Working Paper Series Serie 6 Spaces, Territories and Regions Paper No. The Shumen Region (Nuts3) as an Example of a Region with Social Problems Julia Spiridonova* *Bulgarian National Centre for Regional Development 2014 This paper was funded under the FP7 project “Growth– Innovation – Competitiveness: Fostering Cohesion in Central and Eastern Europe (GRINCOH)” under the Programme SSH.2011.2.2-1: Addressing cohesion challenges in Central and Eastern Europe; Area 8.2.2 Regional, territorial and social cohesion. Project Nr. 290657 Julia Spiridonova,
[email protected] Bulgarian National Centre for Regional Development Please cite as: Spiridonova J.,(2014), ‘The Shumen Region (Nuts3) as an Example of a Region with Social Problems’, GRINCOH Working Paper Series, Paper No. The Shumen Region (Nuts3) as an Example of a Region with Social Problems Content 1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 2 2. Trajectories of economic development and structural change, social cohesion ............... 6 3. Development factors ........................................................................................................ 14 3a. External context of development: trade and FDI ............................................................... 15 3b. Endogenous growth factors: innovation and entrepreneurship ....................................... 16 4. Governance and local/regional development policies