Radio Delivers Massive Reach in Real Time


“What any content company aspires to is impact, and the best way to create impact is simultaneous mass.

And the only way to reach simultaneous mass is by getting something on the radio.”

Mark Shimmel, COO, Epic Records

Source: Advertising Week 2012 Conference



Delivers Massive Reach in Real Time Engages and Influences Listeners Digital Technology Enables Expansion and Interaction Delivers Outstanding Results Thriving


mass reach

4 LANDSCAPE 2013 Radio’s Assets Drive Its Mass Reach

Radio remains important to listeners “Favorite songs” and local personalities rank highest

Source: Jacobs Media TechSurvey 8; Based on 170 stations | 12 radio formats | 57,358 radio listeners

5 LANDSCAPE 2013 Radio’s Assets Drive Its Mass Reach 4 emotional triggers that listeners value….

A radio on Gets them get A feeling An escape from while they in a better of companionship pressures of work mood everyday life

Source: Jacobs Media TechSurvey 8; Based on 170 stations | 12 radio formats | 57,358 radio listeners


today’s243 radio Million audience If the radio audience were a country, it would be the 4th largest in the world!

Source: RADAR 116 March 2013, Arbitron (Persons 12+, Monday-Sunday 24-Hour Weekly Cume Estimates), 395,844 sample


radio reach OVER

90%of every age segment weekly

Source: RADAR 116 March 2013, Arbitron (Persons 12+, Monday-Sunday 24-Hour Weekly Cume Estimates), 395,844 sample

8 LANDSCAPE 2013 Nearly Everyone Uses Radio. In Real Time. Every Week.

Radio reaches over 90% of virtually every segment of the population. That has been true year after year and remains true today.

95% 95% 95% 95% 92% 91% 92% 94% 95% 93% 95%

P 12+ P12-24 P 18-34 P 25-54 P 35-64 Hisp AA/Blk W 25-54 P 18-49 P 18-49 M 25-54 18-49 18-49 Col Ed, Col Ed Emp HH $75K+ Weekly Radio Usage

Source: RADAR 116 March 2013, Mon-Sun 6A-Mid

9 LANDSCAPE 2013 Radio Has Greatest Weekly Reach of Young Adults vs. Other Media

Weekly Media Exposure 94%


Adults 81% 80% 18-34


Listened to Radio Read Any Watched Any TV Watched Any Non- Spent Any Time on Past 7 Days Newspaper Past Past Week (M-Su, Premium Cable Past Internet Past Week Week 5a-2a) Week

Source: Scarborough USA+, Release 2 2012 USA Adults 18-34 (Sample Size: 28,781)

10 LANDSCAPE 2013 Radio’s Weekly Reach of Adults Is Greatest of Major Media

Weekly Media Exposure 94%

87% 85% 82%


Adults 25-54

Listened to Radio Read Any Watched Any TV Watched Any Non- Spent Any Time on Past 7 Days Newspaper Past Past Week Premium Cable Past Internet Past Week Week Week

Source: Scarborough USA+, Release 2 2012 USA Adults 25-54 (Sample Size: 86,420)


Radio Delivers Prime Consumer Targets

94% 94% 93% 94%

Purchased Women's HH Planning to Buy/Lease a HH Financed Home Frequent Fast Food Business Clothing New Compact Car Mortgage Restaurants (in past year) (10x past month)

Source: Scarborough USA+ 2012 Release 2 (12 months only)

12 LANDSCAPE 2013 Radio’s Share of Audio Usage Dominates Throughout the Day

% Share of Audio Usage by Source Average Weekday – Adults 18-64

Source: 2013.1 MBI USA TouchPoints Note: AM/FM Radio includes radio station streams; Streaming Service includes iHeartRadio, Pandora, Rdio, Slacker, , etc. 13 LANDSCAPE 2013

Radio Dominates Among Audio Options

57% Adults 18-64

15% 13% 9% 5%

AM/FM Radio CD Players iPods / MP3 Satellite Music players Radio Streaming Service

Non-Exclusive Daily Reach (%) by Audio Source - A18-64

Source: 2013.1 MBI USA TouchPoints Note: AM/FM Radio includes radio station streams; Music Streaming Service includes iHeartRadio, Pandora, Rdio, Slacker, Spotify, etc. 14 LANDSCAPE 2013

Young Adults Prefer Broadcast Radio

51% Adults 18-34

20% 16%

9% 8%

AM/FM Radio iPods / MP3 CD Players Satellite Music players Radio Streaming Service

Non-Exclusive Daily Reach (%) by Audio Source - A18-34

Source: 2013.1 MBI USA TouchPoints Note: AM/FM Radio includes radio station streams; Music Streaming Service includes iHeartRadio, Pandora, Rdio, Slacker, Spotify, etc. 15 LANDSCAPE 2013

AM/FM Radio Is The King of In-Car Media

% Using “Almost All of the Time” or “Most of the Time” In The Car

AM/FM Radio 58%

CD player 16%

iPod/Mp3 Player 11%

Satellite Radio 10%

Online Radio 4%

HD Radio 1%

Source: The Infinite Dial 2013 – Arbitron Inc./Edison Research Base: Driven/Ridden in Car in Last Month, age 18+ 16 LANDSCAPE 2013

The Second Most Used Platform Today 95 92 88 81 % Population/Household Penetration 70

60 58 53 51 47 46

33 32 29

13 10

Source: TV HH, Nielsen Cross Platform Report March 2013; wkly Radio, Arbitron RADAR 116 March 2013 M-Su M-M; Internet, Pew Internet & American Life Project Setptember2012 Study; DVR,, Video Game Consoles Nielsen May 2012 National People Meter Panel; Cable & ADS November 2012 Nielsen Report; Online Radio, Smartphones, iPods/MP3s, Tablets and Social Net Usage Edison Media Infinite Dial: 2013; Hi speed Internet Access from Pew Internet & American Life Project May, June 2012 Tablets Pew Internet & American Life Project October 3, 2012; satellite radio, Scarborough USA Plus - Release 1 2012 12 Month; , Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project Post-Election Survey, November 14 – December 09, 2012. N=1,802 internet users. Interviews were conducted in English and Spanish and on landline and cell phones 17



On a 7-day average, how long do people listen to the radio each day?

ANSWER: 2hrs 36min

Source RADAR 116 March 2013 Monday-Sunday 6AM-Midnight for Persons 12+


Radio Accounts for Second Largest Share of Adult Consumers’ Media Usage

Share of Daily Media Minutes Adults 18-64

Source: 2012.2 MBI USA TouchPoints / Note: TV includes time-shifted viewing; AM/FM Radio includes radio station streaming; Internet excludes email, but includes internet usage via PC, mobile, tablet, and eReader; Newspapers and Magazines include digital readership; Book includes via print, PC, mobile, tablet, and eReader; Streaming Movie includes via PC, mobile, tablet, and eReader. . 19 LANDSCAPE 2013 Radio – The Original Social Network Connects with Young Adults

On a typical day in 48 Adults the USA, 18-34 of people 18-34: In Millions

• 65% more will use Radio than will go to Search 29 28 • 70% more will use Radio than will go to 19

• 150% more will use Radio than will go to YouTube 5

• 850% more will use Radio than will go to Twitter RADIO

Every day, more than 2/3 of people 18-34 invite Radio to be a major part of their lives

Source: comScore Inc Ratings for February 2013 Average Daily Unique Visitors 18-34, factored to include mobile and pc; RADAR 116 March 2013, P18-34, 6A-12M

20 LANDSCAPE 2013 AM/FM Radio Is The Top Source For Music Discovery % Who Ever Use Each Source to Learn About and Keep Up-To-Date With New Music

AM/FM Radio 78% Friends/Family 73% YouTube 55% Music Television Channels 44% Facebook 41% Pandora 39% Apple iTunes 37% Information/Displays at Local Store 30% SiriusXM Satellite Radio 16% Music Blogs 15% iHeartRadio 14% Spotify 8%

Source: The Infinite Dial 2013 – Arbitron Inc./Edison Research Base: Those saying it is “Very Important” or “Somewhat Important” to Learn About and Keep Up-To-Date With New Music 21 LANDSCAPE 2013

consistent performance


Men and Women Tune-in Weekly

Women 18+ (000) Men 18+ (000)

111,931 112,519 106,740 107,112

Mar '12 Mar '13 Mar '12 Mar '13 And spend more than 2-1/2 hours a day with AM/FM radio

Source: RADAR 112 March 2012 and RADAR 116 March 2013, (Monday-Sunday 6A-Mid Weekly Cume ) Men 18+ and Women 18+ Listeners

23 LANDSCAPE 2013 Multi-Cultural Radio Listening Remains Consistently Strong

Hispanics African-American

14,247 14,600 17,191 16,518 16,788 15,303 12,337 12,674

Men 18+ (000) Women 18+ (000) Men 18+ (000) Women 18+ (000) Mar'12 Mar'13 Mar '12 Mar '13

And spend more than 2 hours a day with AM/FM radio

Source: RADAR 112 March 2012 and RADAR 116 March 2013, (Monday-Sunday 6A-Mid Weekly Cume) Hispanic and African-American Men 18+ and Women 18+ 24 LANDSCAPE 2013 More Young People Listen to Radio Each Year

66000 66,407 66,476 64000 62000 60000 58000 56000 54000 52000 50000 Adults 18-34 (000) Mar '12 Mar '13 And spend nearly 2-1/2 hours a day with AM/FM radio

Source: RADAR 112 March 2012 and RADAR 116 March 2013, (Monday-Sunday 6A-midnight Cume and Daily TSL Estimates) Adults 18-34


Satellite Radio Doesn’t Deliver Consumer Targets in USA or Top Markets

94% 95% 93% 94% 92% 93% 92% 93% 93% 93% 93%

13% 14% 12% 12% 11% 9% 11% 10% 9% 11% 10%

USA LA NY Chicago SF Phila Wash DC Atlanta Boston Dallas Houston Radio Listen to Satellite Radio

Source: Scarborough Release 2 2012 (Aug 2011 – Aug 2012) Adults 18+, M-Su 6a-Mid Metro Area

26 LANDSCAPE 2013 strategic timing


listening to radio is live, not later

• Messages are delivered when and where they will perform best for an advertiser

28 LANDSCAPE 2013 Radio Reaches More Young People Than Any Other Medium From 5 a.m. – 5 p.m.

53% Adults 50% 18-34

40% 38%




0% 5 am-9 am 9 am - 5 pm Radio TV Internet Magazine Newspaper

Source: GfK MediaDay 2012 (Fieldwork 11-12/Doublebase Respondents) weighted to population (000) Base A18-34, Mon-Sun.

29 LANDSCAPE 2013 Radio Is the Most Used Medium Closest to the Point of Purchase

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Radio 81.8 % TV live Internet via pc Other computer applications Music/audio (no radio) Other media Mobile TV DVD TV DVR Games Books Newspapers Adults TV VOD 18-49 Magazines Other reading Newspapers online E-books Magazines online % of Weekday Afternoon Reach

Source: 2012.2 MBI USA TouchPoints


Shopping Peaks Between 1 – 2 P.M.


% of Adults Shopping By Time of Day Persons 25-54



0 6 a 7 a 8 a 9 a 10 a 11 a 12 p 1 p 2 p 3 p 4 p 5 p 6 p 7 p 8 p 9 p 10 p 11 p

Source: 2012.2 MBI USA TouchPoints


Radio Is the Strongest Pre-Shopping Medium

40% 40% 37% Adults 25-54 31% 30% 29%

23% 22% 20% 17% 15% 12% 9% 10% 8% 6% 6% 5% 5% 5% 4% 4% 3% 3% 2% 1% 1% 1% 0% AM/FM Radio Live TV Internet Mobile web/App Social Networking Print 2 hours before 90 minutes before 1 hour before Half-hour before

Source: 2012.2 MBI USA TouchPoints


When The Lights Go Out…

October 29th 2012 Hurricane Sandy Sandy The Day Sandy Arrives After Leaves % Inc. % Inc. % Inc. Market 10/29 Avg 10/30 Avg 10/31 Avg vs. 10/22 vs. 10/23 vs. 10/24

NY Metro 70% 8% 12%

Nassau-Suffolk 245% 40% 27%

Middlesex- 195% 57% 43% Somerset Union

Stamford/Norwalk 367% 63% 79%

Staten Island 42% -3% 47%

Monmouth NJ 247% 69% 153% radio goes on

Source: PPM New York Metro by County, November Wk 2-3 2012, Mon. 7p-12m, Tues. 6a-12m, Wed. 6a-12m, P6+PUMM 33 LANDSCAPE 2013

for additional information….. (USA TouchPoints)

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Catch Parts Two and Three…

Radio Delivers Massive Reach In Real Time

Radio Engages and Influences Listeners

Digital Technology Enables Expansion and Interaction

For a copy of the presentation visit

Let’s look up Radio’s reach in your market at