budget with Howe. Ciearly the union leaders want to be seen to have had some say in the attacks on their members, the better to dampen the likely militant response to the Tory offensive from the rank and file. In this situation, and in the wake of the betrayals under tbe Labour Government in the form of the Social Contract and theConcordat, it is crucial that the unions be taken out of the hands of the bureaucrats. To achieve this, a movement Its invitation hitter fails to invite must be built inside the unions resolutions or proposed policies and based on the r'ank and file. from trade union bodies, or even The Socialist Workers Party to say whether such things will te (SWP), sensing the likely upturn allowed; the "ideas and resolut in industrial struggle under the ions" promised from the organ ORGANISE TO Tories, have called a conference isers have failed to materialise of their Rank and File Organis- less than a month before the ation for the 23rd June under the conference,' guaranteeing no chance title of "Defend Our Unions". for discussion amongst the This forum could serve as a delegating bodies. We are heading valuable rallying focus for for yet another SWP controlled militants inthe prelude to a show rally. down with the Tories over jobs, cuts, The reaons for this don't just ~ ~~ BEAT -TORY wages and un ion rights. Out of _____ lie in the SWP's desire to such a conference militants could "manipulate" the conference emerge armed with the politics rather the rank and file conferenc and prepared to pursue the es are a reflection of the inadequac~ tactics, that are necessary to beat of the SWP's politics. They see the Tories. A network of local the building of a Rank and File Rank and File groups, based Movement in largely organisational LEGAL ATTACK centrally on the existing shop terms-linking together those The legal right to picket, to stewards 'Organisation, but militants willing to fight and conduct union business free extended to encompass all other organising them to challenge the of the interference of the sections of the working class reformist leaders control over the bosses and the media and the could begin to be built. Whether unions. These 'fighters' are or not the SWP or its rubber linked up around militant right to organise a closed - stamp; the Rank and File policies-against wage treeeze, shop are under attack. The_ Organising Committee, will be against cuts etc-by the thread Thatcher Government is hell able to, or even want to, match of the SWP which episodically bent on doing what Heath, up to these tasks is another reminds the 'fi~hters' of the and Wilson before him, failed matter entirely. socialist goal. What the politics to do - put legal shackles on of the SWP blinds its supporters the trade unions. Rallies to, is the fact that 'militant With the inflation rate inch pol icies' are not only insufficient ing towards 15% and with the This will be the fourth such for the situation facingt rade world economy grinding towards conference called by the SWP unionists but are increasingly recession, the Tories are desperate (or its forerunner IS) since 1974. difficult to win unless they are to hold down real wages. They The last one was held at the seen as part of a concrete want to push wages down on a height of the Firemen's strike in alternative strategy to the one put scale that Dennis Healey managed November 1977 and was the forward by the reformists. We are only in 1976n7. They hope that weakest in terms of trade union no longer in the 'prosperous' increased unemployment will It • ••••• the will exists to defend living standards and support and delegacies. During Sixties, when militant shop floor press back wage demands, and prevent the breaking up of the trade unions .. - ..." Labour's period of office the actions could be seen to deliver they want to divide workers in SWP, bemused by the downturn in the goods in terms of better wages Murray has run to the Police Fed ise now to support all groups of the public sector against workers the industrial struggle, had and conditions. Capitalism on a eration to promise that he too in the 'profitable sectors' of Brit workers who take on the Tories' turned their backs on serious world scale has moved into a wants 'law and order' on the pick ish industry. plans rank and file trade union work, period 'Of chronic instability. et lines. Only mass pickets in de But in the jaws of a recession, The massive struggle that in favour of party building fiance of all restriction codes and with workers anger mounting as a smashed Heath's Industrial Relat gimmicks such as the Right to organised for defence against Profit result of inflation these measures ions Act showed that the attempt Work Campaign and the Anti police attack can maintain the to place legal curbs on the unions Nazi League. All the conferences The British capitalists in will not be enough. That is why right to effective picketing. the Tories are openly contemplat cannot be halted by localised or have had one thing in common particular are faced with declin- The employers and their press ing deploying the weapon of a sectional struggle. In the first four they have failed lamentably to ing markets, ever sharpening lay great store by their campaign legal statutory wage freeze to hold months of this year over six mill provide a forum where trade international competion and for a secret ballot. The Tories are back the next wave of wage bar ion working days were lost to the unionists can thrash out a declining profit rates. Only a offering government funds to employers through strikes. This strategy to arm militants in the fundamental restructuring of the gaining. Thatcher never ruled out organise the ballots. They do so shows that the will' exists to defend fight against wage controls, British economy, paid for by this option throughout her elect knowing that important sections of ion campaign. living standards and prevent the inflation, redundancies, cuts etc. massive attacks on working class workers can be won to their breaking up of the trade unions by living standards so as to boost The response of the chief TUC campaign. In the face of this attack I nstead they have been industrial bureaucrat, Len Murray to these direct action. 'rallies' where militants are profits, offers a way out for the which will open up union elect In the face of the resolute Tory bosses. Th is strategy, involving attacks has been predictable. He ions and policy making to the encouraged to stand up and couldn't get ,to Thatcher and Howe attack the workers movement describe how they fought in the progressive weakening of trade direct intervention of the Govern must draw up its battle plans now. union organisation and rights fast enough to offer TUC co-oper ment, the press and the media, their workplaces, while the odd ation in restricting picket lines, in It must prepare to mobilise the SWP leader, with a rank and file alongside the threat of unempl militants will have to take up mightiest weapon in the arsenal of oyment and direct state repression, holding secret ballots and in oper- their own campaign to thoroughly hat on, explains at the end of the a more flexible approach to the trade union struggle - the General conference why socialism is has been pursued in different democratise the unions. They Strike - to destroy the Tory threat forms by both Labour and Tory closed shop. As Duffy, Chapple must fight for all decisions and relevant to the general struggle. and Jackson have shown Murray to trade union rights. How many militants who came Governments. We must answer electi!ln to be taken in work-time The employing class have been this with our own solutions. When speaks as the representative of the after ample argument. away from the last Manchester TUC. trying for ten years to leg!!lIy curb co"ference found anything of use workers ask "where will the They must ensure that provis . The workers movement must the rights of trade unions. It has from it after the euphoria had money come from to pay for socia ions are made for women workers prepare now to meet the Tory of not prepared this third attempt evaporated? The one day strike in services?" "what if the boss goes to ploy a full role in the unions fensive head on. In every union light mindedly. That is why we support of the firemen, agreed broke!' and "how do we prevent through the porvision of nursery branch, shop stewards committee say that the task of militants is to upon, never materialis.ed and the our wage rises being p.roded by and creche facilities for union and union conference militants secure the maximum unity to pre Organising Committee elected by inflation!' itis not sufficient to meetings. Vitally they must fight must organise to force the union pare the organisations and the the conferenr;, has rarely, if ever, reply, as the SWP does, that "They leaders to break off all co-operat to make all officials regularly re mass action that will enable us to met. can all afford it", and all we have ion with the union busting Govern electable and permanently recall wield the General Strike weapon fhe present Rank and File to do to make them is to "get ment.