Detecting emergent processes in cellular automata with excess information

David Balduzzi1

1 Department of Empirical Inference, MPI for Intelligent Systems, Tubingen,¨ Germany [email protected]

Abstract channel – transparent occasions whose outputs are marginal- ized over. Finally, some occasions are set as ground, which Many natural processes occur over characteristic spatial and fixes the initial condition of the coarse-grained system. temporal scales. This paper presents tools for (i) flexibly and Gliders propagate at 1/4 diagonal squares per tic – the scalably coarse-graining cellular automata and (ii) identify- 4n ing which coarse-grainings express an automaton’s dynamics grid’s “speed of light”. Units more than cells apart cannot well, and which express its dynamics badly. We apply the interact within n tics, imposing constraints on which coarse- tools to investigate a range of examples in Conway’s Game grainings can express dynamics. It is also intuitively of Life and Hopfield networks and demonstrate that they cap- clear that units should group occasions concentrated in space ture some basic intuitions about emergent processes. Finally, and time rather than scattered occasions that have nothing to we formalize the notion that a process is emergent if it is bet- ter expressed at a coarser granularity. do with each other. In fact, it turns out that most coarse- grainings express a cellular automaton’s dynamics badly. The second contribution of this paper is a method for dis- Introduction tinguishing good coarse-grainings from bad based on the following principle: Biological systems are studied across a range of spa- tiotemporal scales – for example as collections of atoms, • Coarse-grainings that generate more information, rela- molecules, cells, and organisms (Anderson, 1972). How- tive to their sub-grainings, better express an automaton’s ever, not all scales express a system’s dynamics equally dynamics than those generating less. well. This paper proposes a principled method for identify- ing which spatiotemporal scale best expresses a cellular au- We introduce two measures to quantify the information gen- tomaton’s dynamics. We focus on Conway’s Game of Life erated by coarse-grained systems. Effective information, ei, and Hopfield networks as test cases where collective behav- quantifies how selectively a system’s output depends on its ior arises from simple local rules. input. Effective information is high if few inputs cause the Conway’s Game of Life is a well-studied artificial sys- output, and low if many do. Excess information, ξ, mea- tem with interesting behavior at multiple scales (Berlekamp sures the difference between the information generated by a et al., 1982). It is a 2-dimensional grid whose cells are up- system and its subsystems. dated according to deterministic rules. Remarkably, a suffi- With these tools in hand we investigate coarse-grainings ciently large grid can implement any deterministic compu- of Game of Life grids and Hopfield networks and show that tation. Designing that perform sophisticated com- grainings with high ei and ξ capture our basic intuitions putations requires working with distributed structures such regarding emergent processes. For example, excess infor- as gliders and glider guns rather than individual cells (Den- mation distinguishes boring (redundant) from interesting nett, 1991). This suggests grid computations may be better (synergistic) information-processing, exemplified by blank expressed at coarser spatiotemporal scales. patches of grid and gliders respectively. The first contribution of this paper is a coarse-graining Finally, the penultimate section converts our experience procedure for expressing a cellular automaton’s dynamics with examples in the Game of Life and Hopfield networks at different scales. We begin by considering cellular au- into a provisional formalization of the principle above. tomata as collections of spacetime coordinates termed occa- Roughly, we define a process as emergent if it is better ex- sions (cell ni at time t). Coarse-graining groups occasions pressed at a coarser scale. into structures called units. For example a unit could be a The principle states that emergent processes are more 3 × 3 patch of grid containing a glider at time t. Units do than the sum of their parts – in agreement with many other not have to be adjacent to one another; they interact through approaches to quantifying (Crutchfield, 1994;  Tononi, 2004; Polani, 2006; Shalizi and Moore, 2006; Seth, pl al|do(sl) . The do(−) is not included in the notation ex- 2010). Two points distinguishing our approach from prior plicitly to save space. However, it is always implicit when work are worth emphasizing. First, coarse-graining is scal- applying any Markov matrix. able: coarse-graining a cellular automaton yields another A Hopfield network over time interval [α, β] is an abstract cellular automaton. Prior works identify macro-variables automaton. Occasions are spacetime coordinates – e.g. vl = such as temperature (Shalizi and Moore, 2006) or centre- ni,t, cell i at time t. An edge connects vk → vl if there is of-mass (Seth, 2010) but do not show how to describe a sys- a connection from vk’s cell to vl’s and the time coordinates tem’s dynamics purely in terms of these macro-variables. By are t − 1 and t respectively for some t. The mechanism is contrast, an emergent coarse-graining is itself a cellular au- given by Eq. (1). Occasions at t = α, with no incoming tomaton, whose dynamics are computed via the mechanisms edges, can be set as fixed initial conditions or noise sources. of its units and their connectivity (see below). Similar considerations apply to the Game of Life. Second, our starting point is selectivity rather than pre- Non-Markovian automata (whose outputs depend on in- dictability. Assessing predictability necessitates building a puts over multiple time steps) have edges connecting occa- model and deciding what to predict. Although emergent sions separated by more than one time step. variables may be robust against model changes (Seth, 2010), it is unsatisfying for emergence to depend on properties of Coarse-graining both the process and the model. By contrast, effective and Define a subsystem X of cellular automaton Y as a subgraph excess information depend only on the process: the mecha- containing a subset of Y ’s vertices and a subset of the edges nisms, their connectivity, and their output. A process is then targeting those vertices. We show how to coarse-grain X. emergent if its internal dependencies are best expressed at Definition (coarse-graining). Let X be a subsystem of Y . coarse granularities. The coarse-graining algorithm detailed below takes X ⊂ Y and data K as arguments, and produces new cellular au- Probabilistic cellular automata tomaton XK. Data K consists of (i) a partition of X’s occa- Concrete examples. This paper considers two main ex- sions VX = G∪C∪U1 ∪· · ·∪UN into ground G, channel G amples of cellular automata: Conway’s Game of Life and C and units U1 ... UN and (ii) ground output s . Hopfield networks (Hopfield, 1982). Vertices of automaton XK, the new coarse-grained occa- The Game of Life is a grid of deterministic binary cells. A sions, are units: VX := {U1 ... UN }. The directed graph cell outputs 1 at time t iff: (i) three of its neighbors outputted K of XK is computed in Step 4 and the alphabets Al of units 1s at t − 1 or (ii) it and two neighbors outputted 1s at t − 1. Ul are computed in Step 5. Computing the Markov matrices In a Hopfield network (Amit, 1989), cell nk fires with (mechanisms) of the units takes all five steps. probability proportional to The ground specifies occasions whose outputs are fixed:   the initial condition sG. The channel specifies unobserved 1 X p(n = 1|n ) ∝ exp α · n (1) occasions: interactions between units propagate across the k,t •,t−1 T jk j,t−1 j→k channel. Units are macroscopic occasions whose interac- tions are expressed by the coarse-grained automaton. Fig. 1 Temperature T controls network stochasticity. Attractors illustrates coarse-graining a simple automaton. {ξ1, . . . , ξN } are embedded into a network by setting the There are no restrictions on partitions. For example, al- PN µ µ connectivity matrix as αjk = µ=1(2ξj − 1)(2ξk − 1). though the ground is intended to provide the system’s ini- tial condition, it can contain any spacetime coordinates so Abstract definition. A cellular automaton is a finite di- that in pathological cases it may obstruct interactions be- rected graph X with vertices VX = {v1 . . . vn}. Vertices tween units. Distinguishing good coarse-grainings from bad are referred to as occasions; they correspond to spacetime is postponed to later sections. coordinates in concrete examples. Each occasion vl ∈ VX is equipped with finite output alphabet Al and Markov ma- Algorithm. Apply the following steps to coarse-grain: Q trix (or mechanism) pl(al|sl), where sl ∈ Sl = k→l Ak, Step 1. Marginalize over extrinsic inputs. the combined alphabet of the occasions targeting vl. The External inputs are treated as independent noise sources; mechanism specifies the probability that occasion vl chooses we are only interested in internal information-processing. output al given input sl. The input alphabet of the entire au- An occasion’s input alphabet decomposes into a product tomaton X is the product of the alphabets of its occasions X Y \X Q Sl = Sl × Sl of inputs from within and without the Xin := l∈V Al. The output alphabet is Xout = Xin. X system. For each occasion vl ∈ VX , marginalize over exter- Remark. The input Xin and output Xout alphabets are dis- nal outputs using the uniform distribution: tinct copies of the same set. Inputs are causal interven- X X X Y \X  Y \X tions imposed via Pearl’s do(−) calculus (Pearl, 2000). The pl al sl ) := pl al sl , sl · punif (sl ). (2) probability of output a is computed via the Markov matrix: Y \X l Sl nearest 0 A precisely, we draw an edge if ∃ak, a ∈ A˜ k such that neighbor CA k p (a |x , a ) 6= p (a |x , a0 ) a ∈ A˜ . directed Ul l in k Ul l in k for some l l

B graph cells Here, xin denotes the input from all units other than Uk. -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 time ground The effective graph need not be acyclic. Intervening via

without the do(−) calculus allows us to work with cycles. C extraneous arrows Step 5. Compute macro-alphabets of units in XK. -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 Coarse-graining can eliminate low-level details. Outputs red blue coarse-grained that are distinguishable at the base level may not be after D system -5 0 coarse-graining. This can occur in two ways. Outputs b and b0 have indistinguishable effects if p(a|b, c) = p(a|b0, c) for Figure 1: (A) An automaton of 6 cells connected to their imme- all a and c. Alternatively, two outputs react indistinguish- diate neighbors. (B): The directed graph of occasions over time ably if p(b|c) = p(b0|c) for all c. interval [−6, 0]. Green occasions are ground. Red and blue oc- 0 More precisely, two outputs ul and ul of unit Ul are casions form two units. Other occasions are channel. (C): Edges 0 whose signals do not reach the blue unit have no effect. (D): The equivalent, denoted ul ∼K ul, iff coarse-grained system consists of two units (macro-occasions). 0 pK(xout|xin, ul) = pK(xout|xin, ul) and K 0 K pUl (ul|xin) = pUl (ul|xin) for all xout, xin. Step 2. Fix the ground. Ground outputs are fixed in the coarse-grained system. Picking a single element from each equivalence class ob- tains the macro-alphabet Al of the unit Ul. The mechanism Graining K imposes a second decomposition onto vl’s in- X G C U of Ul is pU , Step 4, restricted to macro-alphabets. put alphabet, Sl = Sl × Sl × Sl where U = ∪kUk. l Subsume the ground into v ’s mechanism by specifying l Information G C U G C U pl al sl , sl ) := pl al sl , sl , sl . This section extends prior work to quantify the information generated by a cellular automaton, both as a whole and rela- Step 3. Marginalize over the channel. tive to its subsystems (Balduzzi and Tononi, 2008, 2009). The channel specifies transparent occasions. Perturba- Given subsystem m of X, let pm(xout|xin), or m for short, tions introduced into units propagate through the channel denote its mechanism or Markov matrix. The mechanism is until they reach other units where they are observed. Trans- computed by taking the Markov matrix of each occasion in parency is imposed by marginalizing over the channel occa- X, marginalizing over extrinsic inputs (edges not in X) as sions in the product mechanism in Eq. (2), and taking the product. It is notationally conve- nient to write pm as though its inputs and outputs are xout K K X Y G l l  pK(xout|xin) := pl xout|xin , (3) and xin, even though m does not in general contain all oc- l∈C l∈C∪U casions in X and therefore treats some inputs and outputs as extrinsic, unexplainable noise. We switch freely between where superscripts denote that inputs and outputs are re- terms “subsystem” and “submechanism” below. stricted, for K, to occasions in units in K (since channel is summed over and ground is already fixed) and, for each l, to Effective information quantifies how selectively a mech- the inputs and outputs of occasion vl. anism discriminates between inputs when assigning them to For example, consider cellular automaton with graph an output. Alternatively, it measures how sharp the func- va → vb → vc and product mechanism p(c|b)p(b|a)p(a). tional dependencies leading to an output are. Setting vb as channel and marginalizing yields coarse- The actual repertoire pˆm(Xin|xout) is the set of inputs P grained mechanism b p(c|b)p(b|a)p(a) = p(c|a)p(a). that cause (lead to) mechanism m choosing output xout, The channel is rendered transparent and new mechanism weighted by likelihood according to Bayes’ rule p(c|a) convolves p(c|b) and p(b|a).   pm xout|do(xin) Step 4. Compute the effective graph of coarse-graining XK. pˆm xin|xout := · punif (xin). (4) p(xout) The micro-alphabet of unit U is A˜ := Q A . The l l k∈Ul k mechanism of Ul is computed as in Eq. (3) with the prod- The do(−) notation and hat pˆ remind that we first inter- uct restricted to occasions j ∈ C ∪ Ul, thus obtaining vene to impose xin and then apply Markov matrix pm. ˜ For deterministic mechanisms, i.e. functions f : X → pUl (al|xin) where al ∈ Al. in 1 Xout, the actual repertoire assigns pˆ = −1 to ele- Two units Uk and Ul are connected by an edge if the |f (xout)| outputs of Uk make a difference to the behavior of Ul. More ments of the pre-image and pˆ = 0 to other elements of Xin. A B Excess information is negative if any decomposition of the system generates more information than the whole. 1 4 Fig. 3 shows how two cells taken together can generate 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 00 01 10 11 00 01 10 11 the same, less, or more information than their sum taken 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 individually depending on how their categorizations overlap. 00 01 10 11 00 01 10 11 Note the figure decomposes the mechanism of the system 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 00 01 10 11 00 01 10 11 over targets rather than sources and so does not depict excess 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 information – which is more useful but harder to illustrate. 00 01 10 11 00 01 10 11 Effective information and excess information can be com- ei = log(16) - log(4) ei = log(16) - log(8) puted for any submechanism of any coarse-graining of any = 2 bits = 1 bit cellular automaton.

Figure 2: Categorization and information. Cells fire if they re- A B ceive two or more spikes. The 16 = 24 possible outputs by the top layer are arranged in a grid. (AB): Cells n1 and n4 fire when the 1 2 1 2 output is in the orange and blue regions respectively. Cell n ’s re- 1 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 sponse is more informative than n4’s since it fires for fewer inputs. 00 01 10 11 00 01 10 11 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 00 01 10 11 00 01 10 11 The shaded regions in Fig. 2 show outputs of the top layer 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 00 01 10 11 00 01 10 11 that cause the bottom cell to fire. 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Effective information generated when m outputs xout is 00 01 10 11 00 01 10 11 P pi Kullback-Leibler divergence (KL[pkq] = pi log ), i 2 qi ei = 2.4 = 2 + 0.4 ei = 4 = 2 + 2 h i ei(m, x ) := KL pˆ X |x  p (X ) . (5) out m in out unif in C D

Effective information is not a statistical measure: it depends 3 4 3 4 on the mechanism and a particular output xout. 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 Effective information generated by deterministic function 00 01 10 11 00 01 10 11 |Xin| 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 f is ei(f, xout) = log −1 where | · | denotes cardi- 2 |f (xout)| 00 01 10 11 00 01 10 11 nality. In Fig. 2, ei is the logarithm of the ratio of the total 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 number of squares to the number of shaded squares. 00 01 10 11 00 01 10 11 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 10 11 00 01 10 11 Excess information quantifies how much more informa- tion a mechanism generates than the sum of its submecha- ei = 1.4 < 1 + 1 ei = 3 > 1 + 1 nisms – how synergistic the internal dependencies are. Figure 3: Independent, redundant and synergistic information. Given subsystem with mechanism m, partition P = (AB): Independent. Orthogonal categorizations, orange+pink and 1 m {M ...M } of the occasions in src(m), and output xout, blue+pink shadings respectively, by n1 and n2. (C): Partially define excess information as follows. Let mj := m ∩ (M j × redundant. Both cells fire; categorizations overlap (pink) more X) be the restriction of m to sources in M j. Excess infor- “than expected” and ei(n3n4, 11) < ei(n3, 1) + ei(n4, 1). (D): Synergistic. Overlap is less “than expected”; ei(n n , 01) > mation over P is 3 4 ei(n3, 0) + ei(n4, 1). X j ξ(m, P, xout) := ei(m, xout) − ei(m , xout). (6) j Application: Conway’s Game of Life Excess information (sans partition) is computed over the information-theoretic weakest link PMIP The Game of Life has interesting dynamics at a range of spatiotemporal scales. At the atomic level, each coordinate MIP ξ(m, xout) := ξ(m, P , xout). (7) (cell i at time t) is an occasion and information processing Q is extremely local. At coarser granularities, information can Let AM j := l∈M j Aj. The minimum information parti- tion1 PMIP minimizes normalized excess information: propagate through channels, so that units generate informa- tion at a distance. Gliders, for example, are distributed ob- ξ(m, P, x ) PMIP := arg min out , where jects that can interact over large distances in space and time, P NP Fig. 4A, and provide an important example of an emergent NP := (m − 1) · min {log2 |AM j |} . process (Dennett, 1991; Beer, 2004). j This section shows how effective and excess information 1We restrict to bipartitions to reduce the computational burden. quantifiably distinguish coarse-grainings expressing glider t = - 24 t = - 12 104 A A (red) (blue) B 4104


2 B 9.0 10 62 39 red

1 10 7.5 5 blue number of macrostates  ï ï ï ï ï ï ï ï ï ï  6.0 number of time steps prior

Figure 5: Macro-alphabets as a function of distance. (A): Con- 4.5 sider two families of coarse-grainings with channel and ground as in Fig. 4. First, take the blue squares (filled and empty) as units at 3.0 times −4n and 0 where n is the diagonal distance between them. Second, repeat for the red squares. (B): Log-plot of the size of the ective information e ! filled squares’ macro-alphabets as a function of −4n. 1.5

0.0 Fig. 5 constructs pairs of 3 × 3 units out of occasions Figure 4: Detecting focal points. (A): A glider moves 1 diago- at various distances from one another and computes their nal square every 4 time steps. (B): Cells in the orange and black macro-alphabets. A 3 × 3 unit has a micro-alphabet of outlined 3 × 3 squares are units at t = 0 and t = −20 respec- 29 = 512 outputs. The macro-alphabet is found by group- tively, with xout the glider shown. Cells at t = −21 are blank ground; other occasions are channel. Shifting the position of the ing micro-outputs together into equivalences classes if their black square produces a family of coarse-grainings. Effective in- effect is the same after propagating through the channel. We formation is shown as the black square’s center varies over the grid. find that the size of the macro-alphabet decreases exponen- tially as the distance between units increases, stabilizing at 5 macro-outputs: the 4 glider phases in Fig. 4A and a large dynamics well from those expressing it badly. equivalence class of outputs that do not propagate to the tar- get unit and are equivalent to a blank patch of grid. A similar Effective information detects focal points. Fig. 4A phenomenon occurs for pairs of 4 × 4 units, also Fig. 5. shows a glider trajectory, which passes through 1 diagonal Continuing the camera analogy: at close range the texture step over 4 tics. Fig. 4B investigates how glider trajectories of units is visible. As the distance increases, the channel are captured by coarse-grainings: if there is a glider in the absorbs more of the detail. The computational texture of the 3 × 3 orange square at time 0, Fig. 4B, it must have passed system is simpler at coarser-grains yielding a more symbolic through the black square at t = −20 to get there. Are coarse- description where glider dynamics are described via 4 basic grainings that respect glider trajectories quantifiably better phases produced by a single macroscopic unit rather than 29 than those that do not? outputs produced by 9 microscopic occasions. Fig. 4B fixes occasions in the black square at t = −20 and the orange square at t = 0 as units (18 total), the ground as Excess information detects spatial organization. So far blank grid at t = −21 and everything else as channel. Vary- we have only considered grainings of the Game of Life that ing the spatial location of the black square over the grid, we respect its spatial organization – in effect, taking the spatial obtain a family of coarse-grainings. Effective information structure for granted. A priori, there is nothing stopping us for each graining in the family is shown in the figure. There from grouping the 8 gray cells in Fig. 6A into a single unit is a clear focal point exactly where the black square inter- that does not respect the spatial organization, since its con- sects the spatiotemporal trajectory of the glider where ei is stituents are separated in space. Are coarse-grainings that maximized (dark red). Effective information is zero for lo- respect the grid-structure quantifiably better than others? cations that are too far or too close at t = −20 to effect the Fig. 6A shows a coarse-graining that does not respect the output of the orange square at t = 0. grid. It constructs two units, one from both gray squares at Effective information thus provides a tool analogous to t = 1 and the other from both red squares at t = 0. Intu- a camera focus: grainings closer to the focal point express itively, the coarse-graining is unsatisfactory since it builds glider dynamics better. units whose constituent occasions have nothing to do with each other over the time-scale in question. Quantitatively, Macroscopic texture varies with distance. The behavior excess information over the obvious partition P of the sys- of individual cells within a glider trajectory is far more com- tem into two parts is 0 bits. It is easy to show ξ ≤ 0 for plicated than the glider itself, which transitions through 4 any disjoint units. By comparison, the coarse-grainings in phases as it traverses its diagonal trajectory, Fig. 4A. Does panels CD, which respect the grid structure, both generate coarse-graining quantifiably simplify dynamics? positive excess information. A B output INT: B → B EXT: A → B t AB ei max ξ ei max ξ 0 00000000 01010101 1 10100011 01010101 2.42 0.10 0.31 0.04 2 10101010 00010101 1.85 0.08 2.44 0.16 3 10101010 00101011 1.96 0.12 6.89 0.27 4 10101010 00101010 1.85 0.08 1.60 0.10 5 10101010 10101010 2.42 0.10 0.90 0.06 ei = 0.4 j/P = 0 ei = 1.3 j = - 0.2 6 10101010 10101010 2.42 0.10 0.31 0.04 = .2+.2 C D Table 1: Analysis of unidirectionally coupled Hopfield networks A → B each containing 8 cells. The networks and coupling embed attractors {00001111, 00110011, 01010101} and their mir- rors. Temperature is T = 0.25. A sample run is analyzed using two coarse-grainings: INT captures B’s effect on itself and EXT captures A’s effect on B; see text.

ei = 2.6 j = 0.9 ei = 2.6 j = 0.9 Attractors are population level phenomena. They arise because of interactions between groups of cells – no sin- Figure 6: Detecting spatial organization. Units are the cells in gle cell is responsible for their existence – suggesting that the red (thick-edged) and gray (filled) squares at t = 0 and t = 1 respectively; other occasions are extrinsic noise. (A): ξ = 0. The coarse-graining may reveal interesting features of attractor coarse-graining groups non-interacting occasions into units. (B): dynamics. ξ < 0. A blank grid is highly redundant. (CD): ξ > 0. Gliders perform interesting information-processing. Effective information detects causal interactions. Ta- ble 1 analyzes a sample run of unidirectionally coupled Hop- field networks A → B. Network A is initialized at an un- Thus we find that not only does our information-theoretic stable point in the energy landscape and B in an attractor. camera have an automatic focus, it also detects when pro- A settles into a different attractor from B and then shoves cesses hang together to form a single coherent scene. B into the new attractor over a few time steps. Intuitively, A only exerts a strong force on B once it has settled in an Excess information detects gliders. Blank stretches of attractor and before B transitions to the same attractor. Is grid, Fig. 6B, are boring. There is nothing going on. Are the force A exerts on B quantitatively detectable? interesting patches of grid quantifiably distinguishable from Table 1 shows the effects of A and B respectively on B by boring patches? computing ei for two coarse-grainings constructed for each Excess information distinguishes blank grids from glid- transition t → t+1. Coarse-graining INT sets cells in B at t ers: ξ on the blank grid is negative, Fig. 6B , since the in- and t + 1 as units and A as extrinsic noise. EXT sets cells in formation generated by the cells is redundant analogous to A at t and B at t+1 as units and fixes B at time t as ground. Fig. 3C. By contrast, ξ for a glider is positive, Fig. 6CD, INT generates higher ei for all transitions except 1 → since its cells perform synergistic categorizations, similarly 2 → 3, precisely when A shoves B. Effective information to Fig. 3D. Glider trajectories are also captured by excess is high when an output is sensitive to changes in an input information: varying the location of the red units (at t = 0) so it is unsurprising that B is more sensitive to changes in A around the gray units we find that ξ is maximized in the po- exactly when A forces B out from one attractor into another. sitions shown, Fig. 6CD, thus expressing the rightwards and Analyzing other sample runs (not shown) confirms that ei downwards motions of the respective gliders. reliably detects when A shoves B out of an attractor. Returning to the camera analogy, blank patches of grid fade into (back)ground or are (transparent) channel, whereas Macroscopic mechanisms depend on the ground. Fix- gliders are highlighted front and center as units. ing the ground incorporates population-level biases into a coarse-grained cellular automaton’s information-processing. Application: Hopfield networks The ground in coarse-graining EXT (i.e. the output of B at t − 1) biases the mechanisms of the units in B at time Hopfield networks embed energy landscapes into their con- t. When the ground is an attractor, it introduces tremendous nectivity. For any initial condition they tend to one of few inertia into the coarse-grained dynamics since B is heavily attractors – troughs in the landscape (Hopfield, 1982; Amit, biased towards outputting the attractor again. Few inputs 1989). Although cells in Hopfield networks are quite differ- from A can overcome this inertia, so if B is pushed out of ent from neurons, there is evidence suggesting neuronal pop- an attractor it generates high ei about A. Conversely, when ulations transition between coherent distributed states simi- B stays in an attractor, e.g. transition 5 → 6, it follows its lar to attractors (Abeles et al., 1995; Jones et al., 2007). internal bias and so generates low ei about A. Excess information detects attractor redundancy. Fol- Definition (emergence). Fix cellular automaton X with out- 2 lowing our analysis of gliders, we investigate how attractors put xout. Coarse-graining K is emergent if it satisfies con- are captured by excess information. It turns out that ξ is neg- ditions E1 and E2. ative in all cases: the functional dependencies within Hop- field networks are redundant. An attractor is analogous to E1. Each unit Ul ∈ K generates excess information about a blank Game of Life grid where little is going on. Thus, its sources and has excess information generated about although attractors are population-level phenomena, we ex- it by its targets, relative to subgrains J ≺ K: clude them as emergent processes. src  trg  0 < ξJ /K Ul , xout and 0 < ξJ /K Ul , xout . Excess information expresses attractor transitions. We (8) therefore refine our analysis and compute the subset of units E2. There is an emergent subgrain J ≺ K such that (i) at time t that maximize ξ; maximum values are shown in every unit of K contains a unit of J and (ii) neighbors Table 1. We find that the system decomposes into pairs of K0 (defined below) of K with respect to J satisfy occasions with low ξ, except when B is shoved, in which case larger structures of 5 occasions emerge. This fits prior   ξJ /K0 srcU0 , xout ≤ ξJ /K srcU, xout (9) analysis showing transitions between attractors yield more integrated dynamics (Balduzzi and Tononi, 2008) and sug- for all U ∈ K, and similarly for trg’s. gestions that cortical dynamics is metastable, characterized by antagonism between local attractors (Friston, 1997). If K has no emergent subgrains then E2 is vacuous. Our analysis suggests that transitions between attractors Grain K0 is a neighbor of K with respect to J ≺ K if for are the most interesting emergent behaviors in coupled Hop- every U ∈ K there is a unique U0 ∈ K0 satisfying field networks. How this generalizes to more sophisticated 0 models remains to be seen. N1. there is a unit T ∈ J such that T ⊂ U, U , srcT ⊂ srcU, srcU0 and similarly for trg; and

Emergence 0 Q N2. the alphabet of U is no larger than U: k∈U0 Ak ≤ Q The examples show we can quantify how well a graining l∈U Al , and similarly for the combined alphabets expresses a cellular automaton’s dynamics. Effective in- of their sources and targets respectively. formation detects glider trajectories and also captures when one Hopfield network shoves another. However, ei does not The graining EX that best expresses X outputting xout is detect whether a unit is integrated. For this we need ex- found by maximizing normalized excess information: cess information, which compares the information generated ξ(K, x ) by a mechanism to that generated by its submechanisms. out EX (xout) := arg max K . (10) {K | } N Forming units out of disjoint collections of occasions yields emergent PMIP ξ = 0. Moreover, boring units (such as blank patches of grid Here, N K is the normalizing constant found when com- or dead-end fixed point attractors) have negative ξ. Thus, ξ PMIP K is a promising candidate for quantifying emergent processes. puting the minimum information partition for . This section formalizes the intuition that a system is emer- Some implications. We apply the definition to the Game gent if its dynamics are better expressed at coarser spa- of Life to gain insight into its mechanics. tiotemporal granularities. The idea is simple. Emergent Condition E1 requires that interactions between units and units should generate more excess information, and have their sources (and targets) are synergistic, Fig. 6CD. Units more excess information generated about them, than their that decompose into independent pieces, Fig. 6A, or per- sub-units. Moreover emergent units should generate more form highly redundant operations, Fig. 6B, are therefore not excess information than neighboring units, recall Fig. 4. emergent. Stating the definition precisely requires some notation. Condition E2 compares units to their neighbors. Rather Let src = {v }∪{v |k → l} and similarly for trg . Let J vl l k vl than build the automaton’s spatial organization directly be a subgraining of K, denoted J ≺ K, if for every Uj ∈ J into the definition, neighbors of K are defined as coarse- there is a unit Uk ∈ K such that Uj ( Uk. We compare grainings whose units overlap with K and whose alpha- mechanism m ⊂ K with its subgrains via bets are no bigger. Coarse-grainings with higher ξ than their neighbors are closer to focal points, recall Fig. 4 and X j ξK/J (m, xout) := eiK˜ (m, xout) − eiJ˜(m , xout), Fig. 6CD, where ξ was maximized for units respecting glider vj ∈J trajectories. An analysis of glider boundaries similar in spirit

j to this paper is (Beer, 2004). where m = m ∩ srcvj and eiK˜ signifies effective informa- 2 G tion is computed over K using micro-alphabets. Ground output s is xout restricted to ground occasions. Finally, Eq. (10) picks out the most expressive coarse- fine-tuned by comparing them with neighbors. graining. The normalization plays two roles. First, it bi- ases the optimization towards grainings whose MIPs con- Acknowledgements. The author thanks Dominik Janzing tain few, symmetric parts following (Balduzzi and Tononi, for many useful comments on an earlier draft, Giulio Tononi 2008). Second, it biases the optimization towards systems for stimulating conversations and Virgil Griffiths for empha- with simpler macro-alphabets. Recall, Fig. 5, that coarse- sizing the importance of excess information. graining produces more symbolic interactions by decreasing the size of alphabets. 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