Emersion of food in the 1970’s

By: Allison Zanatta, Cynthia Hernandez Ambriz, Esmeralda Barocio, Ricardo Arenas Diana Kennedy

- Changed the way Americans viewed Mexican cooking - Unique research made her the unrivaled authority - Traveled to each and every one of Mexico’s 31 states - Cooked with natives and cooks amongst every region - Local ingredients supporter Diana Kennedy’s Legacy

- Began teaching classes on traditional

Mexican cooking

- Had no experience with writing

- Published 9 volumes on Mexican


- Emphasizing organic cooking Taste of a decade: 1970’s - Many things encouraged eating at restaurants such as relaxed liquor laws, the use of credit cards, and more working mothers or wives. - Restaurants and customers were afraid of crime= afraid to keep their restaurant open. - Which later brought an increase of fast food chains. - and many other parts of the country experienced a restaurant increase. - Switching from a fully operated kitchen staff, to a fast assembly line, enabled the fast food chains to grow in popularity. The Evolution of the Food Industry -After the rise of fast food chains= the invention of microwaves.

-Meals like TV dinners and prepackaged foods became popular.

-This meant that people did not need to cook meals from scratch to eat= they were able to eat in the comfort of their own home or in front of your favorite tv show.

While those meals may have been more convenient, the restaurant Industry saw promise in refocusing on nutritional dishes from all ethnic backgrounds. Impressive Dishes

Americans prepared exotice foods for dinner parties the combinations of random food put together was popular during the 1970s Popular Dishes

Pineapple was well liked due to the increase interest in Hawaiian culture



Carrot cake Mobile Food Truck

● In 1974, Raul Martinez converted an old ice cream truck into the nation’s first truck, King Taco, and parked it outside of an East bar.

● It has since expanded to 20 popular locations throughout LA county. It has also been placed as the top 100 of Hispanic Business Magazine’s “Top 500 Hispanic Businesses”

https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1987-11-16-fi-14263-story.html Obstacle in the Mobile Food Industry

● Los Angeles also has a history of attempting to regulate food trucks out of business.

● In 1979, a California trucks faced discriminatory enforcement law that prohibited food trucks from parking within 100 feet of the street entrance to a restaurant.

● The reasoning that food trucks caused traffic congestion and blocked access to restaurants.

https://chicagounbound.uchicago.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?referer=https://www.go ogle.com/&httpsredir=1&article=11767&context=journal_articles Mexican Food Truck Delights ● King Taco sold a variety of Mexican cuisine beside , , Quesadillas, and .

● A are thick corn cakes, originally found in central and southern parts of Mexico; here it was known as pellizcadas.

● Tamales are also made from corn masa (or dough) steamed in a corn husk or banana leaf and usually stuffed. Works Cited

● Harris, JENN. “Raul Martinez Sr., Founder of King Taco, Dies at 71.” Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles Times, 4 Dec. 2013, www.latimes.com/food/dailydish/la-dd-raul-martinez-sr-founder-king-taco-dies-20131204-story.html. ● Smith, Lindsey P, et al. “Trends in US Home Food Preparation and Consumption: Analysis of National Nutrition Surveys and Time Use Studies from 1965-1966 to 2007-2008.” Nutrition Journal, BioMed Central, 11 Apr. 2013, www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3639863/. ● Stephen, Paul. "Mexican cooking legend Diana Kennedy donates her personal archive to San Antonio’s UTSA." AP News , 22 Apr. 2019, apnews.com/af74fe635a7b41b5bc0a3adff92b0f9d. ● Whitaker,Jan “Taste of a Decade: 1970’s Restaurants.” Restaurant, 12 Mar.2017 https://restaurant-ingthroughhistory.com/2013/09/24/taste-of-a-decade-1970s-restaurants/

● Switch, Code. “2013 Signoffs II: More Short Stories About Remarkable Lives.” NPR, NPR, 31 Dec. 2013,


● O'Hare, Maureen. “This Is What Dinner Party Food Looked like in the 1970s.” CNN, Cable News Network, 11 Jan. 2017, www.cnn.com/travel/article/vintage-food-photography/index.html.