Extensions of Remarks 9505
March 29, 1977 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 9505 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND To be brigadier general and responsibility designated by the Presi- WELFARE Colonel John B. Conaway, xxx-xx-xxxx FG, dent under Subsection (a) of Section 8068, in Hale Champion, of Massachusetts, to be Air National Guard. grade as follows: Under Secretary of Health, Education, and IN T HE A R M Y To be general Welfare. The following-named officer to be placed Lt. Gen. John W. Roberts, xxx-xx-xxxx FR Henry Jacob Aaron, of the District of Co- (major general, Regular Air Force), U.S. Air lumbia, to be an A ssistant Secretary of on the retired list in grade indicated under the provisions of title 10, United States Code, Force. Health, Education, and Welfare. IN THE ARMY Richard D. W arden, of the District of Co- section 3962: The following-named officer under the pro- lumbia, to be an A ssistant Secretary of To be lieutenant general visions of title 10, United States Code, section Health, Education, and Welfare. Lt. Gen. William Bennison Fulton, xxx-xx-x... 3066, to be assigned to a position of impor- Eileen Shanahan, of the District of Colum- xxx-... , Army of the United States (major gen- tance and responsibility designated by the bia, to be an Assistant Secretary of Health, eral, U.S. Army) . President under subsection (a) of Section Education, and Welfare. The following-named officer to be placed 3066, in grade as follows: on the retired list in grade indicated under SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVE FOR TRADE To be lieutenant general NEGOTIATIONS the provisions of title 10, United States Code, section 3962: Maj.
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