Vote! Polls open today Top SGA positions Take one, It’s FREE up for grabs Monday The Sunflower encourages students to exercise a say in how $*/: February 21, 1977 million of student fees will be spent in the next year by voting in the LXXXI No. 58 Wichita State University Student Government Association elections today through Wed­ nesday. Student fee disbursement is the major function of SGA. but student government has other vital roles. Find out the candidates’ stands through campaign literature, the presidental candidate interviews in Friday’s Sunflower, or any other reliable source and vote for the best. Debates between president, vice president and treasurer candidates will be held in the Shocker Lounge of the CAC today. 5infb/ver The treasurer hopefuls debate at 9:30 a.m., the vice president candidates at 10:30 a.m. and the presidential candidates at 11:30 a.m. Mortar Board and the Society of Professional Journalists- Sigma Delta Chi sponsor the debates. For a list of polling places and times and a list of candidates for ‘Dirt and trash’ illegal all positions, see page 3. Miller impugns issue By RICK YOST "Private showings arc just as illegal." Miller said, as public showings. He said watching a pornographic movie is not against the law. but Sedgwick County District Attorney Vern putting one on, whether privately or to the Miller doesn’t put much stock in the arguments public, is illegal. "And that’s what the Erotic of Wichita State University students who have Arts Society was doing." he insisted. protested the Feb. 10 confiscation of the film The former Kansas attorney general and 1974 "Devil In Miss Jones." He says neither First candidate for governor argues with the claim Amendment rights nor the rights of academic that his campaign against pornography is a ploy freedom apply in this case. to get votes. Miller observed last week that "pornographic “The next election is two years away." Miller and obscene materials are clearly not protected noted, "and nothing’could be farther from my by the First Amendment", and cited several mind." Supreme Court decisions to support his claim. He denied he’s working only on vice issues. "In fact," he says, "dirt and trash like this are Since assuming his office in January, he said he specifically singled out as being illegal by the has issued "315 warrants, only II of which Court." pertain to pornography." He said much more Concerning academic freedom. Miller said he goes on in his office then meets the eye (he has 27 is 100 percent for it. But this (the showing) attorneys and 30 supplementary personnel on his wasn’t in a classroom, and it wasn’t an autho­ staff), but. "the only thing the press is interested rized course of study. They’ve got to prove to me in is this porno stuff" that it was in the course of some academic The DA said McKinley Hall was not blocked program. by law officers. "We only blocked off one hall of "No group has any right to violate the law. the building so Judge Hodge could be protect­ Miller emphasized, "and this includes students. ed." Miller They have no more right to violate the law than He denigrated the report that an officer pulled the average man out on the street. And, since this his gun It was "nothing but a story made up by was not an academic program,-’ he added, "the these kids that they thought would be advantage­ only connection this had with the academic ous to their cause," he claimed. Group to demonstrate community was that the showing was on cam­ Will Vern Miller come to WSU to explain his pus. side of the controversy? "No. and I’ll tell you “These students are trying to use the rights of why. The students would just come out to in support of resolution academic freedom as a cover while they watch ridicule and hassle me. and 1 don’t have time for dirty movies." that There could be a riot or something and I he Campus Concern for Civil Liberties (CCCL) has called a Another argument against the confiscation somebody would gel hurl. Besides. Miller pre.ss conference for today to demonstrate support lor an SGA was that it was directed against a private asserted, "a lot of these kids really don’t care if resolution condemning a police raid and film confiscation on showing. they're breaking the law or not." campus Feb. 10. I he press conference will be at 2:30 p.m. on the front steps ot Clinton Hall. The CCCL urges heads of student organizations to Films attend and sign a statement of support for the ^5GA resolution. Ahlberg to take stand Representatives of the district attorney's office. Wichita pt'hce officers and District Judge Ray Hodge attended a showing of The picketed Wichita State University President Clark Ahlberg has Ih'vil In Miss Jones Feb. 10 in the CAC Theatre, sponsored by the reQuested a special meeting of the University Senate WSU Erotic Arts Society (EAS). Hodge found probable cause The Circle Cinema, one of the Monday to state his position on the recent controversy over that the film was obscene and the officers confiscated it. ei last ol a dying breed ol pornogra­ allegedly obscene material on campus. phic movie theatres in Wichita, was University Senate chairperson Orpha Duel said the f ook. executive director of the EAS. was arrested last Thursday the site yesterday of a free viewing on a charge of promoting allegedly obscene material. ol three films which the county meeting was a one item agenda and should be open to all Student Senate last Wednesday passed a resolution condemn­ district attorney's office had pre­ University Senate meets at 3:30 p.m. in room 207 of ing the raid, urging an investigation into the blocking of McKm ey viously sie/ed. I he free showing, C'linton Hall. Hall to students by the WPD and reports of a police firearm bemg sponsored by C’ircle Cinema man­ drawn, and calls upon WSU President Clark Ahlbcrg ^ ^ ager Bill cfark. began at 2 p.m. guarantee that the campus will not be subject to further raids. I he Sunday. An anli-prornography resolution also pledges Senate’s "fullest support, in any wa> dcmonsiraiion had been planned lor 2:.^0. but was called off at the today possible, to any students and faculty who might be sii jec o Iasi minute because of a lack ol prosecution because of this incident.” . combined planning. Paper flight................................. page 2 I he CCCL was formed Friday by a group o! stu^jms and A few pickelers did show up. but faculty who promoted an assembly, attended by about 5 peop e. most were ol the pro-pornography Polls open................................... page 3 last Wednesday on the'steps of Morrison Hall. Ihe group as \iew or. as they described them­ secured more than 1.000 signatures on a petition decrying allege selves. pro-civil liberties. Marquette upset......................... page 7 I |\e movies. Iteadlined by Af- breaches of civil and academic liberties in the incident. i ne Women fall .................................^page 7 petition reportedly will be presented to Ahlberg at a fail in ihf Mr" were the subiecl of 'heeling of the Universitv Senate at .LOO Monday in C linton i a ^ two raids bv the district altornev s Hw CCCL is organizing an assembh in coniunclion with that ★ Turn to page 3 meeting. Wichita State University Libraries, Special Collections and University Archives The Sunflower. Monday. February 21. 1977 Your vote will direct how Student Gov’t v^iil continue to offec^ us r t*-e future VCtE tor h-ie cord dotes of Paper plane pilots to compete Vdur ChOde ithiia area paper airplane annual <.ompcuiu»n %pon- M l those who ha\e mastered -he enthuMa'i' ^'ill kiather heh 2“ ;r '• red the'tudent chapter of ihe art oi loidin^ ordinary pietc' n| Henr> U ^'H -\rena .-n the ..hita \"-.c'..an institute ot Aeronautics paper into acrodsnamiv. State I ni'.ersn\ ..ampu' !.'»r the \stronauiics i M A I tiguraiions will find a comfH-ut.on ALAYNE tategnrs tor their work C tt Ihe competition, .tp^n amateur designers ot all .igev whn are able tn create airplanev --ui ,,1 NMARMLER This1 lllw WoBkWW Vwi% paper that actualK il; aerodsnumic principlcx. wiliheum at I to p m and entriev wn; Kc For accepted until 3.to p m \n un­ limited number of airplanes ma> be Monday entered b\ each contestant, there is a 25-cenl entr> fee for each plane Liberal Arts Omjcron Delta Epsilon will meet at 7:05 p.m. in entered. Conference room H of Clinton Hall. Jerry Mollot will speak. The paper airplane contest Representative God's Army Biblical Seminary, presents a new approach includes three age-based doisum s to Christian Mission training at 11 30 a m in 249 CAC for those who create airplanes ln»m a standard k '; \ I 1 sheet ot paper I hese arc: Students through the Tuesday third grade, students trom inunh T here IS a difference!!! through eighth grades and tnr high The Biology club will hold a plant sale m the Life sc^ o i and college students. taL.ul- Sciences building lobby from 9 30 a m to sellout i>. airplane indusirs peopk- .md all PREPARE FOR: The Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship will meet m 313 other adult paper airpi.me CAC at 7 30 p m MCAT* DAT* LSAT* SAT designers.
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