Homology, Homotopy and Applications, vol.1, No.1,1999, 1-78. Groupoids and crossed objects in algebraic topology Ronald Brown School of Mathematics University of Wales, Bangor United Kingdom
[email protected] submitted by Hvedri Inassaridze Received 19 October 1998, in revised form, 22 December 1998 Abstract This is an introductory survey of the passage from groups to groupoids and their higher dimensional versions, with most emphasis on calculations with crossed modules and the con- struction and use of homotopy double groupoids. Introduction This article is a slightly revised version of about nine hours of lectures given at the Summer School on the Foundations of Algebraic Topology, Grenoble, June 16 - July 4, 1997. The audience had been prepared in the previous week with basic lectures on algebraic topology. The intention of the lectures was to give a feel for what is going on, to encourage the listeners to read more widely in the area, and hopefully to suggest ways in which they could develop and apply some of these ideas in novel ways. Published on 16 February 1999 1991 Mathematics Subject Classification: 55-02, 01A60, 55-03, 20L15, 18G55, 55Q05, 18D99 Key words and phrases: homotopy theory, groupoids, multiple groupoids, crossed modules, homotopy 2-types, crossed complexes, higher dimensional algebra. c Ronald Brown 1999. Permission to copy for private use granted. Homology, Homotopy and Applications, vol.1, No.1, 1999 2 The scope of this article is an introduction to the use of groupoids, higher dimensional groupoids, and related structures in homotopy theory. To this end it seems best to explain some motivation, proofs and applications reasonably fully and so I will concentrate on the use of crossed modules, double groupoids, and crossed complexes.