16 Days of activism against gender-based violence campaign in

UNDP Report

07/12/2015 , Kyrgyzstan UNDP in the Kyrgyz Republic together with the UNiTE to End Violence Against Women and Girls National Movement in Kyrgyzstan and UN Women CO

Background: What is 16 Days?

The 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence is an international campaign originating from the first Women's Global Leadership Institute coordinated by the Center for Women's Global Leadership in 1991. Participants chose the dates November 25- International Day Against Violence Against Women- and December 10- International Human Rights Day- in order to symbolically link violence against women and human rights and to emphasize that such violence is a violation of human rights. This 16-day period also highlights other significant dates including November 29, International Women Human Rights Defenders Day, December 1, World AIDS Day, and December 6, which marks the Anniversary of the Montreal Massacre. The 16 Days Campaign has been used as an organizing strategy by individuals and groups around the world to call for the elimination of all forms of violence against women by:

 raising awareness about gender-based violence as a human rights issue at the local, national, regional and international levels  strengthening local work around violence against women  establishing a clear link between local and international work to end violence against women  providing a forum in which organizers can develop and share new and effective strategies  demonstrating the solidarity of women around the world organizing against violence against women  creating tools to pressure governments to implement promises made to eliminate violence against women

Over 5, 179 organizations in approximately 187 countries have participated in the 16 Days Campaign since 19911.

Background: Country’s participation2

Kyrgyzstan participates in the global call since year 1998, thus meaning that it’s been 16 years of active engagement of mainly civil society into the raising-awareness actions on EVAW (Ending Violence Against Women).

Background: What is UNiTE and UNiTE National Movement about?3

In Kyrgyzstan, the UNiTE campaign “Time to act, Kyrgyzstan” is led by the UN Women Country Office, it is comprised of 38 NGOs as well as officials such as Members of Parliament, representatives of the Ministry of Social Development, the Ombudsman, the office of the President. The movement calls on the government, civil society, women’s organizations, men, women, young

1 http://16dayscwgl.rutgers.edu/about/campaign-profile

2 http://16dayscwgl.rutgers.edu/campaign-calendar/events

3 http://unitekyrgyzstan.kloop.kg/ people, the private sector, international organizations, the media and the entire UN system to join forces in addressing specific problems with regard to violence. In 2010 the United Nation’s Secretary General, Ban Ki-Moon, visited the country and acknowledged pressing issues such as: domestic violence, bride-kidnapping, underage marriages, unregistered marriages, trafficking, polygamy, violence and discrimination based on gender identity and sexual orientation, and violence committed by law enforcement officials. The causes were determined to be: inadequacy of policy and legislative enforcement, unemployment, poverty, strictly embedded traditional and religious attitudes towards women, migration (both external and internal), and lack of accountability.

Actions taken by the movement: The UNiTE campaign in Kyrgyzstan included several activities centered on raising awareness of country specific issues to eliminate violence against women and girls. Multiple initiatives within the years 2012-2015 included: football matches, a massive bicycle ride, flag installations (symbolically represented victims of violence), One Billion Rising initiative (dance flash mob), actions in advocating changes to the Criminal Codes on bride-kidnapping and child abuse, innovative initiatives in rural locations, such as blogging on “Voice of Rural Women”, a civil society march on and 16 Day Campaign of Activism against Gender Violence.

UNDP involvement:

Annually UNDP is actively involved in the campaign by supporting multiple initiatives of the UNiTE national movement. The UNDP Gender Programme is part of the UN Gender Theme Group facilitated by UN Women Country Office in the Kyrgyz Republic. Following the global and national call of the agency, UNDP aims at raising awareness of combatting violence.

Why are we participating? Some fast facts of Kyrgyzstan4

 Domestic violence is a common form of violence against women in Kyrgyzstan, the number of recorded acts of domestic violence is generally growing. Various groups of people: women, men, the elderly and children, are exposed to domestic violence. However, women are victims of domestic violence in most cases. Thus, the proportion of women victims of domestic violence is almost 90 percent;

 It is necessary to take into account a steady rise in the number of births by women aged 15- 19 years as compared with the general decline in the birth rate in the country. As a result of early motherhood, this category of women faces problems of limited access to basic education and is exposed to a high risk of family violence. Also, during the national consultations on the draft of this review, a high probability of violence against women (representatives of groups such as migrant women, women with disabilities, sex workers and LBT) was noted;

 The problem of domestic violence has been studied in the framework of the 2012 Demographic and Health Survey in Kyrgyzstan (DHSK). The results show that 23 percent of all women aged 15-49 have experienced physical violence at least twice since 15 years of age,

4 National Review of the Kyrgyz Republic in the framework of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action and 13 percent - during the last 12 months. Among women (who are married or had been married) survivors of physical or sexual abuse inflicted by husbands, more than half (56 percent) stated that they had received physical injuries. Only two out of five women sought help after they have experienced physical or sexual violence;

 Among the types of violence against women, particularly alarming are instances of sexual violence against women and children. Thus, according to data for 2012 the number of reported rapes of minors increased compared to 2011 from 50 to 81 cases, and number of sexual assaults against minors increased from 11 to 25 cases;

 Sex labor trafficking is also a problem. Underage girls and women from Kyrgyzstan are attracted and forced into sexual labor under the guise of being hired as nannies, maids, waitresses, kitchen workers and workers in other spheres. This causes an increase in infectious diseases, unplanned pregnancy, the growing number of orphans, as well as an increase in the number of abortions, thereby damaging women's reproductive health;

 According to research, 60 percent of marriages in the countryside in mono-ethnic areas are accomplished through bride kidnapping (ala kachuu), of which two thirds are performed without the consent of the girl.

UNDP’s 16 Days Campaign flow 2015:

November 25 of the 16 Days Campaign has started with joint efforts on Oranging the Day and posting the pictures at multiple platforms, including the global UNiTE facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/events/1686128894932252/1694139640797844/

UNDP Istanbul:

UNDP in Istanbul among other multiple activities in the country provided support to Kyrgyz civil society organizations in the South by uniting girls for empowerment and raising awareness among sex-workers.

Public Association "New Rhythm" conducted the three day workshop "From Peace in the Home to Peace in the World: Make Education Safe for All!" following the global theme of year 2015. More than 30 girls and young women from the city of Osh and its remote areas discussed their rights, were explained the types of violence against women, the need of education for every girl. The youth of Kyrgyzstan were focused on actions to take in promoting the basic norms of human rights, overcoming existing inequalities, understanding violence against women and girls, engaging in peacebuilding among the peers, capacity building in sharing knowledge through art, such as drawings and hand-made comics. The participants of the camp were the students of secondary schools and Universities from different areas of the city and regions. Several speakers provided motivational speeches and encouraged girls to take actions. Those were representatives of UN Women, Crisis Centers for Women and Media. The psychologist from the crisis center provided practical lessons on gender roles by role-playing, and summarized her sessions with the art-therapy. The sessions on developing the self-confidence were noted as the most useful, since “this is one of the obstacles that pushes patriarchal norms and practices. Girls are not self-confident enough to continue education, they do not believe they are the equal contributors to the growth of the prosperity”- says Aida Ahmetova, the leader of the PU “New Rhythm” As a follow up of the camp, girls are now producing art products to disseminate information received during the three days. The girls network created during the camp will serve as an advocacy movement in promoting education, gender equality and gender justice.

More photos: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.943170359095627.1073741905.356579894421346& type=1

NGO “Podruga” has an extensive experience working with commercial sex-workers, women, living with HIV and women drug-addicts. In the frames of the 16 Days campaign, “Podruga” conducted seminars for beneficiaries with the help of outreach specialists. In total 142 women were approached by the information on types of violence and the preventive measures that can be taken to avoid violence.

Sex-workers were also questioned by the outreach workers if they ever experienced violence, what types of violence they faced and how they managed to avoid it. A lot of stories and examples were shared and as a result of the interaction, it was stated that “Practically all sex-workers are subjects to violence- be that physical, psychological or sexual. The main perpetrators are usually police representatives, clients and partners. Most sex-workers, due to lack of information and stigmatization allow acts of violence to happen and almost no one wants to file the case to police.”- says Nadezhda Sharonova, the director of “Podruga” NGO. “It should be noted, that the 16 Days campaign serves as a global platform for everyone to be approached with the main message- gender based violence should be eliminated- and in most cases we forget the most stigmatized groups of our society. Let us remember that we all are human beings and we shall treat every individual with respect”

UNDP Peace and Development Programme in Kyrgyzstan:

Peace and Development Dimension of UNDP in the Kyrgyz Republic has supported the local men’s movement in raising awareness among the representatives of local self-governance –those who are appointed to reveal and follow up the activities with the perpetrators of violence against women. Four round tables were conducted by the Men’s Movement against Violence and the psychologists. The information about the 16 Days campaign was spread, but the main objective of the massive gathering was to inform on the types of violence, how to understand and work with the situations when violence occur within the families. The practical intervention was exercised with the focus on involving men into the issue. The psychologist Elena Tkacheva pointed out “Men are not born as perpetrators- they become violators and oppressors with time and gender norms, there ill-behavior can be corrected if you have instruments and if the rule of law is in place”.

Chynara Temirova, UNDP expert: “I am really impressed on the way the civil society is prepared to react to cases like that and we are delighted to say that UNDP will plan to follow up on the trainings that were conducted by this movement by extending those to the regions. Indeed, such interventions give opportunity to decrease violence against women and raise awareness among the population on the ill-effect of this phenomenon to the society”

Posted: https://www.facebook.com/UN.Kyrgyzstan/?fref=ts

Below the links for the special reportage developed by Azattyk+ team and supported by UNDP PDP within “16 days activism against gender violence” campaign http://www.azattyk.kg/media/video/azattyk_plus_tv/27420964.html?z=0&zp=1 http://www.azattyk.kg/media/video/azattyk_plus_tv/27420973.html?z=0&zp=1 http://www.azattyk.kg/media/video/azattyk_plus_tv/27421053.html?z=0&zp=1

UNDP Area-Based Development Programme in Batken

NGO “Omur Bulagy” organized talk - show on the topic “Kyz ala kachuu saltpy je kylmyshby?” on the local Batken TV channel it was attended by the head of the Batken district administration, staff of the Internal Affairs Department and Oblast State Administration, NGOs, school principals, women leaders, the mass media and youth activists, who discussed the problems of gender violence, bride abduction and ways to reduce them.

In addition, informational meeting was held in the Kadamjai District Lyceum, based on the results of which the forum-theater play was conducted about a girl, who has committed suicide, she has become a victim of the bride abduction tradition and domestic violence. Similar actions were held in schools in the Uchkun, Orozbekov, Kyzyl Bulak, Kadamjai, Tashdobo, Kuldu, Khalmion, Absamat, Kirov and Kyrgyz Kyshtak villages of .

The Public Foundation “Janyl Myrza plus” in Batken city and in the villages of Batken district of Batken Oblast organized a march of students of universities, colleges and professional lyceums. The meeting at the building of the A. Jainakov oblast drama theater collected more than 300 people, it aimed to raise issues such as domestic violence, violence in the society, bride abduction, suicide by abducted girls, laws and conventions protecting the rights of women and girls and combating gender violence.

Moreover, students accompanied by the Road Police started the march with balloons and placards “Ar bir uidogu tynchtyktan duinodogu tynchtyka karai”, “Zorduk zombuluk bul kylmyshtuuluk”, “Ayaldarga karata zombuluktu toktotolu”, “Uiun tynch-Aalam tynch”, “Kyz ala kachuu - kylmysh” “Biz jashtar kyz ala kachuugu karshybyz”, “Genderdik tenchilikke jetisheli.” The march finished in the BatMU, where a play was demonstrated by the forum theater “Birimdik” of the S. Kojobaeva school-gymnasium in the meeting hall of the university for students and teachers.

In addition, a play by the forum - theater “Birimdik” was about a girl, who has committed suicide, as she became a victim of the bride abduction tradition and domestic violence.

UNDP Gender Programme:

UNDP Gender Programme, taking into account the upcoming elections to local councils has supported the NGO “Women’s Democratic Network” in facilitating regional dialogues on obstacles that exist for women when they are trying to get to decision-making positions. Within the scope of the theme that raises awareness on women access to politics, the NGO also informed women on the 16 Days campaign as well as raised awareness on domestic violence. Apart from women from local municipalities from 7 regions, the representatives of local self-government institutions, Ombudsman Office, Ministry of Internal Affairs, media, activists and etc participated in the discussions.

Guljan Baibetova, the main organizer of the intervention: “National Action Plan on Gender Equality of the Kyrgyz Republic is one of the key normative documents that outlines the actions of the state towards gender parity. This NAP also serves as a basis to take action in access to justice; it has clear actions to take for the country in providing women opportunities for participation in politics. Women are very often withdrawn from the opportunity to participate in decision-making due to gender norms, stereotypes, patriarchy. There were cases when men –husbands violated the rights of their wives to participate in meetings, where decisions were made. Women, very often, are seen as “gender that serves another gender”. Our organization in the frames of this campaign is disseminating information on why gender equality is important and why countries, with high prevalence of violence suffer economically. Today every third woman in Kyrgyzstan has experiences domestic violence at least once in her lifetime, and we need to talk about it. 16 Days is the perfect time to consolidate our efforts”

More photos: https://www.facebook.com/groups/472838042890712/photos/ Media coverage: http://advocacy.kg/index.php/3202-25-noyabrya-2015-16-dnej-aktivizma-protiv-gendernogo-nasiliya-kampaniya- nachalas https://www.facebook.com/UNiTEKG/ https://www.facebook.com/UN.Kyrgyzstan/ http://wbp.kg/?p=791 http://turmush.kg/ru/news:264484/ https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100007452736623&fref=ts http://www.azattyk.kg/media/video/azattyk_plus_tv/27420964.html?z=0&zp=1 http://www.azattyk.kg/media/video/azattyk_plus_tv/27420973.html?z=0&zp=1 http://www.azattyk.kg/media/video/azattyk_plus_tv/27421053.html?z=0&zp=1

For more information:

Umutai Dauletova, Gender Mainstreaming Specialist, UNDP Kyrgyzstan

[email protected]