Unite to Take the Night “We Are Women, We Are Men
April 26, 2010 WWW.UNEWS.COM Vol. 77, Issue 30 Unite to take the night “We are women, we are men. Together we fight “2, 4, 6, 8! to take back the night.” No more date rape!” “All together, we unite, we will not be victimized.” Photos ALEXIA STOUT-LANG Alexia Stout-Lang up to march. tan Organization to Counter Sexual Assault), News Editor Holding signs with phrases like “Men can shared a story about how she overcame being ogether, we can break the cycle stop rage,” “Use your voice” and “Take back raped many years ago. of sexual violence. the night,” attendees marched as a united She was told by the prosecuting at- In an effort to do just that, group down to the J.C. Nichols Memorial torney that her case would not go men, women and children gath- Fountain on the Country Club Plaza. to court. But she persisted and ered on the UMKC Volker cam- Along the way, as the sun set lower in the the man who assaulted her was pus for UMKC’s sixth annual Take Back the sky, the crowd chanted and encouraged driv- taken to trial. T ers passing to honk their horns. Myer encouraged others Night March and Rally last Tuesday. The event began with a pre-march rally in “All together, we unite, we will not be vic- who have been faced with the the Quad that included food, sign making, mu- timized,” they yelled. “We are women, we are same situation. sic, guest speakers who talked about violence men.
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