Mineralization and Geology of the North Kimberley
GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA REPORT 85 PLATE 1 è00 è25 128^30' è50 è75 129^00' å00 å25 127^30' å50 å75 128^00' ê00 REFERENCE ä25 126^30' ä50 ä75 127^00' 13^30' 126^00' ä00 13^30' q Quartz veins, of various ages; youngest post-dates Devonian q æåKk KEEP INLET FORMATION: deltaic sandstone, pebbly sandstone, mudstone, and minor coal æW Weaber Group: sandstone, limestone, and minor conglomerate, shale, and siltstone ðê00 ðê00 æL Langfield Group: sandstone, limestone, shale, and siltstone æåKk çma Limestone reef complexes; oolitic, cyanobacterial, and stromatolitic limestones, and debris flow deposits; BASIN Group Kulshill marginal slope and basin facies of Famennian reef carbonate; includes PIKER HILLS FORMATION and NORTHERN BONAPARTE T I M O R S E A VIRGIN HILLS FORMATION Branch Banks æW çg Boulder, cobble, and pebble conglomerate; includes BARRAMUNDI CONGLOMERATE and STONY CREEK CONGLOMERATE çN Ningbing Group: limestone reef complexes; cyanobacterial limestone, limestone breccia, shale, and sandstone East Holothuria Reef EARLY æL çC Cockatoo Group: sandstone, conglomerate, and limestone; minor dolomite and siltstone çM Mahony Group: quartz sandstone, pebbly sandstone, and pebble to boulder conglomerate CARBONIFEROUS êéc Carlton Group: shallow marine sandstone, siltstone, shale, and stromatolitic dolomite Otway Bank Stewart Islands êG Goose Hole Group: sandstone, limestone, stromatolitic limestone, siltstone, and mudstone çma çg çN çM Troughton Passage êa Vesicular, amygdaloidal, and porphyritic basalt, and conglomerate and sandstone;
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