45th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2014) 2341.pdf The Distribution and Volume of Titan’s Hydrocarbon Lakes and Seas. A. G. Hayes1, R. J. Michaelides1, E. P. 2 3 4 5 2 6 1 Turtle , J. W. Barnes , J. M. Soderblom , M. Mastrogiuseppe , R. D. Lorenz , R. L. Kirk , and J. I. Lunine , 1Astronomy Department, Cornell University, Ithaca NY,
[email protected]; 2Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab, Laurel MD; 3Physics Department, University of Idaho, Moscow ID; 4Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, MIT, Cambrige MA; 5Università La Sapienza, Italy; 6USGS Astrogeology Center, Flagstaff AZ Abstract: We present a complete map of Titan’s polar pressions [1,2]. Collectively, these features account for lacustrine features, at 1:100,000 scale, using a combi- ~1.1% of Titan’s globally observed surface area, while natio of images acquired using the RADAR, VIMS, Kraken, Ligeia, and Punga Maria account for ~80% of and ISS instruments onboard the Cassini spacecraft. all filled lake features by area. The vast majority of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images are used to filled lakes exist in the Northern hemisphere, taking up define morphologic borders while infrared images 12% of the area poleward of 55° as opposed to 0.3% in from ISS and VIMS are used to determine state of liq- the south (Figure 1). This dichotomy has been attribut- uid-fill. In addition, liquid volume estimates are de- ed to orbitally driven variations in solar insolation, rived from SAR observations using a two-layer model analogous to Earth’s Croll-Milankovich cycles [3]. calibrated by recent time-of-flight bathymetry meas- Until recently, it was unknown how many of the urements of Ligeia Mare.