Find more on our web: Trinity College Dublin Dublin, Ireland Teaching Fellow • Deadline: May 21, 2021 • Career levels: PostDoc • Keywords: Computer architecture, Embedded / Cyber-Physical Systems, Reconfigurable computing Trinity College Dublin Academic Posts Open We are delighted to invite applications for 2 academic posts at Trinity College with the Electronic Engineering Dept. ( in the School of Engineering. The appointments are in the area of Computational Engin- eering at the level of Asst Prof (€35,509 - €86,247, 4.5 years) and Teaching Fellow (€35,509 - €46,266, 2.5 years). Fur- ther information and applications for these posts are at (select Academic->Engineering). The positions are part of the new Human Capital Initiative supported by the Government of Ireland. Successful candid- ates will contribute to Computational Engineering research and teaching in the Department. This includes Signal Pro- cessing (Video, Audio, Climate), Communications, Biomedical Engineering, Media Technology and design of computa- tional hardware (FPGAs, ASICS for high throughput computation). The appointees will deliver courses in computation- al methodology including numerical software programming skills (NumPy, TensorFlow etc), computational science and engineering. The Department has a long history of strong collaboration with industry e.g. Google, YouTube, Qualcomm and is espe- cially strong in communications ( , DSP, audio/video processing (, The School runs a vibrant Biomedical Engineering initiative with contributions from each of the 3 disciplines including EEE. Please contact
[email protected] if further context is required. Further information and applications for these posts are at (select Academic->Engineering).