Secretary's Pages Be Attached As Separate Files Ring Times During the Day and the County Was

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Secretary's Pages Be Attached As Separate Files Ring Times During the Day and the County Was SECRETARY ’S PAGES MISSION STATEMENT The American Kennel Club is dedicated to upholding ATTENTION DELEGATES the integrity of Mits IRSeSgiIsOtryN, p romoting thSe TsApoTrtEoMf pEurNebT red dogs and breed - ing for type and function. ® NOTICE OF MEETING FToheu nAdmeed ricn a1n8 8K4e, ntnhel AKCCluba isn d deitds icaafftielida tteo d uoprhgoaldninizga tihoen is natedgvroitcy aotfe itfso rRtehge isptruyr,e p brroemdo dtiong athse as pfaormt iolyf pcuormebpraend iodnog, sadavnad nbcre ecdainng infeo r hteyapeltha nad ndfu wncetilol-nb. eing, work to protect the The next meeting of the Delegates will be held Frioguhntdse od f ian ll1 8d8o4g, othwe nAKCers annd di tps raofmfiloiatete rd eosrpgoansiziabtlieo nds oagd ovwocnaetersfhoripth. e pure bred dog as a family companion, advance canine health and well-being, work to protect the rights of all via Zoom Webinar on Tuesday, June 8, 2021 be - dog owners and 805prom1 oAtrec ore Csopropnosribaltee dDorgiv oew, Snueirtseh 1ip0. 0, Raleigh, NC 276 17 101 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10178 8051 Arco Corporate Drive, Suite 100, Raleigh, NC 276 17 ginning at 12:00 p.m. Eastern Time. It will follow Raleigh, NC Customer Call Center ..............................................................(919) 233-9767 260 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10016 New York, NY Office ...................................................................................(212) 696-8200 Raleigh, NC Customer Call Center ..............................................................(919) 233-9767 the Delegates Forum which will begin at 11:00 Fax .............................................................................................................(212) 696-8299 New York, NY Office ...................................................................................(212) 696-8200 Website Fax .............................................................................................................(212) 696-8299 a.m. ET. Website BOARD OF DIRECTORS DR. THOMAS M. DAVIES, CHAIRMA N•DOMINIC P. CAROTA, VICE CHAIRMAN BOARD OF DIRECTORS RONALD H. CMLAESNSA KOEFR 2, 0C2H2 AIRMA N•DR. THOMAS MC.L DAASVSIE OSF, V2I0C2E 4 CHAIRMAN DELEGATES CREDENTIALS CHRISTOPHER L. SWEETWOOD DR. CARMEN L. BATTAGLIA HAROCLDA S“SR EODF” 2 T0A1T8 RO III DR.C MLAICSHSA OEFL 2K0N2I0GHT Christopher R. Abraham, Pasco, WA, JANMNE SW RA.L DLION K KARPOALTYRNINCIEA MM.. MCRCUATZ EER DR. J. CHARLES GARVIN WILLIAM J. FEENEY Richland Kennel Club ROCNLAALDS SH O. MF E2N02A3KER KAROCLLYANSNSE OMF. 2M0C2A5 TEER RITA J. BIDDLE DR. JC.L CAHSASR OLFE S2 0G1A9 RVIN CLASS OF 2021 Dana L. Alexander, Chandler AZ, DR. CSATREVMEENN HLA. MBABTLTIAN GLIA DORMITINAI CJ. PB. ICDADRLEOTA DARN. TIEHLO JM. ASSM MYT. HD,A EVSIEQS . DDRO. MTHINOICM PA.S C DARAVOITEA S Superstition Kennel Club ANN WALLIN THOMAS POWERS RONALD H. MENAKER, ChairmaHnA ERmVEeYri tMu.s WOODING Jill Faulmann, Sherwood, OR, DDEENNIIS B. SPRUNG, Ex Offffiicciioo Sherwood Dog Training Club EXECUTIVE OFFICERS DENNIS B. SPRUNG GIINA M. DINARDO JOTSHEEPOHD VO.R BEA PFFHUILTLOIP, JS R. Jane Fitzin, Powhatan, VA, President Executive Secretary Chiief Financial Offiicerr Chiief Executive Offiicerr Winston-Salem Dog Training Club VICE PRESIDENTS Eduardo Toshio Fugiwara, Hampton, NJ, JAY WAKS VKICIRES PTREENS BIDAEHNLTKSE BRANDI HUNTER Senior ExecutiKvIe RSTEN BAHLKEV,i cPeu rPerberseidd eCnotnsumer DemanPdublic Relations & Vice President & Purebred Consumer Demand Communications Two Cities Kennel Club General Counsel MARK DUNN, Executive Vice President KEITH FRAZIER, Executive CVYicNeT HPrIAe sBidEeAnGtL, EBS usiness SuppDoOrUt GS eLrJvUicNeGs REN Vanessa Giamo, Newton, NJ, ALEXANDRA ALESKOVSKY Assistant General Counsel Sports & Events Executive Vice PresidenSt H& EILA GOFFE , Government Relations Miniature Bull Terrier Club of America Chief GrowthB ROAffNicDeIr HUNTER , PubMlicA RKe lDatUioNnN s & CommunicHaEtAioTnHs ER MCMANUS Senior Vice President Deputy General Counsel Laurie Green, Toledo, OH, THEREDSOAU CGH LINJUNGREN, ExecuRteivgei sVtircaeti oPnre & sident, Sports & Events Senior Vice PresiHdEeAnTt HER MCMusAtoNmUSe,r Deepvueltoyp Gmeennetral CounsMeAl RI-BETH O’NEILL Planning & Operations Sport Services Lewiston-Auburn Kennel Club MARI-BETH O’NEILL, S port Services KEITH FRAZIER AIDEN COLIE PAULA SPEBCuTsOinR e, sCso Srpuoprpaotret Services ELIZABETH SOROTA Corie Haylett, Boone, NC, Senior Vice President Services/NC Facility Ops Marketing DAPHNA STRAUS , Business Development Technology Asheville Kennel Club TIM THOMASSH,E JILuAd gGiOnFgF OE perations DAPHNA STRAUS Government Relations Business Development Edward T. Lorentz, Slippery Rock, PA, TRIAL BOARDS TRIAL BOARDS Central Beagle Club APPEALSA TPRPIEAALL BS OTARRIADL BOARD TRIAL BOARD MEMBERS TRIAL P EBROFAORRDM CAHNACIRES TRIAL BOARD MARTHA FELRTAELNPSHT EDINE,L E DSQE.O, C, EHSAQIR. , CHAIR DR. KLAUS ANSELM THERESAJ DOOSWEPELHL ,B EESNQA. GE, ESQ. Kathy A. Rust, Walcott, ND, BARBARAM WAR. TMHIEAN FEERL,T EESNQS.T EIN, ESQ. KATHI BROWN BARBATRIMA PCEANRNWY, IELSEQ, .ESQ., CHAIR BARBARBA RPBEANRNAY, WE.S MQ.I ENER, ESQ. CHARLES FOLEY LAURIE RAYMJOONHDN, ERSUQS. SELL Vizsla Club of America MEDORA HARPER DANIEL SMYTH, ESQ. TRIALT BROIARLD B COHAARIRDS MEMBERS DONNA HERZIG ALTERNATES DR. KLAUS ANSELM PERFORMANCE TRIAL BOARD THERESA DOWELL, ESQ CARL HOLDER BILL TEAGUE CHARLES FOLEY DAVID HOPKINS, ESQ., CHAIR You can also read the Secretary’s Pages in the EUGENIA HUNTER, ESQ. LAURIE MAULUCCI ROBERT W. MONTLER LAURIE RARYMOGONEDR, HESAQR. TINGER TIM CARWILE, ESQ. MEDORA HARPER DR. ROBERT MYALL JOHN RUSSELL DR. ROBERT MYALL HON. JAMES PHINIZY ALTERNATES BERNARD SCHWARTZ ROBERT STEIN MIKE NECAISE BETTY-ANNE STENMARBK ETTY-ANNE STENMARK BILL TEAGUE JAMES WHITE SYLVIA THOMAS Click here to read the April 2021 issue! AKC GAZETTE 1 APRIL 2021 SECRETARY ’S PAGES Mark S. Stempel, Bohemia, NY, PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE CHARTER AND American Shih Tzu Club BYLAWS OF THE AMERICAN KENNEL CLUB, INC. Lynne Wickens, Andover, OH, ARTICLE VII, SECTION 2 Ashtabula Kennel Club The AKC Board has endorsed the following amendment to ARTICLE VII, Section 2, of the NOTICE Charter and Bylaws of the American Kennel Club, Mr. Robert Gipson (Sikeston, MO). Action was Inc. proposed by the Delegate Bylaws Commit - taken by the Southeastern Missouri Beagle tee. This will be voted on at the June 8, 2021 Club for conduct at its December 6, 2020 Delegates Meeting. event. Mr. Gipson was charged with inappro - ARTICLE IV priate, abusive, or foul language directed per - SECTION 2. The names of all candidates for sonally towards a judge. The Staff Event election as directors shall be published in al - Committee reviewed the committee’s report phabetical order on the Secretary’s Page of the and set the penalty at a six-month suspension March AKC GAZETTE of the year in which of event privileges and a $500 fine, effective they come before the annual meeting to be December 30, 2020. (Beagles) voted upon. NOTICE PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE RULES APPLYING Ms. Megan Smith (Yuma, AZ). Action was TO DOG SHOWS CHAPTER 16, SECTION 6 – taken by the Yuma Kennel Club for conduct at CHAMPIONSHIPS its November 27, 2020 event. Ms. Smith was The AKC Board has endorsed the following charged with inappropriate, abusive, or foul amendment to CHAPTER 16, Section 6, of the language. The Staff Event Committee reviewed Rules Applying to Dog Shows , proposed by the the committee’s report and set the penalty at a Delegate Dog Show Rules Committee. This will one-month event suspension and a $500 fine, be voted on at the June 8, 2021 Delegates effective March 1, 2021. (Cocker Spaniels) Meeting. CHAPTER 16 NOTICE SECTION 6. The AKC’s Management Disciplinary Com - (Previous portions of the sections are un - mittee has suspended Ms. Christy Cunning - changed.) ham (Monroe, VA) from all AKC privileges for At independently held specialty shows and con - five years and imposed a $1,000 fine for refus - current specialty shows for breeds divided into ing to make her dogs and records available for recognized varieties, if a dog designated Best of inspection when requested. (Multiple Breeds) Variety is also awarded Best of Breed in inter- AKC GAZETTE 2 APRIL 2021 SECRETARY ’S PAGES variety competition, it shall receive Grand changes or corrections to their address, Championship points figured at the highest phone, fax or emails. These changes are very point rating of any variety entered at that spe - important because they affect your judges’ cialty show. If a dog designated Best of Variety record, the web site and the Judges Directory. or Best of Opposite Sex in its variety is also Please notify Judging Operations by email at awarded Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed [email protected]. in inter-variety competition, it shall receive Grand Championship points figured at the APPLICANTS highest point rating of its sex in any variety en - The following persons applications have tered at that specialty show. Such points shall been submitted for the breed(s) specified but not be in addition to, but inclusive of, any they are NOT eligible to accept assignments. Grand Championship points previously awarded the dog in its variety competition. NEW BREED JUDGING APPLICANT Mrs. Carolyn Keiper Horowitz (109109) TN CONFORMATION JUDGES (863) 393-5579 Letters concerning judges and provisional [email protected]
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