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FOIA Number: 2006-0885-F (Segment 7) FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin: Health Care Task Force Series/Staff Member: Steven Edelstein Subseries: OA/ID Number: 3672 FolderlD: Folder Title: Hoagland, Peter (D-NE) Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: S 52 3 5 2 Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. SUBJECT/TITLE DATE RESTRICTION AND TYPE 001a. letter From: Congressman Peter Hoagland, To: Mrs. Hillary Rodham 03/31/1993 b(6) Clinton, Re: Constituent letter [partial] (1 page) 001b. letter From: Constituent, To: Congresman Peter Hoagland [partial] (2 pages) 03/16/1993 b(6) 002. memo From: Bernard Craighead; To: Steve Edelstein; Re: Field Updates 02/16/1994 b(6) [partial] (1 page) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Health Care Task Force Edelstein, Steve (House) OA/Box Number: 3672 FOLDER TITLE: Hoagland, Peter (D-NE) 2006-0885-F sb668 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act -144 U.S.C. 2204(a)| Freedom of Information Act -15 II.S.C. 552(b)| PI National Security Classified Information [(a)(1) of the PRA] bfl) National security classified information [(b)(1) of the F01A| P2 Relating to the appointment to Federal office [(a)(2) of the PRA) b(2) Release would disclose internal personnel rules and practices of P3 Release would violate a Federal statute [(a)(3) ofthe PRA) an agency [(b)(2) ofthe FOIA] P4 Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or b(3) Release would violate a Federal statute [(b)(3) ofthe FOIA| financial information 1(a)(4) of the PRA) b(4) Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential or financial P5 Release would disclose confidential advice between the President information 1(b)(4) ofthe FOIA] and his advisors, or between such advisors [a)(5) ofthe PRA| b(6) Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy [(b)(6) ofthe FOIA] personal privacy 1(a)(6) of the PRA| b(7) Release would disclose information compiled for law enforcement purposes 1(b)(7) ofthe FOIA] C. Closed in accordance with restrictions contained in donor's deed b(8) Release would disclose information concerning the regulation of of gift. financial institutions 1(b)(8) ofthe FOIA] PRM. Personal record misfile defined in accordance with 44 U.S.C. b(9) Release would disclose geological or geophysical information 2201(3). concerning wells 1(b)(9) ofthe FOIA| RR. Document will be reviewed upon request. TC AAUW CONFERENCE OF STATE PRESIDENTS LOBBY REPORTS - JUNE 28, 1994 1 sePO^f • Member of Universal Coverage Defined Comprehensive Congress Benefits Package vfcramer (D-AL; wants phascd-in UC, reservations on EM concerned about cost of benefits package V^oung (R-AVO opposes EM, especially for 5m business, wants opposes "more coverage'' vkoibe (R-AZ) opposes opposes Schenk (D-CA) wants UC, not sure of be^t way to get there OK Lehman (D-CA) concerned about EM for sm business, wants UC OK Franks (R-CT) wants UC, opposes EM OK ^Castle (R-DE) concemed about cost of achieving UC opposes 4liller (R-FL) opposes EM & LM. wants universal access opposes Rowland (D-GA) opposes EM. littJe support for UC miisimal suppcrt V^awdJ (R-IL) opposes EM, doesn't wart UC, just subsidies opposes for low-income Xcobs IN) opposes EM, any mandati opposes iilauerv- (D-KS) opposes EM, wants to acliieve UC gradually OK [Jefferson (D-LA) wants UC, some concemi re: EM OK Wrcrkildsen (R-MA) wants UC, opposes EM supports, worried about cost URamstad (R-MN) wants universal access favors flexible benefits package Montgomery (D-MS) opposes EM opposes banner (D-MO) supports concept of UC, worried about cost Aoagland (D-NE) supports UC, EM, but expects phase-in suppons j/fwett (D-NH) wants UC, seems to support EM >>• suppens /Zeiiff (R-NH) opposes EM suppons •ykoukema (R-NJ) supports IM thinks defined pkg. will not pass v/feichardson (D-NM) supports L'C, unclear on EM OK iHoughton (R-NY) suppons UC, undecided on EM waiting to see bills ! / suppons UC, EM not sure j ^itt (D-NC) TEL No. Apr 5,94 > NHCC Field Reporting Form Name: Richard A. Lombard 1 State: Nebraska Member Name: Hoagland and Kerrey and EXon District: Date: April 3, 1994 I. Intelligence Update A) New Infonaatkm on Members* Position on Health Care: HoaglajKirs posrtion paper will be forthcoming and the insurance reforfn taskforci report to Kerrey has already been faxed last week. Hoagland/continues to support some kine of employer mandate wirth a( phas^/ln for small employers vith a cap on percent of paybiiMrC Kerrey particpating in a number of all day or half day health care work/visits .Today he is working in the physcian referral program in the Lancaster County Health Department and last week he was in the emergency room at St. Joseph's in Omaha late at night. Hoagland office concerned about ththjpe KKGG Town Hall Meeting cutting into their Gore Event. B) New Information on Allied Organizations' Activities Labor, Choice,Psychologists, and Rehab Advocates are meeting this week with Hoagland. C.) NHW Inftimuitlun on Opporitlnn OrcnntantloiM* Artlvhlcn Citizens for a sound Economy are into thetr second week of radio ads and their standard Nebraska press threat on job loss appeared today. The Health Care Leadership Council/Swicky was visiting State Officials last week and they have hired staff in OMaha. Recent press on Herman Cain was included in mail today. D) Media/Press Update JSuU ullptl .JIlJ tJIII.' I IKICll 111 ftVll! TIJVWN UAJJJJ MiSliTlNU UW TV From Boston Globe Page 3 Health plan, likely speech focus, stirs jitters By Peter G. Gosselin Despite such problems, eome legislators and Bob Hohler predicted that Congress eventually will approve CliOBK STAI'V much of the Clinton plan. "The fundamental litmus test for the WASHINGTON - As Preeident Clinton administration and; Congreas is our ability to deal prepares for his State of the Union address tonight, with the health care s^tem iaTid the fact that it's Washington is suffering a serious case of political bi-eaking this cbuntiy both phj-sically and jitters ever what is expected to be speech's finandally," said Rep. Joseph P. Kennedy 2d, centaipiece; health care. Democrat of Brighton, Discussed and dissected for more than a year, But in interviews with almost two dozen House the issue is finally comir.g to a head, and many and Senate Democrats yesterday, many lawmakers lawmakers no longer appear sure they are ready for said their constituents had expressed deep it, Some who had offered general support for tlie icservations about the Clinton plan during meetings president's proposal now warn that it may be overly ove-f the long Christmas recess, Several said the ambitious. concerns made it less likely they will support key • The AMA redoubled its attack on the plan. Page elements ofthe measure. 5. "We shouldn't pass a bill this year unless it's "Maybe we ought to figure out how to do this bipartisan, and I don't see a ••bipartisan bill anywheic inore'iTiriw an close to-the Clmton'bill That's tho political reality," influential Indiana Dembcvat "Peopie do not think said Rep. Peter Hoagland, a-Nebraska Democrat this is a cautious plan; They're' impvessetdby its who is on the House Ways and Means Committee, boldness, but they think it's pushing the "boundaries which must approve large parts of the measure. of the politically possible.. "There's a lot more skepticism than there used to "I think it's pushing the boundaries," he added. be. In fact, there's i^lly.outnghtbppositiori from Clinton wili have a chance to revive public the busin ess community, which (syrprise^rne,'' s aid support for toe sweeping administration plan during Rep. Robert T. Matsui, a California Democrat who is his nationally televised address to a joint session of also on the committee. Congress. Aides said the president will seek to Health analysts say the fact that support is disaim critics by emphasizing his willingness to unoettain for tho Clinton plan at this point leave.: the bargair;. health issue in a potentially dangerous flux, with At the same time, he will repeat demands that l&wmakers unclear on which way to tum. any legislation to err.erge from Congress include a "There's no coalescing around any of the guarantee of heaith coveiage for all Aniericans. The proposals on the Hill, and there is not as much guaraUee is among the most complex and expensive unanimity about covering the uninsured ar.d aspects cf the Clinton plan. controlling costs," said Diane Rowland, a senior vice The White- "House faces a variety of conflicting president with the Kaiser Family Foundation, a pressures in tryir.g to mnvigorate the health issue, nonpartisan think tank ar.d activist group. 'Tie inciudirg new polls showing that crime ha.5! eclipsed momentum foi- reform has slowed," she said. health as Americans' No. 1 concern. Aides have Some lawmakers and analysts traced the engaged in a vigorous internal debate in recent days slowdown to conseivative and industry attacks rn over how much of his speech Clintcn snould devote tne Clinton plan. But others blamed the to crime to reassur? middle-class voteis. administration itself, saying it had produced a Meanwhile, critics are giving the administration complex pvoposal, then had failed to sell it to the no o.uarter. The American Medical Association public. Despite repeated assurances that it would launchsd a $1.6 million sdv'-rtising campaign launch an all-out campaigr,, the White House ha.- yet yesterday to warn that the Clinton plan, as well as to settle on a structure for the effort or name key other hills before Congress, threaten to put officials.