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January 20, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E87 would be thrown back into the Medicare Part Pedro Pierluisi, Puerto Rico resume proceedings on a postponed request D Donut Hole, which the healthcare reform Mike Quigley, Illinois at any time. law would have closed by 2020. Judy Chu, California (2) In exercising postponement authority Ted Deutch, Florida under subparagraph (1), the Chairman shall Let me share with you a letter that I re- Linda T. Sa´ nchez, California take all reasonable steps necessary to notify ceived from one of my constituents in the 11th Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Florida Members on the resumption of proceedings Congressional District of New York. Jonathan on any postponed record vote. RULES OF PROCEDURE writes: (3) When proceedings resume on a post- RULE I. ‘‘I am a two-time cancer survivor, constantly poned question, notwithstanding any inter- worrying about being denied coverage be- The Rules of the House of Representatives vening order for the previous question, an are the rules of the Committee on the Judici- underlying proposition shall remain subject cause of my pre-existing condition. I’m not ary and its Subcommittees with the fol- to further debate or amendment to the same comfortable that corporations under the old lowing specific additions thereto. extent as when the question was postponed. rules would consider me ‘‘unprofitable’’. I think (k) Transcripts of markups shall be re- RULE II. COMMITTEE MEETINGS it’s a disgrace that this problem has existed in corded and may be published in the same (a) The regular meeting day of the Com- manner as hearings before the Committee. our country. I, for one, will move to Canada or mittee on the Judiciary for the conduct of elsewhere if Healthcare Reform is repealed (1) Without further action of the Com- its business shall be on Wednesday of each mittee, the Chairman is directed to offer a and I ever have a reoccurrence of my cancer. week while the House is in session. motion under clause 1 of rule XXII of the Meanwhile, I think it’s every American’s re- (b) Additional meetings may be called by Rules of the House of Representatives when- sponsibility to not allow other people with pre- the Chairman and a regular meeting of the ever the Chairman considers it appropriate. existing conditions to be denied coverage. ‘‘ Committee may be dispensed with when, in RULE III. HEARINGS the judgment of the Chairman, there is no As Jonathan notes, this repeal would once (a) The Committee Chairman or any Sub- need therefor. again allow big insurance companies, who are committee Chairman shall make public an- (c) At least 3 days (excluding Saturdays, only focused on profitability, to deny coverage nouncement of the date, place, and subject Sundays and legal holidays when the House matter of any hearing to be conducted by it to him and so many others with pre-existing is not in session) before each scheduled Com- conditions. on any measure or matter at least one week mittee or Subcommittee meeting, each before the commencement of that hearing. If Are we going to allow Jonathan to be pun- Member of the Committee or Subcommittee the Chairman of the Committee, or Sub- ished and denied coverage simply for being a shall be furnished a list of the bill(s) and sub- committee, with the concurrence of the cancer survivor? Repeal of this healthcare law ject(s) to be considered and/or acted upon at Ranking Minority Member, determines there would punish so many. the meeting. Bills or subjects not listed shall is good cause to begin the hearing sooner, or Healthcare is a fundamental human right, be subject to a point of order unless their if the Committee or Subcommittee so deter- consideration is agreed to by a two-thirds mines by majority vote, a quorum being rather than a commodity, which is why I stand vote of the Committee or Subcommittee. in strong opposition to repeal. present for the transaction of business, the (d) In an emergency that does not reason- Chairman or Subcommittee Chairman shall f ably allow for 3 days’ notice, the Chairman make the announcement at the earliest pos- may waive the 3-day notice requirement RULES OF PROCEDURE OF THE sible date. with the concurrence of the Ranking Minor- (b) Committee and Subcommittee hearings COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY ity Member. shall be open to the public except when the (e) At least 48 hours prior to the com- Committee or Subcommittee determines by HON. LAMAR SMITH mencement of a meeting for the markup of majority vote to close the meeting because legislation, the text of such legislation shall disclosure of matters to be considered would OF TEXAS be made publicly available in electronic endanger national security, would com- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES form. promise sensitive law enforcement informa- Thursday, January 20, 2011 (f) To the maximum extent practicable, tion, or would tend to defame, degrade or in- amendments to a measure or matter shall be criminate any person or otherwise would vio- Mr. SMITH of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I would submitted in writing or electronically to the late any law or rule of the House. like to submit the Rules of Procedure of the designee of both the Chairman and Ranking (c) For purposes of taking testimony and Committee on the Judiciary. They were adopt- Member at least 24 hours prior to the consid- receiving evidence before the Committee or ed by the Committee on January 19, 2011. eration of the measure or matter. The Chair- any Subcommittee, a quorum shall be con- man may use his discretion to give priority stituted by the presence of two Members. MEMBERS OF COMMITTEE to amendments submitted in advance. (d) In the course of any hearing each Mem- ONE HUNDRED TWELFTH CONGRESS (g) Committee and Subcommittee meet- ber shall be allowed five minutes for the in- Lamar Smith, Texas, Chairman ings for the transaction of business, i.e. terrogation of a witness until such time as F. James Sensenbrenner, Jr., Wisconsin meetings other than those held for the pur- each Member who so desires has had an op- Howard Coble, North Carolina pose of taking testimony, shall be open to portunity to question the witness. Elton Gallegly, California the public except when the Committee or (e) The transcripts of those hearings con- Bob Goodlatte, Virginia Subcommittee determines by majority vote ducted by the Committee which are decided Daniel E. Lungren, California to close the meeting because disclosure of to be printed shall be published in verbatim Steve Chabot, Ohio matters to be considered would endanger na- form, with the material requested for the Darrell Issa, California tional security, would compromise sensitive record inserted at that place requested, or at Mike Pence, Indiana law enforcement information, or would tend the end of the record, as appropriate. Indi- J. Randy Forbes, Virginia to defame, degrade or incriminate any per- viduals, including Members of Congress, Steve King, Iowa son or otherwise would violate any law or whose comments are to be published as part Trent Franks, Arizona rule of the House. of a Committee document shall be given the Louie Gohmert, Texas (h) Every motion made to the Committee opportunity to verify the accuracy of the Jim Jordan, Ohio and entertained by the Chairman shall be re- transcription in advance of publication. Any Ted Poe, Texas duced to writing upon demand of any Mem- requests by those Members, staff or wit- Jason Chaffetz, Utah ber, and a copy made available to each Mem- nesses to correct any errors other than er- Tom Reed, New York ber present. rors in the transcription, or disputed errors Tim Griffin, Arkansas (i) For purposes of taking any action at a in transcription, shall be appended to the Tom Marino, Pennsylvania meeting of the full Committee or any Sub- record, and the appropriate place where the Trey Gowdy, South Carolina committee thereof, a quorum shall be con- change is requested will be footnoted. Prior Dennis Ross, Florida stituted by the presence of not less than one- to approval by the Chairman of hearings con- Sandy Adams, Florida third of the Members of the Committee or ducted jointly with another congressional Ben Quayle, Arizona subcommittee, except that a full majority of Committee, a memorandum of under- John Conyers, Jr., Michigan, Ranking the Members of the Committee or Sub- standing shall be prepared which incor- Member committee shall constitute a quorum for porates an agreement for the publication of Howard L. Berman, California purposes of reporting a measure or rec- the verbatim transcript. Jerrold Nadler, New York ommendation from the Committee or Sub- RULE IV. BROADCASTING Robert C. ‘‘Bobby’’ Scott, Virginia committee, closing a meeting to the public, Whenever a hearing or meeting conducted Melvin L. Watt, North Carolina or authorizing the issuance of a subpoena. by the Committee or any Subcommittee is Zoe Lofgren, California (j)(1) Subject to subparagraph (2), the open to the public, those proceedings shall be Sheila Jackson Lee, Texas Chairman may postpone further proceedings open to coverage by television, radio and Maxine Waters, California when a record vote is ordered on the ques- still photography except when the hearing or Steve Cohen, Tennessee tion of approving any measure or matter or meeting is closed pursuant to the Committee Henry C. ‘‘Hank’’ Johnson, Jr., Georgia adopting an amendment. The Chairman may Rules of Procedure. VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:34 Jan 21, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A20JA8.007 E20JAPT1 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS E88 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks January 20, 2011 RULE V.