The Crown (2016) Ep.101: "Pilot" Teleplay
THE CROWN by Peter Morgan Episode I "Hyde Park Corner" Draft 1 9th December, 2013 © Left Bank Pictures 7th Floor, The Place 175 High Holborn WC1V 7AA 1. FADE IN: 1 INT. THRONE ROOM - BUCKINGHAM PALACE - DUSK 1 A series of faces. Stern. Tense. Formidable. The faces of the British Establishment. CAPTION: “19th NOVEMBER, 1947” King George VI, the Lord Chamberlain, the Master of the Household, the Secretary of the Central Chancery, The King’s Private Secretary (Lascelles), the Lord Chancellor, (keeper of the Privy Seal), the Clerk of the Crown in Chancery, two members of the privy Council, and the Home Secretary. All are assembled in a rich, baroque room at Buckingham Palace, necks craned, watching intently as.. A fountain pen scratches across parchment. The 26-year-old PHILIP MOUNTBATTEN signs his name.. LORD CHAMBERLAIN Here, Sir. Once. LORD CHAMBERLAIN And here. Twice. LORD CHAMBERLAIN Thank you, Sir. Three times. Intricate legal documents. Then PHILIP kneels in anticipation as his father-in-law-to-be anoints him.. KING GEORGE Philip Mountbatten, Baron Greenwich, Earl of Merioneth, Duke of Edinburgh.. The KING puts a wide blue sash over PHILIP’s shoulder, then pins a medal to his chest, a gleaming Garter Star. KING GEORGE ...Knight of the Garter. PHILIP rises. Shakes the KING’s hand. PHILIP Thank you, Sir. Silence in the room. One or two eyes look away. Throats cleared. People check their watches. There is no one present for whom this is a particularly happy moment. SCREENPLAY DATABASE FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY 2. 2 INT. CENTRE ROOM - BUCKINGHAM PALACE - SAME TIME 2 But there is one person who is happy about this.
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