at MastefsVoice"Records His

AUGUST I ýý d 925 v,,`ý

THE VIRTUOSO STRING QUARTET (Seepage 4) PRICES OF " His Master's Voice " Double-Sided Records

THE ROYAL RECORD (R.E. 2841 THEIR MAJESTIES THE KING & QUEEN. 10 in. Double-sided, 5/6. THE ROYAL RECORD (R.D. 887) H.R.H. THE PRINCE OF WALES. 12 in. Double-sided 5/6.

NURSERY Records-ORANGE Label (Serial Letters AS, 7-inch 1/6. (Each series of 6 records in album, 12/6. Album-with linen Decorated pockets -separate, 3/6.) PHYSICAL CULTURE Records.-Set complete in album, 12/-. Album and chart separate, 3/-. Serial Serial 10-inch 12-inch Letter Letter PLUM... 3/- B 4/6 C ...... BLACK 4/6 E 6/6 D ...... RED 6/- DA 8/6 DB ...... BUFF 7/- DJ 10/- DK ...... PALE GREEN 11/6 DM ...... PALE BLUE 13/6 DO ...... WHITE 16/- DQ ......

Unless otherwise stated His Masters Voice" Records should be blared at a sbeed of 78. His Masters Voice" lnstantaneons Speed Tester, shows instantly whether your motor is rnnniu correctly. "His Master's Voice" Records


JOHN McCORMACK (Tenor) (with pianoforte accompaniment) 10-inch double-sided Red Label JKomm bald, Op. 5 (Sung in German)... Brahms 1 Feldeinsamkeit (Sung in German) Brahms ... F. LDEINSAIIIKEIT is certainly one of the loveliest songs that even Brahms ever wrote. A wonderful, serene melody is poised above a Piano part that is itself more interesting and complete than many Piano solos, but which is never allowed to interfere with the singer's right to precedence. The whole combines to form one of the most marvellous pictures of a hot summer day at noon that has ever been painted. It is also a severe test of a singer's ability ; those long, smooth phrases that sound so simple present in reality some of the greatest problems of breath control that exist. To hear McCormack sail easily over the difficulties, his whole being concentrated on the interpre- tation of the music is both here and in the simpler Komm bald a sheer delight.

TINA POLI-RANDACIO AND MAARTJE OFFERS (with orchestral accompaniment) 12-inch double-sided Red Label (.Fu la dell'armi (11 Aida ") Verdi Sorte ... D.B. 728 { (Sung in Italian) (Pieta ti prenda ("Aida ") Verdi ATDA, the slave, and Amneris, Pharaoh's daughter, are both in love with Radames, the general commanding the. Egyptian army in the-field. In Fu In sorle dell'armi the princess, eager to obtain a.confession from her hand-maiden, feigns friendship with her, talks of love, and then suddenly tells her that Radames is dead. Aida's cry of horror betrays her secret to her rival who now calmly admits that she has lied- Radames still lives. The exclamation of joy that the slave- girl is too simple to suppress wakes Anineris' jealousy anew and in Pieta- ii prenda we hear her threatening the vengeance of a princess of Egypt while the unhappy Aida appeals vainly for mercy, first to her and then to heaven, the scene ending with a beautiful reminiscence of her prayer at the end of the previous act. This dramatic dialogue, most admirably sung by Poli- Randacio and Offers, is one of the most thrilling things in Verdi's immortal opera. For prices, see page.2 of cover. 66His MasfeVs Voice' Records ...... -1-1- ......


12-inch double-sided Red Label. -1Impromptu in D.B.859 F Sharp Major, Op.36, No. 2 Chopin Nocturne in B Major, Op. 32, No. 1 Chopin

P ACHMANN was born in Odessa in July, 1848, and in his birthday month this year he has signed an exclusive con- tract to record for " His Master's Voice." Special intere-t attaches to this circumstance, for a tremendous advance has been made recently in the recording of the pianoforte, and in his latest records, of which we are now issuing the first, admirers of this great pianist hear the real Pachmann. These records will have an added historical value for the follow- ing reason. Pachmann is intensely sensitive, and the idea of playing to a recording machine which is relentlessly catching every note, was intolerable to him. In view of this every effort was made to render the conditions under which he was recording, as nearly as possible similar to those of the hall. An audience was provided and no restraint whatever was put upon the mannerisms of the famous pianist, who played and interjected his little dissertations on the music (just as he does at his recitals), oblivious of the fact that his remarks were also being recorded. If you listen carefully to this record of Chopin's B Major Nocturne you will hear Pachmann's voice. This piece is a great favourite of his, and he has decided that Chopin was frightened by some friends, who knocked at his window late So, Pachmann he talks one night. as plays, soothingly. . . . . " Chopin is but don't be frightened they crying ; . are friends knocking they will knock only who are . . . . again and go away." These are wonderful records of one of the greatest masters in the history of the keyboard, and succeeding generations of music lovers will not only know how Pachmann played, but will also gather something of his almost mesmeric personality. Above all, they will scarcely credit that such flawless and inspired playing came from a veteran artist who had just celebrated his '17th birthday.Fachmann calculates that he has given altogether over 10,000 , and that over ten million people have heard him play. Previous to his visit to our recording theatre at Hayes, he had [Continued on page 3

For prices, see page 2 of cover ccGreafestArf isfs Recording -finest !"

ALFRED CORTOT (Pianoforte)

10 inch double-sided Red Label. Etude in A Flat Major, Op. 25, No. 1 Chopin D.A. 691 Cradle Song, Op. 49, No. 4 ... Brahms

1N these two pieces Cortot reveals himself to us in an intimate mood. The graceful Chopin Etude in Ap can seldom have received such sympathetic treatment as it get here ; the wayward, romantic melody floats gently over the arabesques of an accompaniment which lends it the almost orchestral support that Chopin alone knew how to obtain on the Piano without forcing the instrument out of its true metier. Brahms' Wiegenlied is perhaps the most widely known of all his songs. One seems to see Cortot sitting down at the Piano and drifting into this tender tune, playing it not for us but because he loves it. His treatment of it has all the freshness (though none of the carelessness) of an improvisation.

UNA BOURNE (Pianoforte) 10-inch double-sided Plum Label. Waltz, Op. 40, No. 9 Tchaikoaskv B. 2042 ...... Humoresque, Op. 10, No. 2 Tchaikoz,shy .. WL, get some neat and sensitive playing from Una Bourne. After the Grieg which she gave us recently she has gone back to Tchaikovsky, a composer with whom she has often shown herself thoroughly in sympathy. We hear a great deal about Tchaikovsky's morbidity, but these pieces remind us that there was another and sunnier side to his character. VLADIMIR DE PACHMANN-Continued. concluded a two years' tour of America, during which time he had given over two hundred concerts, travelled over 80,000 miles, all without one postponement. An amusing story is told of his great tour. At the conclusion of a recital at Hannibal, he had been invited to supper at Cincinnati. There were no trains available, and the party motored. The car skidded, and they were thrown into a ditch. No one was hurt, but Pachmann's comment was " Now we shall be late for supper, and the others will have eaten all our food ! " They arrived at last, and found that supper was still waiting. So were the guests ; but they were all fast asleep round the table !For prices see page 2 of cover. "His Master's Voice" Records


VIRTUOSO STRING QUARTET 12-inch double-sided Black Label. Quartet in D...... D_ tnnA 1 First Movement-Poco Lento ""°" ( Allegro-Poco Lento   First Movement-Poco D. 1007 f Lento-Allegro l Allegro-Poco Lento 11  D. 1008 Second Movement-Scherzo-Vivace, Parts 1 & 2 D. 1009 Third Movement-Larghetto, Parts I & 2 1 Third Movement-Larghetto, Part 3 D. 1010 ýhý'ý^ Fourth Movement-Finale-Allegro Molto, Part 1 f Fourth Movement-Allegro Molto, Part 2 D. 1011 ll Part 3 and Presto A handsome and durable Album ss presented free with each complete set of the above records. T HIS work is the only string quartet that ever came from the pen of Cesar Franck. It was written in 1889, almost at the end of his life, and with the Violin Sonata (DB785- DB788), the Variations Symphoniques (D697-D698), and a handful of other masterpieces it represents the wonderful flowering of a slow-growing genius that only attained maturity when its possessor had reached the time of life at which less steadfast minds are content to lay aside their weapons and rest upon their laurels. M. Vincent d'Indy, Franck's pupil, whose book upon his teacher and friend has been translated into English and should be read by all interested in the subject, not only devotes a whole chapter to an analysis of the work before us but also tells an anecdote connected with its first performance :- " At the the Salle Pleyel performance . . resounded with such applause as was rarely heard within its walls ; the audience all rose to clap, and call for the composer, who, not being able to realise that a quartet could meet with such success, persisted in believing that these acclamations were intended for the performers. When, however, he reappeared upon the platform, smiling, shy, and bewildered-he to the was so unaccustomed situation -he could no longer doubt the evidence of such an ovation, and the next day, filled with pride at this first success (in his sixty-ninth year !) he said to us quite naively, ' There, you see, the public is beginning to understand me.' " Compared to quartets by Mozart or Beethoven Franck's master- piece is very fully scored. It abounds in chords for all the instru- [Continued on page 5. For prices, see page 2 of cover. reatestArfists-Finest Recording!" INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC


(conducted by SIR LANDON RONALD) 12-inch double-sided Black Label. Le Nozze di Figaro "-Overture Mozart D. 10051" ... Trio Divertimento " Mozart (Minuet and 11 ... WITHIN the limits of a double-sided record the Albert Hall Orchestra has succeeded in giving us both quantity and quality. The Figaro overture may be short in point of time compared, for instance, to a Beethoven symphony, but never has a composer compressed more significant matter into a small space. The ill inuet and Trio possesses a charm of a different kind, and its graceful melody makes an immediate appeal which closer acquaintance only serves to enhance. It may safely be said that this is a record no one will ever regret buying.


12-inch double-sided Plum Label. Malaguena (A Spanish Dance)... M2oszkowski ... C. 1210 Rustic Wedding Symphony Goldmark ...... (Intermezzo-" Bridal Song ")

THE expression " light music " covers a very wide field, embracing, indeed, a great deal that could quite legiti- mately be described as " classical," but which on account of its frank melodiousness or its vital rhythm is justly included in the former category also. It is pieces of this kind that the New Light Symphony Orchestra has selected. There is plenty here to charm the ear of the most fastidious while on the other hand there is no demand for that close concentration which many people find it so fatiguing to sustain in works of a severer kind. The magnificent recording supplies another reason for buying this record. THE CESAR FRANCK QUARTET-Continued. ments and there is a remarkable absence of rests. This feature, combined with the composer's characteristically elaborate har- mony, makes it very difficult to play and record successfully, and it speaks volumes for the Virtuoso quartet and the recording de- partment of "His Master's Voice" that these difficulties should have been en completely overcome that as we listen we are unconscious that they ever existed.

For prices, see page 2 of cover. INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC

THE BAND OF H.M. ROYAL AIR FORCE (conducted by Flight-Lieut. J. AMMERS) 12-inch double-sided Plum babe.

C. 1207 The Valkyrie "-Selection, Parts 1 and 2 Wagner, arr. F. Winterboltom Air Force Band has never done anything better than this ambitious Valkyrie selection. All the finest parts of THIEthe Opera are here. We start with the motifs of Sieglinde and Hunding, then to Siegmund's song to Spring, and conclude the first side with a magnificent performance of the Ride of the Valkyries. The second side, prefaced by a powerful statement of the Siegfried motif, gives us a liberal allowance from those wonder- ful last pages of the score that contain the superb Fire Music.

DE GROOT AND THE PICCADILLY ORCHESTRA 12-inch double-sided Plum babel.

C. 1208 " La Gran Via "-Selection, Parts 1 and 2 Chueca-y-Valverde DE GROOT, with his amazing flair for good light music has certainly " spotted a winner " in La Gran Via ; these attractive melodies with their catchy rhythms and Spanish atmosphere form the ingredients of such a mixed grill as only " The Piccadilly " can supply.

NITZA CODOLBAN (Cymbalist) (with pianoforte accompaniment) 10-inch double-sided Plum Label. Gipsy Air Traditional B. 2050 Russian Rumanian Gipsy Air ...... Traditional

TH$ most prominent characteristic of the gypsy music is its tendency to change its mood with an almost fierce sudden- ness. The present record, played by an expert on an instrument that brings out the peculiar qualities of the style, gives the impression of something uncontrolled and primeval, something by which even our cold northern blood is powerfully stirred. For prices, see pave 2 of cover. `GreafestAriisfs -finest Recording!"


(with p'ano'orte accompaniment) 12-inch double-sided Black Label. Bantry Bay Molloy D. 1003 ...... Love's Old Sweet Song Molloy ...... E DNA THORNTON'S new record is a worthy successor of the others she has given us. She sings two ravishing ballads with real feeling, sings them as if she meant them, and in doing so provides music that will be hailed with delight by the simple and the sophisticated alike.

SYDNEY COLTHAM (Tenor) (with pianoforte accompaniment) 10-inch double-sided Plum babel. { The Faithful Heart R. Quirke B. 2043 My Lute Liddle ... S YDNEY COLTHA¢Z invests everything he touches with that inexplicable enchantment which we sometimes call sympathy and sometimes genius, but which nobody has ever been able to analyse. To hear him make these two exquisite songs pulsate with life and emotion is to experience in its rarest form the miracle of the power of personality.

GRESHAM SINGERS (Male Quartet) (Unaccompanied)

12-inch double-sided Black Label. Town Edward German D.1004 ... ::: ...... {LondonHeartache Max Reger T HERE is no composer to whom one would more readily entrust the task of writing about " London Town " than that most English of musicians, Edward German ; and if the Gresham Singers' excellent diction leaves no doubt that he considers it a town he is " glad to hurry through," well, he is not Reger's alone in his opinion ! song is in a different vein, a poignant heart cry that it is impossible to hear unmoved. "His Master's Voice" Records


PEERLESS QUARTET (Male Quartet) (with orchestral accompaniment) 10-inch double-sided Label.

When my golden hair has turned to silver grey B. 2062 HENRY BURR (Tenor) E. Stanley (wi(h orchestral accompaniment) Heaven is Home Tonzo Sauvage my ...... IF only the Peerless Quartet can maintain the splendid stan- dard they have reached here they will be in a fair way towards justifying the very ambitious title that they have chosen for their organisation. Each of the voices that blend so sweetly together is itself fully worthy of standing alone, as every- one may judge for himself by turning over the record and listening to the excellent singing of Henry Burr, the tenor of the party, in an effective solo.

CYRIL NEWTON (Baritone) (with syncopated Quartet) 10-inch double-sided Plum Label. (Keep trouble... L. Gensler B. 2044 smiling at ... .. Oh I Darling, do say Yes ! Jerome, Milne & Silver NO less exciting, although vastly different in other ways, is Cyril Newton. This talented singer, with his wonderfully efficient syncopated quartet and his infectious feeling for the whimsical, bids fair to become one of the most popular of all gramophone artists.

ERNEST HASTINGS (Humorous) (with pianoforte accompaniment) 12-inch d,uble-sited Plum Label. Weston & Lee C. 1209 ...... Mywireless Family E. Hastings { ... THERE is no one who has such a gauntlet of criticism to run as the " funny man." Many of us will admit that we may be mistaken on a question of music but no one will ever confess himself to be deficient in a sense of humour. That is why the really funny man and the really funny record are so few and far between-and why Ernest Hastings' two songs are essential to every lover of the gramophone who can enjoy a good laugh. For prices see page 2 of cover. ýGreafestArfisfs -fi'inest Recordin MID-SUMMER SPECIAL LIST ISSUED JULY. 1925.

ALFRED GORTOT (Pianoforte) 12-inch double-sided Red Label DB.853J ballad in G Minor, Op. 23 Chot'rn Impromptu in F Sharp Minor, O. .. 36 ...... Chopin JOHN McCORMACK (Tenor, with Orchestral Accomp.) 10-inch double-sided Red Label DA.693 1 When you and I were seventeen ...... Charles Ro;aff I look into your garden Haydn Wood DA.692 {TheDevotion Haydn Wood ...... John Morrow Sweetest Call ...... ARMAND CRABBE (Baritone, with Orchestral Accomp.) 10-inch double-sided -Red Label G. DA.694 Caneidn Montaües (AIIA sobre la nieve) . ... Dorel (a) La Cancldn del Olvido ; (b) Junto al puente de Is Pena Serrano RICHARD CROOKS (Tenor, with Orchestral Accomp.) 10-inch double-sided Black Label E.393 The Green Hills of Ireland T. del Riego Sacrament (A Love Song) ...... MacDernrid ...... In the wee little home I love .. ... G. O'Hara E.392 1 LAMBERT MURPHY (Tenor,.. ...with Orchestral Accomp.) 111One little dream of love W. Gordon RHONDDA WELSH GLEE SINGERS (With Pianoforte Accomp.) 10-inch double-sided Plum Label B.2045 J The March of the Men of Harleeh (Old Welsh Air) (Sung in Welsh) Hen wlad Fy Nhadau (Land of my Fathers) (Sung in Welsh) 8.2058 J Y Delyn Aur (Sung in Welsh) Gipsy Laughing Chorus ...... J. Bell ...... APOLLO CHOIR (Unaccompanied) 10-inch double-sided Plum Label (As Torrents in Summer Edward Elgar B.2049 S TRINITY CHOIR...... (Unaccompanied) ...... 1 Come, Thou Almighty King Giardini CHARLES DORNBERGER AND HIS ORCHESTRA 10-inch double-sided Plum Label L. Denny B.2046 ) You're just a flower from an old bouquet-Fox-Trot ... 1 Way down In my heart-Fox-Trot C. Kisco INTERNATIONAL NOVELTY ORCHESTRA 10-inch double-sided Plum Label B.2047 I Oh Katharina ! Richard Fall Buenos Aires-Waltz ... (" Joan...... ") ...... Gilpin of Arkansas ...... JAN GARBER AND HIS ORCHESTRA 10-inch <'ouble-sided Flum Label Don't bring Lulu-Fox-Trot Rose, Brown and Henderson B 2048 JACK SHILKRET'S ORCHESTRA If knew Susie B. de Sylva you (Like I know Susie)-Fox-Trot ... For prices see page 2 of cover. "His Master's Voice" Records ......

10-inch double-sided Plum Label.

B.2053 f Tell me more-Fox-Trot (" Tell me more ") Savoy Orpheans l Why do I love you? ("Tell me more",-Fox-Trot (at the Savoy Hotel, Londo,J B.2052 Seminola-Fox-Trot (An Indian Love Song)... Orpheant ...Sovov Florida-Fox-Trot ...... (at the Savoy Hotel, London B.2066 "Der Rosenkavalier "-Waltz Savoy Havana Bznl Midnight-Waltz ... (at Savoy Hotel, London( ...... the My Fair Lady-Fox-Trot (" Tell me more ") B.2065 { Did Tosti raise his bowler hat when he said " Goodbye "-Fox-Trot Savoy Havana Band (at the Savoy Hotel, London)

) (a) My Old Kentucky Home ; (b) Carry me back to Old Virginny ; (c) Daar B 2057 Old Southland (a) Swanee River; (b) Massa's to de cold, cold ground Savoy Havana Band (at the Savoy Hotel, London)

B.2056 f Yearning-Fox-Trot Jack Hylton and l Who?-Fox-Trot ...... his Orchestra B.2059 JNo to love-Fox-Trot Jack Hylton one .. :.. ... and You're so near and yet so far-Fox-Trot his Orchestra 8.2083 J Hay! Hay I Farmer Gray (Took another loaf away)-Fox-Trat Jack Hylton Pango Pango Maid-Fox-Trot ...... and his Orchestra B.2064 ( Isn't she the sweetest thing ?-Fox-Trot ...... Jack Hylton and No wonder (That I love you)-Fox-Trot ...... his Orchestra 8.2087 Tell all the world (I love you)-Fox-Trot (" P's and Q's ") Jack Hylton and We're back together again (My baby and me)-Fox-Trot his Orchestra

11.2051J From now on-Fox-Trot ... Jack Hylton's Kit-Cat Band (at the Maybe you will, maybe you won't-Fox-Trot Kil-Cal Club, London)

B.2054J Whoa I Nellie !-Fox-Trot Paul Whiteman and l Pozzo-Fox-Trot .:: ..: :.. his Orchestra

Paul Whiteman B.2055JAb-Ba!-Fox-Trot ...... and Just a little drink-Fox-Trot his Orchestra Desert Isle-Fox-Trot Edwin J. AfcEneily's Orchestra 8.2061 Who takes care of the Caretaker's Daughter ?-Fox-Trot Whitey Kaufman's Original Pennsylvania Serenaders Warirg's B.2060[Look at those eyes-Fox-Trot ...... Does my sweetie do-and how ?-Fox-Trot ...... Pennsylvanians `GreafestArfisfs -Fine st Recording!7

\ S \ .\.\ \, ` \ ý ý . _ \ ý

is not beyond the skill of an amateur to design a gramophone that is portable. But ITonly " His Master's Voice" Instruments can give you, within so confined a space, the brilliant and life-like tone that is their own inimitable quality. This unique instrument combines genuine port- ability with a sturdy build and extremely attractive finish. Ask your local dealer to demonstrate its many exclusive features. "His Master'sVOice" PORTABLE GRAMOPHONE, Price on application. ALPHABETICALLIST OF RECORDS issued since January 1st, 1925.

All Records in this list Qre double-sided. For prices see page 2 of cover. IINo.U5 No. m

A tanto amor I-see " LA FA-Billy Boy (Shanty) J. GossB199910 VORITA ,Birdling, why sing In the forest Abendlied (Schumann-Joachim)wild? F. HempelDB81412 Isolde MengesE 37310Blackbird, The Liam WalshB194710 Abide with me De Groot's Orch.C119412Bohemian Dance BackhausD99512 Adios Triguefia (Goodbye, myBORDONI, Irene (Comedienne) darling) FletaDA57310I won't say I willB201110 Adjutant, The Ii. DearthE37710So this is loveB201110 AFRICANA (Meyerbeer)BORIS GODOUNOV O Paradiso GigliDBI0912(Moussorgsky) Ah I del Tebro at glogo indegnoOh, Tsarevitcti, I implore thee "Smirnoff DavidoffDB75312 -see " NORMA and Una (Piano) Ah, je suns seule--see "THA[SBOURNE, Finmsn Rhythms (Palmgren) Alabamy Bound A. StanleyB202210No. 1-Karelian Dance8191110 All alone De Groot's Orch.B196210No. 2-MinuetB191110 All alone Sa on Ore.,.B193110No. 4-Minuet-WaltzB191110 Allegro (J. H. Fiocco) I. Menge,E 37310Lyrische Stückchen, Op. 12 (Grieg) Alleluia (A joyous Easter Hymn)No. 2 Walzer ; No. 6 Norwegisch ; (arr. G. O'Connor-Morris) -HempelDA67610No. 5 Volksweise; No. 4 ElfentanzC120012 Amore o grillo-see "MADAMANovember (En Troika) (Tchaskovsky)B191110 BUTTERFLY"Wedding Day, Op. 65 (Grieg)C120012 Amour viens aider-seeBroadway Medley, Pts. I and 2 "SAMSON & DALILAH"(Chariot's Revue) Lillie & LawrenceC120612 And when I dieBUCHANAN, Jack and JUNE (Army Marching Song) J. GossB201810Garden of LiesB200510 This year, next yearB200510 ANSSEAU, Fernand and HelenBushes and Briers (Essex Folk SADOVENSong) De Reszke SingersE37610 C'est toi ! c'est moi ! ("Carmen")DB78412" Caliph of Bagdad"( Overture) Mais moi, Carmen je t'aime encoreColdstream Guards BandC117612 ("Carmen")DB78412Can't you dance the Polka ? A-Roving (Shanty) J. GossB201810(Shanty) J. GossB2018to At the end of the road C. NewtonB204010Caprice Espagnole Backhau,D99512 Autumn Serenade, AnCapriccio Valse Op. 7 De Groot's Orch.B199810(Wieniavsky) E. MoriuiDB37212 Aye Waukin' oh J. Goss13201610Cargoes Peter DawsonB193010 Back in Hackensack New JerseyCARMEN (Bizet) C. NewtonB200010C'est toi 1 c'est moi ! BACKHAUS, Wilhelm (Piano)Ansseau and SadovenDB78412 Bohemian DanceD99512Mais moi, Carmen je t'aime Caprice EspagnoleD99512Ansseau and SadovenDB78412 Bajadere-Selection, Pts, 1 & 2Carnevale de Venezia, Pts. 1 and De Groot and Orch.C1182122 (Benedict) Dal MonteDB82112 BAKER, George (Barsto ne)CARNIVAL-Suite (Ring) (a) Damask Roses ; (b) My life'sColdstream Guards BandC119512 delightB196710Caro nome-see "RIGOLETTO" Fill a glans with golden wineB196710CATTERALL QUARTET In Summertime on BredonB195710Quartet in F major, Op. 18, No. 1D947 Top of the Hill, TheB195710(Beethoven)to(Recorded in complete form on 4D95012 BARBIERE DI SIVIGLIA, n12-inch records) (Rossini)Quartet in F major-Scherzo Una voce poco fa Dal MonteDB83012(Tchaikovsky)D95012Major, Quartet G Op. I6, No. 2 BATTISTINI, Mattia (Baritone)(Beethoven)D997 A tanto amor ! (" La Favorita ")DB73612(Recorded in complete form on 3to Non pits andrai (" Figaro ")DB7361212-inch records)D99912 Believe me, if all those endearing young charms ('Cello) SharpeE38310CAVALLERIA RUSTICANA Benson Orchestra of Chicago-(Mascagni) see DANCE RECORDSVoi to sanete, o mamma TeritzaDA56510

DJ and DK (Buff) DM (Pale Green) DO (Pale Blue) 12 C'est 1'histoire amoureuse-see Crazy-Headed John "MANON I,ESCAUT " (Sung in Russian) Chaliapine DB691 1 C'est toi 1 c'est mol - see Credo in un Dio Crudel-see "CARMEN"CHALIAPINE, " OTELI,O " Th. I. (Bass) CRUMIT, Frank (Humorous) Crazy-Headed John (In Russian) Get yourself a broom B2021 Last Voyage, The (In Russian) Knock at the door B2021 Moon is high in the sky, The Cuddle up Brooke Johns B1929 ("Aleko") (in Russian) Nightingale (In Russian) DAL MONTE, Toti (Soprano)-see Church of England Service-see also "II, BARBIERE DI SIVI- MORNING PRAYER Gl IA " and "RIGOLETTO" Cider Peter Dawson Carnevale de Venezia, Pts. 1 and 2 t "LA GIO Cielo e mar -see (Benedict) DB821 12 CONDA" Deh ! vicni, non tardar CLARK, Helen & Lewis JAMES (" Le Nozze di Figaro ") DB831 12 I want to be happy Selva opaca (" Guglielmo Tell ") DB831 12 Tea for Two COLDSTREAM GUARDS BAND Damask Roses G. Baker B1967 10 (Cond. Lt. R. G. Evans) "DAMNATION OF FAUST, "Caliph of Bagdad," Overture C1176C1195C1201B1212121012121210The " (Berlioz) Carnival "-Suite (Ring) Serenade of Mephistopheles Radford E388 " Damnation of Faust "elections "Damnation of Faust"-Selections King's Guards' March 1966 Coldstream Guards Band C1201 12 La Voix des Cloches C1199C1199C1176B1966Dance of the Hours I,ustspiel Overture (Keler Blla) ("La Gioconda ") Marche Militaire R.A.H. Orch. (Cond. Sir Landon Third Battalion March Ronald) D996 12 COLTHAM, Sydney (Tenor) DANCE RECORDS-FOX- DevotionLoughareemaMy B1912B1968B1968C1198BI010101210101010TROTS Adoring you Whiteman's O. B1938 10 Lady Sleeps Alabamy Bound Savoy Orpheans B1970 10 Rose Marie All aboard for Heaven-M. Davis' B. B2039 10 Song of Quietness, A 1958 All alone with you-Savoy Orpheans B1934 10 Summer Afternoon, A B1958B1912 At the end of the road-Savoy Or. B2036 10 What a wonderful world it would be Back to Colorado Savoy Havana B1944 10 Come, let us join the Roundelay Bagdad Savoy Orpheans B1932 10 Gresham Singers Big Tune Hylton's Orch. B2010 10 Come when the world is sleeping Blue Evening Blues Savoy Or. B2035 10 De Groot's Orch. Bouquet Hylton's Orchestra B2030 10 Coming of a Dream, The P. Lett By the Lake Savoy Orpheans B1933 10 Concerto No. 1 in G Minor, Op. Bye Bye Baby Savoy Orpheans B1955 10 25 (Mendelssohn)Moiseivitch Bygone Days-Savoy Havana Band B1997 10 & R.A.H. Orch. Come a little closer-Hylton's Or. B2003 10 Recorded in complete form on 3 Come on over Savoy Orpheans B1987 10 12-in. records Copenhagen Savoy Orpheans 31954 10 Concerto No. 4 in D (Mozart) Couldn't we keep on dancing Kreisler & Orch. Hylton's Orch. B2003 10 (Recorded in complete form on Doo Wacka Doo-Whiteman's Orch. B1937 10 12-in. records) Dream Maker of JapanSavoy Concerto in A minor, Op. 54 Orpheans B1934 10 (Schumann)(Recorded Dreary Weather Savoy Orpheans B1932 10 in complete form on 4 Dublinola Hylton's Orch. B2009 10 12-inch Records)Cortot Eat more Fruit Hylton's Or. B1959 10 and R.A.H. Orch. Eliza :Vhiteman's Orch. B1937 10 Concerto in D Minor Op. 22 Everybody loves my baby (Wieniavsky) E. Morini Hvlton's Orch. B1990 10 CORTOT, Alfred-see SONATA Follow the Swallow-Hy ltou's Orch. B1940 10 (Cisar Franck) Garden of Lies Hylton's Orch. B2010 10 CORTOT and R.A.H. ORCH. Give me just a little hit of love Concerto in A minor, Op. 54 Hylton's Orch. B2024 10 (Schumann)(Recorded Gotta getta girl Whiteman's Or. B1985 10 in complete form on 4 Hard hearted Hannah Savoy Or. B1955 10 12-inch Records) Heart Broken Rose Hylton's Or. B19.56 10 CRAWFORD, Jesse (Pipe Organ) Hoodoo Man Whiteman's Orch. B1938 10 Dreamer of Dreams B 1992 I can't stop babying you-Hylton's O. B1980 10 Dreams that never come true B2008B1992B2008B1949B1949I know that someone loves me Old Pal Hylton's Orch. B2024'1 10 Rose Marie (" Rose Marie ") I like you best of all-Savoy Havana B2032' 10 Serenade (Schubert) I love dancing with you-Miami Syn. B1950I 10 Somewhere a voice is calling I loved, I lost Savoy Havana B1944 10

For prices see page 2 of cover. 13 No. Im INo. Im DANCE RECORDS-FOX-DANCE RECORDS-FOX- 'rROTS-contd.TROTS-contd. I want to be happy-Garber's Orch.B197810Tell sue, pretty Maiden Savov Or.B202810 I'll see you in my dreamsTemple Bells Hylton's Orch.B203010 Whiteman's Orch.B198210That's what I'll do-Savov OrpheansB197210 I'll take her back Hylton's Or.B197410Too tired Savoy OrpheansB199610 In between the showers-Hylton's O.B1939l0Totem Tom Tom Savoy OrpheansB200210 In Caroli:m Jack Hylton's Or.B194310Toy Drum Major Savoy OrpheansB203110 In love with Love-Whiteman's Or.B200710Two Eyes Savoy OrpheansB202810 In the town where I was bornUnfortunate Blues Boston Orch.B197710 Hylton's Orch.B198010What a life Hylton's Orch.B202310 Indian Dawn Savoy OrpheansB196310When I think of you-Savoy or.B203110 Indian Love Call Whiteman's Or.B199110When my sugar walks down the I've got a feeling for-J. Hyl toii s Or.B 194310street Savoy Havana BaudB201310 Kashmiri Savoy OrpheansB201910When she's in Red Hylton's Or.B195610 Keep smiling at troubleWhen you and I were seventeen Wariug's PennsylvaniansB1984ICSavoy OrpheansB200210 Kongo Kate Hylton's Or.B196910Where has my hubby gone Blues? Lady of the Nile Howard Lanin's Or.B203810Savoy OrpheansB197910 Leander Hylton's Orch.B200910Where's my sweetie hiding-Savoy O.B197310 Let it rain International Novelty Or.B203710Will you remember me?-Hvlton's0.B199010 Let it rain, let it pourYou can dance with any girl at all Meyer Davis' BandB203910Savoy OrpheansB197910 Let be the first Savov Or.B194110ONE-STEPS- me Savoy OrpheansC118812 Little old clock Savoy OrpheansB194210Medley of Medleys Lonely little 3lclody-Whiteman's O.B195310Southern Melod+'esSavoy OrpheansC118812 Love's Lottery Savoy Havana BandB201410Stars and Stripes Medley Savoy O.B197210 Lucky Kentucky Whiteman's Or.B200710WALTZES- Madeira Savoy OrpheansB203210Dollar Princess Savoy HavanaB196510 Mamma's gone Boston Orch.B196410Golden West Hylton's Orch.B193910 Mandy make up your mindHaunting Melody Savoy OrpheansB195410 Whiteman's Orch.B1985101 love the moon Savoy HavanaB193610 Me and the boy friend-Savoy Orp.B197310In Shadowiand Savoy HavanaB193510 Me Neenyah Savoy OrpheansB197510Listening Savoy OrpheansB201210 My best girl Savoy OrpheansB198710Love's Dream Savoy OrpheansB201210 My Kid Savoy OrpheansB201910Moana Chimes-Hilo Hawaiian Or.B192810 No one knows what it's all aboutPoem Savoy HavanaB197010 Shilkret's Orch.B200110Rosenkavalier Nobody knows what a Red HeadNeues Tonkünstler OrchesterC120212 Mamma can do-Savoy OrpheansB201310Serenade Savoy HavanaB193610 Nobody loves me but meSometime Savoy HavanaB196510 Romaine Orch.B19,710Somewhere a voice is calling Nola Boston Orch.B196410Savoy Havana BandB198610 Oh! how I love my darling Savoy H.8197510Sumurfin Savoy Havana BandB198610 Oh, Flo ! Hylton's Orch.B202310When the one you love loves you Oh, Katherina I Inter. Novelty Or.B203810'Whiteman 's Orch.B198210 Oh, Mabel ! Waring's Pennsylvans.B198410Das Lied im Grünen Ogo Pogo Savoy OrpheansB193310(Schubert) GerhardtDA70610 Only, only one for me-Savoy Orph.B198110 Oriental Moon Savoy OrpheansB199610DAVIES, Ben (Tenor) Out of a million Savov Orch.B193510Go to bed Sweet MuseE36410 Peter Pan Savoy OrpheansB196310When Laura smilesE36410 Please Savoy OrpheansB203610 Poor little Rich Girl Savoy Or.B203510DAVIES, Tudor (Tenor)-see also Red-hot Mamma Hvltori s Orch.B196910under " LOHENGRIN," "TOSCA" Remember Goldkette's Orch.B203710Hour, The (P. Kahn)E38910 Rose Marie Whiteman's Orch.B199110Lord, vouchsafe Thy loving kindness Rose of the Moonlight-Hylton's Or.B195910(" Stabat Maler ")D97212 Sally Lou Savoy OrpheansB194210On her contentment t" Don Gio- San Francisco-Savov Havana BandB201410vanni ")D95712 Shanghai Savoy OrpheansB198110Sound an alarm She loves me Hylton's Orch.B194010(" Judas Maccabceiu ")D97212 Show me the way to go homeTo her I love (" Dore GicvanniD95712 Savoy Havana BandB199710 Somebody like you dear-Miami Syn.B1950toDAWSON, Peter (Bass-Bariton,) Sun-Kist Cottage-Savoy OrpheansB194110-see also under RADFORD and Sweet little you Hylton's Orch.B197410DAWSON Take a little One-StepCargoesB193010 International Novelty Orch.B200110CiderB191410 Tea for two Benson Orch.B197810Here's to the good old daysB194610 Tell me dreamveyes-Whiteman's O.B195310Mounties, TheB200410

DJ and DK (Bull") DM (Pale Green) DO (Pale Blue) DQ (White) 14 No.hI No. I DAWSON, Peter-contd."ELIZABETHAN LOVE Some crimson roseB194b10SONGS" (arr. Keel) Spirit Flower, AB198810Go to bed, sweet Muse-Ben DaviesF36410 Summer Love Tale, AB198810When Laura smiles Ben DaviesE36410 Tramp, TheB191410Enchanted Forest Salon Orch.B198310 Wander Thirst (Landon Ronald)B193010Evening Gresham SingersE37110 Everybody loves my baby DE GROOT and the PICCA-Aileen StanleyB 197610 Parts 1 2 LawesC118712 DILLY ORCHESTRAExits. House and Abide with meC119412Fair of Joy D. OldhamE38510 All aloneB196210Farewell my love, farewell Autumn Serenade, AnB199810De Groot's Orch.B202010 "Bajadere"-Selection, Pts. I & 2C118212FAVORITA, La (Dontzelti) Come when the world is sleepingB1910isA Canto amor! BattistiniDB73612 Farewell my love, farewellB202010Non sai tu the d'un giusto PinzaDA56610 " Frasquita " Selection, Pts. I and 2(Lehar)C118512FEDORA (Giordano) I know of two bright eyesB202510Dio di giustizia M. JeritzaDA57910 I love the Moon, WaltzB202510Son genie risoluta 31. JeritzaDA57910 In ShadowlandB196210Fetes (Debussy) Pts. 1 and 2 R.A.H. Lost Chord, TheC119412Orch. (Cond. Sir Landon Ronald)D100012 MadrigaleB199810Fill a glass with golden wine PassioneB194810G. BakerB196719 Precious wee one-LullabyRi91010FINNISH RHYTHMS (Palmgien) StorylandB202010No. 1-Karelian Dance Thing of Dreams. AB194810No. 2-Minuet Delaney's Drummers L. WalshB202710No. 4-Minuet-Waltz-Una BourneB191110 Fire Bird, The (Stravinsky) DE RESZKE SINGERSSymphony Orch. (Albert Coates)D958 Bushes and BriersE37610(Recorded in complete form on linoto Studies in Imitation (Hughes)12 in. records)D95912 Little Jack HomerD94112FLETA, Michele (Tenor) Little Tommy TuckerD94112Adios Triguena (Sung in Spanish)DA57310 There was a crooked manD94112Mi Tierra (Sung in Spanish)DA57310 18c 2) Winter is gone, TheE37610Fleurissait une rose (Pts. (" Le Jongleur de Notre Dame ") DEARTH, Harry (Bass)GillyDB69312 Adjutant, TheE37710FLONZALEY QUARTET Little Miss Over-the-WavE377to(Instrumental) Meggie's WeddingE38410Quartet in G Major, Op. 77, No. 1 Skipper of the " Mary Jane "E38410(Haydn) Ist and 3rd MovementsDB83712 Deb 1 vieni, non tardar-see "LEFoire de Sorotchintsni NOZZE DI FIGARO "(Moussorgsky) Devotion (Haydn Wood)Pourquoi mon triste occur- mimoffDB75312 Sydney Coltham8191210Folk Songs from Somerset Die Lotosblume (Schumann)(Marc;,) R.A.F. BandB194310 E. "MarshallE38010Four by the Clock (Mailinson) Die Mainacht (Brahms) McCormackDA62810Carmen H:11E37010 Dio di giustizia-see "FEDORA"Four jolly sailormen (E. Gernron) Do you remember the Love Nest 7RadfordE37910 C. NewtonB200010Fowls Alfred Lester0117712 Dollar Princess-Sel. Mayfair Or.C118912Fragment, A "From the New DON GIOVANNI (Mozart)World " (Sym. No. 5 in IS minor) On her contentment Tudor DaviesD95712(Dvordk) Savov Symphonic Orch.0118612 To her I love Tudor DaviesD95712Francesca da Rimini (Tcl.aikovsky) Dorunque al mondo-seePts. I and 2D95112 "MADAMA BUTTERFLY"Pts. 3 and 4 Symphony Orch. Dreamer of Dreams J. CrawfordB199210(Cond. by Albert Coates)D95212 Dreams (Wagner) N. MarshallE386to"Frasquita" Selection, Pt. I and Dreams that never come true2 (Franz Lchar)-De Groot's Or.C118512 J. CrawfordB200810 Du bist wie eine BlumeGALLI-CURCI (Soprano) (Schtunann) E. MarshallE38010Pretty .Mocking Bird (Bishop)DB798,12 Duets-see HISLOP and GILI,Y,Sicariua (Slumber Song) (,11eyerbeer), DB79812 BEATRICE LILLIE and G. LAW-GARBER, Jan and his ORCH. RENCE, "LOHENGRIN," PINZA-see DANCE RECORDS and L'ALESSIO, RADFORD andGarden of Lies DAWSON, "TOSCA," VON DERJ. Buchanan and JuneB200510 OSTEN and MINNIE NASTGERHARDT, Elena (Mezzo-Sop.) Easter Flowers (Sanderson)Das Lied inr Grünen (Schubert)DA70610' Walter GlvnneB192710Wohin, Op. 2.5, No. 2 (Schubert)DA70610

For prices see page 2 of cover. 15 I No. I mmI No. I W

Get yourself a broom and sweep HAMBOURG, Mark (Piano) your troubles away Crumit B2021 10 Sonatine, Pts. 1 and 2 (Ravel) GIGLI, Beniamino (Tenor) HAMLET (A. Thomas) Cielo e mar ! (" La Gioconda ") DA220 10 Pray you listen (Ophelia's Ballad) M'appari tutt'aunor (" Martha ") DB109 12 E. Scotney O Paradiso (" L' Africans ") DBI09 12 Happy married man, A Hastings Vesti giubba ("" Pagliaccs") DA220 10 Hark, Hark my Soul Trinity Choir .a HASTINGS, Ernest (Humorous) GILBERT & SULLIVAN Happy married man, A C1190'12C1190ý OPERASPrincess Lord luv 'im 12 Ida (Recorded under the direction of Rupert D'Oyly Carte) D977 HAYWARD, Marjorie (Violin) B1926B2026B1926B2026 (Complete in album of 10 12-inch to Romance (Love Song) (Friml) records) D986 12 Tambourin in D GILLY, Dinh (Baritone)-see also Val=_e (d'Arnbrosio) under IIISI,OP and GILLY, and Viennese Melody " PAGLIACCI " Hebrew Dance J. Heifetz DB838 Fleurissait une rose (Pts. I & 2) HEIFETZ, Jascha (Violin) (" L. Jongleur de Notre Dame ") DB693 12 Habanera (Spanish Dance) Scorri flume i"Il Tabarro") DA559 10 Hebrew Dance Vecchia zimarra k" La Bohdme") DA559 10 GIOCONDA, La (Ponchielli) HEMPEL, Frieda (Soprano) Cielo e mar! Gigli DA220 10 Alleluia (A joyous Easter Hymn) DA676DB814DA676DB814B1946 O Monumento ! Regia e Bolgia )3irdling, why sing in the forest wild ? Dogale ! Granforte DB835 12 Oh, had I Jubal's Lyre ("Joshua") Should he upbraid GLYNNE, Walter (Tenor) Here's to the good old-Dawson Easter Flowers (Sanderson) B1927 10 Hey ho to the Greenwood Love Lily, The B1989 10 (Byrd) J. Goss Oh, let no star compare B1913 10 Rosebud B1913 10 HILL, Carmen (Mlezzo-Sop.) Slighted Swain, The B1927 10 (a) Four by the Clock (Malhnson) So gently speaks my lady fair B1989 10 (b) To an isle in the water E370E390E370E375E375E390 Go to bed, sweet MuseBen Golden Days Davies E364 10 O that it were so (F. Bridge) Golden Days Carmen Hill E390 10 She dwelt among the untrodden ways GOSS, John (Baritone) WaitWhen Songs from the Week-end Book. I think of the happy days And when I die (Army Marching Song) B2018 10 HILLIARD, Kathlyn (Soprano) A-Roving (Shanty) B2018 10 Indian Love Call Aye Waukin' oh (Scottish Song) B2016 10 Totem Tom Tom Billy Boy (Shanty) B1999 10 HILO HAWAIIAN ORCH.-see Can't you dance the Polka (Shanty) B2018 10 DANCE RECORDS Hey Ho to the Greenwood (Byrd) B2016 10 HI SLOP, Joseph & DINH GILLY Last Long Mile, The Amore o grillo (" JI adama Butterfly DB743DB743E389DA680 (Army Marching Song) B2018 10 Dovunque al mondo ("Madama Lilliburlero (Old English Song) B2016 10 Butterfly ") (P. Kahn) T. Davies O good ale, thou art my darling Hour, The (Old English Song) B2017 10 How fair this spot, Op. 21, No. 7 O sweet fa 's the eve ( McCormack (Norwegian Folk Song) B2017 10 HYLTON, Jack and OR-see Rio Grande (Shanty) B1999 10 DANCE RECORDS Shenandoah (Shanty) B1999 10 I ain't got nobody to love-Stanley B2006B2025B2025 Sinner, doan' let dis hares' I know of two bright eyes please Groot's Orch. pass (Negro Spiritual) B2017 10 De GRANFORTE, Apollo (Baritone) I love the Moon, Waltz Groot's Orch. Credo in on Dio Crudel ("Olello ") DB835 12 De O Monumento ! Regia e Bolgia I saw from the beach McCormack DA636 Dogale ! (" La Gioconda ") DB835, 12 I want to be happy-see "NO, GRESHAM SINGERS NO, NANF,TTE " (Male Quartet) I won't say I will I. Bordoui Come, let us join the Roundelay E371 10 "Impresario" Overture (Mozart) Evening E371 10 Symphony Orch. (Albert Coates) O Peaceful Night E382 10 Impromptu in B Flat Major, What Ho ! What He! E382 10 Op. 142, Pts. 1 and 2 "GUGLIELMO TELL"-see (Sc tnnbert) Paderewski DB833B1962E388B "GUILLAUME TELL" In Shadowland De Groot's Orch. GUILLAUME TELL (Rossini) In Sheltered Vale R. Radford In Summertime on Bredon-Baker 1957 Selva opaca, Act 2 Dal Monte DB831 12 Habanera (Spanish Dance) Heifetz DB838 12 In the Pirate days of old Lawes C1204 LABELS-AS (Orange) B and C (Plum) D and E (Black) DA and DB (Red) DJ and DK (Buff) DM (Pale Green) DO (Pale Blue) DQ (White) In Waldeseinsamkeit (Brahms)McCormack LIGHT OPERA COMPANY DA628! 10 No, No, Nauette," Gems from Indian Love Call Salon Orch. B1993 10 " Rose-Marie," Gems from Indian Love Call K. Hilliard C1198 12 lnsurine his the LILLIE, Beatrice & Gertrude A. Lester and Fred Rome LAWRENCEBroadway Ist ein Traum, kann nicht wirk- Medley, Pts. 1 and 2 lich sein, Act 3 ("Der Rosenkava- (Chariot's Revue) lier ") Eva von der Osten & M. Nast Lilliburlero J. Goss it ain't gonna rain no mo'- Little Miss Over-the-WayH. Fantasie Savoy Orpheans Dearth It takes a good man to do that LOHENGRIN (Wagner) Brooke Johns B1929B2022B2027B1983Intro : Act 3 Symphony Orch. It was only a dream A. Stanley (Cond. A. Coates) D937D931D937 Jackson's Morning Brush Walsh Love Duet (Pts. 1 and 2), Act 3 Japanese Sunset Salon Orch. Austral, Davies and Orch. Wedding Procession, Act 2 JERITZA, Maria (Soprano)-see Symphony Orch. (Cond. A. Coates) " FEDORA " Lolita A. Lester C1203 Vissi d'arte, vissid'amore (" Tosca ") Lord is a Man of War, The Vol to sapete, o mamma Israel in Egypt") (Handel) (" Cavalleria Ruslicana ") Radford and Dawson Lord luv 'im L. Hastings JOHNS, Brooke (Humorous) Lord, vouchsafe Thy loving Cuddle up B1929B1929C1193B1966B2021Kindness (" Stabat Mater ") It takes a good man to do that (Rossini) T. Davies D972 Katja the Dancer-SelectionsMayfair Lost Chord, The De Groot's Or. C1194B1968B1989 Orchestra Loughareema Coltham King's Guards' March Love Lily, The W. Glynne Coldstream Guards' Band Lustspiel Overture (Keler Bela) Knock at the door F. Crumit Coldstream Guards Band Lyrische Stückchen (Grieg) KREISLER, Fritz (Violin) No. 2 Walzer ; No. 6 Norwegisch; Concerto No. 4 in D (Mozart) No. 5 Volksweise; No. 4 Elfentanz (Recorded in complete form on 4 Una Bourne records)KURZ, MADAMA BUTTERFLY (Pucctm) Selma (Soprano) Amore o grillo Hislop, Gilly and Marien Wiegenlied (Reger) Wm. Parris Ständchen (Strauss) Dovunque at mondo Hislop & Gilly La Paloma Salon Orch. Madrigale De Groot's Orch. Mais mol, Carmen-see LAMOND, Frederic (Plano) "CARMEN " Sonata in E Flat_ On. 31 Scherzo (Beethoven))--Waldstein D962 MANON LESCAUT (Auber) Sonata in C, Op. 53 C'est l'histoire amoureuse-Scotney (Beethoven)(Recorded D960toD962E381M'appäri tutt'amor-see in complete form on 3 12-in. " MARTHA " records)Lass Marche MilitaireColdstream with the delicate air Guards Band E. Suddaby Marien Wiegenlied (Max Reger) Last Long Mile, The J. Goss B2018 Selma Kurz Last Voyage, The MARSHALL, Eric (Bartone) (Sung in Russian) Chaliapine DB757C1187C1204C1184C1204C1177C1203C1203C1177E387E387DB810DR810Die Lotosblume (Schumannl E380E386E380E386 LAWES, Ben (Humorous) Dreams (Wagner) Exits, Parts I and 2 Du bist wie eine Blume (Schumaroq In the Pirate days of old Nur wer die Sehnsucht kennt Our Musical Drama-Pts. I and 2 When the Romans conquered MARTHA (Flolow) BritainLESTER, M'appari tutt'amor Gigli DB109 Alfred t Humorous) FowlsLolita 12 MAYFAIR ORCHESTRA 12121210101212" Dollar Princess," Selection C1189 Stop me if you've heard it " Katja the Dancer"-Selections C1193 LESTER, Alfred and Fred ROME "No, No, Nanette," Sel., Pts. 1 & 2 C1191 Insuring his life " Patricia " Selection C1189 LETT, Phyllis (Contralto) "Rose Marie " Selections C1197 Coming of a Dream, The "Sumurun "---Set., Pts. 1 & 2 C1192 Prayer to Our Lady, A Mazurka in A Flat, Op. 59, No. 2 LEWIS, Mary (Soprano) (Chopin) Paderewski DA633 Ah, je suis seule ("Thais") Mazurka in F Sharp Minor, Op. Tesouvient-il ("Thais") (Massenet) 59, No_ 3 (Chopin) Paderewski DA633

For prices see page 2 of cover.

17 No. No. I3iIN I I+nN McCORMACK (Tenor)NEWTON, Cyril, with Die Mainacht (Brahms)DA(2810SYNCOPATED QUARTET How fair this spot, op. 21, No. 7ShanghaiB199510 (Rachmaninoff)DA68010Only, only one for me, TheB199510 I saw from the beachDA63610Nightingale (Tchaikovsky) In Waldeseinsamkeit (Brahms)DA62810(Sung in Russian) ChaliapineDB75712 Padraic the FiddilerDA63610" NO, NO, NANETTE" To the children (Rachmaninoff)DA68010I want to be happy Clark & JamesB197110 MEFISTOFELE (Boito)Selections, Pts. 1 and 2 Mayfair Or.C119112 Proiogo-Symphony Or. and ChorusTea for Two-H. Clark & L. JamesB197110 (Cond. A. Coates)D93812" No, No, Nanette," Gems from MEGANE, Leila (Contralto)Light Opera CompanyC120512 Amour viens aiderNon pill andrai-see " LE NOZZE (" Samson and Dalila ")D97312DI FIGARO " Songs of Egypt (G. Bantoch)Non sal to the d'un giusto-see (a) No. 1-Invocation to the Nile"LA FAVORITA" (b) No. 5-Lament of IsisD97312NORMA (Bellint) Meggie's Wedding H. DearthE38410Ah ! del Tebro at giogo indegno Memory Lane Salon Otcn.B1931toPinza and L'AlessioDA56610 MENGES, Isolde I Violin)November (En Troika) Abendlied (Schumann Joachim)E37310(Tchatkovsky) Una BourneB191110 Allegro (J. H. Fiocco)E37310NOZZE DI FIGARO, Le (Mozart) MERRY WIVES OF WINDSORDell ! vieni, non tardar-Dal MonteDB83112 (Nicolai)Non pih andraf BattistiniDB73612 When that I was as a tiny boyNur wer die Sehnsucht kennt RadfordE37910(Tchaikovsky) E. MarshallE38610 Mi Tierra (My Native Land)0 good ale, thou art my darling FletaDA57310J. GossB201710 Mit ihren Augen voll Tränen,0 Mistress mine D. OldhamE38510 Act 2 (" Der Rosenkavalier ")0 Monumento ! Regia e Bolgia Eva von der Osten & M. NastD100212Dogale I-see "LA GIOCONDA" 0 Paradise, dall'onde uscito- MOISEIVITCH, Benno (Piano) &see "L'AFRICANA" R.A.H. ORCHESTRA Concerto No. I in G Minor, Op. 25D9690 Peaceful Night Gresham SingersE38210 (Mendelssohn)to0 sweet fa's the eve J. GossB201710 (Recorded in complete form on 3D971(20 that it were so (F. Bridge) 12-in. records)Carmen HillE37010 Moon is high in the Sky, TheOFFERS, Maartje (Contralto)- ("Aleko") (In Russian) ChaliapineDB69112see "RIENZI" MORINI, Erika (Violet)Oh, had I Jubal's Lyre Capriccio Valse, Op. 7 /IW'ieniavsky)DB37212(" Joshua ") (Handel) HempelDA67610 Concerto in D Minor (Second)Oh, let no star compare with (Wieniavsky)DB37212thee W. GlynneB191310 Morning Prayer (Church of Eng-Old Pal Jesse CrawfordB199210 land Service) and Evening CanticlesOLDHAM, Derek (Tenor) (Recorded on four 12-in, records.Fair House of JoyE38510 Complete in album)0 Mistress mineE38510 A Choir from St. George's Chapel,D963On her contentment-see " DON Windsor Castle and the Rev. Dr.toGIOVANNI" E. H. FellowesD96612 Mounties, The P. DawsonB200410On this lute I sing a Serenade My best girl A. StanleyB201510(" The Damnation of Faust ") My Lady Sleeps ColthamB1968!0(Berlioz) R. RadfordE38810 My life's Delight G. BakerB196710Only, only one for me, The NAST, Minnie-see VON DERC. Newton and Syncopated Quart.B199510 OSTEN, Eva & MINNIE NAST NERONE (Bono)ORCHESTRE SYMPHONIQUE The Chariot Race Symphony Orch.DES CONCERTS PASDE- and Chorus (Cond. A. Coates)D93812LOUP (Cond. Rhend Baton) NEUES TONKUNSTLER OR.Symphonie Fantastique (Berlioz)D987 Der Rosenkavalier "-Waltz, Pts.( Recorded in complete form on 6 1 and 2 (Strauss)C120212 12-inch records)toD99212 NEWTON, Cyril (Baritone)OTELLO (Verdi) At the end of the roadB204010Credo in on Dio Crudel-GranforteDB83512 Back in Hackensack New JerseyB200010Our Musical Drama, Pts. I and 2 Do you remember the Love Nest ?B200010Ben LawesC118412 Show me the way to go home82040, 10Over the mountains E. ThorntonE36510

DJ and DK (Bu IT) DM (Pale Green) DO (Pale Blue) DQ (White) PADEREWSKI, Ignace Jan RADFORD, Robert (Bass) (Piano) Four jolly sailormen (E. German) flat Impromptu in B Major (Schubert) DB833DA633D In sheltered vale Mazurka in A Flat, Op. 59, No. 2 On this Lute, I sing a Serenade (Chopin) (" The Damnation of Faust ") (Berlioz) Mazurka in F Sharp Minor, Op. 59, When that I was as a tiny boy No. 3 (Chopin) A633 (" ;1,lerrv Wives of Windsor ") RADFORD, Robert and Peter Padraic the Fidditer McCormack DA636 DAWSON Lord is a Mau of War, The (Handel) PAGLIACCI (Leoncavallo) Sound, sound the Trumpet Song of tender memories-Prologue, "1 Puritani " (Bellini) Pt. 2 Gilly Rambling Pitchfork, The Walsh Vesti la giubba Gigli RIENZI (Wagner) Word allow me, A-Prologue, Pt. I Gerechter Gott hfaartje Offers DB756DB756 Gilly In seiner Blüthe Maartje Offers PassIone (V. Ransato) De Groot's Ö. RIGOLETTO (Verdi) Patricia-Sel. Mayfair Orchestra Caro nome, Act I. Dal Monte DB830B1999B1926B2008C1198C1197C1205B Rio Grande (Shanty) J. Goss PIANO SOLOS- Romance (Love Song) Fee BOURNE, CORTOT, HAM- (R. Fried) Al. Haycvard BOURG,I.AMOND, PADEREWSKI Rose Marie ("Rose Marie")J. Crawford PINZA, Ezio (Bass) Rose Marie S. Coltham Non sai tu the d'un giusto ("Lo "Rose Marie" Sel., Pts. 1 and 2 Favorita ") Mayfair Orch. PINZA & L'ALESSIO "Rose Marie," Gems from Ah ! del Tebro at giogo indegno Light Opera Company (" Nor-") Rosebud %%'alter Glvnne 1913 PIQUE DAME (Tchaikoosky) Rosemary (That's for Remem- Forgive me Smirnofi brance ?) C. Sharpe E383 What is our life Smirnofi ROSENKAVALIER, Der (Strauss) Pray you listen-see "HAMLET" Ist ein Traum, kann nicht wirklich Prayer of ThanksgivingTrinity sein (Act 3) Choir B2041E387 Eva von der Osten & M. Nast Prayer to Our Lady, A P. Lett Mit ihren Augen voll Tränen (Act 2) Precious wee one-LullabyDe Eva von der Osten & 31. Nast Groot's Orclr, B1910 Rosenkavalier Waltz, Pts. 1 and 2 Pretty Mocking Bird (Bishop)Galli-Curci (Strauss) Neues Tonkunstler Orch. DB798D939toD940 PRIMROSE, William ( Vio.'in) ROYAL AIR FORCE BAND Sonata in A, No. 2 (Bach) (Cond. Flight-Lt. Anvers) (Recorded in complele forns on 2 Sanctuary of the Heart 12-inch Rscords) SerenadeSuite-Folk Songs (R. Vaughan) PRINCESS IDA-see GILBERT No. I Seventeen come Sunday & SULLIVAN OPERAS No. 3 Folk Songs from Somerset

PURITANI, I. (Bellini) ROYAL ALBERT HALL ORCH. Sound, sound the Trumpet (Cond. Sir Landon Ronald) Radford & Dawson D967 Dance of the Hours, Pts. 1 and 2 Put away a little ray of golden ("La Gioconda ") sunshine Aileen Stanley B1976D947toD950D950Fetes, No. 2 of Three Nocturnes Quartet in F major, Op. 18, (Debussy) Pts. I and 2 No. I (Beethoven) Catterail Quartet SADOVEN, Helen--see ANSSFAU (Recorded in complete form on 4 and SADOVEN 12-inch Records) "Salamanca" Irish Reel-Walsh 10io1010101010io10 Quartet in F major, Op. 22, SALON ORCHESTRA No. 1-Scherzo All alone B1931B1983B1993B1983B203381931B2033B1993 (Tchaikovsky) Cattera!I Quartet Enchanted Forest Quartet in E minor, Op. 59, Indian Love Call No. 2 (Beethoven)Virtuoso Japanese Sunset String Quartet La Paloma (Recorded in complete form on 4 Memory Lane 12-inck records) SerenadeWorld Quartet in G Major, Op. 77, No.1 is waiting for the Sunrise, The (Haydn) 1st and 3rd movements SAMSON & DALILA(Saznt-Saens) Flonzaley Quartet Amour viens aider Leila Megane Quartet in G Major, Op. 18, No. 2 Sanctuary of the HeartR.A.F. (Beethoven)Catterail Band Quartet Sarabande et Allemande Sharpe

For prices see page 2 of cover. 19 SAVOY ORPHEANS and SAVOY Sonata (Waldstein) in C Major, D960toD962D9b2 HAVANA BAND- Op. 53 (Beelhovcn)Lamond see DANCE: RECORDS 31- It ain't gonna rain no mo'-I'antasie Sonata in E Flat, Op. Pts. I and 2 10 Scherzo (Beethoven) I,amond Sonata in E Minor ( Veracini)Thibaud SAVOY ORPHEANS SYM- DB801D1001ü1YDL PHONIC ORCH. Sonatine, Pts. 1 and 2 (Ravel) Fragment, A "From the New I-Iambourg World," Symph. No. 5 in E minor Song of Quietness, A-Coltham (Parts 1 and 2) (Dvorak) 12to Scorri flume ("It Tabarro") Gilly Song of tender memories, A- SCOTNEY, Evelyn (Soprano) Prologue-see "PAGLIACCI" C'est I'hisloire amoureuse Songs oi Egypt (G. Ban!sck) ("Manors Lescaat ") 12 (a) No. 1-Invocation to the Nile Pray you listen (" Hamlet "I 12 (b) No. 5-Lament of IsisLeila Selva opaca-see "GUII,I,AUME Meganc TEI,i, " Sound an alarm (" Judas Macca- Serenade R.A.F. Band 12 taus ") ( Handel) T. Davies Serenade (Schubert) J. Crawford 10 Sound, sound the Trumpet-sec " " Serenade Salon Orch. 10 - I PI'R1TAN Seventeen come Sunday (March. Spillane the Fiddler L. Walsh R.A.F. Band apiru Flower, A P. Daw;os, Shanghai C. Newton and Spring E. Suddab} Syncopated Quartet Ständchen, Op. 17, N'" Shanties-see JOHN GOSS (Slrauss) Selma Kurz

SHARPE, Cedric ('Cello) STANLEY, A;'een Believe if those Alabamy Bound B2022B1976B2006B2022B2015 me, all endearing , young charms 10 Izverybody loves my baby Rosemary (That's for Remembrance) 10 1 ain't got nobody to love Sarabande et Allemande 10 It was only a dream She dwelt among the untrr.dden My best girl ways Carmen Hill 10 Put away a little ray of golden Shenandoah (Shanty) J. Goss 10 sunshine Shepherd, thy demeanour vary When my sugar walks down the U. Suidabv 10 streetYou're B2006B2015C1203B2020 Shilkret's, Jack, Orchestra-see in wrong with the right baby DANCE RECORDS Stop me if you've heard it Lester Should lie upbraid F. Hempel DB814B2040DB798B2017E384B192712 Storyland ) tVallz) De Groot's Or. Show me the way to go home Strange Harmony of contrast- C. Newton 10 see " TOSCA " Si carina (Slumber Song) ("Dinorah Galli Curci 12 STUDIES IN IMITATION Sinner, please doan' let dis (H. Hughes) harves' pass J. Goss 10 Little Jack Horner Skipper of the " MaryJane," The Little Tommy Tucker H. Dearth 10 There was a crooked man Slighted Swain \V De Reszke Singers .Glynne 10 SUDDABY, Elsie (Soprano) SMIRNOFF, Dmitri (Tenor)- Lass withithe delicate air E381E366E381E366 see "FOIRE DE SOROTCH- Shepherd, thy demeanour vary INTSNI," "PIQUE DAME - SpringVirgin's "BORIS GODOUNOV" Lullaby ("Bethlehe,n") So gently speaks my lady fair SUGGIA, Guilhermina ('Cello) W. Glvnnc 10 Suite for 'Cello in C Major (Bach) So this is love I. Bordoni 10 Suite for 'Cello in C (Bach) Some crimson rose P. Dawson 10 Suggia Somewhere a voice is calling Suite of Serenades, A J. Crawford 10 1 Spanish ; 2 Chineke ; 3 Cuban Son genie risoluta-see 4 Oriental. Whiteman's Orch. "FEDORA"Sonata Summer Afternoon, A in A, No. 2 [Bach) Summer Love Tale, A Dawson William Primrose Sumurun, Selections (Pts. I & 2) (Recorded in complete form on 2 Dian tail Orchestra 12-inch Records) 12 SYMPHONIE FANTASTIQUE Sonata in A Major (Cesar Franck) (Berlioz)Orchestre (Violin and Piano)Thibaud Symphonique des Concerts and Cortot Pasdeloup (Recorded in comple:e form on 4 12 Recorded in complete lapin on 6 12-inch records) 12 inch records) L LABELS-AS (Orange) B and C (Plum) D and E (Black) DA and DB (Red) DJ and DK (Buff) DM (Pale Green) DO (Pale Blue) DQ (White) Symphony in C, No. 41 Una voce poco fa-see " IL (Jupiter) { BARBIERE DI SIVIGL,IA" Symphony Orch. (Albert Coates) VALKYRIE (Wagner) (Recorded in complete /orm on 4 Wotan overtakes Brunhilde (Act 3) 12-inch Records) Miranda, Walker, Radford, Ch. & O. D929D929 Wotan's sentence (Act 3) Ancruin, SYMPHONY OR.(Cond,A,Coates) Walker, Radford, Ch. and Orch. "LOJIENGRIN," Valse, Op. 37, No. 3 (d' Ambrosio) -see also under "MEFISTOFELE," "NERONE" H. Hayward B1926 Fire Bird, The (Stravinsky) D95819D951toD952D945D942toD945Vecchia zimarra ("La Boneme")Gill_v Francesca da Rimini (Tchaikovsky) DA559 (Recorded in complete form on 2 Vesta la giubba - see 12-inch records) " PAGLIACCI " "Impresario" Overture (Mozart) Viennese Melody 31. Hayward Symph. in C, No. 41 (Jupiter) (Mozart)(Complete VIOLIN SOLOS-sec HAYWARD on 4 12-inch Records) HEIFETZ, MENGES, MORINI, PRIMROSE Tambourin in D (Leclaire)M. Hayward VIOLONCELLO SOLOS---see Te souvient-il du lumineux SHARPI~Virgin's Lullaby ("Bethlehem')E.Suddab} voyage-see " TH ,iS " Tea for two-see " NO, NO, " NANETTE VIRTUOSO STRING QUARTET THAIS (Massenet) Quartet in E Minor, Op. 59, No. 2 Ah, je suis seule Mary Lewis (Beethoven)(Recorded Te souvient-il (Meditation)Mary in compTete jone on 4 Lewi= DB810 12-inch records) THIBAUD, Jacques DB785toDB788DB801Vissi d'arte, vissi d'amore-see (Violin)Sonata " TOSCA " in A or (Franck) 2 Sonata in E Minor ( Veracini) 12tototoIlIO10yoi to sapete, o mamma-see Thing of Dreams, A CAVAJJ ERIA RUSTICANA " ("The First Kiss ''(-Be Groot's Or. B1948B1966B2005E365E365E370 Third Battalion March Voix des Cloches, La Coldstream Guards' Band Coldstream Guards Band This year, next year VON DER OSTEN, Eva J. Buchanan and June Plaschke and Minnie NAST THORNTON, Edna (Contralto) Ist ein Traum, kann nicht wirklich Over the Mountain, sein-Act 3 ("Der Rosenkavalier ") When singing birds were mute flit ihren Augen voll Tränen, Act 2 To an isle in the water (" Der Rosenkavalier ") (Mallinson) Carmen Hill Wait Carmen Hi1l

To her I love--see " DON WALSH, Liam (lash Bagjipesl GTOVANNI " Blackbird, The To the Children (Rachmaninoff)McCormack (a) Jackson's Morning Brush; (b) Delaney's Drummers ; (c) The Top of the Hill, The G. Baker Rambling Pitchfork 'Salamanca"-lrisn Reel TOSCA (Puccini) Spillane the Fiddler Chi a quella donna bionda Lassa Ljungberg & Mummery DB752DB752E389DA565B2004BWander Thirst (No. 1-" Song Ora stammir a sentir Fancies ") (Landon Ronald)Dawson Ljungberg & Mummery Strange harmony of contrast Wedding Day, Op, 65 (Grieg) (Recondita armonia) T. Davies Una Bourne Vissi d'arte, vissi d'amore Jeritza Week-End Book, Songs from- Totem Tom Tom K. Hilliard see JOHN GOSS and Chorus What a wonderlul world it would Tramp, The P. Dawson 1914 be S. Coltham B1912E382E390E364B2006F.363 What Ho ! What Ho I TRINITY CHOIR (Mixed Voices) Gresham Singers Hark, Hark my Soul When I think of the happy days Prayer of Thanksgiving Carmen Hill When Laura smiles Davies TWILIGHT OF THE GODS When my sugar walks down the (Wagner) street A. Stanley Hagan summons the Vassals (Pts. When singing birds were mute 1 and 2) Radford, Ch. and Orch. E. Thornton

For prices see page 2 of cover. No.mE376

When that I was as a tiny boy- Winter is gone, The (English Folk Song) De Reszke Singers l0 -see " MERRY WIVES OF WINDSOR " Wohin, Op. 25, No. 2 (Schubert)Gerhardt When the Romans conquered DA706 10 Britain B. L awes Word allow me, A-Prologue-- WHITEMAN'S CONCERT OR_ see " PAGI,IACCI " Suite of Serenades, A I Spanish; 2 Chinese; 3 Cuban; World is waiting for the sunrise 4 Oriental Salon Orchestra

WHITEMAN'S ORCH. - see You're in wrong with the right DANCE RL:CORDý!, baby A. Stanley

under the Copyright Act 1911 copyright subsists WARNING.-Asýn Gramophone Records proceedings under such Act may be taken against anyone infringing the Company's copyright therein. THE GRAMOPHONE COMPANY. LIMITED.

Printed July, 1925.